

Combating fake news in Singapore

Singapore prepares legislation to confront fake news by 2018
‘We will define what’s unlawful’

Singapore plans to introduce legislation to tackle fake news next year, Law and Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam said on Monday

“We will in the second half of this year consult with the stakeholders, the media, the legal profession, of course the internet companies, we have to work with them, and see what the contours or shape of the legislation ought to be,” Shanmugam told a forum on how to deal with fake news.

“Hopefully, we will have it in place next year or so,” he said in his opening address to the “Keep it real: truth and trust in the media” forum organised by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers and the local Straits Times newspaper.
The minister expressed concern about misinformation that exploits racial and religious divides in Singapore’s multi-racial society.

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Singapore's ‘Fake News’ Claim Used to Censor Free Press

“Fake news.” We heard it during the U.S. presidential election, and now there’s no escape. Donald Trump might have kicked off the habit of branding anything and everything he doesn’t like to hear in the media as fake news, but there’s no shortage of powerful people happy to jump on the bandwagon.

Singapore is no exception. Earlier this month Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam indicated that the government was looking into ways to deal with fake news, as well as false allegations against the police. If this comes to pass – and, considering Singapore’s political context and the ruling party’s parliamentary supermajority, it most likely will – it will be yet another layer of control and state intervention into free speech and discussion in the city-state.

It seems stupid to argue against something that purports to protect society from falsehoods and hoaxes, but when talking about fake news we cannot ignore issues of asymmetric access to information, skewed power dynamics, and education.

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Singapore Government Eyes New Laws to Combat Fake News
Fake news
Singapore is looking to join a team of nations trying to curb the spread of false information across social media through new legislation

Singapore is set to introduce a new law to force social media companies to remove misleading reports, according to a statement by Kasiviswanathan Shanmugam, the country's Law and Home Affairs Minister.

Speaking at the opening of "Keep it real: truth and trust in the media," a two-day forum dedicated to news credibility, Shanmugam said that the legislation will be introduced after consultations with various specialists. According to the minister, the spread of the fake information poses the serious threat of inciting hatred in Singapore's multi-racial and multi-religious society.

Shanmugam gave the example of somebody reposting a video of Pakistanis celebrating a cricket victory in the wake of the 2015 Paris terror attacks, changing the title and presenting it as if the video shows Muslims celebrating the massacre. "Five hundred thousand views within two hours, serious consequences, creates Islamophobia, makes people angry with Muslims," he said.

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Singapore aims to have legislation to tackle fake news in 2018

Singapore plans to introduce legislation to tackle fake news next year, Law and Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam said Monday.

"We will in the second half of this year consult with the stakeholders, the media, the legal profession, of course the internet companies, we have to work with them, and see what the contours or shape of the legislation ought to be," Shanmugam told a forum on how to deal with fake news.

"Hopefully, we will have it in place next year or so," he said in his opening address to the "Keep it real: truth and trust in the media" forum organized by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers and the local Straits Times newspaper.

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Shanmugam: Current law limited in dealing with fake news

Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam

As the scourge of fake news takes hold across the globe, S'pore is seriously considering how to deal with it.

Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam told Parliament yesterday: "They can cause harm to S'poreans, alarm to the public, emergency resources... to be diverted, and the reputation of businesses (and) people can be completely, unreasonably, unfairly damaged."

He mentioned misleading stories that were published ahead of Britain's Brexit referendum to fuel xenophobia and anti-immigrant sentiments.

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Should we have a law against fake news?
A WHOLE thicket of rules and regulations now govern the news media, from the dinosaur-era Newspaper and Printing Presses Act and Class Licensing to registration of websites

Then there are the unseen OB markers which shouldn’t be crossed even though your words don’t amount to anything criminal. Plus, there is the Sedition Act and the myriad clauses under the Penal Code which can land you in jail.

Now, we are awaiting proposed amendments to the Broadcasting Act, which is really two years late. The hope is that the promised consultation on the changes will materialise given that it will affect nearly everyone, both content producers and consumers.

So what is the Law ministry thinking about now since the Supreme Court has ruled that the Protection from Harassment Act doesn’t cover entities, and there’s some confusion over what should be done about “false statements”? In the aftermath of the judgment, its spokesman said that it will “study the judgment and consider what further steps it should take to correct the deliberate spreading of falsehoods”.

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Govt to Review laws to Tackle Fake News

The Government is looking to review its laws to strengthen its powers to better combat fake news as current laws are limited said Law and Home Affairs Minister K.Shanmugam in Parliament on Monday (3 Apr)

Responding to queries in Parliament on this issue, Minister Shanmugam shared that the announcement on the changes will be made once the reviews have been completed.

He added that a review was needed as fake news can have real consequences and can cause harm to innocent Singaporeans; unnecessary alarm to the public. As a result, emergency resources may have to be diverted from legitimate emergencies and the reputation of honest Singapore businesses may be unfairly damaged.

Best Antidote Against Fake News? Share the Facts!
Strategies to Tackle Fake News Underway

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Fake news tells more than just lies
Fake news tells more than just lies
Fake news is not a new phenomenon. Rumours of autism-causing vaccines and climate-change denial in pre-Internet days. Photo: Media Literacy Council

At the Committee of Supply (COS) debate earlier this month, several Members of Parliament (MPs) expressed concerns over the rise of fake news, noting that it may have influenced voter behaviour during the Brexit referendum & the 2016 United States Presidential Election.

MP Ong Teng Koon (Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC) also said that fake news has the potential to strain ethnic and religious fault lines in Spore’s multicultural society.

Fake news hinders people’s ability to make informed decisions, potentially causing them to act on false information.

Most S’poreans concerned about fake news: BBC study
Can governments stop fake news?
Fake news tells more than just lies
Laws tackling fake news to be introduced next year: Shanmugam
Facebook adds tips for spotting 'fake news'
Fake news travels fast in India via WhatsApp
Spread of falsehoods ‘more serious now’ because of online, social media
New laws on fake news to be introduced next year: Shanmugam
Govt ‘seriously considering’ how to deal with fake news: Shanmugam

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Can governments stop fake news?

Fake news is in the news, again. This time it is mostly about governments planning to introduce new laws and penalties to stop their spread.

The German authorities are targeting Internet giants like Facebook, and plan to require them to take action against fake news posted on their sites failing which fines of up to 500,000 euros can be imposed.

In Britain, there is a parliamentary committee looking into the issue. The Singapore Government announced last month it is studying the matter and looks likely to introduce new laws. Why are governments stepping in, and will they succeed?

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Bad news for fake news

The number of fake news trending in Singapore has increased lately, but are we able to detect them?

Fake news have caused much concern among Singaporeans over the years. The good news is; it may soon be a thing of the past.

On Apr 3, Law and Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam announced in Parliament that the government is reviewing ways to deter fake news, as the current laws are limited in dealing with the growing problem.

Currently, it is an offence under the Telecommunications Act to share a message that you know is false. Offenders can be fined up to $10,000, jailed for three years, or both.

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Fake news alert: What happens to your CPF savings when you pass away?

If you have received a message or seen on social media recently that your CPF savings will be transferred to your nominee's Medisave account by default when you die - it's not true., the official online communication platform & repository of the S'pore Government, said "there is absolutely no basis to this rumour" in a post on their website today.

The message has been making its rounds on WhatsApp, SMS & social media.

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Fake news alert: Singapore man slept with 57 women in one day?

Many people went wow when they read the jaw-dropping news, but it's probably an internet hoax penned by an overly imaginative person who had nothing else better to do.

The questionable article about the amazing feat of a 34-yr-old Singapore man smashing the world record for sleeping with 57 women within a span of 24 hours has been making its rounds online since last week.

Many people and the tabloid media fell for it even though the report by a little-known website called Herald Europe was riddled with gaping holes.

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Keep it Real: Truth and Trust in the Media

The rise of fake news has become a pressing danger ​to modern societies. This timely two-day event brings together policymakers, news industry players and other stakeholders to explore concrete initiatives designed to fight the spread of misinformation in Asia.

From deliberate hoaxes created to cause mischief or make money, to media outlets re-circulating unverified or erroneous content, the misinformation ecosystem can take ​on ​many different faces. Often​, ​people may not even know they are being exposed to ​questionable ​facts.

News media, in cooperation with tech companies, universities, foundations and civil society, can turn ​this challenge into an opportuni​ty​​ to improve their journalism practices in the social media era, strengthening their credibility and ​serving their communities better.

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New legislation to combat fake news likely to be introduced next year: Shanmugam

New legislation to tackle fake news is likely to be introduced next year, said Home Affairs & Law Minister K. Shanmugam on Monday (Jun 19).

He said the Government has to maintain a strong climate of trust, & be able to counter misinformation spread online as well.

The authorities must be equipped to deal with current challenges, he said, adding that society, the media and Internet companies also have a role to play.

Government to review laws to tackle fake news
Many Singaporeans concerned about fake news

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Former ISD detainee responds to govt's intention to curb "fake news"

I squirmed when I read about the government’s “concern” and expression of intention to enact laws to fight fake news (The New Paper of 17 April 2017). The two experts consulted by the government on how to deal with fake news should go back 30 years ago and they will know all about fake news published by the Singapore government through its mouthpiece The Straits Times.

Just read the headline on the front page of The Straits Times of 22 May 1987: “ISD detains 16 for communist links”.

Can you imagine the reaction of my family, friends, judges and colleagues in the legal profession had been when they read the terrible headline on the morning of the day after my arrest?

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Most S’poreans concerned about fake news: BBC study

Over 80 per cent of Singaporean news consumers are concerned about fake news, the highest among the five countries surveyed by BBC Global News.

Commentators said Wednesday (May 24) the figure was not surprising, given that many Singaporeans consume news via social media, which is laden with dubious articles. The fact that people are concerned about the accuracy of what they are reading is welcome, they added, as it shows that news consumers are guarding themselves from being swept away by fake news.

The study, titled The Value of News — and the Importance of Trust, found that 84 per cent of Singaporeans surveyed expressed concern over fake news, with India coming in a close second at 83 per cent, followed by Hong Kong (77 per cent), Malaysia (76 per cent), and Australia (72 per cent).

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Fake News Also a Growing Worry in Singapore

An independent study conducted by Blackbox Research revealed that many Singaporeans are concerned about fake news, especially online and on social media sites. About 42% of all Singaporeans polled commented that they regularly wonder if the news they read online is true or false.

The proliferation of fake news also worries Singaporeans. Around 61% of those polled say they worry about reading fake news online to “some” extent, with one-third of them concerned about fake news “a lot”.

Nearly half of the survey population (47%) believe that at least “some” of the local news on social media is fake. Mainstream media news sites such as SPH, MediaCorp and Yahoo are seen as being far less likely to publish fake or misleading news compared to emerging online news outlets.

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Fake news
Three running men carrying papers with the labels "Humbug News", "Fake News", and "Cheap Sensation".
Reporters with various forms of "fake news" from an 1894 illustration by Frederick Burr Opper

Fake news is a type of yellow journalism that consists of deliberate misinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional print and broadcast news media or online social media. Fake news is written and published with the intent to mislead in order to gain financially or politically, often with sensationalist, exaggerated, or patently false headlines that grab attention. Intentionally misleading and deceptive fake news is different from obvious satire or parody. Fake news often employs eye-catching headlines or entirely fabricated news stories to increase readership, online sharing and Internet click revenue. In the latter case, it is similar to sensational online "clickbait" headlines and relies on advertising revenue generated from this activity, regardless of the veracity of the published stories. Fake news also undermines serious media coverage and makes it more difficult for journalists to cover significant news stories.

Easy access to online advertisement revenue, increased political polarization, and the popularity of social media, primarily the Facebook News Feed, have all been implicated in the spread of fake news, which have come to provide competition for legitimate news stories. An analysis by Buzzfeed found that the top 20 fake news stories about the 2016 U.S. Presidential election received more engagement on Facebook than the top 20 news stories on the election from 19 major media outlets.

Anonymously-hosted fake news websites lacking known publishers have also been credited, because they make it difficult to prosecute sources of fake news for libel. The relevance of fake news has increased in a post-truth political reality. In response, researchers have explored the development of a psychological "vaccine" to help people to detect fake news

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What to do about fake news?

The scourge of fake news is a rather recent phenomenon that has serious ramifications for governance and the general well-being of citizens. Misinformation spread online through social media channels and Whatsapp are usually malicious in nature, calculated to undermined trust in the media and government, spread fear and panic, and sometimes simply to make money by garnering eyeballs. In some instances, fake news can even endanger lives.

What is the definition of fake news? There is no universally accepted definition and there are some concerns that governments or politicians may use the term loosely to label any unfavourable news as fake news. Wikipedia defines fake news as a type of yellow journalism that consists of deliberate misinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional print and broadcast news media or online social media.

Minister for Law K Shanmugam took a shot at providing some clarity on this hot potato at the “Keep It Real: Truth and Trust in the Media” Forum on 19 June 2017. Clearly, fake news is not just confined to Singapore as he listed many overseas examples and noted how the EU, Germany, Israel and the UK are all studying ways to stem the flow of fake news.

Fake News – Should We Strengthen Laws?
Fake news, or pure lazy writing?

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Full Coverage:

The Problem With 'Fake News' – Tablet Magazine
Fake news is a problem for the left, too - New Statesman
Getting to the root of the “fake news” problem means fixing what's
Facebook, Google Can't Solve Fake News Problem Alone
Why fake news is a tech problem | Computerworld
The Fake News Problem in One Chart - Visual Capitalist
Can 'only education' solve the fake news problem? - USA Today
How Fake Fixes To Fake News Could Lead To Real Problems
Fake news: What is it? And how to spot it - CBBC Newsround
What is “Fake News” and How Can You Spot It? - Health Talk
Forget fake news. The bigger problem is misleading news
BBC: Future Lies, propaganda & fake news: A challenge for our age
Solving the Problem of Fake News | The New Yorker
Is 'fake news' a fake problem? - Columbia Journalism Review
Will Facebook's Journalism Project Really Solve The Fake News
With "Fake News," Trump Moves From Alternative Facts To Alternative
UK Government seeks to tackle the “fake news” problem | Global law
What is fake news? Its origins and how it grew in 2016 - Telegraph
Fake news website - Wikipedia
Fake news website created to test Donald Trump supporters' gullibility
Prankster Creates Fake News Website And Fools Trump Supporters
The Internet Made 'Fake News' a Thing—Then Made It Nothing
What is fake news, what are Facebook and Google doing about it
Facebook promised to tackle fake news. But the evidence shows
Whoopi Goldberg Shreds Man Who Created 'Fake News' Story
CNN reporter is caught up in 'fake news' row after being - Daily Mail
What to Do About Fake News, Fake Apps and Fake Government
Facebook decides fake news isn't crazy after all. It's now a real
Government 'seriously considering' how to deal with fake news
Many Americans Believe Fake News Is Sowing Confusion
Social media, politicians and the public all called upon to help prevent
Dealing with the Problem of Fake News | HuffPost
The compound problem of fake news | Victoria University of Wellington
Fixing Fake News Won't Fix Journalism – Backchannel
Fake news: internet has turned an age-old problem into a new threat
Fake news tells more than just lies - TODAYonline
Never Forget When Mark Zuckerberg Tried to Bury the Fake News
Fake news and the spread of misinformation - Journalist's Resource
Google's asking you for some help to fix its 'fake news' problem
Is Fake News a Solvable Problem? - MediaShift
Our problem isn't 'fake news.' Our problems are trust and manipulation
The Fake News problem in India can get out of hand if not controlled
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong: how the 'fake news' problem
France has a fake news problem, but it's not as bad as the US
Bitcoin's fake news problem | FT Alphaville
Why Fake News is a real PR problem | FleishmanHillard in S Africa
Is social media the cause of fake news— or the cure? - MisinfoCon
The man who created the fake Tube sign explains why he did it
Fake news website starts as joke, gains 1 million views within 2 weeks
Facebook creates 10 commandments for spotting fake news
Fake it to Make It Game
CNN Caught Literally Creating Fake News | Dan O'Donnell
Fake news makes the headlines - Ebuyer Blog -
SHOCK VIDEO: CNN Creates #FakeNews in London Following Terror
Tapper: Flynn, Sessions created fake news - CNN Video - CNN
What Is Fake News? - "Fake News" - LibGuides at Harrisburg Area
Google and Facebook Can't Just Make Fake News Disappear
Fake News Challenge
Is social media the cause of fake news— or the cure? - MisinfoCon
It's up to you, yes you, to stop fake news,Opinion News top Stories
How to solve Facebook's fake news problem:experts pitch their ideas
Can the 'fake news' problem be solved? - Brooklyn
Tim Cook: fake news is 'one of today's chief problems' - The Verge
Fake news is a problem for the left, too - New Statesman
Solving the Problem of Fake News – Soapbox – Medium
Facebook's Fake-News Tips Mostly Just Muddle the Problem
Facebook Update Deals with Fake News Problem
'Fake news' highlights much bigger problems at play | IntLawGrrls
The Problem With The War On Fake News | HER Magazine
Answer to populist politics and fake news might lie in public service
CNN Creates Fake News Story, Stages Pro-Muslim Demonstration
CNN Labels Susan Rice Surveillance Story as "Fake News Created
Fake News | HuffPost
Urban Dictionary: fake news
Tory MP candidate 'creates fake news' for campaign #GE17
The God of false things : How Arundhati Roy creates fake news
To promote film, 20th Century Fox created fake news sites with fake
Washington Post Creates Fake News Timed-Release Story Intended
Researchers Created Fake News. Here's What They Found
14 Fake News Stories Created or Publicized by Donald Trump
The Real Problem With Fake News - Derek Hunter - Townhall
How do you solve fake news problem in the post-truth era?
Visualizing The Fake News Problem | Zero Hedge
'Fake news' on the left — an emerging problem - Business Insider
What is fake news? Its origins and how it grew in 2016 - Telegraph
Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election: Stanford University
How can we combat fake news? – The role of platforms, media literacy
If you were asked to solve the 'fake news' problem, how would you
Is 'fake news' a fake problem? - Columbia Journalism Review
Our problem isn't 'fake news.' Our problems are trust & manipulation
Design Solutions for Fake News - Google Docs - Google Accounts
Internet Society on Fake News Problems and Solutions | Digidig
Is Fake News a Solvable Problem? - MediaShift
Can we solve America's fake news problem? A media expert's advice
Facebook, still fighting the fake news problem, is making another
Inquiry into Fake News - King's College London
Inside The Fake News Fight At Apple, Snapchat, Facebook, And More
How can Machine Learning and AI help solving the Fake News
Global problem: Fake News problem. Solve it or die trying | Elias
The Problem With 'Fake News' – Tablet Magazine
Facebook rolls out its solution to fake news - Business Insider
How do you solve a problem like Fake News? Wells Haslem Mayhew
Why fake news is a tech problem
How do we solve the problem of Fake News?
How to fix the fake news problem -
How the Fake News Problem Affects Social Media Marketing
How can Machine Learning and AI help solving the Fake News
The Fake News Problem in Corporate America Ethical Investigator
Trump claims 'fake news media' not reporting Swedish immigration
How the Fake News Problem Affects Social Media Marketing
Is Fake News the Problem or Are We? | HowStuffWorks
Tackling the Problem of Fake News | RPC
Fake News and Public Affairs: It's not just a PR problem | Julia Ruiz
Fake news: an insidious trend that's fast becoming a global problem
The Problem with Fake News... ;) - Daily Kos
Apple CEO Tim Cook Takes a Stand Against Fake News Debunking
Fake News Fooling Millions! - Upfront Magazine - Scholastic
Can we solve America's fake news problem? A media expert's advice
Column: Can librarians help solve the fake news problem? | PBS
Fake News Is Unbelievably Cheap to Produce - MIT Techno Review
How real is the fake news problem? - Mumbrella
Fake News: Why Mainstream Journalism Is Often Part of Problem
Getting real to problem of “fake news” MKC Communications blog
Fake News Is Not the Only Problem – Data & Society: Points
Why fake news is a bigger problem for Google than Facebook
The global state of fake news in 5 charts - Digiday
Did Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg Coin The Phrase 'Fake News'?
BBC - propaganda and fake news: A challenge for our age
Ethics in the News - Fake News and Facts in the Post-Truth Era
CNN creates fake news/propaganda in Britain - YouTube
16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won
Fake News Is About to Get Even Scarier than You Ever Dreamed
Social Media and Fake News in the 2016 Election - Stanford Uni
How Russia Weaponizes Fake News - Foxtrot Alpha - Jalopnik
Canadian brewer creates the beer we all deserve: Fake News
The BBC and their Fake News Problem | Bifurcated Carrots
The Fake News Factory - lumio
The U.S. Media's Problems Are Much Bigger than Fake News
Is Fake News a Machine Learning Problem? Approximately Correct
Off the Record: How should we tackle the fake news problem?
How do you solve a problem like Fake News? - Wells Haslem Mayhew
The Fake News Machine: How Propagandists Abuse the Internet
Fake News: Not A Problem When It Comes To Fluoride
The Real Problem with Fake News? Citizen Stupidity | Vanity Fair
Facebook's fake news problem, explained - Vox
Evaluating Sources in a 'Post-Truth' World: Ideas for Teaching
Fake news isn't the problem: Advertising is. – ART + marketing
Solutions that can stop fake news spreading - BBC News - BBC
Solving the Problem of Fake News | The New Yorker
Facebook, Google Can't Solve Fake News Problem Alone | Fortune
How Fake Fixes To Fake News Could Lead To Real Problems
Can 'only education' solve the fake news problem? - USA Today
Facebook Has One Chance To Solve Fake News - Forbes
Will Facebook's Journalism Project Really Solve The Fake News
How do you solve fake news problem in the post-truth era? New Atlas
Dealing with the Problem of Fake News | HuffPost
This is how you stop fake news - The Washington Post
New laws on fake news to be introduced next year: Shanmugam
New legislation to combat fake news likely to be introduced next year
Laws tackling fake news to be introduced next year: Shanmugam
Government to review laws to tackle fake news: 10 instances of fake
New legislation to combat fake news likely to be introduced next year
New laws on fake news to be introduced next year: Shanmugam
Government 'seriously considering' how to deal with fake news
Laws tackling fake news to be introduced next year: Shanmugam
Fake news tells more than just lies - TODAYonline
Fake News | All Singapore Stuff - Real Singapore News
Singapore minister K Shanmugam calls out “fake news” sites
Fake News | S.U.R.E. - National Library Board
New laws against fake news to be introduced in 2018: Shanmugam
Fake news alert: What happens to your CPF savings when you pass
Fake news alert: Singapore man slept with 57 women in - AsiaOne
New Nation | 50% real news
Singapore Stuff & States Times Review are fake news - Mothership
Fake news alert: Singapore man slept with 57 women in one - Stomp
Former ISD detainee responds to govt's intention to curb “fake news”
Bad news for fake news - Youth.SG
Laws to tackle fake news in the works, Latest Singapore News
Fake news is an issue in Singapore too -... - The Straits Times
Singapore Law Watch - Most S'poreans concerned about fake news
Shanmugam: Law to be introduced next year to combat fake news
Singapore aims to have legislation to tackle fake news in 2018
Best Antidote Against Fake News? Share the Facts! | REACH
Fake news tells more than just lies - NUS
Singapore aims to tackle fake news - Regional | The Star Online
Singapore Government Eyes New Laws to Combat Fake News
Singapore prepares legislation to confront fake news by 2018
Pay $125 for Straits Times' event to “fight fake news”The Independent
Fake News Also a Growing Worry in Singapore - Blackbox Research
New laws to tackle fake news to be introduced next year: Shanmugam
Wake Up Singapore / All Singapore Stuff spreading fake news
Social Media And 'Fake News': Impact On Social Cohesion
Singapore to introduce legislation to tackle fake news: minister
It is not easy to combat fake news - Five Stars And a Moon
BBC survey confirms Fake News is rampant in Singapore
5 Digital Bites b/f Breakfast: Fake News, Chatbots, Wifi Trash Bins
Computerworld Singapore - Fake news fallout: Facebook starts asking
Oral Answer by Minister for Law, Mr K Shanmugam, to Parliamentary
Shanmugam sets out strategies in battle against fake news
Fake news alert: Singapore man slept with 57 women
Fake news alert:What happens to yr CPF savings when you pass away?

"Can we love our Country and fear at the same time?”
Facebook gives way to Singapore’s ‘fake news’ law
POFMA fake news law invoked for first time
PM Lee: “POFMA would catch you!”
K Shanmugam to ‘Ah Lian’: POFMA is like a Torchlight
Singapore's fake news law passed
Singapore introduces anti-fake news law
Singapore PM sues online editor
Singapore PM threatens online editor with libel
PM Lee sues Blogger for sharing article
MDA tells The Online Citizen to register under Broadcasting Act To Register Under Broadcasting Act
Blogger asked to remove defamatory post about PM Lee
Why is Facebook in trouble?
The 'Dr Mahathir-Activists KL Meeting' Saga
States Times Review to shut down
Thumping of PJ Thum over ‘fake news’ hearing
Parliamentary committee on Fake News
Law to combat fake news to be introduced next year
Combating fake news in Singapore

Fakes and Frauds
Singapore public servants' computers no Internet from May 2017