

The famiLEE feud: "Past three days"

June 14, about 2:10am – “We do not trust Hsien Loong”
Mr Lee Hsien Yang and Dr Lee Wei Ling publish their damning joint statement on their respective Facebook pages. PM Lee is unfilial, self-serving, and “has deliberately misrepresented Lee Kuan Yew’s clear intentions” to demolish the family house on Oxley Road for PM Lee’s personal political agenda, said his siblings. Added the younger Lees: “We do not trust Hsien Loong as a brother or as a leader. We have lost confidence in him.” The statement also painted PM Lee’s wife, Ms Ho Ching, as a power hungry matriarch who had too much influence on civil servants.

June 15, around 12:20am – Wei Ling rubbishes Cabinet Secretary’s comments
“Private family matters don’t involve setting up secret committees of ministers to get your way. There is no way that this committee was set up without LHL’s [Lee Hsien Loong’s] tacit consent and approval.” Said Dr Lee in a Facebook post. She was responding to the Cabinet Secretary’s statement that PM Lee had recused himself from the Committee.

June 16, around 3:40am – Li Shengwu: “The country must be bigger than one family.”
Mr Hsien Yang’s son, Mr Li Shengwu said in a Facebook post: “Today we are going to learn… whether [as I hope] the ruling party is still full of men and women of quality and strong character.”

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The Lee Family Saga — The Full Timeline Of Events

14 June, Tuesday, 2:20am (Lee Wei Ling and Lee Hsien Yang)
LWL and LHY stated they had lost all faith in PM Lee’s abilities to govern Singapore

15 June, Wednesday, 12:19am (Lee Wei Ling)
She explained that due to this alleged act, this incident cannot be chalked up as a “private family matter”.

16 June, Thursday, 3:44am (Li Shengwu)
LHY and Fern’s son, Li Shengwu, also quipped in by claiming that he had no interest to enter politics and also opined that it would not be in the nation’s best interests for a third generation member of the family to do so.

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The Mystery of Lee Kuan Yew’s Last Will – A Summary of Three Plot Twists
So, after two days of some intense back and forth exchanges, it appears that the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s last will is the crux in the whole not-so-private familee matter surrounding the Lee family home at 38 Oxley Road

In particular, paragraph 7 of the last will – which relates to LKY’s wish to have 38 Oxley Road demolished after his death, or after his daughter Lee Wei Ling moves out.

There were three plot twists in rapid succession – more pattern than your Korean/Hong Kong/Taiwanese dramas. Here’s what happened:

Plot Twist 1
Earlier on 15 June, PM Lee Hsien Loong publicly revealed that his sister-in-law, Lim Suet Fern, had mentioned that LKY asked her to prepare his last will
Plot Twist 2
Following PM Lee’s open expression of doubt, Lee Hsien Yang responded with some assertions of his own too.
Plot Twist 3
On 17 Jun, CNA reported that the Lee’s cousin, Kwa Kim Li (yes, the person who Lee Hsien Yang said was the one that drafted LKY’s last will) denied drafting it.
[UPDATE] Plot Twist 4
Lee Hsien Yang responded. He said that LKY’s final will was LKY’s first version of the will (with the demolition clause for 38 Oxley Road) re-executed on LKY’s instructions.

Lee Family Saga: More drama and dirt
Familee Feud: Three observations
Lee Wei Ling and Lee Hsien Yang wrote a public letter about PM Lee at 2am

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Singapore has prevailed through crises and adversity. We are a hardy people, built our family and nation from humble beginnings. What is happening in public between Lee Kuan Yew’s children is not us and should not be allowed to define who we are.

We are bigger than our troubles, stronger than our differences. Whatever damage Singapore may suffer, willfully inflicted or otherwise, I know Singaporeans will not lay meek. We will not be dragged down by a family’s petty disputes. We will always look forward, to fight real battles and create a better future for ourselves and our children.

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MParader Yesterday at 15:11

Singapore has prevailed through crises and adversity. We are a hardy people, built our family and nation from humble beginnings. What is happening in public between Lee Kuan Yew’s children is not us and should not be allowed to define who we are. We are bigger than our troubles, stronger than our differences. Whatever damage Singapore may suffer, willfully inflicted or otherwise, I know Singaporeans will not lay meek. We will not be dragged down by a family’s petty disputes. We will always look forward, to fight real battles and create a better future for ourselves and our children.

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MParader Yesterday at 15:11

Comments by Harry Yohanan

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The Independent Singapore Page Liked · 6 hrs near Singapore

"We have an understanding that if a minister is defamed and he does not sue, he must leave cabinet."

- Goh Chok Tong, Asiaweek, Dec 3, 1999

"What is happening in public between Lee Kuan Yew's children is not us and should not be allowed to define who we are. We will not be dragged down by a family's petty disputes."

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PM Lee caught between a rock and a hard place
What would Lee Kuan Yew have done?

Lee Kuan Yew would never have let an accusation of nepotism or abuse of power for personal gain go unanswered. He would sue the pants whoever dared make any of those allegations. Former Senior Minister Prof S. Jayakumar once explained Lee Kuan Yew’s practice of defamation suits like this:
“He (Lee Kuan Yew) is prepared for a robust criticism of his policies. He can be criticised for foolishness, maybe even for incompetence, for arrogance, but his red line was — not on reputation and integrity. So whether it’s opposition politician or any other source, if you allege his integrity, say corruption for example, he would want to demonstrate that that is a red line … He’s prepared to justify his record… (he wanted) establish a threshold here that you have people of integrity, including himself, in government, in Cabinet and they are prepared to defend the integrity.”
Indeed, PM Lee is no stranger to initiating defamation suits. Take Roy Ngerng for example. Roy Ngerng wasn’t someone who was particularly influential nor were the things he wrote widely read. And even those who read his stuff take it with enough salt to give you instant kidney failure. Yet, PM Lee though it necessary to sue Roy Ngerng. Why? Because if PM hadn’t done so, then there is a possibility that some foreign institutions (e.g. governments, MNCs) may actually believe that there is a nugget, however small, of truth in what Roy Ngerng had said.

And now, we have two of Lee Kuan Yew’s children accusing his eldest child, who also happens to be the Prime Minister of Singapore, of nepotism and abusing power for personal gain. PM Lee’s siblings are far more influential than Roy Ngerng. Surely their allegations must be met with an equally, if not more, robust response than Roy Ngerng’s. Surely, if we applied the same principle that Lee Kuan Yew held in similar instances, PM Lee needs to act decisively to publicly prove that those allegations are baseless.

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House of Lee feud takes on national significance

Where the allegations get murky and troubling is the contention of Wei Ling and Hsien Yang that PM Lee had used his position to settle a family fight by getting documents from Minister Wong, which were then handed to his personal lawyer, Lucien Wong, to bolster his case. Even worse was the innuendo that Lucien Wong was appointed the Attorney-General soon after the Oxley Road property dispute.

Specific allegations like these by Wei Ling and Hsien Yang go against the very heart of what Singaporeans believe their country stands for. It is a place that not just delivers economic growth but also has a system that is corruption-free and law-abiding. In one fell swoop, both of them have left the edifice that the first PM built, nurtured and  vigorously defended in ruins.

PM Lee cannot just deny the allegations and throw back more accusations. He has either to take his siblings to court or set up an independent panel to get to the bottom of this scandal. Both routes are not new in Singapore. Those who defamed political leaders have been sued till they lost their pants. Public inquiries, though rare, have been held with the one on the Little India riot taking place just three years ago.

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PM Lee’s claim is a ‘lie’ says Hsien Yang
In 2014, PM Lee sued blogger Roy Ngerng for making “false and baseless allegation” which constituted a very serious libel against him, disparaged him and impugned his character, credit and integrity

PM Lee also said in his first response that he will consider the matter further after he returns to Singapore this weekend. It is unclear if he would sue his siblings for defaming him.

This is not the first time PM Lee’s siblings challenged him. In April last year, Dr Lee Wei Ling called her elder brother a “dishonorable son” and alleged that he abused his power. PM Lee dismissed her allegations as being “completely untrue”, but he did not sue for defamation.

In 1999, Asiaweek in publishing an interview with Singapore’s former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong, quoted him saying why it was important for Cabinet Ministers to sue those that defamed them, and that those that don’t sue must leave the Cabinet.

Dr Lee chides PM Lee for being “mischievous and dishonest”
Mr Yang asked, “we thought this was a “private family matter?”
Has Lee Hsien Yang's wife taken sides with Dr Lee
Don’t listen to LKY. Save his house
PM Lee claims that he had “serious questions” about Lee Kuan Yew
Hsien Yang ups the ante on dispute with elder brother
Lee Kuan Yew’s grandson backs-up statement on Lee Hsien Loong
My siblings’ statement has hurt our father’s legacy: Prime Minister

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What about those who say you use the judiciary to silence critics?

"That's nonsense. What are these critics? There are many critics of the PAP in Singapore. They are not all hauled up before the judiciary. Political opponents, so long as they keep within the law, don't need safeguards. They do not have to appear before the judiciary. But if they've defamed us, we have to sue them -- because if we don't, our own integrity will be suspect. We have an understanding that if a minister is defamed and he does not sue, he must leave cabinet. By defamation, I mean if somebody says the minister is on the take or is less than honest. If he does not rebut it, if he does not dare go before the court to be interrogated by the counsel for the other side, there must be some truth in it. If there is no evidence, well, why are you not suing?"

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Minister K Shanmugam Sc:Criticise a minister but don't sling mud

"If you make a personal allegation of fact, if you say I took money, I am corrupt, I will then sue you and ask you to prove it. But if you say I am a stupid fool who doesn't know what I'm talking about, and the Government comprises ministers who don't know what they're talking about and you criticise every policy of the Government, no one can sue you," he said.

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We explain the Lee family saga like you’re 5 years old, because they seem to be acting like it

Plenty of people have been asking us for a TL;DR of PM Lee’s almost 4000-word essay, as well as his two siblings’ six-page statement that preceded it.

And plenty of people have also been rather confused by the very public back-and-forth bombs being dropped by Singapore’s most powerful family, even as the saga plays out for all of us to see on Facebook.

We’ve been tracking this here on, blow-by-blow, but we understand that’s because unlike most of you, we have nothing better to do we’re helpful that way.

Key changes of LKY’s 7 wills at a glance base on PM Lee’s statutory declaration
What happened on Dec 16 & 17 that made LHL question LKY’s final will
LHY reminds us: PM Lee's personal lawyer Lucien Wong now Attorney-General
LHY's son Li Shengwu backs dad's and aunt's statement on PM Lee & Ho Ching
Read the 3,882-word rebuttal from PM Lee to his siblings in full here
Lee Hsien Loong's son has just responded to this whole Lee family saga
Lee Hsien Yang & Lee Hsien Loong trading blows over Facebook
LHY wants to leave S'pore, publishes open letter with sister to criticise PM Lee

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Lee Hsien Yang is as politically astute as Lee Kuan Yew

Lee Hsien Loong has lost big this time, not only was his character compromised from his open ruthlessness against his own siblings, his government turned out to be a group of cronies doing his bidding.

The credit has to go to Lee Hsien Yang, who timed his responses very shrewdly, no less politically astute as his father Lee Kuan Yew.

Lee Hsien Loong want 38 Oxley Road to be Temple of Lee Kuan Yew
Confirmed Timeline of Demolition”
Lee Hsien Loong under “Statutory Oath”
LHL: I believe Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling fake my Father’s Last Will

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Li Shengwu: Does not intend to go into politics, and believes it is bad for Singapore if third-generation Lee went into politics

Li Shengwu, eldest son of Lee Hsien Yang and grandson of late Lee Kuan Yew has posted on his Facebook commenting that he has no intention of going into politics.

Sharing that he had given a statement to international news outlet, AFP, he stated that not only he intends never to go into politics, he believes that it would be bad for Singapore if any third-generation Lee went into politics and that the country must be bigger than one family.

He further wrote: Today we are going to learn a lot about the country of my birth. We are going to learn whether (as I hope) the ruling party is still full of men and women of quality and strong character, or whether "it is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!"

Why not just build the LKY memorial somewhere else?
Separating state issues from the gossip
Allegations by PM Lee’s siblings raise concerns regard present admin of S'pore
Open official inquiry to clear up all doubts on Lee family saga?
LHY: “We have no confidence in Lee Hsien Loong or his secret committee”
LWL out of Singapore, calls current PM unsuitable with his misuse of official power
Lee Hsien Yang and family making preparations to leave Singapore out of fear
Lim Tean: Duty of every Singaporean to stand up and speak up for Singapore

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Lee Hsien Loong Shoots Down Siblings’ Allegations with 4000-Word Statutory Declaration

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has hit back at allegations made by his siblings Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling regarding his supposed abuse of power and refusal to demolish their late father Lee Kuan Yew’s 38 Oxley Road house.In his response, PM Lee said that suspicions circumstances surround Lee Kuan Yew’s last will, and as such a ministerial committee is looking into these circumstances.

PM Lee also said that Lee Hsien Yang’s wife Lee Suet Fern prepared LKY’s last will, which contrary to previous wills, gave all 3 Lee siblings an equal share of the house instead of an extra share to Lee Wei Ling.

“LSF was involved in the preparation and/or signing of the Last Will, while her husband, LHY, was a beneficiary under the Last Will and stood to gain by the removal of LWL’s extra share in the Estate under the Last Will. It would appear that LHY felt very strongly about LWL not receiving an extra share, which explains why, in April 2015, he told me that there “would have been big trouble” if Mr Lee had not changed the will back to equal shares between the three children.” Lee Hsien Yang now wholly owns the 38 Oxley Road house.

Jeyaretnam: Will Taxpayers Made to Pay for LKY’s House if LHL Gets His Way?
Leaked Emails Show LHY’s Wife Helping Lee Wei Ling Obtain Her Inheritance
SDP Urges PM to Address Matters of National Concern Raised by Lee Siblings
LHL Accused of Distorting the Truth with Dishonest Cheating Allegations
Reporting on the famiLEE feud: Difference between State Media and Global Press
LWL: “If PM can Misuse His Power Abuse Siblings, What Else he do to Citizens?”
Lee Family Feud: LHL Denies Allegations, Says Siblings have Hurt LKY’s Legacy
Lee Family Feud: Siblings Accuse Hsien Loong of Abuse of Power and Nepotism

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Lee Hsien Yang Suggests Bad Things Have Happened To His Friends, Sheds Light On Statement

He explicitly stated that PM Lee is the sole reason for his departure, but what exactly has PM Lee has pushed him to such extreme thoughts of wanting to banish himself from Singapore shores? When pressed further by Yahoo Singapore, LHY mentioned some of his friends had been suffered “serious repercussions”.

He said: “They don’t want to be identified and they don’t want the issue to be raised. But there have been… a number of incidents which have caused hurt and pain to people.”

It seems as though close friends of LHY have been on the receiving end. While we don’t know the exact reasons why they have been targeted, these incidents have clearly left him shaken.

Foreign Media Focus PM’s Alleged Abuse of Power, Local Media 38 Oxley Rd
The Lee Family Saga Has Turned Into A Battle Of Lawyers Over The Last Will
The Lee Family Tree: Profiles Of Every Lee Member Involved In The Dispute
LKY’s Amazing Foresight Proven Again:Knew His House May Not Be Demolished
8 Differences In International & Local Media Reporting On Lee Family Dispute
LHY Alleges Difference In PM’s Actions In Public & In Private To Oxley Rd House
PM Lee’s Son Li Hongyi Announces He Has No Interest In Politics
LHY Suggest Bad Things've Happened To His Friends, Sheds Light On Statement
Lee Wei Ling Writes New Facebook Posts Clarifying The Reason For Going Public

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FamiLEE saga: Let a third party tell all

Much light can be shed if the mystery over the ministerial committee is answered. Besides Minister Lawrence Wong, who else is on it? Why was it set up when it looks likely that Dr Lee would live in it for some time? For some unfortunate, unforeseen incident? What are the representations that have been made and can they be made public? If the committee does come up with recommendations, will they be made public?

Why the need for such secrecy? If it has to do with the late Mr Lee’s legacy for Singapore, shouldn’t the public be privy to it too? The opacity over the committee’s work is what makes this famiLEE saga even more intriguing.

So let’s hear no more from either Lee side but from the G itself, the people in the mysterious committee. Who are you? What do you do? What have you concluded? This is no longer a famiLEE affair, nor should it be a state secret.

FamiLEE saga: The past three days (Jun 16)
FamiLEE saga: How LSF got LWL her inheritance, leaked emails (Jun 15)
FamiLEE saga: S'poreans react with confusion, humour and CSI skills (Jun 15)
FamiLEE saga: 38 Oxley Road-1 Parliament Place,not just family affair (Jun 15)
FamiLEE saga: Headlines around the world (Jun 15)
FamiLEE saga: Now about that mysterious ministerial committee (Jun 15)
Not just a famiLEE affair (Jun 14)
Third generation Lee weighs in (Jun 14)
“We do not trust LHL as brother or leader. We've lost confidence in him.”(Jun 14)
Mystery deepens over secret tapes of Lee Kuan Yew (Sep 30, 2016)
Time for the famiLEE to end the public spectacle (Apr 10, 2016)
Dr Lee Wei Ling gagged? (Apr 2, 2016)

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Oxley 38 is worth a lot of money now. Property consultants conservatively estimated it to be worth 24m in 2015. It is worth a lot more if the house is demolished, and then re-zoned for development. Maybe 4 times or more if one can build condos.

Ah Gong never cared for money. He didn’t even have a shower in the house. Mrs Lee repaired his jackets and shirts until they couldn’t be repaired anymore.

It will be deeply tragic if it’s because of money that the Lee family and Singapore gets hurt over this sorry saga.


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This FamiLEE feud shows no signs of slowing down. Indeed, we might just be seeing the beginning of what might be a long drawn out process of a family squabbling over inheritance, played out in the national interests. In fact, this drama is even causing ripples in the international media!

The latest salvo was fired by the younger brother. Lee Hsien Yang again took to Facebook, where this sibling rivalry have been played out, and questioned why the secret committed that PM Lee has revealed is uninterested in the slightest about exploring options for the house. They are, instead, focused solely on challenging the validity of the demolition clause in LKY's will.

Lee Hsien yang also questioned why this secret committee, which is made up of the highest paid ministers in the world, is required in the first place to challenge a clause reiterating this well-known and publicly stated wish of LKY. After all, the whole nation have heard and read about LKY's desire to demolish the house once he no longer resides there. He had made it clear before. So, what are these highly paid ministers debating about? The biggest question is, are these highly paid millionaire ministers are now required to settle family disputes too?


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FamiLEE saga: 10 things from the academic paper “When I’m dead, demolish it”

IS 38 Oxley road just a private residence or something more? Many people, including the G, think there is more to the house than just the place where the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew lived.

But many of us, it seems, are late in realising the significance of the house. Last year a thesis paper written by a then-graduate student at Columbia University, Ms Cherie-Nicole Leo, looked into the importance of the house and what it means for Singapore. We found this thesis publicly available online and thought that it was worth summarising. Here are 10 things we learnt.
  • The house isn’t just about Mr Lee Kuan Yew. It’s about colonial history and the foundation of his party.
  • It’s also a key narrative in PM Lee’s upbringing and political career
  • Mr Lee Kuan Yew has publicly expressed hopes for the demolition since 2011
  • There are competing “values” in deciding whether to preserve the house
  • Taken at face value, LKY’s Will may seem incongruous with the principles that he himself espoused
  • But upon closer look, his Will – while personal in nature – might not have been self-serving, as it was aimed at serving the collective national interest
  • There are indications he may have been open to a “surrogate” memorial
  • The outcome of reconciling the competing values has been falsely framed as a demolish vs. preserve dichotomy
  • A possible outcome – and the most effective in reconciling competing values – is the middle way of redevelopment with some form of preservation
  • Such a compromise had been suggested before – reproduced here

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“When I’m Dead, Demolish It”: Contradictions and Compromises in Preserving Values at Lee Kuan Yew’s Oxley Road Home

Since the death of Singapore’s founding prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew, on March 23, 2015, the fate of his house at 38 Oxley Road remains in question. In spite of its association to this seminal political leader and the fact that historic meetings that led to Singapore’s independence from British rule in 1959 were held in its basement dining room, heritage authorities and the Singaporean public are faced with a dilemma because Lee Kuan Yew had, on multiple occasions, expressed his wish to have the more-than-a-century-old colonial bungalow demolished after his passing and he had included this wish in his last will and testament.

This thesis uses the ongoing debate surrounding 38 Oxley Road as a case study. It aims to address how decision-makers in the heritage conservation field might more effectively negotiate the multiplicity of competing values ascribed to heritage sites in working toward a future common good. Through a discourse analysis, the thesis examines how a values-based approach to heritage conservation can serve as a basis for exploring more robust tools for decision-making through the adoption of a more future-looking, scenario-focused framework. In this way, heritage decision-makers are challenged to look beyond some of the field’s traditional paradigms, as reflective of the broad shift from more expert-driven materials-based approaches to more participatory and contextually aware values-based approaches. In line with a values-based approach that posits that the goal of heritage conservation is to preserve significance and not material for its own sake, this thesis shows how an assessment and prioritization of the broad range of values ascribed to a heritage site can expand the range of potential outcomes that may effectively transfer those values to future generations.

Acknowledging and understanding this spectrum of possible outcomes and evaluating their trade-offs can help to enhance the field’s capacity to creatively work out contradictions and reach compromises in its decisions. In doing so, heritage decision-makers can more effectively engage in dialogue with related planning and policy fields as they work toward shaping the collective future.

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Lee Hsien Yang Yesterday at 14:51

DPM Teo Chee Hean tells us that there was "nothing secret" about this committee. We recommend that he look up the definition of "secret" in a dictionary.


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The Lees of Singapore

It is no secret that a dynasty has emerged as the ruling force in Singapore. The Lee family (of former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and current Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong) is referred to as ‘the first family’ as a matter of routine in private conversation, though not usually in public. Power has already passed from father to son and now there is a generation of high-flying grandsons in the wings.

This article traces the establishment and consolidation of the Lee dynasty from the point in the early 1980s when Lee Kuan Yew emerged as the centre of all the significant power networks in Singapore, through to the consolidation of power in the hands of his son, Lee Hsien Loong, in 2011. In the process of doing this, it argues that despite official rhetoric that says that the country runs on the talent of the best and most talented men and women in the country, and the closely related myth that professionalism provides the basis of governance, the reality is that of rule by a family-based clique of confidantes and relatives.

There is a strong element of reality to both myths, but both elements are ultimately subordinated to and in the service of the forces of consanguineous and personal networks.

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LKY poked his nose into the business of others

Some Singaporeans posted responses to the prime minister’s statement on Facebook, urging him to sue his siblings for libel. Lee Hsien Yang says he is ready to face a lawsuit. He says the purpose of his statement was to make it harder to thwart his father’s wishes. But Lee Hsien Loong says it is his siblings’ airing of the family dispute that “has hurt our father’s legacy”.

In my view, what the dispute really hurts is his father’s sanctimony. He does not look holier than other people now. LKY poked his nose into the business of others, and tried to tell them what to do. He made it official policy for Singapore to sue opposition politicians and journalists who criticized him and his government with expensive lawsuits in his homecourt, in order to drive them to bankruptcy or to submission.

If Lee Hsien Loong sues his siblings to accomplish the same objective, he will drive Lee Kuan Yew’s legacy to disrepute and ridicule.

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Lee Hsien Yang 16 June at 16:09

Lucien Wong was LHL's personal lawyer, and now the Attorney General of Singapore

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Singapore Can Have Meritocracy or Aristocracy, But Not Both

The allegations kept coming over the next week, with Lee Wei Ling and Lee Hsien Yang taking turns firing shots from their Facebook pages.

They slammed a “secret committee” of ministers that had been convened to deliberate the handling of Lee Kuan Yew’s house, questioning the independence of a committee made up of their brother’s subordinates and claiming that it was a conflict of interest for Law and Home Affairs Minister K. Shanmugam to be part of the committee, since he had previously given them advice on the issue. They pointed out that Lee Hsien Loong’s personal lawyer, Lucien Wong, was made attorney general — an appointment that the mainstream press noted marked the first time a lawyer who had neither bench experience nor acted for the state in legal matters was given the position.

They asserted that Lee Hsien Loong had also circumvented the proper channels by using his position to obtain a copy of a deed of gift they had signed with the National Heritage Board for his personal purposes.

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Interesting facts about Attorney General Lucien Wong

Lucien Wong was PM Lee Hsien Loong’s personal lawyer and represented him during the dispute with his siblings over LKY’s estate. Shortly after the dispute started, he was nominated to become Attorney General (AG). The Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC), which Lucien Wong now heads, represented the Government and successfully fended off legal challenges by LKY’s estate.

Lucien Wong is the first ever AG to have no experience on the Bench, and to have never acted for the State in legal matters. He was a corporate lawyer. Lucien Wong was appointed AG at age 63, to replace V. K. Rajah, who had to retire at age 60. When asked about Article 35(4) of the Constitution, which states that the Attorney General shall hold office until he turns 60 years old, Law Minister Shanmugam argues that the Government can arbitrarily decide to appoint someone above the age of 60.

Lucien Wong spent 30 years in private practice, and was chairman and senior partner at top law firm Allen & Gledhill. Shanmugam was also a senior partner at the same firm for many years before entering politics. The role of ‘Deputy Attorney General’ was only recently created to reflect the “increasing volume and complexity of legal work of the Government”. Earlier this year, and for the first time ever, an ex-PAP MP, Hri Kumar was appointed the Deputy AG.

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Singapore’s A-G age issue: If you are good enough, are you young enough?

Attorney-General Vijaya Kumar Rajah celebrated his 60th birthday on the same day that Lucien Wong, a top corporate lawyer, succeeded him to become Singapore’s tenth attorney-general earlier this year.

The appointment of the 63-year-old Wong has not been without controversy due to his overly ripe age. Worker Party’s chairman and lawyer, Sylvia Lim, citing Article 35(4) of the Constitution, questioned the legality of his appointment. She says that the law, “does not seem to contemplate the appointment of a new attorney- general who is more than 60 years old to assume the post.”

K. Shanmugam, Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Law, answered, “All these appointments were in accordance with the Constitution, and the interpretation I put forward… is something we have confirmed with the Attorney-General’s Chambers.”

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Singapore “Parliament: Shanmugam, Sylvia Lim clash over age of incoming Attorney-General”

Law Minister K. Shanmugam and Workers’ Party chairman Sylvia Lim clashed in Parliament on Tuesday (Jan 10) over whether the incoming Attorney-General is older than the Constitution allows for.

Top corporate lawyer Lucien Wong, 63, will succeed outgoing Attorney-General V.K. Rajah on Saturday (Jan 14), the day that Mr Rajah turns 60. Ms Lim, who is an MP for Aljunied GRC and a lawyer, asked if Mr Wong’s appointment was in line with Article 35(4) of the Constitution, which governs the appointing of an Attorney-General.

It states that the Attorney-General, barring certain circumstances, shall otherwise hold office until he turns 60 years old. The law also states that an Attorney-General who is 60 and older can be permitted to remain in office for a period agreed upon by the Government and the Attorney-General.

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PM Lee’s Former Personal Lawyer Is Now Singapore’s Chief Legal Advisor

In the statement issued by Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling, a certain Lucien Wong made “spurious objections” when the duo agreed to a exhibition of 38 Oxley Road’s items, with the stipulation that Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s wish for the demolition of the house also be prominently displayed. The sentence immediately following that, is the confirmation that Mr Wong was working for his client, PM Lee Hsien Loong. Seems like a really odd thing to do. Usually, when people talk about others, current occupation typically slips the mind.

According to The Straits Times, Mr Wong begun his three-year term as Attorney-General on 14 Jan 2017. He is also noted for being the first ever AG that has never served as a judge, or spent time at the Attorney-General Chambers representing the state in legal matters. Until his appointment, Mr Wong spent time in banking, corporate, and financial services, as well as representing one particularly prominent individual.

Rather interestingly, the man Wong replaced, Mr V K Rajah, retired at 60 years old — upon reaching retirement age. Mr Wong, on the other hand, was a full 3 years older when he was appointed aged 63.

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Lee Hsien Yang reminds us: PM Lee’s personal lawyer Lucien Wong is now Attorney-General

Oh, and he also reminds us in this post that LHL’s then personal lawyer Lucien Wong is now the Attorney-General.

Lucien Wong was first mentioned in the joint public statement published by LHY and LWL on June 14.

It is not entirely clear why LHY wants to single out Lucien Wong’s role in this dispute, but it is certainly piquing everyone’s curiosity how this will continue to develop.

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6 interesting facts about Lucien Wong

The Lee’s have been issuing statements after statements centered on their father’s house at 38 Oxley Road. One key factor which stood out in one of Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling’s earlier statement was the detail about Lucien Wong.

Who is Lucien Wong?

  • Lucien Wong was PM Lee Hsien Loong’s personal lawyer and represented him during the dispute with his siblings over LKY’s estate.
  • Shortly after the dispute started, he was quickly nominated to become Attorney General (AG).
  • The Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC), which Lucien Wong now heads, represented the Government and successfully fended off legal challenges by LKY’s estate (see example: The Straits Times)
  • Lucien Wong is the first ever AG to have no experience on the Bench, and to have never acted for the State in legal matters. He was a corporate lawyer (see TODAY article)
  • Lucien Wong was appointed AG at age 63, to replace V. K. Rajah, who had to retire at age 60. When asked about Article 35(4) of the Constitution, which states that the Attorney General shall hold office until he turns 60 years old, Law Minister Shanmugam argues that the Government can arbitrarily decide to appoint someone above the age of 60. (more details at The Straits Times)
  • Lucien Wong spent 30 years in private practice, and was chairman and senior partner at top law firm Allen & Gledhill. Shanmugam was also a senior partner at the same firm for many years before entering politics.

[And Bonus Fact – not about Lucien Wong] - The role of ‘Deputy Attorney General’ was only recently created to reflect the “increasing volume and complexity of legal work of the Government”. Earlier this year, and for the first time ever, an ex-PAP MP, Hri Kumar was appointed the Deputy AG (see this TODAY article)

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Top corporate law honcho Lucien Wong is next Attorney-General
Top corporate law honcho Lucien Wong is next Attorney-General

After more than 30 years in the private sector, where he rose to the pinnacle of corporate legal work, Mr Lucien Wong, chairman & senior partner of Allen & Gledhill, will take over from Mr V K Rajah as the Republic’s chief prosecutor and principal legal adviser.

It marks the first time an Attorney-General (AG) has had no experience on the Bench, nor acted for the State in legal matters. Mr Rajah & six of his eight predecessors — with the exception of Mr Tan Boon Teik & Professor Walter Woon — served as judges. Mr Tan & Prof Woon both had stints as Solicitor-General in the AG’s Chambers (AGC).

The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) announced on Friday (Nov 25) that Mr Rajah’s term will end on Jan 14, when he reaches the retirement age of 60.

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Lee Hsien Loong 4 December 2015

My siblings, Dr Lee Wei Ling and Mr Lee Hsien Yang, and I have issued the following joint statement:
  • "To honour the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Mr Lee Hsien Loong and Mr Lee Hsien Yang have each agreed to donate half the value of 38 Oxley Road to the charities named in the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew's obituary notice.
  • Dr Lee Wei Ling and Mr Lee Hsien Yang would like to honour the wish of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew that the house at 38 Oxley Road be demolished after Dr Lee Wei Ling ceases to live in it.
  • Mr Lee Hsien Loong has recused himself from all government decisions involving 38 Oxley Road and, in his personal capacity, would also like to see this wish honoured.
  • Speaking as the children of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Mr Lee Hsien Loong, Dr Lee Wei Ling and Mr Lee Hsien Yang hope the government will allow the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew's wish for the demolition of the house to be honoured and that all Singaporeans will support their cause." 

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Half the value of Oxley Road house to be donated to charity

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has said on Facebook that he and his two other siblings Mr Lee Hsien Yang and Dr Lee Wei Ling would like to respect their father’s final wishes to demolish the Oxley Rd house.

Singapore’s founding father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, passed away on 23 March this year. The outpouring of grief by the young and old alike in Singapore was followed by calls to preserve the Oxley Road house which he lived in.

However, the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew was always adamant about having the house demolished after his passing and should his daughter Dr Lee Wei Ling no longer lived in it. Mr Lee Kuan Yew wrote this in his will:
"I further declare that it is my wish, and the wish of my late wife, KWA GEOK CHOO, that our house at 38 Oxley Road, Singapore 238629 (‘the House’) be demolished immediately after my death or, if my daughter, Wei Ling, would prefer to continue living in the original house, immediately after she moves out of the House. I would ask each of my children to ensure our wishes with respect to the demolition of the House be carried out. If our children are unable to demolish the House as a result of any changes in the law, rules or regulations binding them, it is my wish that the House never be opened to others except my children, their families and descendants. My view on this has been made public before and remains unchanged. My statement of wishes in this paragraph 7 may be publicly disclosed notwithstanding that the rest of my Will is private."
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Lee Kuan Yew’s family to donate the value of Oxley Rd house to charity
PM Lee Hsien Loong, Mr Lee Hsien Yang & Dr Lee Wei Ling reiterate their request that Singaporeans respect the wishes of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who passed away in March

"To honour the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Mr Lee Hsien Loong & Mr Lee Hsien Yang have each agreed to donate half the value of 38 Oxley Road to the charities named in the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew's obituary notice," wrote PM Lee. "Dr Lee Wei Ling & Mr Lee Hsien Yang would like to honour the wish of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew that the house at 38 Oxley Road be demolished after Dr Lee Wei Ling ceases to live in it.

"Mr Lee Hsien Loong has recused himself from all government decisions involving 38 Oxley Road and, in his personal capacity, would also like to see this wish honoured."

"Speaking as the children of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, Mr Lee Hsien Loong, Dr Lee Wei Ling & Mr Lee Hsien Yang hope the government will allow the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew's wish for the demolition of the house to be honoured & that all Singaporeans will support their cause."

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Lee Kuan Yew turning in his grave

A Filipino columnist for the Manila Times wrote that Lee Kuan Yew (LKY), the redoubtable Singaporean leader who had a penchant to hector other leaders and lecture the West about Asian values, must be turning in his grave.

He said while his – that is LKY – country is still up in the charts for sheer performance, the family he has left behind is being torn apart by a family feud. “His political dynasty may not be as cohesive or admirable as everyone supposed. “In my view, what the dispute really hurts is his father’s sanctimony. He does not look holier than other people now,” he wrote.

He said LKY poked his nose into the business of others, and tried to tell them what to do.

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"I will GET UP!"
The famiLEE tree
The famiLEE feud: PM Lee "I'm not sure that it is solved"
The famiLEE feud: AGC to start legal action on Li Shengwu for contempt
The famiLEE feud: AGC looking into FB post by Lee Hsien Yang's son
The famiLEE feud: Protest at Hong Lim Park
The famiLEE feud: Demolish the house, end the saga, let's move on
The famiLEE feud: LWL, LHY to stop presenting online evidence
The famiLEE feud: Lee Hsien Yang responds to Parliament Hearing
The famiLEE feud: Parliamentary Hearing on Oxley's Dispute
The famiLEE feud: PM Lee Hsien Loong's Ministerial Statement
The famiLEE feud: Why LHY is speaking up
The famiLEE feud: July 3 Parliament session a cover-up & whitewash?
The famiLEE feud: Not another minister on the Will again!
The famiLEE feud: Lee Hsien Yang & his wife in Hong Kong
The famiLEE feud: Rise of the 'First Lady'
The famiLEE feud: Govt 'Poking Nose' into Oxley's fate
The famiLEE feud: Will House Debate clear the air?
The famiLEE feud: PM apologises for family feud
The famiLEE feud: Singaporeans sick and tired of endless Oxley Rd allegations
The famiLEE feud: "Past three days"
The famiLEE feud: "Will of Wills"
Social Media on the Late LKY’s children Online Squabble
Online squabble about "Hero-Worship" of the late Lee Kuan Yew
Family feud over how to mark LKY's death spills out online
New Law to Protect Lee Kuan Yew's Name and Image
Govt rebuts Lawyer's comments on QFLP scheme
Li Hongyi & Li Shengwu: 2 latest Internet sensation from the Lee family
Remembering Lee Kuan Yew 2016
LKY Passing: Good Intentions Gone Wrong
PM broke down in Parliament talking about his Dad
A State Funeral Service held for Mr Lee Kuan Yew
Former PM Lee Kuan Yew in the limelight
Lee Kuan Yew passes away on 23 Mar 2015
Lee Kuan Yew – The Man and his Legacy
Lee Kuan Yew in ICU with severe pneumonia
The Battle For Merger
Happy 91st Birthday Lee Kuan Yew from Singapore!
Singapore's Founding Father Hospitalised
Lee Kuan Yew turns 90
Lee Kuan Yew hospitalised: Suspected Transient Ischaemic Attack
Lee & Lee - The job has changed
"One World's View Of The Man"
Lee Kuan Yew on death: I want mine quickly, painlessly
A Post-LKY Singapore?