

Trump Did Not Bring Jerusalem Crashing Down

After President Trump’s announcement recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital on Wednesday, the Palestinian militant group Hamas called for three “days of rage” to protest the decision. Many people answered that call.

In Gaza, the Palestinian territory governed by Hamas a few hours south of Jerusalem, Israeli fire killed at least one Palestinian protester, according to The Associated Press. Journalists have reported a march of thousands of people in Amman, Jordan, roughly 40 miles from Jerusalem as the crow flies. Other protests are happening as far away as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Pakistan.

But Jerusalem—the political and geographical center of the debate—stayed relatively quiet. Although the comparative calm of Palestinians here may seem surprising, they, unlike Muslims in faraway places, may have more to lose from major protests.

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Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump Dec 6

I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. I am also directing the State Department to begin preparation to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem...

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Trump naming Jerusalem as Israel’s capital affects S’poreans

President Donald Trump named Jerusalem as Israel’s capital on Dec. 6, 2017

This sparked yet another controversy and fulfilled a campaign promise he made previously.

This unilateral act by the United States does not reflect international consensus and is seen as deciding on an issue that was supposed to be left to negotiations.

It also overturned 70 years of US foreign policy on this matter.

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Trump Recognizes Jerusalem As Israel Capital, Pledges To Move Embassy

President Donald Trump reversed decades of U.S. policy on Wednesday and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, despite warnings from around the world that the gesture further drives a wedge between Israel and the Palestinians.

In a speech at the White House, Trump said his administration would also begin a process of moving the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which is expected to take years.

The status of Jerusalem — home to sites holy to the Muslim, Jewish and Christian religions — has been one of the thorniest issues in long-running Mideast peace efforts.

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Donald Trump officially recognises Jerusalem as Israeli capital despite warnings of new conflict

Donald Trump has announced the US will officially recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, boasting that previous presidents had promised to do so, but "failed to deliver."

It comes amid warnings that the move will plunge the Middle East - and the world - into "a fire without end."

In a speech from the White House, Trump said: "In 1995, Congress adopted the Jerusalem Embassy act, urging the federal government to relocate the American Embassy to Jerusalem and to recognise that city - and so importantly - as Israel’s Capital. this Act passed Congress by an overwhelming bipartisan majority, and was reaffirmed by a unanimous vote of the Senate only six months ago."

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My Jerusalem: Two tales 
The neighbourhood of Silwan suffers from high levels of poverty and unemployment

Donald Trump's decision to move the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem has provoked a crisis in the region.

By appearing to give US support for total Israeli control of a city that both Palestinians and Israelis stake a claim to, he risks ending decades of peace negotiations.

In the wake of the President's decision, protests have broken out across the Arab world, while Israelis have celebrated the news.

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Full Coverage:
Protests turn deadly following Trump's Jerusalem decision
Muslims pray outside White House to protest Trump Jerusalem move
Trump's Jerusalem move: Deadly clashes erupt after Friday prayers
Trump Did Not Bring Jerusalem Crashing Down
The real reason Trump declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel was ...
Trump transcript in full: Jerusalem is Israel's capital
The Latest: White House says president has called for calm
Who's Playing Politics on Israel?
Haley slams UN for treatment of Israel in face of strong criticism
Is Donald Trump correct about the history of the Jerusalem Embassy Act?
IDF war planes hit Hamas targets in Gaza in response to rockets
Jerusalem for Dummies, Part 2: What the Palestinians Want
Jerusalem Denial Complex
Israel strikes Gaza Hamas sites after rocket attacks
Despite furore over Jerusalem move, Saudis seen on board with US peace
14 Security Council member criticize US action on Jerusalem
President has shown once again that he is a lunatic
Trump's Jerusalem decision lights touchpaper across Muslim world
What will Trump's declaration on Jerusalem mean to Palestinians?
Muslims pray outside White House to protest Trump Jerusalem move
Chaos at Jerusalem protests, the flash point after Trump's embassy decision
Two Palestinians shot dead and one critical in riots after Trump speech
Trump's Jerusalem Decision May Lead to Permanent Peace in Israel
Trump's evangelism over Jerusalem will not bring peace
Tel Aviv Diary: Jerusalem is a Distraction from Scandals
Malaysians, Indonesians, Pakistanis protest Trump's Jerusalem move
Trump tweet touts Jerusalem move, taunts past presidents
Amid row, hundreds of cops deploy in Jerusalem before Muslim prayers
Palestinian official: Pence is not welcome in Palestine
Trump's Jerusalem move: Anger in Ramallah and Israeli delight
White House to release results of Trump's next physical after slurred speech
Palestinian Calls For 'Day Of Rage' Against Trump Move On Jerusalem
White House says questioning Trump's health based on slurring is 'ridiculous.'
At East Jerusalem enclave, Jews happier with Trump than with Netanyahu
US says Jerusalem decision 'reflection of ground realities'
Legal impact of Trump's Jerusalem decision still murky
Trump has scheduled a physical, slurred speech was caused by a dry throat
Hamas calls for Palestinian uprising over Trump's Jerusalem plan
Hadid Speaks Out Against Trump's Decision Move US Embassy to Jerusalem
For Trump, an Embassy in Jerusalem Is a Political Decision, Not a Diplomatic
State Dept still won't allow US citizens born in Jerusalem to record Israel
Former Ambassador Dan Shapiro: Trump's Jerusalem Announcement
EDITORIAL: Trumpeting Jerusalem
Dry mouth? Social media reacts to Trump slurring during Jerusalem speech
My Jerusalem: Two tales of a city
Jordan voices full support to Palestine on Jerusalem issue
Palestinians will not meet with Pence, after Jerusalem recognition
Palestinians 'ready to sacrifice' for Jerusalem
EU vows to make Jerusalem capital for Palestinians too
Hamas calls new 'intifada' after Trump's Jerusalem move amid 'days of rage'
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Jordanians demand closure of US embassy in Amman
Middle East on edge after Trump's 'dangerous' Jerusalem move
Religious Leaders Divided Over Trump's Jerusalem Decision
Gloom and defiance on the streets of East Jerusalem
Palestinians call 'Day of Rage' over Trump's Jerusalem move
Israel-Palestine peace process rendered irrelevant
What to expect next after Trump's Jerusalem move
Powerful allies molded Trump's view on Jerusalem
Nasrallah calls for support of new Palestinian intifada
The recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital is reckless
Who really wants Trump to recognize Jerusalem? His evangelical supporters
world reacts to Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital
Middle East media reacts to 'slap of the century'
Donald Trump's Jerusalem move sparks Christian dispute
Trump Announces US Recognizes Jerusalem as Capital of Israel Protests
Abbas, King Abdullah meet to discuss Trump decisions
Trump didn't seem to have complete understanding of Jerusalem decision
Protest erupts as Hamas calls for uprising in Israel after Trump's Jerusalem
US to immediately start process to move embassy to Jerusalem
In rare rebuke, Saudis condemn 'irresponsible' Trump Jerusalem shift
US not peace sponsor any more after Trump declaration: Palestinian PM
Newly crowned by US as Israel's capital, Jerusalem is unique
Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital, reversing longtime US policy
Israel army deploys more troops after Trump Jerusalem move
Theresa May to challenge Trump over 'unhelpful'  recognise Jerusalem
EU's top diplomat warns of 'darker times' over Trump Jerusalem decision
Trump says US recognises Jerusalem: The speech in full
Jerusalem status: World condemns Trump's announcement
Kushner bets he can have it both ways on Jerusalem move
World leaders react to Trump's Jerusalem announcement
White House officials: Jerusalem decision could hurt peace process
Exclusive: US Asks Israel to Restrain Response to Jerusalem Move
What does Trump's Jerusalem move mean for the peace process?
Hamas says Trump's Jerusalem decision 'opens the gates of hell'
Trump's 'ill-considered' Jerusalem decision wide-reaching repercussions
Trump has proven how little he understands Middle East with his Jerusalem
Analysis: Legal limbo… Jerusalem is yours, except, perhaps, parts
Trump Is Right: Jerusalem Is Israel's Capital — But It Is A Divided One.
Rallying Cry of Jerusalem May Have Lost Force in Arab World
Can the Middle East peace process survive Trump's Jerusalem decision?
Trumplomacy: Key takeaways from Jerusalem policy shift
Trump flouts warnings, formally recognizes Jerusalem as capital of Israel
Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's capital in historic move
Tel Aviv or Jerusalem? Victorian political leaders make the issue business
The Selfish Motive Behind Trump's Jerusalem Decision
Jerusalem: Trump move prompts negative world reaction
From Cairo to Kuala Lumpur, Muslims vent fury at Trump's ...
'Muslims around world UNITE against Trump' Malaysia PM ...
Analysts: Recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital may dampen BN ...
Trump's Jerusalem move bad, say politicians and NGOs
Thousands of protesters take to the streets in Asian cities
After Trump's Jerusalem Announcement, Malaysians March on US Embassy
Muslims in Asia Rally Against Trump's Jerusalem Move
From Cairo to Kuala Lumpur, Muslims vent fury at Trump's Jerusalem stance
Thousands Muslims in Malaysia, Indonesia protest agains Trump's Jerusalem
Malaysians protest outside US embassy over Trump's Jerusalem decision
Malaysia US Protest
Malaysians protest at US embassy
Asian countries protest Trump's decision on Jerusalem
Trump's Jerusalem decision will cause 'explosion' in Arab states ...
Richard Haass on Trump Recognition of Jerusalem
Trump mocks other presidents for being all talk on Jerusalem promise
After Jerusalem recognition, Trump signs waiver delaying embassy ...
A VERY stylish Ivanka joins Jared and the kids at the White House ...
Protests sweep Muslim world against Trump's Jerusalem move
President Trump Taunts Past Presidents For Failing To Recognize ...
Hundreds rally against Trump's Jerusalem declaration
Trump Jerusalem move sparks Palestinian protests, clashes
Supermodel Bella Hadid joins protest against Donald Trump's move ...
Bella Hadid condemns Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem
'I cry for the many generations of Palestine': Bella Hadid condemns ...
President Trump Taunts Past Presidents For Failing To Recognize ...
Trump calls out Clinton, Bush and Obama on Jerusalem
From Cairo to Kuala Lumpur, Muslims vent fury at Trump's ...
Asian countries protest Trump's decision on Jerusalem
Thousands of Muslims in Malaysia, Indonesia protest against ...
Donald Trump slurs speech during Jerusalem announcement ...
Trevor Noah Slams Donald Trump for Jerusalem Decision
Trump's deputy assistant speaks on the Jerusalem crisis
Trump hails Jerusalem decision at White House Hanukkah party
Armageddon? Bring It On: The Evangelical Force Behind Trump's ...
Muslim clerics criticise Donald Trump over Jerusalem decision
Iranians rally against Trump's Jerusalem move, burn US flags: TV
Swiss government: Trump's Jerusalem policy is an 'obstacle to peace'
'What approach is this?': world leaders rebuke Trump over ...
Perak politicians, Islamic activists rally against Trump to 'Save ...
Trump recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital, defying allies, foes
Wag the Embassy
Trump Orders US Embassy Move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
Donald Trump officially recognises Jerusalem as Israeli capital ...
Russia says Trump's Jerusalem declaration 'defies common sense'
Turkish government slams Trump over Jerusalem decision
An Israeli dream might come true if Trump declares Jerusalem the ...
Trump recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital, in reversal of policy
'Muslims around world UNITE against Trump' Malaysia PM ...
Trump's Jerusalem move bad, say politicians and NGOs
Trump Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's Capital
Timeline: The aftermath of Trump's Jerusalem announcement
Thousands of Tunisians protest against Trump's Jerusalem decision
Thousands Take To Streets To Protest Trump's Jerusalem Decision
ANC condemns Trump recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital
ANC condemns Trump's #Jerusalem decision
UN, European Union and Pope Criticize Trump's Jerusalem ...
American Christian Organizations Split in Response to Trump's ...
[WATCH] Trump recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital
Merkel 'does not support' Trump's Jerusalem announcement
On Trump's Jerusalem move, Merkel says Germany sticking to UN ...
For many evangelicals, Jerusalem is about prophecy, not politics
Trump 'opens door to hell' with Jerusalem move
Trump Says US Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel's Capital
Trump's Plan for Jerusalem Embassy Leaves Key Details Unresolved
Marines ready to deploy in wake of Trump's Jerusalem announcement
At a Jerusalem market, Trump's capital announcement met by grins ...
On Jerusalem, Trump delivers for supporters at home
Arabs, EU, UN reject Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as ...
Macron, world leaders regret Trump Jerusalem declaration
With Jerusalem Recognition, Trump Crushes Vestiges of Palestine
Trump's Jerusalem speech will foster the liberal Jewish awakening
Donald Trump has exposed the sham that is American policy on ...
In break with decades of US policy, Trump to recognise Jerusalem ...
Shields and Brooks on Franken's resignation, Trump's Jerusalem ...
SitRep: Trump Jerusalem Decision Sparks Day of Rage Across ...
Demanding Trump Backtrack on Jerusalem, Iraq Summons US ...
Iraqi militia group says Trump decision on Jerusalem could be ...
Iraq militia threatens US forces over Trump Jerusalem move
Pro-Iran Iraqi militia says 'Trump's stupid decision' on Jerusalem ...
Iraq militia threatens US forces after Trump Jerusalem move
Iraq demands US backtrack on Jerusalem, summons ambassador
Mandla Mandela slams Donald Trump over “act of aggression” on ...
'God is weeping over Donald Trump': Archbishop Tutu on Jerusalem ...
Did President Trump slur his Jerusalem speech? You be the judge
'It is time to officially recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel ...
For evangelical leader, Trump now like 'Cyrus'
Trump Had No Clue What He Was Doing With His Disastrous ...
White House: Trump appeared to slur during Jerusalem ...
White House says Trump slurred during his speech about Jerusalem ...
Trump's Jerusalem Move Will 'End Up Strengthening Iran' – Political ...
Trump Recognizes Jerusalem As Israel Capital, Pledges To Move ...
Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, but won't move ...
Palestinian protesters burn images of Trump and the US flag ahead ...
After Trump's Jerusalem Move, US Issues Worldwide Travel Caution ...
Rav Aharon Bina on Trump's Jerusalem Proclamation
Leader Of The Palestinian US Delegation Reacts To Trump's ...
MCA: Trump's Jerusalem move may reignite conflict
Jimmy Carter: Trump's Jerusalem decision 'exacerbates tensions' in ...
UK foreign secretary skips passage in speech criticizing Trump on ...
France's Macron regrets Trump's 'unilateral' Jerusalem decision
Reform movement's rejection of Trump call on embassy move to ...
Trump's declaration on Jerusalem an 'act of aggression' - Mandla ...
Trump's Jerusalem Decision Called 'Provocative,' Counterproductive
Jerusalem Is Just The Latest Example Of Trump's Nonsensical ...
Muslim 'day of rage' against Trump turns deadly: Two Palestinians ...
With Jerusalem Recognition, Trump Gives Netanyahu a Great Tool ....
Donald Rumsfeld: Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as ...
Why is President Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of ...
Trump Trades Jerusalem Triumph For Hanukkah Clichés At White ...
President Trump On Retainer?
Week In The News: Franken's Fall, Trump's Jerusalem Nod ...
Reactions From Israel To Trump's Decision To Recognize ...
Iran calls Trump's idea to move US embassy to Jerusalem ...
Iran's Supreme Leader Blasts Trump's Jerusalem Declaration ...

‘Rocket Man’ Vs ‘Dotard’ in War of Words
A man watches a TV screen showing U.S. President Donald Trump, left, and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un during a news program at the Seoul Train Station in Seoul, South Korea, Aug. 10, 2017.

In the first official comments from North Korea after Trump had issued his starkest warning yet to Pyongyang, Ri said, "There is a saying that goes: 'Even when dogs bark, the parade goes on.'"

Ri told reporters near the UN headquarters in New York, "If they are trying to shock us with the sound of a dog's bark they are clearly having a dog dream."

Asked by reporters what he thought of Trump calling North Korean leader Kim Jong Un "rocket man," Ri said, "I feel sorry for his aides." Ri is expected to make a UN speech on Friday.

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Trump and the Russian connection
People walk past a mural on a restaurant wall depicting U.S. Presidential hopeful Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin greeting each other with a kiss in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius on May 13, 2016

Russian intelligence agencies have allegedly recently digitally broken into four different American organizations that are affiliated either with Hillary Clinton or the Democratic Party since late May. All of the hacks appear designed to benefit Donald Trump’s presidential aspirations in one fashion or another.

When asked about this, and his affection for Russian president Vladimir Putin, Trump said any inference that a connection exists between the two is absurd and the stuff of conspiracy. “I have ZERO investments in Russia,” he tweeted after the Democratic National Committee was apparently hacked by Russia and the emails released by Wiki Leaks on the eve of the DNC convention to nominate Clinton as its 2016 presidential candidate.

Most of the coverage of the links between Trump and Putin’s Russia takes the GOP presidential nominee at his word—that he has lusted after a Trump tower in Moscow, and come up spectacularly short. But Trump’s dodge—that he has no businesses in Russia, so there is no connection to Putin—is a classic magician’s trick. Show one idle hand, while the other is actually doing the work.

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Trump-Kim summit in Singapore
‘Rocket Man’ Vs ‘Dotard’ in War of Words
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