

Getting Out Of Your Own Way

I know that for myself, I have sabotaged many of opportunities, where it would have brought abundance into my life. As for myself, even with conquering a deadly disease (alcoholism), I was still battling other areas that I could not conquer. Those areas were in fact, the reason for my “barren” harvest. Substance abuse counselors will adamantly agree, that in order to win over the addiction, is to win over your own thinking. Once I was able to truly understand the importance of changing what was comfortable to me, alcoholism would not keep me as its slave any longer.

But, I never thought that I was broken anywhere else. In fact, I was damaged goods because of the negative “mindset”, that I had come to know concerning my life. There were various areas of much needed attention, but the one that was stopping my immediate growth, was my unwillingness to see the blessing, in whatever was handed to me. My own rationale would stop me from believing what seems, to good to be true. And I would not move forward, all because “I” got in the way.

Now, I understand that a person must be cautious, in dealing with anything in life, but if there is nothing but “peace” at the moment you are approached with this opportunity, this is of “Godly” direction and there is no confusion. But once we step aside for a moment to ponder this new found “answer”, this is when the “enemy” will pop his head up and begin to tell a different story. A story of defeat, of “you can’t do it”, “you aren’t good enough”, “you will not be able to succeed” and all sorts of negative mindsets to keep you defeated.

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