

Happy Labor Day 2017

The end of labor is to gain leisure  ~ Aristotle

And in the rest of the world: May Day protests

PUBLIC holidays – a time for rest… and a time for protest?

While Labour Day went by without too much fanfare in Singapore, the occasion was politically-charged in many other parts of the world. People took to the streets to call for better working conditions, while labour unions aired their grievances to politicians.

And with the rise of the far right in the US and across Europe, this year’s protests were also uncomfortably tinged with anti-immigrant sentiments. Have May Day protests become an even more potent political force? We look at significant ones from this year:

Paris, France: Going too far against the far-right

Phnom Penh, Cambodia: Garment workers ‘sew’ dissent

Jakarta, Indonesia: Flowers on fire

Istanbul, Turkey: Reminder of a gruesome history

Oregon, United States: Pepsi takes centre stage