

How To Deal With Those Who Have Let Us Down

To trust again after a let down can be tremendously hard to digest, especially when the hurt comes from someone considered a friend. Now, I can never “judge” anyone for anything that someone does, this is in part, of my own checkered past and the values I hold. But even then, there are those individuals that go beyond the realms of greed and disrespect, that comes out of nowhere—leaving you to feel completely numb.

I know that, I lost a “friend” because of this very thing. When you invest your “time” and “commitment” into a person and the end results, are where you are in disbelief because of the totality of the situation, it can take a moment to look at anyone as having trustworthy intentions. How can anyone shout the “Lord’s” name in everything that they do, yet; in the same breath defile the trust of their people.

The reason is simple, there are and will forever be “fools” amongst us. For millennia, people have “beguiled” their way into the hearts and homes of unknowing targets, to be used at will in their methodical ruse. But like it states in the Mark 4: 22: “For there is nothing hid which shall not be manifested, neither was any thing kept secret, but that it come abroad.” This very statement is what I call—karma.

The thing about this is, if you have been around long enough, you can attest to the legitimacy of this “natural occurrence. But even then, a fool will always test their luck. But then there still is the question of what to do afterwards? The answer is very simple, Do not and I mean Do not stop moving forward with your life. The person that you allowed your trust to—is just that—a person.

People will always fail you and if you cannot understand that, this journey that you take will be more and more difficult to maneuver. Sometimes we will have to “man up” and move on in order to get by. It is unfortunate, that people act in the manner in which they do, but it is reality. The moment I got over being disappointed, that my father might not live up to my expectations, was the moment I determined how I will succeed in this world. So, no matter what comes along your path, you will never be moved, if you first know where your going!!!!

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