

If You Don’t Have Anything Good To Say


I have been observing the coverage that is circulating on the social media platforms, with the negative comments that are being hurled at certain individuals, namely Leslie Jones, Michelle Obama, Serena Williams and countless others. Why is it, that people make disparaging remarks about other people that do not look like them? There is really no good answer that will satisfy the conscious of anyone, but there is one that comes to mind—ignorance.

Now, I understand that everyone has the right to freedom of speech and I believe this wholeheartedly, but when you use this freedom to speak evil towards someone, that you have never even met, what this shows the world is that you are but a fool. King David in the scripture talks about putting a bridle on his tongue, as to not sin. As a child, my mother would tell me …”If you don’t have anything good to say about someone, don’t say nothing at all”.

But today, we do not have this same rule of thumb in society and we say anything about people from behind the safety of a computer, smartphone or whatever piece of technology we get our hands on, thinking that our words do not cause pain. If we cannot look at our “brothers” and “sisters” of any race and speak life, then what good are we for the betterment of a world crippled by indifference. The most powerful country in the world has been torn apart from ignorance and nothing else.

History has proven, that every empire that has been the dominate power, has eventually dissolved into nothing because of the irrational choices it has made. In the bible, Mark 3: 24 quotes: And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. In the end, I am pretty sure that these ladies are not worried about the ramblings of ignorance, but what I am worried about is the fact that we as Americans will never get it and one day it will be too late for any of us to come back from where we have positioned ourselves!!!

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