

Happy Deepavali 2017

Festival of Lights

Why Do We Celebrate Deepavali?

Deepavali, otherwise known as the “festival of lights”, marks the triumph of good over evil for Hindus as it commemorates the victory of Lord Krishna, the ruler of Madura over the demon Narakasura, whose evil rule in the kingdom of Pradyoshapuram was much feared by the villagers. Upon Lord Krishna’s return, the city of Madura was in complete darkness as it was the night of a new moon.

Therefore, to celebrate the victory and welcome Lord Krishna, the people lit lamps to pave the way for Lord Krishna, hence Deepavali is also known as the “”festival of lights”. Another legend associated with Deepavali would be the return of Lord Rama from unjust exile by his stepmother after fourteen years and his defeat of the demon king, Ravana. Therefore, Deepavali is also celebrated to honour Lord Rama and to mark his triumph of good over evil. During Deepavali, Hindu homes are decorated with fresh mango leaves and kolams (Indian floor art).

It is also celebrated with the feasting on traditional sweets and snacks, visiting relatives and friends and lighting of oil lamps around the home. The oil lamps placed in the homes are believed to usher in good fortune.

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Bazaars, light-up at Little India a hit with revellers
Bazaars, light-up at Little India a hit with revellers

Amid tighter security, crowds thronged the bazaars of Little India to soak in the festive spirit & for some last-minute bargains on the eve of Deepavali on Tuesday (Oct 17).

Shop owners reported brisk business & shoppers had their bags filled with rangoli (coloured rice powder for floor decorations), sweets, new metal utensils (believed to bring good luck and fortune) & oil lamps called diya.

Deepavali, which signifies the triumph of light over darkness, is also called the Festival of Lights.

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