

Festivities in celebration of Donald Trump's Inauguration

The Trump Presidency

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On eve of Trump inauguration, two different kinds of exhilaration
President-elect Donald Trump merchandise was on sale outside the White House on Tuesday. as final preparations were underway a day ahead of the inauguration. (MARK RALSTON/AFP/Getty Images)

Waves of exhilaration are sweeping Bay Area residents on the eve of Friday’s inauguration and Saturday’s marches, as both supporters and opponents of President-elect Donald Trump prepare to bear witness to two uniquely American rituals.

In the nation’s capital, Trump’s California supporters laughed, snapped photos and waited in long lines for inaugural tickets, aglow in a moment that once seemed unimaginable and still seems surreal.

Meanwhile, excited supporters of the Women’s March on Washington — and San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose and dozens of other California cities — painted banners, knitted pink caps and shared logistical strategies to demonstrate their concern that their civil rights are under grave threat, not only from Trump and his administration but also from the Republican-controlled Congress.

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Ahead of Trump's inauguration, Washington braces for well-wishers and protests
The U.S. Marine Corps Band practices in front of the podium where Donald Trump will take the oath of office and be sworn in as the 45th U.S. president on Friday. (Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images)

Whether coming to celebrate or to protest, making the trip to Washington for Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday might just be the biggest hassle in the United States. The city is in lockdown. Vehicle traffic is largely forbidden. The bridges are mostly shut down. Concrete barricades have closed about 100 intersections. Unless you're in a motorcade, the subway seems to be the only way in or out.

Washingtonians are hiding indoors. Commuters won't commute. To secure a spot on the now-fortified National Mall — the expansive strip of land between the Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial — many will arrive by 6 a.m., hours ahead of the noon event. More will arrive even earlier, waiting for the park to open after an enormous security sweep.

Yet 800,000 people are expected to flood the city's streets to watch the billionaire businessman take the oath of office and make his first address as the 45th president of the United States.

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Inaugural cheers, fireworks: Trump sweeps in for his big day
President-elect Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump arrive at a pre-Inaugural "Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration" at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017

With fireworks heralding his big moment, Donald Trump swept into Washington Thursday on the eve of his presidential inauguration and pledged to unify a nation sorely divided and clamoring for change. The capital braced for an onslaught of crowds and demonstrators — with all the attendant hoopla and hand-wringing.

"It's a movement like we've never seen anywhere in the world," the president-elect declared at a celebratory evening concert Thursday night with the majestic Lincoln Memorial for a backdrop. To the unwavering supporters who were with him from the start, he promised: "You're not forgotten any more. You're not forgotten any more."

"I'll see you tomorrow," he called out, and then fireworks exploded into the evening sky.

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Thousands converge in Washington to attend Donald Trump inauguration

'The Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration' will take place following Voices of the People and will be broadcast live to the nation from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Thousands of people including many Indian-Americans are converging in Washington to attend US President-elect Donald Trump’s swearing-in ceremony themed ‘Make America Great Again’. Trump will be sworn-in as the 45th US President on January 20 using two Bibles: the one that former President Abraham Lincoln used at his first inauguration, plus his own that dates back to the President-elect’s childhood. Trump’s Bible was presented to him by his mother upon his graduation of Sunday Church Primary School at First Presbyterian Church, Jamaica, New York, on Children’s Day on June 12, 1955.

The celebrations around Trump’s inauguration beginning tomorrow has been organised around the theme ‘Make America Great Again’ which not only caught the imagination of the Americans during the grilling election campaign, but also propelled Trump to victory.

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Donald Trump supporters descending on Washington to celebrate inauguration
Military personnel walk along the National Mall in Washington on Wednesday - days before Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration. (John Minchillo/AP)

For people like Darlene Martin, this Friday will mark the fulfilment of a long-held dream.

At 4:30 a.m., she and her aunt will board the subway in a suburb of Washington for the ride to the U.S. Capitol, where they will watch Donald Trump become the 45th president of the United States.

While the swearing-in ceremony doesn’t happen until noon, the two women are leaving nothing to chance. “I’m sure we won’t be sleeping the night before, but it will all be worth it,” said Ms. Martin, 55, a bookkeeper who lives in Chesapeake, Va. It’s the first time in her life that she will attend a presidential inauguration, a reflection of her devotion to Mr. Trump. “I’m on cloud nine,” she said. “Like [Mr. Trump] said, it’s a movement and I truly feel like he is the closest thing to where we want this country to go. I feel he truly cares about the American people.”

When is Trump the president? Your guide to the U.S. inauguration
Canadian embassy the hottest ticket in town for inauguration
What does the Trump era mean for Canada? A guide to what’s coming

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Celebrities Planning Inauguration Eve Protest Outside Donald Trump's NYC Hotel
PHOTO: Thousands are expected to protest outside of the Trump International Hotel & Tower near Trump Tower in NYC. (Photo via Flickr/Brad)

All eyes will be on Washington, D.C. Friday as President-elect Donald Trump is sworn into office on Inauguration Day. Before then, a handful of politicians and celebrities are planning a protest outside of New York City's Trump International Hotel & Tower, which is located just a half-mile from Trump's home inside Trump Tower.

According to NBC New York, Moore will be joined by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Rev. Al Sharpton, among others. It's anticipated that thousands will participate in the protest, which groups like Greenpeace and MoveOn are helping to organize.

In addition to opposing some of the controversial policies Trump has hinted at over the course of the presidential campaign and in the months since his victory over Hillary Clinton, protesters aim to encourage local governments to take their own approach to various policies.

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Donald Trump's Hotel Bans Press For The Inauguration, Raising First Amendment Concerns

President-elect Donald Trump’s Washington, D.C., hotel is banning reporters from its premises during inauguration week, according to Politico’s Daniel Lippman. The move underscores the incoming president’s personal hostility toward the press and raises First Amendment issues, as the hotel space is leased by the president-elect from the federal government.

Throughout the 2016 campaign and into the transition, Trump has made his hostility to the press a centerpiece of his political strategy. Trump declared war on the press, which included mocking specific reporters as “neurotic,” “dumb,” and a “waste of time.” He retreated to softball interviews during the final weeks of the campaign with largely friendly interviewers, Fox News, and fringe media. Since the election, Trump has lashed out at The New York Times several times for its “BAD coverage.” Trump’s own incoming press secretary also admitted that he threatened to remove a journalist who was trying to ask the president-elect a question, and prominent Trump supporter and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich applauded the threat, calling it “a signal, frankly, to all the other reporters that there are going to be real limits” for proper behavior.

Moreover, as Politico notes, Trump’s D.C. hotel is under “a 60-year lease with the federal General Services Administration, which owns the property.” Given that arrangement, a blanket ban on the press raises First Amendment concerns. Trump’s D.C. hotel has also been an ethical sticking point during Trump’s transition, as some in Congress have raised concerns about a conflict of interest between the president-elect’s business interests and his administration’s influence over the General Services Administration

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What do inauguration protesters hope to accomplish?

A quiet residential street in the Chevy Chase neighborhood of Washington, D.C., was abruptly transformed into a dance club Wednesday night when hundreds of activists showed up armed with glow sticks, glitter, and the music of Lady Gaga.

As participants in the "Queer Dance Party at Mike Pence's House" laughed, cheered, and twerked the night away, a fun time appeared to be had by all. But as organizer Firas Nasr reminded the crowd, this dance party had a serious purpose behind its lighthearted absurdity: to send a "clear message" to Vice President-elect Mike Pence – referred to jokingly by Mr. Nasr as "Daddy Pence" – that those in attendance would "not tolerate bigotry and hate in our country."

The protest was one of many scheduled to take place this week, as hundreds of thousands of activists prepare to swarm the nation's capital to take part in demonstrations decrying the Jan. 20 presidential inauguration of Donald Trump. Large public protests, such as the LGBT dance party and upcoming Women’s March on Washington, can prove valuable in making a political statement, uniting smaller grassroots efforts around a central cause, and serving as a practical entry point into activism, scholars say. But to effectively achieve results, the momentum of the protests must carry over into concrete advocacy efforts.

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Anti-Trump Protester Tries to Set Himself on Fire in Front of DC Trump Hotel
Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. / AP

 A man attempted to set himself on fire in front of the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday in protest of President-elect Donald Trump.

The unidentified 45-year-old male from California was hospitalized and is being treated for burns on 10 percent of his body, the New York Post reported. The protester lit himself on fire using an accelerant and a lighter.

“We elected somebody who is completely incapable of respecting the Constitution of the United States,” the protester said.

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Shomari StoneVerified account ‏@shomaristone

Smoke devices. I'm at 14th St. & F St. Protesters set off "smoke devices." Some scream "F- Trump."

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Massive anti-Trump protest at #DeploraBall in DC ahead of inauguration

Protesters outside the "Deploraball" have been tear-gassed ahead of the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump. RT America is on the scene in Washington, DC.
It's unclear who was using the mace.

Police fired some sort of tear gas at demonstrators, according to RT's Alexander Rubinstein. The protesters are throwing things at officers, including posters and water balloons.

"There are explosions," Rubinstein said.

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Taxpayers will be footing the bill for what may be the most costly inauguration in U.S. history as President-elect Donald Trump takes office Friday.

The price tag for Friday's inauguration and the events leading up to it could top $200 million according to the New York Times. Private donors also help foot the bill for the events, but much of the bill is covered by the federal government, state and local governments, and certain government committees.

The cost of security could top $100 million.

related: More inauguration news

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Trump inauguration time, how to watch, and what to expect

The inaugural swearing-in ceremony will begin at 11:30 Eastern on the western front of the Capitol building, where Trump will take the oath of office and make his inaugural address to the American people.

The inaugural parade will follow the swearing-in ceremony, scheduled to begin at 3 pm Eastern and make its way down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the White House.

Trump, Pence, and their wives will attend three official inaugural balls. Two will be at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center and are ticketed; the third is the Armed Services Ball at the National Building Museum, which is by invitation only. Details have not been confirmed.

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Timeline: Donald Trump's journey to the White House

On January 20, 2017, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States.

As clock counts down to the Swearing In Ceremony that will take place on the west front of the U.S. Capitol Building, we take a look back at Trump’s rise in politics from 2011 to his Nov. 8 election victory.

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Trump's inauguration - Ugly American rancor

By the time you read this column the Inauguration may be over. Like it not Donald Trump is your President. Even if you claim he is not your President - he is. If you continue your citizenship in America he is your President.

I heard and read reports of people who said they would leave the United States if Trump were elected President. How many have left or when are they leaving? Don't let the door hit you on the behind when you leave. Actually, that's not the attitude to have. The correct attitude is, "Come on people now love one another," or something like that.

I'm all for us loving and hugging each other but it doesn't seem to be on the horizon for our country. I voted for Obama the first time but I voted for Trump this time. One of the reason's I voted for Obama was because of healthcare and stem cell research. We must have stem cell research to find cures for numerous diseases. I was impacted greatly by healthcare with a very sick spouse for twelve years. I know the pain of a medical insurance crisis. I also voted against Obama because he and Congress messed up healthcare so bad. I voted for Trump not necessarily because I am now a registered Republican but because we desperately need a new direction in this country. We have few jobs, a failing economy, failing infrastructure, growing poverty, tremendous despair and a nation run over by illegal immigrants. We also have a healthcare crisis. Of all the candidates I saw Trump as being in the best position to do some things to change our spiraling direction as a nation.

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These 7 Countries Are Dreading Donald Trump’s Presidency the Most

Outside the U.S, that is

There are those outside the U.S. who will welcome Donald Trump’s arrival as the 45th President of the United States.

Russia will cheer his skepticism of NATO’s value, and his suggestion of a thaw in relations. The Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte, Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Syria’s Bashar al-Assad will applaud the President’s stress on common interests rather than Western values.

Others, however, will watch the inauguration with dread. Here are some who will be particularly on edge with Trump in the White House.
  • Mexico
  • Japan
  • Latvia
  • Estonia
  • Lithuania
  • Germany
  • France

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Inauguration of Donald Trump

Seal of the 58th United States Presidential Inauguration, to be held on January 20, 2017

The inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States will mark the commencement of the four-year term of Donald Trump as President and Mike Pence as Vice President. A public ceremony will be held on Friday, January 20, 2017, on the West Front of the United States Capitol Building in Washington, D.C.

The inauguration theme is "Uniquely American", a phrase that highlights the inaugural ceremony as "a uniquely American expression of our Constitutional system."[1] The theme also stresses the peaceful transition of power, and that the American people are "united behind an enduring republic."

The inaugural ceremonies held in Washington, D.C. from January 17 to 21, 2017 will include concerts, the swearing-in ceremony, luncheon and parade, inaugural balls, and the interfaith inaugural prayer service. The presidential oath will be administered to Trump during his swearing-in ceremony on January 20, 2017 by Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts and the vice presidential oath of office will be administered to Pence by Associate Justice Clarence Thomas.

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Inauguration Day in the United States
Inauguration Day occurs in the USA once every four years on January 20. It occurs in the year after presidential elections have been held

The head of state of the USA has been a president since 1789. In that year, George Washington was elected and inaugurated as president of the United States of America. He was inaugurated for the first time on April 30, 1789, and for the second time on March 4, 1793. Subsequent inaugurations were held on March 4 until the second inauguration of President Franklin Roosevelt on January 20, 1937. Since then Inauguration Day has been held on January 20 and the term of office officially starts at 12:00 noon on that date.

Usually, the vice-president is sworn in first and the president at exactly 12:00 noon. After they have been sworn in, the president and vice-president are given four ruffles and flourishes. The ruffles are played on drums and the flourishes on bugles, which are simple brass instruments with no valves. The ruffles and flourishes form a fanfare before a performance of the president's anthem, "Hail to the Chief", and the vice-president's anthem, "Hail, Columbia". There is then a 21-gun salute from the howitzers of the military district of Washington.

After the ceremony, the president and vice-president are guests of honor at a luncheon given by the United States Congress. Later in the day, they parade down Pennsylvania Avenue and walk part of the way from the Capitol to the White House. If Inauguration Day falls on is a Sunday, the presidential oath is usually administered in a private ceremony on that day and a public ceremony and celebrations are held on the following day.

On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama was be the first African-American president to be inaugurated. He is succeded by Republican Donald John Trump, who won the 2016 elections where he was up against Hillary Clinton.

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Haha guys, this bird looks like Donald Trump

A curious creature with audacious golden plumage has fascinated the world. We all watch intently as he struts about, soaking in the attention he knows he commands. An enigma, is he. What secret intent lies behind those sharp blue eyes?

Anyway, enough about Donald Trump. Check out this crazy bird.

This glorious golden pheasant at the Hangzhou Safari Park has become a thing because, well, look at him. He's got that "Trump hair in the front, medieval samurai in the back" thing going on. His nickname is "Little Red." Oh, he's perfect. We really needed this today.

The only bad thing about this news is that The People's Daily in China beat us to the Platonic ideal of bird puns.

realated: New moth named in honor of Donald Trump

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New moth named in honor of Donald Trump

No doubt Donald Trump will be showered with honors at his inauguration, but none will be quite as unique as this little moth.

A biologist has named a newly discovered species of moth after our next president. The Neopalpa donaldtrumpi is a wee little creature found in parts of California and Baja, Mexico. It seems nature favors fancy golden hairdos as much as the man himself (who could forget China's beloved Trump bird?), because the N. donaldtrumpi sports a very familiar-looking crown of yellowish scales. In the picture above, the little thing even looks like it's gesturing charismatically. A high-energy moth! All it needs is a tiny red hat.

When he came across the species, evolutionary biologist Dr. Vazrick Nazari knew what he had to do. "With its hair tufts, its presence in US and Mexico, and its fragile habitat that needs conservation, I really did not have any choice with this one other than to name [the moth] after Mr. President-elect himself," Nazari said.

related: this bird looks like Donald Trump

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Liz Massi ‏@massiliz  6h ago

@NancySinatra You good w/ this guy using the iconic 'My Way' for Friday night?

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Nancy Sinatra Destroys Donald Trump With Her Kickass Tweets
The first line of “My Way” is “And now, the end is near.”

Nancy Sinatra’s boots are made not just for walking but also for kicking Donald Trump to the curb.

The Hill is reporting that Trump and wife Melania will dance their first official dance as first couple to “My Way,” a song made famous by Sinatra’s dad, Frank Sinatra.

A woman named Liz Massi asked Nancy Sinatra on Twitter how she felt about the Sinatra standard being used as a sort-of coronation song for the Donald.

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Full Coverage:
Man burned during protest outside Trump hotel in DC
lone protester outside Trump's Washington hotel literally set his demonstration
Man suffers burns starting fire outside Trump Hotel
Man reportedly sets himself on fire outside Trump's DC hotel in protest
Anti-Trump protester hospitalized after setting himself on fire in front of Trump
Man Tries To Set Himself On Fire Outside Of Trump's DC Hotel
Protester Tries to Set Himself on Fire Outside Trump Hotel in DC: Report
Man Apparently Sets Himself on Fire Outside Donald Trump's DC Hotel
Man burned during protest outside Trump hotel
Report: Man lights himself on fire outside Trump's DC hotel
Protester tries setting self on fire outside Trump hotel
Trump's Washington Hotel Draws Protesters — And Ethics Concerns
Man apparently sets himself on fire outside Trump Hotel in DC
Man Burns Himself Attempting to Start Fire Outside Trump Hotel in DC
Donald Trump pays fan's £800 restaurant bill as he's mobbed while stopping
Man Sets Himself On Fire In Protest At Trump's Upcoming Inauguration
Man Attempts to Light Himself on Fire in DC to Protest Trump's Election
Anti-Trump Protester In DC Sets Himself On Fire
Trump's Hotel Bans Press For Inauguration, Raising Amendment Concerns
At Trump Hotel in Washington, Champagne Toasts in an Ethical 'Minefield'
Setting himself on fire doesn't work out too well for protester outside Trump
DC's Trump International Hotel has banned these people from the premises
Anti-Trump protester rushed to hospital after 'SET HIMSELF ON FIRE'
Trump pays surprise visit to his Washington hotel
Is Anyone Allowed To Visit Trump? Journalists Reportedly Denied Entry
Trump's Washington hotel is hub of inaugural action and potential conflicts
Trump protests in NYC: Photos of Inauguration Day demonstrations
Trump's DC hotel bans reporters from premises during inauguration week
Trump cheered during surprise visit to his DC hotel
Trump hotel bans media during inauguration week
Trump makes surprise stop for dinner at his DC hotel, shocks guests
Causes Frenzy To Break Out During Surprise Visit To His Hotel
Press Banned From Trump Hotel During Inauguration Week
No room at the inn in Washington that bears Trump's name
Trump stealthily ditches press pool and receives 'hero's welcome'
Trump's DC hotel refuses to comment on press ban
Media Banned From Trump DC Hotel During Inauguration Week
Trumps D.C. Hotel Bans Media for Inauguration
Trump hasn't been out much since winning election, he's been in a bubble
Trump's DC hotel bans press during inauguration week
Trump's D.C. Hotel Has Reportedly Banned Reporters During Inauguration
Anti-Trump protesters march during rush hour in DC
'Ominous': Trump Hotel in DC Bans Journalists During Inauguration Week
This Is Not How Democracy Works: Trump's DC Hotel Bans Reporters
Trump Hotel Bans Press Before Inauguration
Reporters banned from Trump's DC hotel for the week
Trump train steams into Washington for inaugural events
Protester Takes Extreme Measures To Show His Opposition To Trump
What do inauguration protesters hope to accomplish?
Inaugural cheers, fireworks: Trump sweeps in for his big day
Ahead of Trump's inauguration, Washington braces for well-wishers & protests
What Kind of New Beginning?
Trump Sweeps Into DC, Laying Wreath at Arlington and Saluting Lincoln
The Inauguration Of President Trump19:59
At Trump Hotel in Washington, Champagne Toasts in an Ethical 'Minefield'
Trump's Washington hotel is hub of inaugural action — and potential conflicts
Trump's inauguration, Washington braces for well-wishers and protests
Donald Trump to be sworn in on day that few expected and many feared
On eve of Trump inauguration, two different kinds of exhilaration
Trump sweeps into Washington with a wave
Donald Trump's inauguration: What to expect on the day
Donald Trump inauguration: Everything you need to know
5 ways you can protest Donald Trump's presidency
S.E. Cupp: Democrats, please control yourselves
Do we want our next president to fail?
LIVE UPDATES: Donald Trump's inauguration
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Kids in Pennsylvania tell us about Donald Trump
Anti-Trump protesters march in DC, vow to disrupt inauguration
Inaugural speech is Trump's time to rise to the moment
The Latest: Trump has late dinner at his DC hotel
Why can't America be great again?
Donald Trump presidency: How the world has already changed
How to Resist Donald Trump in DC This Weekend
Donald Trump inauguration: how academics are spending the day
Donald Trump's transition has hurt his popularity, not helped
How to watch Donald Trump's Inauguration in the UK
These 7 Countries Are Dreading Donald Trump's Presidency the Most
Donald Trump's Cheap Talk About NATO and Europe
Russia Gains When Donald Trump Trashes NATO
Will Donald Trump abandon Europe?
Donald Trump Tests Congressional Republicans
Donald Trump is blowing up Paul Ryan's agenda
Donald Trump criticizes House Republicans' tax plan: WSJ
At Dinner Honoring Mike Pence, Donald Trump Touches Many Bases
Nancy Sinatra Destroys Donald Trump With Her Kickass Tweets
Donald Trump's mother: From a Scottish island to New York's elite
Donald Trump Will Violate the Constitution on Day One
New moth named in honor of Donald Trump
Scientists Just Named a Tiny Moth After Donald Trump
This moth was named after Donald Trump
New species of moth named in honor of Trump ahead of his swearing-in
1998 with description of a new species from California and Baja
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Donald Trump reveals his 2020 campaign slogan
How Donald Trump came up with 'Make America Great Again'
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Donald Trump, the Lincoln Bible and a Page Out of History
Donald Trump to be sworn in on Lincoln, family Bibles
Donald Trump to Use Lincoln Bible for Inauguration Oath of Office
Exclusive: Donald Trump to Use Childhood Bible for Inauguration
Donald Trump's inauguration speech: 'He wants to talk about his vision'
Breaking: Donald Trump taps Sonny Perdue as his agriculture chief
Donald Trump Taps Former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue as Secretary
Swarm of US agencies probe Kremlin-Donald Trump election funding
The director of the CIA just went off on Trump. It was a long time coming
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CIA Director John Brennan Rejects Donald Trump's Criticism
Donald Trump vows health 'insurance for all'
What's the next big threat to US intelligence? Donald Trump
Fact Checking Donald Trump's Job Creation Claims
General Motors, Walmart are already aboard Donald Trump's jobs train
What Donald Trump's Approval Rating Means
Trump will take office as most unpopular president in at least 4 decade
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Obama's parting message is a warning for Donald Trump
The Case for Donald Trump's Official White House Photographer
Will Trump complete his 1st term as US President? Will he be impeached?
How Barack Obama paved the way for Donald Trump
Why Would Trump Want a Weaker Dollar?
Donald Trump's power to move markets sends US dollar tumbling
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Denis McDonough, White House chief of staff, Donald Trump
Donald Trump and Janet Yellen Look to Be on a Collision Course
Tom Steyer Has No Limit on Money to Fight the Donald Trump ...
Heavy security, big protests to mark inauguration of Trump US president
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Trump supporters descend on Washington ahead of inauguration
Buckle up: this is what Trump will do, starting on Day One of his presidency
US System of Checks and Balances Reins In Presidential Powers
How to watch Trump's Inauguration in the UK - Full schedule of events
9 Inauguration Landmarks That Changed History
Trump to take handful of executive actions on Day One
Who Is Performing At Donald Trump's Inauguration?
Donald Trump presidency: How the world has already changed
Inaugural speech is Trump's time to rise to the moment
Showers forecast in Washington, DC for Inauguration Day
US braces for Trump's inauguration amid doubts, protests, partisan fights
Trump supporters descending on Washington to celebrate inauguration
For many in Mass., Trump's big day is no celebration
Trump's inauguration: Who's performing, who said no and ... the balls
Anti-Trump protesters march in DC, vow to disrupt inauguration
Trump's inauguration will be unconventional, much like his presidency
Pageantry, tensions part of inaugurations
How To Watch Live Stream Online Of The Festivities In Washington
The Donald Trump Era Begins: Will It Be Harmony or Acrimony?
Trump needs a colossal inauguration pivot: Column
DC Braces for Tens of Thousands of Protesters During Trump's Inauguration
Trump's Inauguration Day? Comparing it to inaugurations back to 1789
Schedule of events to mark Donald Trump's inauguration as US president
Thousands converge in Washington to attend Donald Trump's inauguration
Kanye West Will Not Attend Donald Trump's Presidential Inauguration
What Does Inauguration Mean?Trump To Be Sworn In As President
Protests likely to mark the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th US
Taxpayers footing big chunk of Trump's Presidential Inauguration bill
Tensions build ahead of Trump's inauguration as boycott gathers pace
What time in UK will he be president? Which celebs are going?
Trump inauguration: How to win big money on president-elect's first speech
Bracing Themselves For Potentially Historic Crowds Of Protesters Amid Trump
Showers to dampen inauguration of Donald Trump as 45th US President
Trump's Presidential Inauguration: Know all about time, place and events
Trump Hates Tweeting & Cites President Obama As One Of 'The Biggest
Everything you need to know about the inauguration of US President Trump
'We Want All Americans' to Join Trump's Inauguration; This Is a 'Movement
President Obama is a lot more popular than Donald Trump,
Thousands converge in Washington to attend Donald Trump inauguration
Will Kanye West Perform at Pal Donald Trump's Inauguration?
Chicago students in Washington for Trump inauguration
Donald Trump's inauguration: Who is boycotting the big day?
Inauguration 2017: Here's the schedule of Donald Trump's official events
Trump inauguration latest round of presidential pomp
Trump Inauguration day speech live; watch it now here for the more details
President-Elect Trump, Back in Washington, Resembles Candidate Trump
'Ring of steel' made of cement trucks to protect Trump in Washington DC
Donald Trump inauguration protests expected to break records
Donald Trump's inauguration: Behind the scenes photos
Trump Wrong On Tax Returns; Americans Want To Know What His Show
Ugly American Donald Trump is about to enter the White House
When and how to watch Donald Trump's inauguration on TV in the UK
Donald Trump inauguration: four protest buses for every bus of attendees
Kanye West Won't Attend Donald Trump's Inauguration
Everything you need to know about Donald Trump's inauguration
Donald Trump Inauguration: When it starts, how to watch and more info
Trump's inauguration probably won't be as exciting as he's making it out
A brief guide to Donald Trump's inauguration
Executive actions ready to go as Trump prepares to take office
Barack Obama inaugural address: Jan. 20, 2009
Trump vision for country in address, don't expect a 'long-winded' speech
Hey, Why Are All Those Woodland Creatures Running Away
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Trump's 'Day One' will play out for weeks and months
How performing at Trump's inauguration or not became political statement
Trump's inaugural: A chance to use national 'we'
While You Were Sleeping: 5 stories you might have missed
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First day goal? Make White House feel like home for Trump
President Obama's First Inauguration Cost Double Donald Trump's
Trump will sign 'very meaningful' documents amid talk of executive orders
Welcome to the Trump era. Hold onto your hope.
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Donald Trump prepares for inauguration ceremony
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Trump National Security Team Gets a Slow Start
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