

Airlines Customer Service Controversies

Family booted out of delta flight over child's seat

In yet another incident that could prove a public relations nightmare for the US airline industry, a California couple is claiming they were kicked off an overbooked Delta flight for refusing to give up their child’s seat.

The incident unfolded last week as the Schear family of Huntington Beach were flying home from Hawaii to Los Angeles.

In a video of the April 23 confrontation filmed and posted by the couple on YouTube, a flight attendant is overheard asking that they give up a seat occupied by their two-year-old son.

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Delta passengers claim they were kicked off a flight for refusing to remove their 2-year-old son from a seat they paid for
Delta passenger
Brian Shear, a resident of Huntington, Calif, was kicked off a plane, along with his family, on April 26

A Californian family is claiming that they were thrown off a Delta flight and threatened with jail because they would not give up the seat their two-year-old son was sitting in.

The incident occurred on Wednesday, April 23 around midnight on Delta Air Lines flight 2222 from Maui to Los Angeles, California.

The father, Brian Shear, told KABC news that he had originally bought the seat for his 18-year old son Mason and planned to hold the younger toddler in his lap. But he changed his mind and bought his older son a ticket on an earlier flight so that his younger son could have Mason’s seat and sleep during the flight back to California.

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California Family Kicked Off Delta Flight, Threatened With Jail, Foster Care for Refusing to Give Up Tot’s Seat
Image: Brian and Brittany Schaer
Brian and Brittany Schaer were kicked off their Los Angeles-bound Delta Air Lines flight after they refused to give up a seat that was occupied by their infant son

A California family says they were kicked off a flight — and threatened with jail for the adults and "foster care" for the children — for refusing to give up a seat for their 2-year-old son, despite having paid for it, in the latest controversy for a major airline that was caught on video.

Brian and Brittany Schear, of Huntington Beach, California, told NBC News that they had already boarded a Delta Air Lines flight from Maui to Los Angeles with their two infant children on April 23 when they were kicked off the plane following an argument with officials.

The Schears said they were then forced to find their own hotel, transportation and purchase new tickets for a flight the next day — all after midnight.

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Grandma, 94, ‘forced out of business class seat’ on United Airlines
The 94-year-old suffered lasting problems (Picture: Marianne Santos Aguilar/ Facebook)

A 94-year-old disabled woman was ‘kicked out of her business class seat’ to Australia by embattled airline United. The grandmother reportedly suffered embarrassment and discomfort on her 16-hour flight from LA to Melbourne after moving to economy.

Family members had clubbed together to buy Paz Orquiza a seat in business class, as she has severe arthritis. Her niece Marianne Aguilar said the outbound journey went well, but that on the way back her aunt, who was travelling on the same flight on a cheaper ticket, was not allowed to go to her grandma to help her with tasks such as reclining her seat, opening her food or taking her to the bathroom.

She asked the flight attendant if a staff member could do that instead, but was allegedly told the only options to get help were for the elderly women to move to economy or to book another flight where both were seated in business class.

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United Airlines staff 'forced frail grandma, 94, out of £2,800 Business seat into Economy for 16-hour flight'
Paz Orquiza

United Airlines staff forced a frail 94-year-old grandma to leave her £2,800 Business Class seat and sit in discomfort in Economy, her family have claimed.

Paz Orquiza was travelling from Los Angeles back to Melbourne, Australia, after visiting relatives.

Her granddaughter Marianne Santos Aguilar said Mrs Orquiza has a number of disabilities including severe arthritis .

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American Airlines suspends employee after clash over pram

American Airlines has removed an employee from duty after an ugly clash over a baby's pram in San Francisco.

A passenger who uploaded video of the aftermath of the incident said a mother had been struck with the pram as it was forcibly removed by the employee. The video shows the employee saying, "Hit me! Come on, bring it on!", when challenged by another male passenger.

American Airlines said it was "deeply sorry for the pain we have caused" the woman passenger and her family. The incident follows another high-profile clash on a United Airlines plane two weeks ago, when a passenger was violently removed from an overbooked flight.

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Sobbing mother video prompts controversy for American Airlines
The viral video shows a distraught mother carrying her baby boarding the plane moments after the flight attendant had apparently forcibly taken a stroller from her

Less than two weeks after United Airlines prompted a public relations crisis for dragging a passenger from his seat on an overbooked flight, rival American Airlines is being buffeted by its own controversy.

The airline said on Saturday, April 22, it is investigating video of a flight attendant angrily confronting a passenger who had come to the defense of a sobbing woman with a baby in her arms.

The viral video, filmed by another passenger, shows a distraught mother carrying her baby boarding the plane moments after the flight attendant had apparently forcibly taken a stroller from her, with other passengers registering shock.

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American Airlines Crying Woman Now Working With Lawyer Representing United Airlines Passenger

It's too early to confirm whether the American Airlines should also expect a lawsuit. What's certain is that the crying woman in the American Airlines incident has already contacted the same lawyer representing the dragged United Airlines passenger.

Attorney Thomas Demetrio appeared in an exclusive interview Monday morning on TODAY Show where he revealed that he's also now working with the crying woman in the American Airlines incident. Demetrio reduced the airline fiasco as a "microcosm of the entire problem" replete with a "flight attendant out of control" and a "distressed mother." A passenger filmed Friday the American Airlines incident and uploaded it in discussion site Reddit.

The video that spans almost three minutes long captured only the aftermath with the woman already crying from the get-go. An altercation quickly happened between the flight attendant who "violently yanked" the stroller from the crying woman and the fellow passenger who stood up for her. Surain Adyanthaya, who snapped the video, said the American Airlines incident happened aboard flight 591 before departing from San Francisco to Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas.

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Woman claims United Airlines employee forced her to back of plane in tears without explanation

A New York woman filed a $150,000 lawsuit against United Airlines on Monday, claiming she was forced from her business class seat to the back of the plane by an employee without any explanation during a flight last year.

Karen Shiboleth, a 24-year-old Columbia graduate and daughter of two well-known lawyers, was traveling to London to attend a master's degree program at Kings College on September 10, 2016.

She ended up paying a whopping $3,146.46 and using 60,000 American Express rewards miles to upgrade herself to a Business First class seat, according to NY Daily News.

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Furious ‘Snap Pack’ Heiress Sues United Airlines After Losing Her First Class Seat

But all the money and connections in the world couldn’t save her from United Airlines.

According to the lawsuit, Shiboleth was inexplicably moved to the back of the plane from her pricey first row “Business First” seat on a flight from New York City to London.

A gate attendant, Eunice Daly, grabbed Shiboleth by the arm and shuffled her to a middle seat way in the back (with all its attendant nightmares) while refusing to answer any questions. Daly also attempted to cover her name tag when Shiboleth asked for her name. According to the lawsuit there were even open seats in Business First.

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‘I tried to hold it’: A Delta passenger said he was kicked off a plane for using the restroom

A Wisconsin man said he was removed from a Delta Air Lines flight because he had to get up from his seat to make an emergency restroom run.

A video shows the passenger, identified as 39-year-old Kima Hamilton, attempting to explain the situation last week to an agent who was instructing him to depart the plane traveling from Atlanta to Milwaukee.

“I need more information, sir,” Hamilton said. “I haven’t done anything. I’ve paid for this ticket and I actually have to get home.”

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WHO BUN IT? Brit bunny riddle as rabbit destined to be world’s biggest dies on United Airlines jet to US
Three-foot Simon was set to be world’s biggest rabbit
Three foot Simon died in the cargo section of a Boeing 767 after leaving Heathrow

SCANDAL-hit United Airlines is facing a new PR disaster — after a valuable giant rabbit died mysteriously on one of its planes.

Three-foot Simon, destined to be the world’s biggest bunny, died in the cargo section of a Boeing 767 after flying out of Heathrow to a new celebrity owner in the US.

Breeder Annette Edwards said: “Simon had a vet’s check-up three hours before the flight and was fit as a fiddle.

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United Airlines Announces Changes to Improve Customer Experience

United Airlines (UAL) today announced 10 substantial changes to how it flies, serves and respects its customers. The changes are the result of United's thorough examination of its policies and procedures, and commitment to take action, in the wake of the forced removal of a customer aboard United Express Flight 3411 on April 9.

United commits to:
  • Limit use of law enforcement to safety and security issues only.
  • Not require customers seated on the plane to give up their seat involuntarily unless safety or security is at risk.
  • Increase customer compensation incentives for voluntary denied boarding up to $10,000.
  • Establish a customer solutions team to provide agents with creative solutions such as using nearby airports, other airlines or ground transportations to get customers to their final destination.
  • Ensure crews are booked onto a flight at least 60 minutes prior to departure.
  • Provide employees with additional annual training.
  • Create an automated system for soliciting volunteers to change travel plans.
  • Reduce the amount of overbooking.
  • Empower employees to resolve customer service issues in the moment.
  • Eliminate the red tape on permanently lost bags by adopting a "no questions asked" policy on lost luggage.

While several of these policies are effective immediately, others will be rolled out through the remainder of the year. The facts of what happened aboard Flight 3411 and a full review of United's changes can be found at

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Southwest Airlines will stop overbooking flights after United dragging

Southwest Airlines said it will stop overbooking flights sometime in the next quarter, partly in response to the United Airlines dragging incident two weeks ago.

Chief Executive Officer Gary Kelly said the Dallas-based airline hasn’t been overbooking much recently because more customers have been showing up for their flights, eliminating no-shows.

“We have been challenging ourselves to make the travel experience better for our customers and just make the service better for our employees to deliver and that is one of the pain points we’d like to eliminate,” Kelly said on a conference call with investors to discuss the airline’s first-quarter earnings.

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After United dragging incident, 3 major airlines change policies affecting bumped passengers

Delta has raised the compensation available to passengers who have to give up their seats on overbooked flights to nearly $10,000. American promises that no passenger who has boarded a plane will be removed to give the seat to someone else.

And, United said it will no longer allow crew members to displace passengers who are already seated on a plane.

The changes at the three major U.S. airlines address traveler concerns following the infamous United incident last week in which a passenger was dragged off a plane when he refused to give up his seat for a crew member.

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United and man dragged from flight reach ‘amicable’ settlement

Lawyers for David Dao, the Kentucky man who was violently removed from a flight for refusing to give up his seat earlier this month, said Thursday that they have reached a confidential settlement with United Airlines.

The agreement comes on the same day that United released the results of an internal investigation that found several mistakes were made before, during and after Dao was dragged off the April 9 flight, including calling in law enforcement to resolve an incident that was neither a safety nor security issue. The horrifying scene was caught on video and viewed by millions of people worldwide.

“We are pleased to report that United and Dr. Dao have reached an amicable resolution of the unfortunate incident that occurred aboard flight 3411. We look forward to implementing the improvements we have announced, which will put our customers at the center of everything we do,” United said in a statement.

United dragging report: ‘Our review shows that many things went wrong that day’
Here’s what United will do differently after the infamous dragging incident
Thousands of air travelers are forced to give up their seats every year

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United tries to end PR disaster with $10,000 compensation offer that could end up costing it millions - in vouchers
United airlines flight

Troubled United Airlines has announced it will pay up to $10,000 to persuade passengers to get off overbooked planes - a move that could cost it more than $100m a year.

In an attempt to end the public relations nightmare that began last month when security staff dragged doctor David Dao off a United flight last month, the airline said it will increase the incentives on offer to fliers so they take later flights when plans are overbooked.

Previously, the maximum staff would offer to voluntarily bump people off flights was $1,000, but this was raised as part of 10-point plan publicly issued on Thursday by United as it tried to end its image troubles.

related: is United Airlines' removal of a passenger the worst blunder by a top brand?

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Incident report says doctor fought with officers before being pulled off United flight

The officers who forcibly removed Dr. David Dao from a United Airlines flight earlier this month said the passenger responded in an "aggressive manner" when he was ordered to deplane and flailed his arms as responders attempted to extricate him from his seat, according to a Chicago Department of Aviation incident report obtained by ABC News on Monday.

Dao -- a 69-year-old physician from Kentucky who was involuntarily bumped to make room for United crewmembers en route to another job -- allegedly acted "violently” and yelled, "I am not leaving this flight that I paid money for. I don't care if I get arrested,” when the responding officers tried to persuade him to exit the aircraft, according to the incident report, which was released in response to a public records request.

In a supplemental incident report, also obtained Monday by ABC News, another officer said that Dao's "combative" arm-swinging made the officers lose their grip on him, causing him to fall and hit his mouth on the armrest across from him. Dao's attorney, Thomas Demetrio, has since said the doctor suffered a broken nose, injury to his sinuses, concussion, and lost two front teeth.

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United Airlines refund every single passenger on THAT flight

United Airlines will refund every single passenger who was the plane when a doctor was injured dragged off by airport officers in Chicago.

Hoping to resolve the incident and resulting backlash, the company also announced that it would no longer ask police to remove passengers from full flights. In an interview with ABC’s Good Morning America, United parent company chief executive Oscar Munoz said he felt ‘ashamed’ watching video of Dr David Dao being forced off the jet.

He has promised to review the airline’s passenger-removal policy. Mr Munoz, apologised again to physician Dao, his family and the other passengers who witnessed him being taken off the flight.

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United Airlines passenger dragged off plane was convicted of trading drugs for sex
Dr David Dao was one of four passengers asked to leave at random by the airline after they realised that the flight to Louisville from Chicago on Sunday was overbooked. (Picture: TMZ)

The United Airlines passenger who was dragged off a plane is a medical doctor who was previously convicted of trading drugs for sex, it has emerged.

Dr David Dao was one of four passengers asked to leave at random by the airline after they realised that the flight to Louisville from Chicago on Sunday was overbooked.

The three passengers left the plane with no issue but Dr Dao refused telling staff that he was doctor and needed to see his patients in the morning.

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The world's worst airline

Jetstar has been branded the worst airline in the world, after receiving one star out of five for overall customer satisfaction.

Some 37.2 per cent of Jetstar passengers complained about delays to their flights – with the average wait time being four hours after the scheduled departure time.

The international survey, organised by the watchdog Choice and 10 other consumer groups, had 11,273 respondents, who ranked the Australian airline 73rd for overall satisfaction.

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The Safest Seat On A Plane
Source: Popular Mechanics
Source: Time

In 2007, Popular Mechanics took matters into its own hands and analyzed NTSB data for every commercial plane crash in the U.S. since 1971 that had both survivors and fatalities and for which a detailed seating chart was accessible. Their conclusion:

Passengers near the tail of a plane were about 40 percent more likely to survive a crash than those in the front.
  • Seats in the back of the plane, behind the trailing edge of the wing, had a 69 percent survival rate, while seats over the wing and in coach had a 56 percent survival rate. The front 15 percent of seats had a 49 percent survival rate, analysts found.
  • A second analysis in 2015, for which researchers at Time went through 35 years of FAA data, found similar results. The group narrowed their research to 17 accidents dating back to 1985 that had both fatalities and survivors and for which seating charts were available. Time found seats in the rear third of the aircraft had a lower fatality rate (32 percent) than seats in the overwing (39 percent) or front (38 percent) thirds of the plane.
Specifically, middle seats in the rear section specifically fared best by far, with a fatality rate of 28 percent.
  • The least safe were aisle seats in the middle third of the cabin, which had a fatality rate of 44 percent.
  • The Time researchers noted that the specific circumstances of a crash can render these averages irrelevant. But by and large, the back of the plane is the place to be.
  • Of course, there are ways to increase your chances of survival no matter where you’re seated. Pay attention to the safety briefing, know the number of rows to your nearest exit, and be prepared to brace yourself in the event of a very unlikely crash.

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PLANE STUPID: Why do airlines overbook flights, what are your rights if they do and how did Jo Wood get a refund on her EasyJet flight?
Most airlines intentionally overbook flights in anticipation of people ‘no-showing’ on the day of the journey – here is everything you need to know

ASTONISHING footage showing a distressed passenger being psychically dragged off an ‘overbooked’ United Airlines flight shocked even the most seasoned of travellers.

The flight from Chicago to Kentucky was intentionally overbooked and a number of paying customers were forcibly removed to make room for airlines staff who needed to travel.

Shocking footage of a paying customer being pulled off a flight has highlighted the widespread practice of 'overbooking'

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If you are seated on the plane, you are staying on the plane
If you are seated on the plane, you are staying on the plane

With modern air travel, you have to take the good with the bad.

In exchange for safe and fast travel from sea to shining sea, we put up with crowded cabins, declining leg-room, flight cancellations, and aggressive security screenings.

We even put up with airline overbooking, and sometimes we’ll take the hotel room and the cash to leave on a later flight, but most of the time, we just want to get to our destination.

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Airline's Dress code for boarding a plane?
United Airlines is responding to fierce backlash after a series of viral tweets on March 26 that allege United prohibited two young girls from boarding a flight in Denver because they were wearing leggings. (Reuters)

A United Airlines gate agent barred two girls from boarding a flight Sunday morning because the girls were wearing leggings.

Another girl who was wearing gray leggings had to change before she was allowed to board the flight from Denver to Minneapolis, a witness said.

“She’s forcing them to change or put dresses on over leggings or they can’t board,” Shannon Watts, who was at a gate at Denver International Airport, said on Twitter. “Since when does @united police women’s clothing?”

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Full Coverage:
Thousands of air travelers are forced to give up their seats every year
A Celebrity dentist said he was booted from an American Airlines flight
A man was kicked off a Houston-bound United flight
A pilot gave a bizarre speech before takeoff
Traveler attacked Muslim airline employee, warning Trump will get rid all of you
A traveler verbally bashed a Trump supporter
Delta banned a passenger after he went on a pro-Trump rant
‘Much-loved’ giant rabbit found dead after United flight to O’Hare
A celebrity dentist claims his anti-Trump joke led to his removal from a plane
An airline passenger made a scene over a $12 blanket, the pilot diverted plane
Dragged United Airlines passenger was 'aggressive', officers say
Aviation officer gives his version of United flight removal
United Airlines passenger was violent in seat fiasco, police report claims
What student standardized test-takers share with ejected airline passengers
United passenger David Dao swung fists violently, officers' reports say
UA: Aviation officer claims removed passenger verbally and physically abusive
United passenger dragged off plane with 'minimal necessary force,' police say
New video of United dragging scandal
Police: 'Minimal but necessary force' used on United Airlines passenger
Bill prohibit airlines from involuntarily bumping ticketed passengers from flights
New Video, Audio Recordings Show United Incident As It Unfolded
United Airlines fallout is good PR
New footage from UA incident as it's revealed officer who dragged passenger
Incident report says doc fought with officers before being pulled off United flight
If you are seated on the plane, you are staying on the plane
United plagued with a huge issue even before dragging a customer off a plane
Cop claims doctor was 'flailing and fighting' during United incident
United Passenger 'Aggressive'; Aviation Cops Used 'Minimal Necessary Force'
Bill to ban bumping of ticketed passengers introduced in Congress
The David Dao incident shows jet-setting glamour is now a flight of fancy
In the age of 'Big Data,' United Airlines shows how human dignity suffers
David Dao United Airlines Chicago Police Reports
Police Report Blames United Airlines Passenger David Dao For His Injuries
Passenger Who Was Forcibly Removed From United Flight Fought With Officers
Police says passenger fought with officers before he was pulled from United
Port Authority won't help airlines bump passengers after ugly Chicago incident
More abt the United incident where a passenger was forcibly dragged off plane
United Passenger Dr. Dao Caused His Own Injuries During Forcible Removal
Chicago Officers Suspended After Dragging David Dao Off United Flight
Dr. David Dao Latest News: How Much Will Doctor Get From Suing United?
Officers Who Removed Passenger From United Flight Blame Him for Injuries
Aviation Officers: Passenger In United Confrontation Was Combative
Judicial Watch Receives New Records Passenger David Dao Removal Incident
More Footage Released From David Dao, Officer Shares His Side Of Story
United Airlines passenger David Dao was violent before removal, aviation police
We Now Know Which Cops Assaulted David Dao on His United Flight
New Video Shows Dr. David Dao Board United Flight B4 Being Dragged Off
United Airlines to compensate all passengers on flight in which Asian
United CEO Says Airline Won't Use Law Enforcement To Remove Passengers
Police Officer Who Removed David Dao from a United Flight Shares His Story
United, American airlines viral video passengers hire same attorney
'Minimal But Necessary Force' Wielded On Dragged United Passenger
Aviation cop: United passenger was removed with 'minimal but necessary force'
New details on Dao dragging emerge in city files on United flight
Police who dragged passenger from United flight stand by use of force
Lawyer representing United passenger takes on American Airlines
American Airlines Passenger Hires United Victim's Lawyer
United Victim Attorney Now Works With Woman Frm American Airlines Incident
American and United passengers from viral videos hire same lawyer
4th officer on leave in United incident as officers' names, histories revealed
Officers Who Ejected A United Passenger Claimed He Violently Swung His Fists
Aviation cop:'Minimal but necessary force' was used to remove United passenger
United Airlines CEO to visit China over dragged passenger
United passenger dragged from plane has concussion,broken nose & loss 2 teeth
Dem Introduces Passenger-Friendly Bill After Dao Incident
Lawyer for United Airlines passenger signals law suit against airline
2 United flight attendants sustain minor injuries when plane hits turbulence
Dem unveils bill to ban airlines from bumping passengers
More Officers On Leave After United Incident
Passenger dragged from United flight 'struck his face against armrest
Woman claims UA forced her to back of plane in tears without explanation
American and United airlines viral abuse passengers hire same lawyer
'Minimal But Necessary Force' Used on United Airlines Passenger: Official
Police say United passenger dragged off flight caused his own injuries
Officers' Reports From United Incident Completely Contradicts Videos
United passenger's lawyer takes on American Airlines case
Aviation Police Tell Their Side Of United Story In Newly Released Reports
Police reports offer new details in United passenger dragging
Delta Airline to pay passengers $10000
Security guard who dragged man from United flight says doctor injured himself
Police's version of what happened in the United Airlines video is very different
Police report blames bloodied United passenger for his own injuries
OP: United Airlines proves profit outweighs pleasure
No United Airlines Firings Over Passenger Dragging At O'Hare: CEO
More headaches United Airlines:Passenger sues claim costly seating change
United Airlines attendant swapped passenger's seat with 'no explanation
Cop Who Dragged Man Off United Flight Says He Was 'Flailing And Fighting'
Security officer United passenger dragging case just returned from suspension
United Airlines viral video victim caused own injuries with 'flailing arms' - Police
United Airlines: Our perpetual outrage isn't why people are angry
New Report from Aviation Officer Claims Dr. Dao's Bloody Face Was His Fault
Lawyer: Doctor dragged from United flight planning legal action
Too late for CEO apology, doctor dragged from United flight plans to file lawsuit
United Airlines exposes our flawed idea of dignity (Commentary)
Memo United Airlines: Manners make the airline
Crying Woman Now Working With Lawyer Representing UA Passenger
Police story differs from videos of man dragged from United flight
'Just Kill Me': Police Detail Doctor's Removal From United Flight
Passenger sues United over seat switch
Why do airlines overbook flights, what are yr rights if they do & how did Jo Wood
Senators say United hasn't answered their questions about dragging incident
City inspector general probe adds to scrutiny in United passenger dragging case
Furious 'Snap Pack' Heiress Sues United Airlines After Losing 1st Class Seat
United Airlines takes a beating
United Airlines CCTV shows moments before dragging drama
Police Reports Tell Other Side of United Incident
Surveillance video shows moments before United dragging incident
American Airlines in controversy over sobbing mother video
American Airlines suspends worker after altercation seen on video
Customer Service Controversy for American Airlines
American Airlines suspends employee after clash over pram
US airline employee fight with passenger after woman 'hit' with stroller
American Airlines apologizes for onboard clash over stroller
American Airlines suspends employee after clash over pram
American Airlines suspends employee after video of violent
American Airlines flight attendant accused of whacking mom with
American suspends flight attendant after alleged hitting incident
American Airlines Suspends Employee After Video Shows Him
American Airlines employee challenges passenger to FIGHT
American Airlines Suspends Employee After Fight With Passenger
American Airlines Suspends Employee After Shocking Video Of
American Airlines Suspends Worker After Violent Incident Caught
American Airlines Drops Charter Flights for Six NFL Teams Including
American Airlines suspends flight attendant who allegedly hit
Sobbing mother video prompts controversy for American Airlines
American Airlines suspends worker after altercation seen on video
Forget United; American Airlines Flight Attendant Suspended After
American Airlines flight attendant suspended after stroller incident
Customer Service Controversy for American Airlines - KTSA
American Airlines' top executives wearing controversial uniforms
WATCH: American Airlines employee suspended following
Sobbing mum video prompts controversy for American Airlines
American Airlines flight attendant accused of whacking mom with
American Airlines in controversy over sobbing mother video
Customer Service Controversy for American Airlines
American Airlines suspends worker after altercation seen on video
Sobbing mother video prompts controversy for American Airlines
Video prompts controversy for American Airlines
American Airlines flight attendant accused of whacking mom with
American Airlines investigating confrontation at SFO
Inflight Magazine's Drunken Pilot Photo Prompts Apology from
American Airlines' controversial uniforms show up at swank DC hotel
United Airlines Stock Drops $1.4 Billion After Passenger-Removal
United Airlines vows not to call police on passengers as CEO
Overbooked flight on Delta? You now could get nearly $10000.
American Airlines pilots reject new Twin Hill uniform shirt prototypes
United Airlines to link exec bonuses to customer service
Oscar Munoz Won't Get Planned Promotion to Chairman of United
Another American airline will now pay big money to customers
United Airlines Pilots FINALLY Address The Controversial
Video United passenger's family 'horrified'
United Airlines boss Oscar Munoz will not resign
Video No more forced removals - United Airlines
United Airlines: Eyewitness on how passenger was dragged off plane
Video White House: United Airlines incident 'troubling'

Airlines Customer Service Controversies
Airline's Dress code for boarding a plane?
SIA and the Peanut Allergy
Plane makes emergency landing because of passenger's odour