

16 odd things that are illegal in Singapore


Knowing the local laws of a country can save you from getting fined or arrested.

In Singapore, feeding pigeons will cost you $500, walking in the nude at home is illegal, and selling gum could land you two years in jail.

We've put together a list of 16 things you might be surprised to find are illegal in the country, from singing offensive songs to spitting:

1. Selling gum
2. Annoying someone with a musical instrument
3. Flying a kite that interferes with public traffic
4. Singing
5. Spitting
6. Distribution of "obscene" materials
7. Connecting to another user's Wi-Fi
8. Forgetting to flush the toilet
9. Walking in the nude at home
10. Feeding pigeons
11. Urinating in a public elevator
12.  Littering
13. Graffiti
14. Taking drugs before you enter the country
15. Same-sex relations
16. Jaywalking

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