

The famiLEE feud: July 3 Parliament session a cover-up & whitewash?

PM Lee using Parliament session to 'cover-up and whitewash' himself: Hsien Yang

A parliamentary session is not the correct forum for Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to answer the accusations that have been brought against him by his siblings, said his brother Hsien Yang.

In his latest Facebook post on Thursday (28 June), Hsien Yang insisted that there is “no promise of truthfulness due to parliamentary privilege” and claimed that it could be an opportunity “to continue to mislead or insinuate under this privilege”.

“We have serious concerns with Lee Hsien Loong’s attempt to cover-up and whitewash himself in Parliament on 3 July 2017. We believe that key issues such as his abuse of power will be simply swept under the carpet. The accused controls both process and outcome in this forum,” he said in the post.

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Lee Hsien Yang: Serious concerns with PM Lee’s attempt to cover and whitewash himself in Parliament on 3 July

Under the Parliament (Privileges, Immunities and Powers) Act, no Member shall be liable to any civil or criminal proceedings, arrest, imprisonment or damages by reason of any matter or thing which he may have brought before Parliament or a committee by petition, bill, resolution, motion, or otherwise or may have said in Parliament or in committee. "We believe that key issues such as his abuse of power will be simply swept under the carpet. The accused controls both process and outcome in this forum."

So far, many politicians and journalists have voiced their opinions, stating that the Parliament is not an appropriate forum to address the allegations put forth by the two siblings as they will not be allowed to present their side of the story in Parliament and the seriousness of the matter warrants a committee of inquiry to have the matter thoroughly scrutinised. The seriousness of the matter has even warranted the Public Service Division to carry out a poll to determine the damage on the trust of public institution. Over the past few days, several Ministers have voiced out to "clarify" the matter that LHY and LWL have brought up and seemingly limiting the discussion on the will of 38 Oxley Road instead of addressing the allegations of misuse of powers.

The typical modus of operation to deflect heat such in the case of AIM, Nassim Jade saga and other hot topics, is to have the PAP MPs take up bulk of the time in their speeches, insert some redundant questions that seem harmless, have the Minister to reply to the questions along with questions from the opposition Members of Parliament, so as to make their questions seem confrontational and then have the Minister attack the rational for asking such questions and challenge them to file a court complain if they are not convinced. The Speaker will then come in at the appropriate point and say end of question time and move on to the next point of the agenda. With how things are developing, it is very unlikely the matter can be resolved with just a statement from the PM on the coming 3 July.

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38 Oxley Road dispute: 'No confidence' that complete account will be told in Parliament, says Lee Hsien Yang

Mr Lee Hsien Yang said on Thursday (Jun 29) that he has "no confidence" that a "fair, transparent or complete account of events" will be told in Parliament when his brother, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong addresses the dispute involving their childhood home at 38 Oxley Road.

"Only his side of the story will air, with no promise of truthfulness due to parliamentary privilege," Mr Lee said on his Facebook page.

He added: "We believe that key issues such as his abuse of power will be simply swept under the carpet. The accused controls both process & outcome in this forum."

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July 3 Parliament session attempt by PM to ‘cover-up and whitewash himself’: Lee Hsien Yang
July 3 Parliament session attempt by PM to ‘cover-up and white-wash himself’: Lee Hsien Yang

Calling the Parliament session next Monday (Jul 3) an attempt by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to ‘cover-up & whitewash himself’, Mr Lee Hsien Yang said he has no confidence that a “fair, transparent or complete account of events will be told”.

In his latest Facebook post on Thursday (Jun 29), Mr Lee alleges the Parliamentary session is “yet another example” of PM Lee’s “misuse of position & influence to drive his personal agenda”.

He said the Parliamentary session places PM Lee before his subordinates, who lack the background & evidence of the “numerous instances of abuse and conflicts of interest”. He also noted that historically, few party Members of Parliament have dared to dissent even when the party whip was lifted.

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Lee Hsien Yang says PM Lee’s July 3 Ministerial Statement is another example of misusing power

Lee Hsien Yang, the key figure in the ongoing Lee Family saga that has bewildered Singaporeans for more than two weeks, has launched a pre-emptive attack on his brother, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong ahead his delivery of the ministerial statement in Parliament next Monday (July 3).

Keeping up with his routine of at least one Facebook post per day since the public spat broke out on June 14, Lee Hsien Yang declared in his latest post that he has “serious concerns” with PM Lee’s “attempt to cover-up and whitewash himself” in Parliament.

To Lee Hsien Yang and his sister, Lee Wei Ling, who is also embroiled in this long-running family feud, PM Lee’s statement will be yet another example of him misusing his position and influence to drive his personal agenda, despite his instructions that the Party Whip to be lift the Party Whip for the July 3 sitting.

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Lee Hsien Yang 1 hr

We have serious concerns with Lee Hsien Loong’s attempt to cover-up and whitewash himself in Parliament on 3 July 2017. We have begun to show evidence of his misuse of his position and influence to drive his personal agenda. This is yet another example.

This Parliamentary session is a forum that again places Hsien Loong before his subordinates. They lack both sufficient background and evidence of the numerous instances of abuse and conflicts of interest, many yet to be raised. Even before the session, many of them appear to have felt obliged to give him cover. Many MPs will fear career repercussions if they speak out against their superior. Historically, few PAP MPs have dared to dissent even when the party whip was lifted.

There will be no opportunity or adequate time for evidence to be properly drawn together, placed before Parliament, and considered. Nor will there be any opportunity for an examining body to properly probe explanations or excuses. A Parliamentary session is not the correct forum for investigations of this nature.

We have no confidence that a fair, transparent or complete account of events will be told: only his side of the story will air, with no promise of truthfulness due to parliamentary privilege. Indeed, it could also be an opportunity to continue to mislead or insinuate under this privilege.

We believe that key issues such as his abuse of power will be simply swept under the carpet. The accused controls both process and outcome in this forum.

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Singapore MPs must be tough in questioning PM Lee about family feud on 3 July

For that to happen, the MPs must:
  • IMAGINE that the 3 July sitting is happening in a court room, not a law-making chamber, and they are there as lawyers and representatives of the people, not lawmakers or party affiliates.
  • TELL yourself that you are responsible only to Singaporeans and by extension to Singapore.
  • DON’T make speeches, there is very little time for that. Instead, ask questions. Make the questions snappy and pointed.
  • REMEMBER to ask follow-up questions after the PM and his ministers have replied. The best responses come when you follow up with a question if you feel the PM or the ministers have not responded adequately or have given only half-answers. Spend some time watching how BBC and CNN journalists perform when they interview newsmakers.
Here is a sampling of the questions that can be asked:
  • Did you abuse your power? He is likely to say No. Jump in by asking pointedly: Is it true that you wanted the house preserved against Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s wishes for your own political gain? I know you have denied this accusation, but can you be more specific?
  • Why did your wife take items from the home without seeking the executors’ permission and why did she send them to the National Heritage Board under the name of Prime Minister’s Office? Isn’t this something she should not have done?
  • Can you tell us the circumstances under which Lucien Wong, who acted for you in the property dispute, was made the AG? Isn’t this a conflict of interest?
  • You said the accusations from your siblings are “mostly inaccurate”, which means some are accurate. What are these?
It is not just PM Lee and his siblings who are on trial. Singapore is also on trial. Now that the people and the country have been put through this harrowing experience, they need answers. They need closure. The burden is on the MPs to get to the truth. That is the least they can do for the nation.

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Singapore’s Establishment Tries to Wrest Back Control of Lee Family Feud

In his statement, Lee Hsien Loong referred to the making of a Ministerial Statement. The relevant section of the Standing Orders of Singapore’s Parliament states that “[a] statement may be made by a Minister in Parliament on a matter of public importance. Members may seek clarification on the statement but no debate shall be allowed thereon.”

Questions have been sent to both the Prime Minister’s Office and the People’s Action Party to find out if the prime minister will be making such a Ministerial Statement, after which no debate will be allowed, or if motions will be filed to allow for a discussion that goes beyond seeking clarification. The News Lens has not yet received a response.

It’s a stretch to imagine that PAP MPs will hold their own leaders’ feet over the fire when the allegations are so damaging, not just to Lee Hsien Loong personally, but to the government and the party as a whole. If no debate is allowed on July 3, the parliamentary session will run the risk of being interpreted as little more than political theatre, and yet another move by the establishment to yank this whole episode on to their own playing field.

The Parliamentary Sitting On 3rd July Won’t Solve The Lee Family Dispute
All eyes will be on Parliament this coming Monday (July 3) What About LHY And LWL?

But wait, doesn’t something just feel off about the Parliamentary Sitting? It’s common knowledge that the family dispute largely revolves around the 3 Lee siblings — so shouldn’t LHY and Dr LWL be in the thick of things when discussions are under way?

One may argue that this is a Parliamentary Meeting and as such only the government officials have the right to partake in the assembly. But just think about it for a moment — PM Lee wants to refute allegations of his abuse of power, yet the two people whom have accused him of it will not be present. Wouldn’t that make for a very one-sided and potentially biased discussion? How will the sibling duo defend themselves when allegations are made against them, or clarify things in the event that inaccurate information is presented.

Furthermore, LHY and Dr LWL are aware of all the nitty-gritty aspects of the case that we outsiders are not aware of. They are the ones whose questions need to be answered and they know exactly what to ask. Without the presence of LHY and Dr LWL in Parliament, it’s difficult to envision how the siblings can thrash things out once and for all.

Singaporeans weary of prime minister's family spat
Singaporean founding father Lee Kuan Yew, center, celebrates his 80th birthday in 2003. His children have become embroiled in a feud following his death in 2015. © Reuters

The siblings have continued to trade blows via Facebook, with no sign of a truce coming anytime soon. Many Singaporeans, unaware of what caused such distrust among the family in the first place, have started showing signs of weariness with the ongoing drama.

"Parliament is not a forum for siblings' disputes," an internet user believed to be Singaporean said in a comment on a local news website. Concerns have grown that the saga will drag on despite more pressing issues, such as the economy and the growing threat of terrorism in Southeast Asia. Han Fook Kwang, editor-at-large of the influential newspaper The Straits Times, said, "The family feud among the Lees is extremely damaging to Singapore."

The row has invited criticism from overseas, too. "The dispute between [the prime minister] and his siblings might challenge the stability of the country and bring pressure for political reform," wrote the Global Times, the Chinese Communist Party's English-language newspaper.


Anyone else who makes such an attack on the Prime Minister and his government would see a swift rebuttal and legal letters served on him. The least one would receive would be a cease and desist letter from the Attorney General’s Chambers, along with threats of defamation suits from the Prime Minister’s personal lawyers. Yet, despite the continuing and frequent new allegations which seem to emerge every other day from the Lee siblings, nothing much has been done by way of conclusively addressing them, to uphold the integrity of our public institutions.

Instead, what we are promised is a parliamentary sitting on 3 July, where the PM said he will deliver a ministerial statement on the matter. Why Parliament? Dr Lee and Mr Lee Hsien Yang will not be there to offer their side of the story. Neither will the Attorney General, Lucien Wong, whose appointment to the position has been questioned. Nor would Ms Lee Suet Fern, Lee Hsien Yang’s wife, whose role in the making of Lee Kuan Yew’s Last Will is described as “troubling” by Lee Hsien Loong. In short, 3 July will be nothing more than a backslapping fest of PAP MPs pledging support for PM Lee. It will not resolve the very serious allegations made, allegations which can only be dismissed through an independent inquiry, such as a Select Committee or a Commission of Inquiry.

In fact, is it not for precisely such a situation that the Elected President (EP) scheme was created – to preserve the integrity of government? The EP is endowed with certain executive powers, one of which is the power to instruct the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) to carry out an investigation, if the PM refuses to order one.

PAP sues opponents 'until your pants drop': Low Thia Khiang

The People’s Action Party may be seen as exercising double standards if Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong does not sue his siblings over their allegations of abuse of power, said Workers’ Party chief Low Thia Khiang.

“By using family, does this not also show that blood is thicker than water? Own siblings cannot sue… but political opponents and critics, sue until your pants drop,” said the Aljunied GRC Member of Parliament on Tuesday (4 July).

“I wonder whether the PM is not worrying that the PAP as a ruling party will be seen as (practising) double standards,” he added.

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To Sue or Not to Sue: Defamation & Double Standards in Singapore’s Family Feud

Singapore has a reputation as a rules-based society, where no one can be above the law. It’s a mantra that has been repeated time and time again, a crucial part of the country’s reputation as a place where everything is above board and done right.

These days, this image is getting a little harder to maintain, particularly with the recent Lee family feud. Over the past two weeks Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s younger siblings, Lee Wei Ling and Lee Hsien Yang, have doggedly posted accusations against their big brother on their Facebook pages. They’ve alleged abuses of power, nepotism and favoritism – all claims that Singaporeans would usually hesitate to utter, lest they find themselves on the receiving end of crippling defamation suits. That, after all, is the usual reaction of politicians like Lee Hsien Loong. Lee himself acknowledged this in Parliament on Monday, when he said in his ministerial statement.

One can sympathise with the unpleasantness of having to resort to legal action with one’s own relatives, but the hypocrisy of Lee’s statement was simply too blatant to escape attention. It was best put by Low Thia Khiang, leader of the opposition, in Parliament the next day. The situation was then exacerbated by the response of Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, who dismissed Low’s speech as “political sophistry," then said, “And as for Tang Liang Hong, he’s not my brother.”

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Ex-Olympic Swimmer Thum Ping Tjin Says Lee Family Feud Stems From False Democracy
Thum Ping Tjin Says Political System Started By LKY Creates “Climate Of Fear”  

In case you’re not tired yet of the ongoing Lee family dispute, Reuters recently conducted an interview with Dr Thum Ping Tjin. The 37-year-old research associate at the University of Oxford didn’t mince his words, delivering a damning assessment of founding father Lee Kuan Yew, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and the People’s Action Party (PAP).

Thum who? Before we delve deeper into what he said, let’s first see take a look at his track record to evaluate his credibility.

His interview with the Reuters news agency took place on Wednesday (June 21), but the video was only uploaded to YouTube on Tuesday (June 27). It’s now ranked the #3 highest trending video on YouTube Singapore.
  • The One-Man Rule
  • Climate Of Fear
  • False Sense Of Democracy
  • Network Of Power
  • Rigged Results? 

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Historian weighs in on LKY’s legacy and how it contributes to Lee Family Feud

According to Dr Thum, the power Lee Kuan Yew acquired and wielded through this system was what led to the “steady erosion of Singapore’s democratic freedoms and liberty, (and) more importantly the erosion of the independence of state institutions.”

This, Dr Thum argues, is the system that Lee Hsien Loong has inherited – a system where, like his father, he makes a decision in advance and only then does that decision pass through democratic consultation and legislative process where it becomes legitimised. This means that decisions are finalised by Lee Hsien Loong or his advisors, and that despite the facade of democratic deliberation, such decisions are really foregone conclusions.

The historian pointed out that the battle over the legacy of Lee Kuan Yew clearly demonstrates how authority in Singapore still stems from Lee Kuan Yew – not Lee Hsien Loong: 
  • “Lee Hsien Loong, of course, is now fighting back using the machinery of the state against them which shows just how much his personal and the national interests have blurred together. Again, this is part of Lee Kuan Yew’s legacy.
  • “His siblings are fighting against him with the only real weapon they have, which is to try and deprive him of the authority of Lee Kuan Yew.
  • “So what we have today is a very brittle system which is still reliant on the personal authority of a dead man.”

Lee Wei Ling's post on Janadas Devan's email on Oxley home draws scathing response

Lee Wei Ling on Friday posted on Facebook an email showing that then Straits Times associate editor Janadas Devan said it was “obvious” from his meeting with Lee Kuan Yew in 2011 that the late former Singapore Prime Minister wanted his home demolished.

In the 28 July 2011 email, Janadas, who became Chief of Government Communications in July 2012, told Lee Wei Ling that he saw Lee Kuan Yew that day:
  • “Saw MM today. First meeting on Oxley book, together with team. He was in good form. He said house will be torn down. It is obvious that is what he wants,” the screenshot of Janadas’ email to Wei Ling on 28 July 2011 showed.
  • “It will be a small minded people that denies him this personal wish. I think he is wrong wishing it, but I’d feel awful denying him what he obviously wants,” he added.
Aside from the screenshot of Janadas’ email, Lee Wei Ling also posted a screenshot of an excerpt from her brother Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s statutory declaration.

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Lee Weiling presents email which contradicts PM Lee’s statutory declaration to Ministerial Committee

With this email shared by LWL, we are now faced with the heightened possibility that PM Lee made a false declaration to the Ministerial Committee. Making a false statutory declaration is a criminal offence under Singapore law, and which carries a penalty of a term of imprisonment of up to 7 years and/or a fine.

In light of the seriousness of the matter, one will wonder how can PM Lee's Parliament statement on 3 July address the allegations made against him? As LHY has pointed out yesterday, he and his sister will not be allowed to make their representation on the matter at Parliament and the Members of Parliament will be subjected to an one-sided narrative of the story. Supposed evidence as what LWL has just presented, will also not be available to the MPs.

Indeed, the Parliament is not a place to resolve family disputes and neither is it a place to clear up doubts on allegations of such magnitude. A committee of inquiry is much needed to clear up all doubts in this saga to preserve the trust in Singapore's public institution.

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Chief of govt comms Janadas Devan responds to Lee Wei Ling’s post on Hsien Yang’s FB

On Friday morning, we saw a post from Lee Wei Ling that dragged a new player into the ongoing Lee saga.

It quoted a 2011 email from Janadas Devan, Chief of Singapore’s government communications division, which appears to show, in no uncertain terms, that the late Lee Kuan Yew was clear in his intention to demolish the house on 38, Oxley Road.

Wei Ling has for some time had comments on her posts disabled, but her posts are shared by her brother Hsien Yang, so at about 9:45am, Janadas left a comment on the latter’s Facebook share of the photo.

related: LWL drags chief of gov com Janadas Devan into Oxley Rd dispute in latest post

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Did Government Communication Chief condemn Cabinet Ministers as “small minded” people?

Lee Wei Ling has just published a new Facebook post this morning (30 Jun).

In it, she revealed that PM Lee had made statutory declaration stating that during a Cabinet meeting on 21 Jul 2011, the ministers were all expressing “strong views” against demolishing her father’s house at Oxley Road.

“I told Mr Lee (KY) that I felt that Cabinet was unlikely to agree to demolish the House after he died,” PM Lee declared. “Mr Lee took a number of steps which put beyond any doubt that he came to accept Cabinet’s position.”

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38 Oxley Road dispute: Lee Wei Ling again questions PM Lee’s account, quotes email from Janadas Devan

Dr Lee Wei Ling, sister of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, on Fri (Jun 30) again questioned the latter’s account regarding whether their family home at 38 Oxley Road should be demolished, this time highlighting what the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew said following a Cabinet meeting in Jul 21, 2011.

In a Facebook post, Dr Lee posted a screengrab of part of PM Lee’s statutory declaration on Mr Lee Kuan Yew seeking his son’s views on whether the house would be retained as a heritage site. PM Lee said he told Mr Lee that Cabinet “was unlikely to agree to demolish the house after he died” & his father “then took a number of steps which put beyond any doubt that he came to accept Cabinet’s position”.

Dr Lee, in the same post, also attached a screengrab of an email dated Jul 28, 2011, from the current Chief of Government Communications Janadas Devan that appeared to contradict PM Lee’s statement.

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Lee Wei Ling, Janadas exchange words over Oxley Road spat
Lee Wei Ling, Janadas exchange words over Oxley Road spat

Dr Lee Wei Ling & chief of Government Communications Janadas Devan exchanged words on Facebook on Friday morning (Jun 30) over the ongoing Oxley Road saga.

In a post at 7.20am, Dr Lee put up an email from Mr Janadas, dated July 28, 2011 as a rebuttal to what she referred to as claims by her elder brother Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong that their father had “come to accept” that the family home should be preserved after July 21, 2011.

In the email, Mr Janadas wrote that he met Mr Lee Kuan Yew that day, July 28, and Mr Lee told him that the house will be torn down. Saying it is “obvious” that is what Mr Lee Kuan Yew wants, Mr Janadas added: “It will be a small minded people that denies him this personal wish. I think he’s wrong wishing it, but I’d feel awful denying him what he obviously wants.”

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I refer to the article “PM Lee and DPM Teo to make ministerial statements on Oxley Road house in Parliament” (Straits Times, Jun 30). It states that “When Parliament sits on Monday (July 3), Singapore will hear both Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean deliver ministerial statements on a stunning dispute involving the fate of the Oxley Road house of founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew.

PM Lee will address allegations of abuse of power that his siblings, Dr Lee Wei Ling and Mr Lee Hsien Yang, have made against him, according to the Order Paper released by Parliament on Friday (June 30). DPM Teo’s statement will be about the ministerial committee formed to consider options for the house at 38, Oxley Road. MPs will also raise questions on the ongoing dispute between PM Lee and his two younger siblings.”

According to the Order Paper for Parliament on 3 July, 2017, the session will start at 11 a.m. There will be 85 questions for oral answer and the Introduction of the Administration of Muslim Law (Amendment) Bill, before the ministerial statements by the PM and DPM on 38 Oxley Road! After the ministerial statements, there will be the Second Reading of two bills and 39 questions for written answer! How much time will be allotted for MPs’ questions on 38 Oxley Road?

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Halimah Yacob says she hopes Oxley Road dispute will be 'properly debated' in Parliament

Speaker of Parliament Halimah Yacob on Saturday (Jul 1) said that she hoped issues would be "properly debated" in Parliament on Monday, when Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong is set to address allegations by his siblings against him.

"There will be of course a lot of speeches, but I do hope that we can see that the issues are properly debated and hopefully, if we can have some finality, that would be ideal. But I really leave it to the debate," she said when asked on the sidelines of a People's Action Party (PAP) event what she hopes to see during the debate.

"As the speaker, my task is to ensure that it's a fair, open, transparent debate that goes on on Monday."

Ministerial Statements

23. A statement may be made by a Minister in Parliament on a matter of public importance. Members may seek clarification on the statement but no debate shall be allowed thereon.

Tan Jee Say to Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, President of The Republic of Singapore

As President, you have the specific duty of safeguarding the integrity of the public service, and it is incumbent on you to get to the bottom of all this, to establish the facts and if true, hold those responsible fully accountable and put into place means and measures to ensure that no one can abuse his or her public position for private gain without the most severe punishment meted out to him or her.

As this is a matter of grave public concern, it is absolutely vital that you direct this inquiry to be conducted by way of open public hearings so as to ensure public confidence that nothing will be swept under the carpet and that every relevant detail will be examined.

This issue is of extreme urgency and the inquiry should be conducted soonest possible. As this matter takes place under your watch, you cannot simply pass the buck to the next President as you still have more than two months left of your presidential term of office. A period of two months is more than sufficient for this inquiry to be conducted and completed in good order as our public service is well-known for its efficiency.

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Lim Tean: PM Lee must sue for defamation to clear his name else President needs to convene an independent Commission of Inquiry

Adding to the chorus of voices denouncing the Prime Minister for choosing Parliament to defend himself, Lim Tean, a veteran lawyer and recent politician, has called for Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to sue his two siblings for defamation over the allegations that they have been unleashing against him over the past two weeks. He also calls for the President to convene an independent commission of inquiry, should the PM refuse to raise the matter in the court.

Citing his experience as a practising lawyer in Singapore for 17 years, he highlights the point that in order to get at the truth, all the relevant parties, accusers and accused must be subject to cross-examination by counsel and all the evidence must be before the Commission and Parliamentary questions cannot take the place of cross-examination.

He wrote, "I see that for the Parliamentary session on 3 July , MPs have to file their questions in advance and we already know the questions which  the Worker’s Party MPs will ask. This might be alright for normal parliamentary sittings but not when the truth has to be discovered. It is like a student being given the exam papers days before the exam. There will also be limited time for follow-up questions on 3 July and none of the MPs except for maybe the Prime Minister himself will have the full facts before them to come to a proper decision."

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Allegations from my siblings 'mostly inaccurate': PM Lee

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Tuesday (Jun 27) said the allegations that his siblings continue to make about him are "mostly inaccurate".

In response to media queries on the Facebook posts from his brother & sister, PM Lee said: "My siblings continue to make allegations about what I supposedly did or did not do. They are mostly inaccurate. As I earlier said, I will be making a statement in Parliament on Jul 3, 2017. I will at that time deal with the allegations that need to be addressed."

PM Lee & his siblings, Mr Lee Hsien Yang and Dr Lee Wei Ling, have been locked in a public spat over their late father Lee Kuan Yew's home at 38 Oxley Road.

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"I will GET UP!"

The famiLEE tree
The famiLEE feud: PM Lee "I'm not sure that it is solved"
The famiLEE feud: AGC to start legal action on Li Shengwu for contempt
The famiLEE feud: AGC looking into FB post by Lee Hsien Yang's son
The famiLEE feud: Protest at Hong Lim Park
The famiLEE feud: Demolish the house, end the saga, let's move on
The famiLEE feud: LWL, LHY to stop presenting online evidence
The famiLEE feud: Lee Hsien Yang responds to Parliament Hearing
The famiLEE feud: Parliamentary Hearing on Oxley's Dispute
The famiLEE feud: PM Lee Hsien Loong's Ministerial Statement
The famiLEE feud: Why LHY is speaking up
The famiLEE feud: July 3 Parliament session a cover-up & whitewash?
The famiLEE feud: Not another minister on the Will again!
The famiLEE feud: Lee Hsien Yang & his wife in Hong Kong
The famiLEE feud: Rise of the 'First Lady'
The famiLEE feud: Govt 'Poking Nose' into Oxley's fate
The famiLEE feud: Will House Debate clear the air?
The famiLEE feud: PM apologises for family feud
The famiLEE feud: Singaporeans sick and tired of endless Oxley Rd allegations
The famiLEE feud: "Past three days"
The famiLEE feud: "Will of Wills"
Social Media on the Late LKY’s children Online Squabble
Online squabble about "Hero-Worship" of the late Lee Kuan Yew
Family feud over how to mark LKY's death spills out online
New Law to Protect Lee Kuan Yew's Name and Image
Govt rebuts Lawyer's comments on QFLP scheme
Li Hongyi & Li Shengwu: 2 latest Internet sensation from the Lee family
Remembering Lee Kuan Yew 2016
LKY Passing: Good Intentions Gone Wrong
PM broke down in Parliament talking about his Dad
A State Funeral Service held for Mr Lee Kuan Yew
Former PM Lee Kuan Yew in the limelight
Lee Kuan Yew passes away on 23 Mar 2015
Lee Kuan Yew – The Man and his Legacy
Lee Kuan Yew in ICU with severe pneumonia
The Battle For Merger
Happy 91st Birthday Lee Kuan Yew from Singapore!
Singapore's Founding Father Hospitalised
Lee Kuan Yew turns 90
Lee Kuan Yew hospitalised: Suspected Transient Ischaemic Attack
Lee & Lee - The job has changed
"One World's View Of The Man"
Lee Kuan Yew on death: I want mine quickly, painlessly
A Post-LKY Singapore?