

Singapore's 8th and first female President

Update 1 Oct 2023: Halimah Yacob: Speaker, President, Chancellor

The Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) is pleased to announce that Mdm Halimah Yacob has been appointed Chancellor, effective 1 October 2023. Mdm Halimah takes over from Mr Stephen Lee, who has served as SUSS Chancellor since 2018.

Mdm Halimah Yacob has had an illustrious career, starting in 1978 as a legal officer with the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC), before rising through the ranks to become the Executive Secretary of the United Workers of Electronics, Director of the Women’s Development Secretariat and eventually, NTUC Deputy Secretary-General. In 1999, she became the first Singaporean elected into the Geneva-based International Labour Organisation (ILO), where she served for four terms, representing workers across many ILO committees. Mdm Halimah was elected as a Member of Parliament (MP) for the Jurong Group Representation Constituency (GRC) in 2001 and served her final and fourth term as an MP in the Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC.

In 2011, she was appointed Minister of State for Community Development and Sports. She introduced various programmes for seniors and enhanced services for people with disabilities, including laying the foundation for the Social Services Offices. A leader of many firsts, Mdm Halimah was elected as the ninth Speaker of Parliament in 2013, the first woman to hold the position. She was the first female to become President of the Republic of Singapore, when she was sworn in on 14 September 2017 for a 6-year term.

President Halimah Yacob bids goodbye at the Istana on last day of her term

Outgoing President Halimah Yacob marked the end of her term as Singapore’s eighth President on Wednesday (Sep 13) with a farewell reception at the Istana. 

The 69-year-old former Member of Parliament is Singapore’s first female President. She left office on Wednesday after bidding goodbye to Istana staff members and other government officials. In her final remarks as head of state after a six-year term, Mdm Halimah said it was her privilege to be the voice of Singaporeans and that she was "most grateful" for the chance to empower other women.

Former Senior Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam, who was elected President on Sep 1 with 70.4 per cent vote share, will be sworn in at the Istana on Thursday.

S’pore’s eighth President Halimah Yacob announces decision not to stand for re-election

Singapore’s President Halimah Yacob made a significant announcement today (May 29), stating that she will not stand for re-election in the upcoming Presidential Election, which is scheduled to take place in a few months’ time.

President Halimah, who has served as the eighth President of Singapore for the past six years, expressed her gratitude and reflected on her time in a video, which she shared in her Facebook page. “It has been a great honour and privilege to serve as the eighth President of Singapore for the past six years,” President Halimah said. “The experience has been most inspiring and, at the same time, humbling.” She acknowledged the immense responsibilities that come with the presidency and expressed her commitment to creating a more caring and compassionate society during her tenure.

President Halimah took office in 2017, becoming the first female president of Singapore and the first Malay president in 47 years. Throughout her term, she has strived to serve all Singaporeans regardless of their race, language, or social standing, aiming to foster unity and inclusivity within the nation. In her post, she also thanked various community, social, and business organisations that have inspired her with their conviction and enthusiasm to build a better Singapore.

Reserved presidency a 'political minus' but right thing to do: PM Lee
The move gives minority ethnic groups an assurance that their place in society will always be safeguarded, he said, just like how the group representation constituency system - which guarantees at least one candidate per constituency is from a minority race - ensures there will always be MPs from minority races in Parliament

The PAP secretary-general was referring to public unhappiness over the Constitutional amendments passed in November 2016, to reserve the elected presidency for candidates of a particular racial group if there had not been a president from the group for the five most recent presidential terms.

Critics said the decision went against Singapore's meritocratic values, and hundreds protested in Hong Lim Park days after the first election, reserved for Malays, saw Madam Halimah Yacob sworn in as President on Sept 14, 2017.

Mr Lee cited the issue as an example of how Singapore is proactively strengthening the institutions that support its multiracial and multi-religious society.

related: President Halimah's inauguration:Don’t overlook this key moment in Spore’s history

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PAP must never be afraid to do what is right for Singapore: PM Lee
The reserved Presidential Election in 2017 saw Madam Halimah Yacob elected unopposed

The People’s Action Party (PAP) must never be afraid to do what is right for Singapore, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Sunday (Nov 10), noting that not all Singaporeans agreed with the need for a reserved Presidential Election to ensure minority races in the Republic’s highest office.

“If you ask me, overall from a short-term perspective, this issue is probably a political minus for the Government, for the PAP. But this is part of governing. I am convinced that we did the right thing. We must never, ever be afraid to do what is right for Singapore,” said Mr Lee to around 2,500 party activists at the PAP65 Awards and Convention at the Singapore Expo. The conference was held to mark the 65th anniversary of the PAP’s founding on Nov 21, 1954.

The reserved Presidential Election in 2017 saw Madam Halimah Yacob elected unopposed, and Mr Lee also said then that he recognised the move was unpopular and could cause the ruling party to lose votes.

Halimah’s election lauded as ‘true sign of S’pore’s meritocracy’ in region
Support package to ‘cushion impact’ of impending GST hike to be announced
PAP must be prepared for a tough fight in the coming GE, says PM Lee
When could General Election be held?Analysts,opposition parties give their take
Who’s on Electoral Boundaries Review Committee,how it draws up GE battle lines

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Istana Wants To Hire A Chef, But Forgets President Halimah Is A Woman
Turns out 2 other job listings also forgot

As far as government jobs are concerned, nothing beats the prestige of working in the Istana. Coincidentally, one of our team members was checking out an official government job portal when he chanced upon a rather intriguing job listing — Istana is hiring a chef.

So being the inquisitive fella he is, our colleague clicked on the advert to find out what being an Istana Chef entails. Everything appears fine at first. The successful candidate gets to plan the daily menu, and even cook up a feast for “various events” — sounds like every aspiring chef’s dream job.

But all of a sudden, he spotted something on the listing that raised more than a few eyebrows. We won’t spoil it for you just yet, but we’ll give you a clue.

Istana Advertises For Chef Job, Keeps Repeating President Halimah As A He

The Istana is presently looking for a chef to join its staff, and has placed an advert on the government job portal, Careers@GOV. Istana, is of course, the official residence of the President of Singapore, Halimah Yacob. Unfortunately, the advertisement keeps referring to the President as a male.

President Halimah if of course no stranger to confusion in her presidency. She was elected as the reserved Malay president, when at one time in her political career, she was referred to as an Indian Muslim. Indian Muslims are definitely not Malay, but for Halimah's case, she is deemed Malay enough to be a Malay. So what to make of this latest confusion?

The Istana itself is not able to tell that they have been hosting a female president most recently? In the ad, the Istana has referred to President Halimah Yacob as a “he”. The first line of the chef job indicated in its description "to support the President in the execution of HIS presidential duties" Interestingly, the chef position is not the only one advertised by the Istana. There were another to jobs advertised, that of a Gallery Officer and another one as a Assistant Senior Butler / Butler. And both job description also describes the President as a "he".


To support the President in the execution of his presidential duties, which include constitutional, ceremonial and community roles, and to uphold and maintain the dignity of the office of the President.

  • Plan daily menus, purchase ingredients and prepare excellent cuisines for various events.
  • Ensure high standard of hygiene in food preparation and cleanliness of the kitchen.
  • Collaborate with Butler Teams as well as external caterers to ensure F & B is delivered efficiently at functions.
  • Handle administrative work such as preparing claims for purchases and costing for menus.
  • Singapore Citizen
  • Able to prepare Western and Local cuisines.
  • At least 2 years working experience in a similar position
  • Positive attitude, good team player.
Gross Monthly Salary Range: $2,000 to $2,500:
  • Selected candidates will be offered a contract of 1 or 2 years in the first instance.
  • Shortlisted candidates will be notified within 4 weeks after the closing date.
  • For enquiries, please email to:

Halimah earns 48x more than Istana’s chef while US President earns only 6x of White House’s chef

It was reported that a recent job advertisement placed by the Istana looking for butlers and junior chefs has caused much controversy in social media (‘Istana offering lowball salaries for its butlers and cooks?‘).

The Istana has offered S$1,400 to S$2,000 for the butler positions and S$2000 to S$2,500 for junior chef positions. Netizens have questioned about the offered pay and asked if it is enough to survive and care for his or her family in Singapore.

Even the market pays better than what Istana is offering. According to last year’s median gross wage statistics by the Ministry of Manpower, the median gross income of waiters is S$1,838 while a captain waiter or waiter supervisor gets S$2,700. And the median gross salary for a chef is S$3,532.


Former NS man raises question toward SAF pledge
Photo of Mdm Halimah Yacob's swearing in (ST Photo)

I take strong issue with the part that says, “We will bear true faith and allegiance to the President.”

The reality in Singapore today, very, very unfortunately, is that our President is a controversial President, whether we as a people are honest and courageous enough to admit it or not. I stress, firstly, the President is not a Malay President even though the Elected Presidency (EP) criteria for that election clearly stated that the EP was Reserved for the Malays only.

Next, it was a walked-over and nobody, absolutely nobody cast a vote for her even though that was supposed to be an Elected President. In other words, she was engineered and manoeuvred into the Office of the President of the Republic of Singapore by this People’s Action Party (PAP) government.

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President Halimah Yacob not spared in Miss Universe Singapore 2018 Photoshop Battle

The highly-criticised Miss Universe Singapore 2018 national costume has spawned a photoshop battle on social media, drawing submissions from dozens of netizens.

Some of those who took part in the photoshop battle replaced the digital image on the skirt of the dress with notable Singapore icons, foods and prominent figures, while others used other creative images to create an optical illusion. Other netizens also featured images and quotes by prominent figures in their submissions.

Establishment figures like the late Founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, his son and current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Lee Hsien Loong’s wife and Temasek CEO Ho Ching in her infamous sandals, and President Halimah Yacob were among those featured in the photoshop battle.

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Yahoo Poll: Has Halimah Yacob met your expectations as president?

A “down-to-earth” president with a “common touch” – these are some of the descriptions of Mdm Halimah Yacob, Singapore’s first woman president, in media reports since she took office one year ago. The former Speaker of Parliament was named president without a single vote being cast, as she was the only candidate to be awarded a Certificate of Eligibility in an election reserved for Malay candidates - which sparked online displeasure and the use of the #notmypresident hashtag.

Since she was sworn in on 14 September 2017, Mdm Halimah has received foreign dignitaries, invited Donald Trump to Singapore for a state visit in November 2018, attended NDP 2018 and participated in community events ranging from the President’s Star Charity 2017, the Garden Festival Orchid Show to the launch of a new Milo drink.

Has Mdm Halimah Yacob met your expectations as president over the past year? Take our poll and leave a comment below:

President Halimah launched Milo Gao Kosong

Fans of Milo can now get their beverage in a formula without any added sugar.

Milo Gao Kosong contains only natural sugars from malt and milk, which means it has 9.7g of sugar in each serving compared to 13.5g of sugar in the regular formula.

The beverage was launched on Tuesday (June 19) by President Halimah Yacob, who made and drank the first official cup of the Gao Kosong, at Plaza Singapura.

In the 80s people really thought Lee Kuan Yew would be Spore's first Elected President

In the 1980s when the Government released its first White Paper on Elected Presidency, the people really thought that Lee Kuan Yew would become Singapore’s first Elected President. Dr Tan Cheng Bock who was then the chief of Government’s feedback channel confirmed this in Parliament during the debate of the Bill.

“They see Mr Lee Kuan Yew as the next President and Mr Goh Chok Tong as the next Prime Minister and ask, is not everything the same except in name?” – Dr Tan Cheng Bock in Parliament. Now, a former Senior Political Correspondent at Straits Times, Ismail Kassim, in a Facebook note has suggested that Dr Tan’s feedback was accurate. “At that time (late 1980s), the hot topic was succession.,” he wrote.

Adding: “It seemed then to many people that Singapore was going to adopt the Taiwan model where for a number of years the elder Chiang was president and the younger Chiang was the prime minister – a father and son combination.”

Ismail Kassim added 2 new photos 19 September 2016

At that time, the hot topic was succession.

It seemed then to many people that Singapore was going to adopt the Taiwan model where for a number of years the elder Chiang was president and the younger Chiang was the prime minister - a father and son combination.

Subsequently, I think because of adverse feedback, he chose to be SM.

Over $220,000 spent on President Halimah Yacob's election campaign
A banner bearing Halimah Yacob’s image spotted at the People’s Association headquarters on Nomination Day (13 September). (PHOTO: Dhany Osman / Yahoo News Singapore)

President Halimah Yacob spent $220,875 in total on her election campaign, the majority of which went towards the advertising and printing of promotional materials:
  • She spent $198,154 in this area, of which $72,931.20 went into the printing of 20,100 posters – inclusive of a $1,800 disposal fee – according to election expenses documents made available by the Elections Department (ELD) on Saturday (7 October).
  • These posters, printed in anticipation of the campaigning period for the 2017 Presidential Election (PE), did not end up being used as Halimah won the election in a walkover after being declared the only candidate eligible to contest in the PE.
  • Other expenses listed included $29,000 spent on a “Profile Video Project”; $14,050 spent on website development; and $9,826 spent on 510 t-shirts along with 10,000 pin badges. Her team also spent $34,000 on printing 1.28 million Admail A5 cards.
  • Halimah’s spending on her team also included a nearly $2,000 buffet dinner catered by Islamic Restaurant on 12 September, the eve of Nomination Day. In total, she spent  $3,385 on “food, refreshments and accommodation”, along with $5,992 on renting a room at the NTUC Centre on 1 Marina Boulevard.
$800,000 in donations received:
  • Under the Presidential Elections Act, the principal election agents of PE candidates have to submit the return on election expenses and corresponding statement within 31 days of the PE’s result being declared in the Government Gazette. The expenses report includes details of donations made towards a candidate’s election campaign.
  • Halimah’s campaign received $800,000 in total from seven donations under the “Single Recordable Donations” category, which lists single donations of $10,000 or more. Of the seven donations, the highest was a cheque for $440,000 from a single individual.
  • “All unused donations raised will be returned to the kind donors,” said Halimah and her team in a press statment, which noted that she had submitted her expenses documents on 3 October.

President Halimah Yacob spent over $220,000 on election expenses, mostly on promotional materials

The election returns documents also included a list of donations made to her campaign that revealed that the President’s team raised $800,000 from six individuals and one marine company.

Businessman Ng Kim Choon gave over half of the total donations, with a whopping $440,000, while Sheng Shiong chief Lim Hock Chee and marine firm Singapore Salvage Engineers donated $50,000 each, among other donors.

The President’s Campaign team said in a statement on Saturday that all unused donations will be returned to the donors, before adding:
“The donors have been encouraged by Madam Halimah’s passion for social causes. Many of them have indicated that they intend to make a contribution to the next cycle of the President’s Challenge.”
Meanwhile, it has also been revealed that President Halimah’s opponents, Farid Khan and Salleh Marican, spent $200,000 and $90,000 respectively as they prepared for their unsuccessful bids for the presidency. Both men said that the amount they spent came from their own pockets.

Election expenses: 5 things about President Halimah Yacob’s campaign spending
President-elect Halimah Yacob greeting supporters at the Nomination Centre on Sep 13, 2017. (Foto: Gaya Chandramohan)

The Elections Department made public on Saturday (Oct 7) documents on how much President Halimah Yacob spent on her election campaign.

Called the returns of election expenses, the documents include a list of donations, as well as the amount spent in categories such as transportation, advertising & printing of promotional materials, and food & refreshments.

Mdm Halimah spent a total of S$220,875 on her campaign, and here are 5 notable aspects of her expenses:
  • Most of it was spent on promotional materials
  • It's not free to use a room in the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) building 
  • Delifrance and Islamic Restaurant were food favourites
  • Electors’ details cost her S$3,723.60
  • She spent less than S$0.09 per elector

Is President Halimah Yacob moving to landed property at Bournemouth Road in Mountbatten?

Some netizens online have claimed that they’ve found out exactly where President Halimah Yacob is going to move to: a thrre-storey detached house at Bournemouth Road in Mountbatten.

Photos of the property have been circulating online and the social media sphere has been abuzz with speculation that this will be the President’s new home since the property boasts of a newly-erected security post outside and the presence of a Gurkha guard. One netizen even alleged:
“My friend that lives opposite says heavy police presence. All cars are screened. And some neighbours have been interviewed.”
Such speculation comes after it was announced on Monday last week that President Halimah Yacob is all set to move out of her home in Yishun Ave 4 after strongly being advised to do so by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA). MHA said in a press release that it had conducted a careful assessment of the security arrangements for the President and had informed her that security agencies face several challenges in ensuring her security and protection, if she continues to stay in her current home.

President Halimah purportedly to move into private estate along Bournemouth Road
A guard post outside a private estate manned by two Gurka merceneries (Photo by Terry Xu)

A photo circulating on social media showing a guard post being hoisted by the side of a road claims that it is meant for the new residence of President Halimah Yacob, who was elected as the new President in a walkover Reserved Presidential Election. The message wrote:
  • "My friend who lives opposite says heavy police presence.
  • All cars are screened.
  • And some neighbours have been interviewed."
Following the information, The Online Citizen dropped down to the said location along Bournemouth Road and discovered the guard post shown in the photo to have been fixed into place and manned by two Gurkha soldiers.

President Halimah Yacob to move out of Yishun HDB flat due to security 'challenges'
President-elect Halimah Yacob's block in Yishun. TODAY file Foto

President Halimah Yacob will soon move out of the jumbo Yishun flat where she & her family have stayed for over 2 decades, due to challenges in ensuring her security & protection.

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said in a statement on Monday (Oct 2) that it had conducted an assessment after Madam Halimah expressed a wish to continue living in her family's Housing & Development Board (HDB) flat, which is made up of two adjacent 4-room & 5-room flats bought on the resale market.

But the security agencies found "several challenges" in ensuring the President's security in her current home, the ministry added without giving details.

Thank you for everyone's concern with regard to my residential arrangements. MHA has just issued a statement about the security challenges they face if I continue to stay in my current home. Therefore, as much as I would like to continue living in my current home in Yishun, I have accepted MHA's recommendation and will make arrangements to move to a new place soon.

President Halimah Yacob to move out of Yishun flat

President Halimah Yacob will move out of her Yishun flat, after taking advice from security agencies tasked with ensuring her safety.

The Ministry of Home Affairs said after a careful assessment of security arrangements, it has informed Madam Halimah that "the security agencies face several challenges in ensuring her security and protection, if she continues to stay in her current home".

"MHA has therefore strongly advised the President to consider moving to another place. This will enable the agencies to ensure her safety & security with greater assurance," it added in a statement.

President Halimah Yacob to move out of Yishun HDB flat: MHA
2 policemen were seen stationed outside Madam Halimah Yacob's home in Yishun. (Foto: Gaya Chandramohan)

President Halimah Yacob will be moving out from her home at Yishun Avenue 4, according to a press release by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on Monday (Oct 2).

MHA said it has conducted a careful assessment of the security arrangements for the President, & has informed her that security agencies "face several challenges in ensuring her security & protection" if she continues to stay in her current home.

The ministry has "strongly advised" the President to consider moving to another place, as this will enable the agencies to ensure her safety & security with greater assurance.

Residence and Security Arrangements for the President

The President had stated that she would like to continue to live in her current home in Yishun, subject to security considerations.

MHA has conducted a careful assessment of the security arrangements for the President. It has informed the President that the security agencies face several challenges in ensuring her security and protection, if she continues to stay in her current home. MHA has therefore strongly advised the President to consider moving to another place. This will enable the agencies to ensure her safety and security with greater assurance.

President has accepted MHA's security recommendation. She will make arrangements to move to a new place soon.

DPM Tharman ‘would have preferred a contest’ for Presidential Election
Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam said on Wednesday that he would have preferred a contest in the recent Presidential Election

Speaking at the first Majulah Lecture organised by the Nanyang Technological University on Wednesday (20 Sept), Tharman was quizzed on the 2017 Presidential Election after the lecture, according to media reports.

One student asked if the reserved presidential election is an indication that Singapore is “regressing as a society”, despite Singaporeans growing up reciting a pledge with the words “regardless of race, language or religion”.

In response, Tharman said while he was “proud” that Halimah Yacob was the first Malay president in 47 years, he told the audience of more than 1,500 it was “understandable” that Singaporeans had questions about the recent election, which was reserved for Malay candidates.

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Inauguration ceremony for President-elect Halimah Yacob

Singapore make history as it inaugurates its first female President on Thursday (Sep 14)

Criticisms of Elected Presidency persist despite explanations and justifications

In a Today report dated 15 September 2017, it is reported that despite the fact that it was the week of firsts for Singaporean to have the first reserved election which resulted in the city state's first woman President and the first Malay Head of State in 47 years, criticism of the election process for the Elected Presidency (EP) has persisted online.

Madam Halimah Yacob, 63, was sworn in on 14 September as President. However, instead of revelling in her role on a historic occasion, she had to answer questions about how she was going to unite a country divided by her election.

The report noted that the biggest reason why the criticism arose was because Singaporeans were denied to vote as the government had disqualified two other potential candidates.

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Only one Singaporean is fit to be president

IT IS very important, Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore’s prime minister, explained last year, that all Singaporeans feel they have a genuine chance of becoming president. To that end, his government tinkered with the eligibility criteria for candidates.

Yet Singaporeans primed for a festival of inclusiveness at this year’s election must be confused. On September 11th a committee of senior officials declared that only one candidate was eligible to stand, and that the woman in question, Halimah Yacob, a former speaker of parliament, was thus deemed to have been elected unopposed. She will be sworn in on September 14th.

Popular and competent, Ms Halimah seemed very likely to win even with some competition. Disqualifying her challengers robs her of the modicum of legitimacy the election could have given her. Voters excited to mark ballots for Singapore’s first female president are particularly disappointed. Then again, Singapore’s repeated tightening of the rules suggests a lack of faith that voters, given a wider choice, would make the right decision.

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Singapore crowns president without vote

The former member of the People’s Action Party (PAP), which has dominated the tiny republic since independence, entered politics in 2001. She was elected four times.

The restricted election has been criticised. “The only beneficiaries from this reserved presidential election are Halimah Yacob and her team, as well as Singapore’s opposition, which now has a new line of attack against the PAP. The rest of Singapore has suffered,” Sudhir Vadaketh, a Singaporean commentator, told CNN.

And Hamish Brown, a long-term radio personality, posted on Facebook: “Meritocracy went out the window as soon as this presidential election was reserved for one particular ethnic race over all others.”

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How Singapore elected a president without a vote

Former Speaker of Parliament Halimah Yacob has emerged victorious by default, after other presidential hopefuls fell foul of new rules.

"I can only say that I promise to do the best that I can to serve the people of Singapore and that doesn't change whether there is an election or no election," she told reporters Monday.

What should be a moment of celebration -- Halimah will be Singapore's first female president -- has proved contentious for several reasons and appears at odds with Singapore's reputation as a technocratic and efficient city state.

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Singapore Has a New President, No Election Needed

Halimah Yacob, the former speaker of Singapore’s Parliament, will become the country’s first female president on Thursday when she is sworn in without a vote

Halimah Yacob, 63, a former speaker of Parliament, will become the country’s first female president and the first in five decades to come from the Malay ethnicity when she is sworn in on Thursday.

But what could have been a notable milestone for Singapore’s democracy is instead being publicly questioned as a rigged process, and her legitimacy is already coming under fire.

While Singapore’s Constitution does, in fact, provide for voters to elect their president, the government established such narrow criteria for the candidates that only Ms. Halimah made the cut.

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Halimah Yacob will continue to live in Yishun flat

Security officers outside Halimah Yacob's home in Yishun. ST FOTO: NG SOR LUAN

President-elect Halimah Yacob will not only become Singapore's 1st woman president, but she will also be the 1st to live in a Housing Board flat during her term.

Shortly after being declared the winner in a walkover, she told reporters that she had no plans to move out of her family home in Yishun.

"I'm still staying in Yishun," said Madam Halimah Yacob, 63, when asked where she would be living after becoming president.

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Security stepped up around President-elect Halimah Yacob's flat in Yishun
Residents in the area said that lots have been newly reserved for police vehicles. (Foto: Gaya Chandramohan)

Change is afoot in Yishun Ave 4, where Singapore's incoming President Halimah Yacob has lived for over 2 decades.

When Channel NewsAsia visited Madam Halimah’s HDB block on Wednesday (Sep 13) just hours after she was declared as the President-elect, there was a visible police presence.

Fresh red paint marked parking lots meant for police vehicles, & just outside her corner flat were two policemen checking on anyone who wanted to enter the area. At the block opposite, more uniformed officers were on patrol.

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A Halimah Yacob presidential residence in Yishun Ave 4 will be like this for 6 years

If you live anywhere near her, fun times to come.

There are perks and downsides to this arrangement of allowing Halimah to continue to live in Yishun — with some of these downsides downplayed.

Other than the fact that the block will become the safest place in Singapore and how all of this is so very novel, here are some other consequences of a Yishun presidential residence that have yet to be addressed:

The president’s coming and going will be scrutinised by the whole estate

The entire floor or even the whole block of residents will be ID-ed

Please lah, Mdm Halimah Yacob don’t stay in HDB leh!

Which resident doesn’t want to have a President to stay in the same block of HDB flats as them? Housing prices will soar, area will be safe and Yishun will be great again!

But we never had a President who lived in HDB. Just imagine the inconveniences:
  • Parking
  • Living Room
  • Town Council
  • Road block
  • It’s Yishun again

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Mdm Halimah’s insistence to stay at her HDB flat as President will likely cause inconvenience to fellow residents
A view of the corridor leading to Madam Halimah Yacob's Yishun flat. PHOTO: LIANHE ZAOBAO

President-elect Halimah Yacob has said that she will continue to live in her sixth-floor Housing Board flat. After winning the Presidential Election through a walkover on Wednesday, Mdm Halimah told reporters that she had no plans to move out of her family home in Yishun.

She was quoted saying, "I am still staying in Yishun - It is a very nice, comfortable place, and I have been living there for many years." The HDB flat which she stays in, is by no means a modest apartment. It is a jumbo flat which is made up of a four-room and a five-room flat which she has lived in with her family for more than 30 years.

The Police Security Command, tasked with protecting government leaders, already had arrangements there when she was Speaker of Parliament before she left to run for president. But with her recent change of status, police have since intensified security measures in the area.

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Silent sit-in protest against Reserved Presidential Elections to be held on Saturday

The event will not have any speakers, and people are encouraged to simply sit down in the park as a sign of a protest against the PE. On the event’s Facebook page, Goh posted:

“Fear has crippled you all this while you are burnt up inside and its time to unlease that frustration by showing up with like-minded Singaporeans together as ONE voice.”
Participants were also told to wear black on Saturday. In fact, #NotMyPresident black tee shirts will be sold on Saturday so that participants can wear them during the sit-in protest. The hashtag had trended after the walkover was announced, when Singaporeans took it to social media to express their anger about losing their voting rights.

At the time of writing, 108 people had confirmed their attendance, while 537 people had indicted their interest in the protest.

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Since We Couldn’t Vote In The 2017 Presidential Election, Somebody’s Created An Online Poll

After months of controversy and discussions about our races, the whole fiasco known as the 2017 Presidential Elections is finally coming to an end as President-elect Halimah Yacob prepares to begin her term on Thursday (14 Aug).

Even though we weren’t too pleased with the outcome nor did we get that public holiday, life still goes on as usual and this election will eventually be but a distant memory by next week.

So as we move on to talk about more important issues such as North Ko- what’s that? You’re saying that if there actually was an election, Halimah wouldn’t have won? You want us here at MustShareNews to write about it because you’re sure the Government only did this as they knew she would’ve lost to either Farid Khan or Salleh Marican?

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For curiosity sake. Suppose there is no walkover for the Presidential Election. Who would u hv voted for?

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Singapore's 'walkover' presidential election draws public criticism

Halimah Yacob talking to reporters outside the Elections Department in Singapore

Some observers expressed support for the historic moment but others were disappointed that there would be no contest in an election reserved exclusively for candidates from the minority Malay community - the first of its kind in the city-state.

On Tuesday, the hashtag #notmypresident was trending on Twitter in Singapore, with social media users expressing their ire at what they saw as the lack of a democratic process.

‘Democracy officially revealed to be dead in #Singapore,’ user John Tan wrote. ‘How did 'Elected Presidency' become 'Selected Presidency?'‘ another Twitter user wondered. Still others asked why the bar for presidential qualifications was not lowered in order to field more candidates.

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“Singaporeans have always known that our politicians… consider themselves superior beings,” said writer Sudhir Thomas Vadaketh. “Now, with this reserved presidency, we have irrefutable proof about just how stupid they think we are.”

The farce that is the Reserved Election will, once again, prove the PAP right. Singaporeans are a stupid bunch.

They will wail and beat their chests, they may even pull their hair out and – as the Chinese would say – “cry father cry mother” when things go wrong, or when the Government does not perform to expectation. But you can also count on the same Singaporeans to timidly and unquestioningly hand over their votes to the same ruling party they complain about when the time comes, which is once every 5 years.

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Power and dignity: the true cost of the PAP’s EP bargain


Politics is about power, but it is also about dignity. While the PAP may have consolidated its power by crafting the ‘rules of the game’ in a manner that has allowed its preferred candidate to win the Presidential Election with a walkover, little could be said about the level of political dignity that it has earned for itself as a result of the way events unfolded.

According to the PAP government, the whole point of a reserved election was to ensure that minorities will be represented. How ironic it is then that an election was denied to the Singaporean public, such that as a result, not a single Singaporean will be represented at the ballot box at all this week. This is without doubt a puzzling outcome. It seems after all, that the point was not to ensure that the President is a Malay person, but that she also happens to be the right Malay person.

Some might argue that the other two candidates were disqualified fair and square, because they failed to meet the eligibility criteria. However, there is hardly anything fair about setting the rules of the game (i.e. the Presidential eligibility criteria) in one’s favour, and then winning at it. This is not a feature of a responsible government, but the mark of a playground bully who cares little about fairness or dignity in the conduct of his affairs, but believes in a world where power, strength and authority underlie all human affairs. While it is never the duty of a political party to assist its political opponents, it owes a duty to the people of the country to set the rules of the game fairly and responsibly, assuming that it ought to wield the power to set the rules in the first place.

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Highlights: Nomination Day, PE2017
12.04am: Mdm Halimah Yacob has been declared President-elect as she becomes Singapore's 1st female President & the 1st Malay head of state in more than 47 years.

Madam Halimah Yacob has been declared President-elect as she is set to become the country's first female President and the first Malay head of state in more than 47 years. She will be sworn in as Singapore's 8th President on Thursday (Sep 14) at the Istana, a statement from the Prime Minister's Office said.

Mdm Halimah submitted her nomination papers on Wednesday morning - the final step she had to undergo as a presidential candidate. Among the documents she submitted at the Nomination Centre, located at the People's Association headquarters at King's George's Avenue, were the certificate of eligibility issued by the Presidential Elections Committee, the community certificate issued by the Community Committee & a political donation certificate. Mdm Halimah collected her certificate of eligibility from the Elections Department on Tuesday.

The former Speaker of Parliament was the only person to qualify for an election that was scheduled for this month.

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CGTN‏ @CGTNOfficial  20 minutes ago

#HalimahYacob declared as #Singapore’s 8th and first female president. Her term starts on Thursday

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Channel NewsAsia added 5 new photos 1 hr

#PE2017 NOMINATION DAY: Mdm Halimah Yacob's supporters gather at the Nomination Centre - the People's Association headquarters - some with whistles and banners while awaiting her arrival.
(Photos: Olivia Siong, Lianne Chia)

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Channel NewsAsia was live 1 hr

Top Comments:

Azmi Achilles · 6:30 No need to thank us. We never voted. Its shoved into our face..same like your policies, erps, electric bills surge, coe. Seems like this is the trend, we either take it or leave it.
42 · 1 hr

Louis Tan · 9:36 Congratulations........ President Madam Halimah Yacob . This is history , our first Lady President. May the force be with you .. All the best.
17 · 51 mins
1 Reply

Nas X Hanafi · 12:49 she said, "masa utk memilih President... (time to choose our President)... i didnt even choose lor how ah?
7 · 55 mins
1 Reply

Aleem Bhai · 17:57 Mdm President. Hope as a tudung donning president, you could bring up the tudung issue in Singapore now. Let's see if u have that mettle now.
6 · 49 mins

Bernard Lim · 18:35 Just donate 95% of your salary to charity if you want to do good for Singapore. $ should not be important since the people will be paying for your lodging and food. What say you??.
4 · 49 mins
2 Replies · 35 mins

Allan Terry Rizzy · 12:32 @Felissa Wee Then what about those speaking Mandarin? Not everyone understands Mandarin.. It's just a short malay speech for goodness sake
5 · 55 mins

Ong Qizong · 8:06 "i can see my sisters here are so delighted" I'm also delight~..... brush up your english before you go throw our face !
5 · 59 mins

Hwang Young Young · 5:03 RC supporter there only. Please la... actually u are already been disquality you dont have 500million assets and you are a indian. You are self delusional. I wonder how your dad felt you had disown your own race.
7 · 1 hr

Mohammed Faizal · 15:46 Why man? Why do you (Chinese ) dislike the first female president of Singapore? Why do you comment like hated speech? Let it do her jobs.
3 · 52 mins

Heo Ba · 14:56 With this kinda of citeria of 500million ... i think in future only ppl serving pap will have a chance be president
3 · 53 mins

Raymond Huang · 10:31 China will know Singapore is multi-racial and NOT Chinese country.
11 · 57 mins

Siti Munira · 4:47 First female malay president don the hijab ❤️ alhamdulilah!
12 · 1 hr

Siti Munira · 4:47 First female malay president don the hijab ❤️ alhamdulilah!
12 · 1 hr

明石太郎 · 18:12 Of course comfortable to address public la. One route ticket into instana worry about what. The puppet master is controlling the puppet Yacob nicely.
1 · 51 mins

Remino EL SuanTo · 16:05 No matter what race you are, that's not my main priorty. The actual main priorty is what will you do for us. After years of election, finally came up a lady president.
1 · 54 mins

Lukas Godfrey · 6:12 "Siti Munira: First female malay president don the hijab ❤️ alhamdulilah!"
"Regardless race, language or religion". This is why the pledge is just nonsense. It never made sense then, it doesn't make sense now.
3 · 1 hr · Edited

Felissa Wee · 10:34 Is she giving such a long Malay speech to show that she is Malay? Not everyone in Sg understands Malay. What happened to do together. I feel left out
59 mins
1 Reply

Yudhishthra Nathan · 7:24 If you believe so much in multiracialism why not call for By-Election in Marsiling-Yee Tee which has no Malay MP now? Ridiculous
1 · 1 hr
2 Replies · 35 mins

Explore Indonesia Yogya-Bromo Ijen-Bali Tour · 2:03 ALHAMDULILAH!!! :) doa kami semoga ibu halimah bisa menjalankan amanah rakyat singapore yg kami cintai. :) kita berdampingan saling mendukung,hususnya di bidang pariwisata :)
2 · 1 hr

Ng Lin Jie · 8:18 I think she's very important, glad to have her protecting our reserve while we usher the nonsense opposition into the parliament
3 · 1 hr

Kenny Chan Wai Kong · 5:56 Let's hope you will do what u have said....even though I'm not ur supporter, congrats to u and please don't let Singaporean down
2 · 1 hr

Albert Ng · 12:30 This non-public elected President would be the start of separating the bonding among our multi-racial society...
1 · 57 mins

Richard Ho Chin Hee · 16:08 Aiyo Madam President could you kindly declare and earmark 13 Sept a Public Holiday as this is special day for making history yeah
54 mins

Dirharto Juhasman Sudirman · 18:33 You can never pleased Singaporeans. Pathetic. But when comes to election, still vote for their same party. Boohoo
3 · 51 mins

Awcw Wilz · 8:36 National Geographical Channel and the WWF should be so proud to see so many animals-represented profilers commenting. 😂
1 · 1 hr

Billy Silva · 19:28 The Only thing that is unfair is there was no fair fight among the other candidates..But.. its nothing wrong if she doesnt speak in mandarin..Not as if Mr Tony Tan spoke in tamil or hindi..
1 · 23 mins

Bala Nathan · 7:27 Get all the foreign trash out of our country if you are really for us born Singaporeans. We've had enough of their filth.
1 · 1 hr

Aleem Bhai · 0:00 One thing for sure, it's definitely a morale booster for makcik makcik pasar. They will walk along the hdb corridor now with head held high. Hehehehehege
1 · 44 mins

Sumari Manit · 0:51 Billionaire Jack Ma found his billionaire Sister in Malaysia Rose 🌹 Mah. In Singapore he found another President elect Hali Mah. Congratulation President HaliMah.
1 · 32 mins
1 Reply

Daniel Lee · 8:16 its not elected president la.....its walkover president. pls get the headlines right!
7 · 1 hr

Henry Oh · 16:40 Congratulations Madam President. I'm not disappointed despite no contest because I already made up my mind to cast my vote on you long long time ago. Cheers👍
2 · 54 mins

Explore Indonesia Yogya-Bromo Ijen-Bali Tour · 2:16 congratulation madam! this is the AMANAH from ALLAH! AMIN!! :)
7 · 1 hr

Sahbidah Ahmad Shah · 5:45 Please give us one PUBLIC HOLIDAY your honour President 🤣🤣🤣🤣
7 · 1 hr

David Lee · 9:27 Don't dream of public holiday guys. She still need to go back consult her family and colleagues lah..
1 · 1 hr

Alexandra Tan · 6:43 PAPS elected her altho not singaporeans but it goes to show her contribution to many grassroots work is recognised thus giving her the edge over the other two contestant..
34 mins

Jj Lim · 1:42 She is a local who speak local style and understand the local culture very well. Applaud for her new role to contribute to Singapore
2 · 32 mins

Ikka Teka Muna · 0:00 I don't really understand why a lot of haters.wake up haters it doesn't matter that she's not electected its your ministries ,cabinets or whoever choose her they believe that she can do the job for Singaporeans
31 mins

Joel Kong · 16:54 I laughed at USA, then at Malaysia. Now they laugh at me.
9 · 55 mins

Dennis Ang · 0:00 Please do not use the word "Elected" cos she wasn't elected to office. Use "Appointed" instead.
6 · 49 mins

Mimi Abdul Rasip · 7:11 Congratulations Mdm Halimah for being the 1st Female Malay President of Singapore. Hopefully u will lead us Singaporean successfully and fairly. Majulah Singapura ...
30 mins

Jennifer Liow · 0:00 PM has made history for Singapore...a Reserved Malay Appointed President 👏🏼 Hope he can make another history.... appoint a new PM of minority race 🤗
27 mins

Mark Tee · 18:02 Very tough presidential fight indeed. Very tough
5 · 54 mins

Eva Chow · 9:44 How can she be the "Elected President" when the pple of Singapore did not vote for her..🙄🙄
6 · 1 hr

Sekyang Lim · 0:00 When are you leaving this forsaken place? Or just doing the usual complaining and nothing else. Walk the talk, empty vessel.
44 mins

Joel Kong · 16:03 Given the opportunity. She is honest lah. If not endorsed, how dare to resign and be President Select?
56 mins

Joel Kong · 13:16 Election is over? There wasn't one to begin with...
8 · 58 mins

Hanzo Oznah · 5:38 Please declare one day holiday for Singaporean to celebrate
3 · 1 hr

Jerry Lin · 13:23 Election is over?? Was there ever an election??
5 · 58 mins

Muhammad Shukri · 9:56 Don't talk so much lah #notmypresident
4 · 1 hr

Tan LiLian · 3:12 Congratulations! We are Singaporean regardless of race. We are one people one nation. Our First Lady President! 👏👏👏
5 · 1 hr

Khee Jiali · 2:01 Haters should stop disgracing Singapore. What's wrong to be proud of a female president. Geez.
5 · 1 hr
1 Reply

Maria Theresa Valdez · 21:20 Haters gonna hate!! Go for it madam president halimah yacob
3 · 49 mins

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People feel 'muzzled and angry' because they could not vote this Presidential Election: Tan Cheng Bock

President-elect Halimah Yacob will occupy the "most controversial presidency in the history of Singapore", former presidential candidate Tan Cheng Bock said on Wednesday (Sep 13).

Mdm Halimah submitted her nomination papers on Wednesday morning and will be sworn in as Singapore's eighth President on Thursday.

The former Speaker of Parliament was the only person to qualify for the election, which was reserved for Malays following changes to the Elected Presidency. Two other presidential hopefuls, Mr Mohamed Salleh Marican & Mr Farid Khan, had their applications to stand for the election turned down as both did not meet a new requirement for private-sector candidates to helm companies with at least S$500 million in shareholders' equity.

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Why Singaporeans aren't all glad to get the president they wanted

Halimah Yacob supporters with a doll of her in Singapore (13 Sept)
There are also many Singaporeans thrilled to see Mrs Halimah become president

Singapore has named its first female president, Halimah Yacob. A popular public figure, Mrs Halimah was widely expected to win the presidential election, but instead will begin her term amid controversy.

So why are Singaporeans not happy to get the president many wanted?
'Selected, not elected'
For starters, there hasn't been and won't be an election - she just got the job in a "walkover" because there were no other eligible candidates.

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We didn’t like #PE2017, but we didn’t resist, either

Finally, Singapore has a female president. A woman as our head of state. Her photo will hang in every government building, not as the benevolently smiling wife, but as the boss.

I would have expected myself to be bloody ecstatic.

Instead, I’m feeling a range of emotions that run the gamut from a simmering anger to an exasperated eye-roll. The pride I should have felt over what would otherwise be significant progress in the political landscape of my country has been usurped by an overwhelming sense of having been taken for a ride.

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Angry react only: A Halimah Yacob walkover induces palpable angry reactions
Angry Facebook reactions

And the evidence of the backlash against her and a walkover is evident on social media. Articles shared by the mainstream media in Singapore about Halimah since Sept. 11 evening after her eligibility was announced have been met with substantial angry reactions.

In news related to Halimah since Sept. 11, the Facebook angry reaction has been consistently the second-most used after the default Facebook Like. For example, when the news first broke that only Halimah is eligible to run for office, there were 668 Likes and 551 angry reactions.

The proportion can be as high as 40 percent in some instances for news on Halimah.

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Wake Up, Singapore 11 September at 02:40

The entire elected presidency has become nothing but a farce.


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Facebook Wake Up, Singapore 4 hrs

"We did not get a chance to speak with our vote this round, but the time will come. And when it does, it will be thunderous. Of this I am sure."

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Singaporeans Are Using #notmypresident To Express Displeasure At PE2017 Walkover

When it was announced that Madam Halimah Yacob would become Singapore’s next President via walkover, few were surprised, given that it was predicted that the other 2 candidates would not be issued their Certificates of Eligibility (COE), as they did not meet the $500 million shareholders equity benchmark.

Nonetheless, masses of Singaporeans voiced their displeasure and disgust at the result.

Inspired by the protesters following US President Donald Trump’s victory, Singaporeans took to social media and began using the #NotMyPresident hashtag to air their frustrations at the outcome of the 2017 Presidential Election.

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#NotMyPresident starts trending in Singapore after elections confirmed to be a walkover

As of today, that presumption simply entrenched itself further, and there’s nothing anyone can do. Halimah Yacob will be president, and the PAP’s strength grows even larger.

Similarly, the outpouring of public disappointment has grown even bigger, especially on social media since the news broke. And not just because the absence of election deprived everyone of a official public holiday.

Harking to the days when Americans started the #NotMyPresident movement after Donald Trump became president, angry Singaporeans started using the same hashtag to make their frustrations clear. It’s already trending on Twitter and Facebook.

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PEC decision on Halimah Yacob's eligibility sparks #notmypresident hashtag
Facebook Kyle Malinda-White 15 hours ago

Barely minutes after former Speaker of Parliament Halimah Yacob was confirmed on Monday (11 September) as the only eligible candidate for this year’s Presidential Election (PE), a number of Singaporeans began using the hashtag #notmypresident in their social media posts.

The use of the hashtag has continued to gather momentum in the past few hours, with Singaporeans expressing dissatisfaction that there would be a walkover for the PE. Polling Day for the PE, which is reserved for Malay candidates, has been set for 23 September but is unlikely to take place.

In a media release on Monday, the Elections Department (ELD) said the Presidential Elections Committee (PEC) had received applications from five individuals looking to contest the PE but had only issued one Certificate of Eligibility.

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Martin Archie‏ @generalmartin

Just another puppet president

#NotMyPresident #pap #sggov #sg #singapore #HalimahYacob #puppet #gov #joke #politicstoday #politics

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Coconuts Singapore‏ @CoconutsSG  Sep 11

#NotMyPresident starts trending in Singapore after elections confirmed to be a walkover.

Jack Chong‏ @JackChong Sep 11
Singaporeans using #NotMyPresident cause its a walkover. Please. You tell me 3 things the president of Singapore do 1st? #ActSmart
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skybear‏ @poohbearNducky  17h17 hours ago
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Juice Tine‏ @TheJuh0  21h21 hours ago

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skybear‏ @poohbearNducky  17h17 hours ago

Is singapore a democratic country? I believe Mdm halimah doesnt even have the ability to create a 200 million company,  #NotMyPresident
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Martin Archie‏ @generalmartin  Sep 11

Just another puppet president #NotMyPresident #pap #sggov #sg #singapore #HalimahYacob #puppet #gov #joke #politicstoday #politics

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Dr Tan Cheng Bock 15 hrs

But for PE 2017, the Government did not put up another Malay candidate aside from Mdm Halimah. Instead, 2 independent candidates, Salleh Marican and Farid Khan, valiantly stepped up. Everyone knew Mdm Halimah would win. Still, we looked forward to a poll to tell the Government what we thought about the elections. However, the PEC rejected the 2 men (contrast PE 2011 where the PEC permitted Tan Kin Lian and Tan Jee Say to contest via the deliberative track). As a result, we have a disappointing walkover.

People now feel muzzled and angry. Because when you take away our right to vote, you take away our political voice. You tell us that our choice does not matter.

PE 2017 has been a quiet affair. But there is now a deafening silence awakening the nation. We did not get a chance to speak with our vote this round, but the time will come. And when it does, it will be thunderous. Of this I am sure.

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Wake Up, Singapore shared Lhu Wen Kai's post 13 hrs


It saddens me to see my country becoming this political Wild West where rules can be bent and exploited as per the authorities' wishes. The situation has gotten so bad that they don't even attempt to be subtle anymore.

The cynical side of me feels that while Halimah Yacob's appointment is one that primarily serves the establishment's needs, it's also disguised as a smart PR move to curry favor among Western liberal media outlets. In this age where everyone's busy singing the praises of Islam and feminism is a convenient buzzword to demonstrate self-righteousness, having a female, tudung-wearing President will a) make sites like Vox and NowThis wet, and b) outsiders think that Singapore is a progressive society, As such, it pleases me to no end that left-wing outlets have so far recognised the farcical nature of our Presidential Elections and chose not to mindlessly cover it to further their agenda.

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It is one of the worst kept secrets this year, where she decided not to say yes until everything has been sorted out (she had to talk to her family, residents, consider her existing duties etc etc).

It’s not like she can suka suka drop everything and go for the presidency, and if she loses, it’s not like she can just say “Can put me back as Speaker?” right?

So what other worst-er kept secrets did Halimah Yacob have that maybe you already knew (or can just pretend you did)?
  • Halimah Yacob’s a Malay (no, you don’t say!)
  • She was a lawyer who took companies to court over workers’ rights
  • She started working at 8 years old at an illegal pushcart
  • She studied at Singapore Chinese Girls’ School
  • She lives in a 5 room HDB flat in Yishun
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A doctor’s prescription on ‘who is a Malay’ could settle Halimah’s Malay credentials

Who is a Malay? The debate is still raging in Singapore with many disputing the Malay credentials of the PAP’s Presidential election’s candidate.

But a doctor’s prescription on who is a Malay in Malaysia could save Halimah Yacob the day in the court of the social-media haranguers.

The book A Doctor In The House could eventually settle the issue of ‘who is a Malay’ and could endorse Halimah’s Malay credentials

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International News Media:

The Economist: Only one Singaporean is fit to be president
Bloomberg: Singapore's First Woman President Moves Diversity Needle
Reuters: Spore names 1st woman president, raising eyebrows over election
Economic Times: Anger as Singapore gets first female president without a vote
CNN: How Singapore elected a president without a vote Singapore gets its first female president, though without an election
Mid-Day: Eyebrows raised over Singapore president election
Daily Times: Singapore gets first female president without a vote
The Hans India: Singapore gets first woman president without a vote
The Economist: Only one Singaporean is fit to be president
World Religion News: Singapore's First Female President will be Muslim
ExpressNews: Guardian: Anger in Spore after taking the first female president
Hi-tech Beacon: First Malay woman declared new president-elect of Singapore
Modern Diplomacy: Ms. Halimah Yacob – First female president of Singapore
Peace FM: 63-Yr-old Becomes Singapore's First Female President
Newsline: Halimah Yacob formally elected Singapore's first woman president
Pakistan Observer: Singapore's 1st female President sans voting
Greater Kashmir: Singapore gets its first woman Muslim president
Morocco World: Spore 1st Woman Muslim President 'Walkover' Election
Asian Herald: Indo-Malay origin Halimah becomes the 1st Woman President
Blasting News: Singapore elects its first woman president
Yahoo: PEC decision on Halimah's eligibility sparks #notmypresident hashtag
New York Times: Singapore Has a New President, No Election Needed
Gulf Times: Singapore's 'walkover' presidential election draws public criticism
Al-Arabiya: Halimah Yacob set to become Singapore's first female president
Netralnews: Singapore Sets to Inaugurate First Woman President Tomorrow
NextShark: Singapore is About to Elect Their First Female President
Vietnamplus: Former parliament speaker to become Sporean President
Coconuts: No voting required because only Halimah was certified to run
National Post: Only one candidate qualifies in Singapore presidential race
KSWeekly: Halimah Yacob Becomes Singapore's First Female President
ASEAN Economist: Singapore crowns president without vote
Yahoo: PEC decision on Halimah's eligibility sparks #notmypresident hashtag
Connected to India: Halimah set to become Singapore's first woman President
Netralnews: Halimah to Become Spore First President from Malay Ethnic
ThePrint: Singapore to get first woman president
StepFeed: Singapore just got its 1st woman president ... and she's a hijabi
Daily News & Analysis: Halimah becomes city-state's first woman president
Daily Pakistan: Singapore set to elect first Muslim female head of state
Yahoo: I want to be a unifying force, election or no election: Halimah Yacob
Borneo Bulletin Online: Halimah set to be Singapore's first female president
Jakarta Post: Presidential candidate runs unopposed in Singapore
Free Malaysia Today: Guan Eng hails Halimah for her achievement in Spore
The Star Online: Halimah Yacob set to be next Singapore's president
Nikkei Asian Review: Singaporeans miffed by 'reserved' presidential election
Jakarta Post: Presidential candidate runs unopposed in Singapore
Yahoo: Halimah set to become Singapore's first female president

A mockery of democracy in Singapore

The Speaker of Parliament Halimah Yacob joins residents of her Marsiling ward at the launch of their Orchid and Edible Gardens cum Hari Raya celebration. Photo: AFP
Meltwater, a global media monitoring house, found that 83% of social media users had a negative reaction to the election result, with only 17% positive. Singapore is one of the world’s most cyber-connected cities, with over 77% of the population active on social media

“It seems to me that the top government leaders have been going into overdrive, trying hard to convince Singaporeans that the elected presidency is an integral pillar of Singapore’s commitment to multiracialism,” said Sylvia Lim, chairman of the opposition Workers’ Party, in parliament. “The government now appears to be well-aware of the unhappiness on the ground caused by its maneuvers to install president Halimah.”

Others resented how the uncontested race perpetuated an unflattering stereotype that ethnic Malays are unable to succeed without state hand-outs and affirmative action policies. Singapore’s resident 3.9 million population, not including the expatriate population, consists of 74.3% ethnic Chinese, 13.3% ethnic Malays and 9.1% Indian, and 3.2% Eurasians and other groups, according to official census data.

Social media users questioned the three initial potential candidates self-professed ethnic origins from the Indian subcontinent, sparking the type of race-based mockery authorities have long suppressed and discouraged. Others claimed the episode revealed the PAP – which views itself as a guardian of the city-state’s delicate multiethnic balance – as playing racial politics.

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Halimah Yacob

Halimah was born on 23 August 1954 at her family home on Queen Street in Singapore, to an Indian father and Malay mother.

Her father was a watchman who died due to a heart attack when she was eight years old, leaving her and four siblings to be brought up by her mother. Her family was in poverty at the time of her father's death, and she helped her mother to sell nasi padang outside the former Singapore Polytechnic (now Bestway Building) along Prince Edward Road.

She attended Singapore Chinese Girls' School and Tanjong Katong Girls' School before graduating from the University of Singapore (now National University of Singapore) in 1978 with a Bachelor of Laws degree and was called to the Singapore Bar in 1981. She subsequently went on to complete a Master of Laws degree at the National University of Singapore in 2001.

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A look back at the 5 times Singapore Presidential Election was previously held
The four elected Presidents of Singapore: (from left) Ong Teng Cheong, S R Nathan, Tony Tan and Halimah Yacob. (FILE PHOTOS: Reuters)

Before presidential elections in Singapore were introduced following a constitution amendment in 1991, the city-state's Parliament was in charge of electing and appointing the country's head of state.

Four presidents were appointed in that manner: Yusof Ishak (1965 to 1970), Benjamin Sheares (1971 to 1981), Devan Nair (1981 to 1985) and Wee Kim Wee (1985 to 1993).

Following the constitutional amendment to allow the president to be elected via popular vote for a six-year term, Singapore has held five presidential elections prior to this year. Of those five elections, only two were contested, while the other three saw a presidential candidate being elected unopposed. Here's how the five previous presidential elections transpired:
  • 1993 Election - Candidates who applied for certificates of eligibility: Ong Teng Cheong, Chua Kim Yeow, JB Jeyaretnam, Tan Soo Phuan. Eligible candidates (percentage of valid votes): Ong Teng Cheong (58.69 per cent), Chua Kim Yeow (41.31 per cent). Candidate elected: Ong Teng Cheong.
  • 1999 Election - Candidates who applied for certificates of eligibility: S R Nathan, Ooi Boon Ewe, Tan Soo Phuan. Eligible/elected candidate: S R Nathan (unopposed)
  • 2005 Election - Candidates who applied for certificates of eligibility: S R Nathan, Andrew Kuan, Ooi Boon Ewe, Ramachandran Govindasamy Naidu. Eligible/elected candidate: S R Nathan (unopposed)
  • 2011 Election - Candidates who applied for certificates of eligibility: Tony Tan, Tan Cheng Bock, Tan Jee Say, Tan Kin Lian, Andrew Kuan, Ooi Boon Ewe. Eligible candidates (percentage of valid votes): Tony Tan (35.2 per cent), Tan Cheng Bock (34.85 per cent), Tan Jee Say (25.04 per cent), Tan Kin Lian (4.91 per cent). Candidate elected: Tony Tan.
  • 2017 Election - Candidates who applied for certificates of eligibility: Halimah Yacob, Mohamed Salleh Marican, Farid Khan, Shirwin Eu, Ooi Boon Ewe. Eligible/elected candidate: Halimah Yacob (unopposed)

2011 Singapore Presidential Election

Presidential elections were held in Singapore on 27 August 2011 after S.R. Nathan's term ended. Four eligible candidates were issued certificates of eligibility by the Presidential Elections Committee and were nominated on Nomination Day. The result was a victory for Tony Tan, who received 35.20% of the vote. Tan was sworn in as the seventh President of Singapore on 1 September 2011.

Results of the 2011 Presidential elections:
  • At 8.00 pm, polling stations closed and ballot boxes were then sealed, and delivered to counting centres. The first candidate to concede defeat was Tan Kin Lian at about 10.30 pm local time, around two and a half hours after polls closed. He added he might not get his deposit of S$48,000 back but the experience of running the race has been useful. He said he was somewhat disappointed, but he believed he had put up a good fight and expected to do much better. He made a hint of the result by saying it "will be a tough fight between the top two candidates". When asked who the top two candidates were, Tan declined to comment.
  • At 1.19 am on 28 August, it was announced by the Elections Department that a recount of ballots would begin, as the top two candidates, Tony Tan and Tan Cheng Bock's votes had a difference of less than 2 percent. The Returning Officer "allowed the recounting of all votes cast" after the first tally showed they were less than two percent apart, per the statement.
  • At 4.23 am SST, the results were released by Returning Officer Yam Ah Mee at the Elections Department at Prinsep Street.
  • Result for the presidential election 2011. Tan Cheng Bock, 737,128 votes (34.85%). Tan Jee Say, 529,732 votes (25.04%). Tony Tan Keng Yam, 744,397 votes (35.19%). Tan Kin Lian, 103,931 votes (4.91%). Rejected votes, 37,826. Total votes cast, 2,153,014. The local votes counted are conclusive of the results. Pursuant to Section 32, Subsection 8D, Paragraph A of the Presidential Elections Act, I declare Tony Tan Keng Yam as the candidate elected as the President of Singapore.
  • Tony Tan was declared president-elect with 35.19% of the votes, leading by a 0.34% margin ahead of Tan Cheng Bock, or 7,269 votes. Tan Kin Lian, who polled under 5% of the 2,115,188 valid votes cast, had his election deposit of S$48,000 forfeited.

1993 Singapore Presidential Election

Presidential elections were held in Singapore on 28 August 1993. The writ of election was issued on 4 August 1993, with the Nomination Day and Polling Day adjourned on 18 and 28 August 1993, respectively. Two candidates have their application for the Certificate of Eligibility Accepted.

The first candidate was a former member of the governing People's Action Party, Ong Teng Cheong was the Chairman of the People's Action Party and served as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Labour and was the Member of Parliament (MP) of Toa Payoh GRC between 1988 to 1993 and Kim Keat SMC between 1972 to 1988. He had resigned as Deputy Prime Minister and his role from the PAP before submitting his presidential eligibility forms. The second was Chua Kim Yeow who became the first Singaporean to be appointed accountant-general of Singapore succeeding a British accountant in 1961. He was a reluctant candidate and had to be persuaded by the Singapore Government to stand for the presidential election. The result was a victory for Ong Teng Cheong, who received 58.7% of the vote. Ong was sworn in as the fifth President of Singapore on 1 September 1993.

In January 1991, the Constitution of Singapore was amended to provide for the popular election of the President. The creation of the elected presidency was a major constitutional and political change in Singapore's history as, under the revision, the president is empowered to veto the use of government reserves and appointments to key Civil Service appointments. He or she can also examine the administration's enforcement of the Internal Security Act and Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act and look into investigations of corruption. By virtue of transitional provisions in the Constitution of Singapore, Ong's predecessor Wee Kim Wee exercised, performed and discharged all the functions, powers and duties of an elected president as if he had been elected to the office of President by the citizens of Singapore.


Public sector service requirement

The public sector service requirement is that the person has:
a.  held office for three or more years as Minister, Chief Justice, Speaker of Parliament, Attorney-General, Chairman of the Public Service Commission, Auditor-General, Accountant-General or Permanent Secretary;
b.  served for three years or more as the chief executive of an entity specified in the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution;
c.  served for three or more years in an office in the public sector for which the PEC must be satisfied, having regard to the nature of the office and the person’s performance, that he has the experience and ability comparable to a person who satisfies public sector service requirement (a) or (b). The PEC must also be satisfied that he has the experience and ability to effectively carry out the functions and duties of the office of President; or
d.  held office or served for two periods of at least one year each in any of the above-mentioned offices, and the two periods add up to three or more years in total.
Private sector service requirement

The private sector service requirement is that the person has:
a.  served as the chief executive of a company and the following four criteria are met:
i.  the person’s most recent period of service as the chief executive of that company, ignoring any period of service less than a year, must be three or more years in length;
ii.  the company must have, on average, at least $500m shareholders’ equity during the person’s most recent three-year period of service as chief executive;
iii.  the company must have, on average, made profit after tax for the entire period during which the person served as the chief executive; and
iv.  if the person has ceased to be the chief executive of the company before the date of the Writ of Election, the company must not have been subject to any insolvency event within three years of the person’s last day of service as the chief executive, or until the date of the Writ of Election, whichever is earlier;
b.  served for three or more years in an office in a private sector organisation and the PEC must be satisfied (having regard to the nature of the office, the size and complexity of the private sector organisation and the person’s performance in the office) that the person has the experience and ability comparable to a person who satisfies the criteria laid out in private sector service requirement (a). The PEC must also be satisfied that he has the experience and ability to effectively carry out the functions and duties of the office of President; or

c.  served for two periods of at least one year each in any of the above-mentioned offices, and the two periods add up to three or more years in total.


The President is the Head of State and hold office for a term of 6 years.

The President has two important roles - first, as a symbol and unifier of a diverse and multi-racial Singapore; and second, as a custodian of our nation's past reserves and the integrity of our public service.

The first Presidential Election was held on 28 August 1993.


Singapore's 8th & first woman President & first Presidential election reserved for Malays
Accordimg to a Geomancy Master, The Presidential Election polling day on Sep 23 is a special day:
  • 2 +3 = 5
  • 5 in Thai is "Ha" and in Malay is "Lima"
  • So, it is "Halima"
Hence "5 5 5" in Thai is "Ha Ha Ha"

Yusof Ishak (Appointed) Term of Office: 9 Aug 1965 - 23 Nov 1970
Benjamin Sheares (Appointed) Term of Office (3 Terms): 2 Jan 1971 - 12 May 1981
Devan Nair (Appointed) Term of Office: 23 Oct 1981 - 28 March 1985
Wee Kim Wee (Appointed) Term of Office: 2 Sep 1985 - 1 Sep 1993
Ong Teng Cheong (Elected) Term of Office: 1 Sept 1993 - 1 Sep 1999
S R Nathan (Elected Unopposed) Term of Office (2 Terms): 1 Sept 1999 - 1 Sep 2011
Tony Tan Keng Yam (Elected) Term of Office: 1 Sep 2011 - 31 Aug 2017
Halimah Yacob (Elected Unopposed) Term of Office: 14 Sep 2017 - 13 Sep 2023
Tharman Shanmugaratnam (Elected) Term of Office: 14 Sep 2023 - 13 Sep 2029