

Time names Trump 2016 'Person of the Year'

Even for Donald Trump, the distance is still fun to think about, up here in his penthouse 600 ft. in the sky, where it’s hard to make out the regular people below. The ice skaters swarming Central Park’s Wollman Rink look like old-television static, and the Fifth Avenue holiday shoppers could be mites in a gutter. To even see this view, elevator operators, who spend their days standing in place, must push a button marked 66–68, announcing all three floors of Trump’s princely pad. Inside, staff members wear cloth slipcovers on their shoes, so as not to scuff the shiny marble or stain the plush cream carpets.

This is, in short, not a natural place to refine the common touch. It’s gilded and gaudy, a dreamscape of faded tapestry, antique clocks and fresco-style ceiling murals of gym-rat Greek gods. The throw pillows carry the Trump shield, and the paper napkins are monogrammed with the family name. His closest neighbors, at least at this altitude, are an international set of billionaire moguls who have decided to stash their money at One57 and 432 Park, the two newest skyscrapers to remake midtown Manhattan. There is no tight-knit community in the sky, no paperboy or postman, no bowling over brews after work.

And yet here Trump resides, under dripping crystal, with diamond cuff links, as the President-elect of the United States of America. The Secret Service agents milling about prove that it really happened, this election result few saw coming. Hulking and serious, they gingerly try to stay on the marble, avoiding the carpets with their uncovered shoes. On his wife Melania’s desk, next to books of Gianni Versace’s fashions and Elizabeth Taylor’s jewelry, a new volume sits front and center: The White House: Its Historic Furnishings and First Families.

related: Behind TIME’s Donald Trump Person of the Year Cover

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FT Person of the Year: Donald Trump

It Can’t Happen Here was the title of Sinclair Lewis’s celebrated 1935 novel about fascism in America. It didn’t then, and many well-informed Americans — Republicans and Democrats — believed that the election of Donald Trump wouldn’t happen either.

Italy might once have fallen for Silvio Berlusconi. Britain might have opted for Brexit. But Mr Trump, the property mogul-turned-reality TV star, would never get past the American people. The most generous forecasts, such as that of statistician Nate Silver, gave him a one-in-three chance of taking the White House just days before the election.

Then came the night of Mr Trump’s triumph. It was one that few with even the faintest political awareness will ever forget. Almost everyone turned out to be wrong — everyone, that is, except the man who apparently lived in a fantasy world. “It is going to be Brexit times five,” Mr Trump said during the campaign. For once he may have been understating things.

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Donald Trump says it's a 'tremendous honour' to be Time's Person of the Year

The thin-skinned President was upset when in 2015 Time magazine made Angela Merkel its person of the year. But it's 2016 and Trump is most deservedly the magazine's person of the year. [Reuters]

But is that "for better or for worse?" [Nancy Gibbs/Time] (For context, Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin (and a computer) have all been previous Persons of the Year.)

"I consider this a very, very great honour," Trump said in an eleven-minute phone interview on breakfast television.

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35 TIME Magazine Covers That Appeared to Give People Horns

Donald Trump joins Hillary Clinton, Pope Francis, one large animal and many others who have appeared on the magazine's front with the eyebrow raising features

There was some hubbub online Wednesday over TIME’s new Person of the Year cover, which appeared to show Donald Trump sporting a set of horns. (This sort of thing has happened before.) Given the shape of the letter “m” in the magazine’s name and its location on the cover, many other subjects in the past have also appeared to sprout extra features. It’s happened to Hillary Clinton at least twice. It’s happened to Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush, too.

Here’s everyone from Margaret Thatcher to Pope Francis to Jesus to Darth Vader who has received the rough end of TIME’s “horns.” Any resemblance to cats, bats or devil horns is entirely coincidental.

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Yes, Donald Trump Has Horns on Time's 'Person of the Year' Cover

Time Magazine named President-elect Donald Trump the 2016 Person of the Year. Time

To Beelzebub or not to Beelzebub? That is the question. Many have pointed out that in Time Magazine's "Person of the Year" cover photo, the "M" in Time looks like horns on top of Trump's head, a la Satan:

The speculation reached such a fever pitch that Time felt compelled to respond, acknowledging that the cover does, indeed, appear to give him horns. However, the magazine wrote: "Any resemblance to cats, bats or devil horns is entirely coincidental."

Time added that Trump's cover is far from the first incidence of the "M"-turned-horns. In fact, in 2015, the magazine published a slideshow of 35 covers in which the subject appeared to be sporting horns because his or her head lined up with the letter.

related: Donald Trump Named Time Magazine Person of the Year

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No, Time didn't give Donald Trump horns on its 'Person of the Year' cover

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump poses for photographer Nadav Kander for the cover of Time Magazine after being named its person of the year, in a picture provided by the publication in New York December 7, 2016. (Time Magazine/Handout via REUTERS)

Once you see it, you can’t take the image out of your head. But the suggestion that Time magazine intentionally put “devil horns” on Donald Trump’s head for his “Person of the Year” cover gave pause to observers online.

At issue is the way the M in Time is positioned over Trump’s head to resemble horns, or cat or bat ears. The criticism was so loud that even Time magazine editors felt compelled to publish this clarification: “Any resemblance to cats, bats or devil horns is entirely coincidental.”

Still, it was all some people wanted to talk about.

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Trump wins so big as TIME's 'Person of the Year'

Donald Trump is TIME Magazine's person of the year. Unbelievable. Huge. Good judgment!

"It's tremendous," the U.S. president-elect said after the announcement on NBC's "Today" show Wednesday morning.

"I've been lucky enough to be on the cover many times this year and last year, but I consider this a very very great honour."

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78-Year Streak Of A White Supremacist Not Being Person Of The Year Ends

Time magazine named Trump its “Person of the Year,” a nod to the rise of online bullying and internet trolls in American culture. The FBI is investigating a Huffington Post editor over a Twitter joke, since apparently Hillary Clinton had been keeping agents busy and oh wow, reporters are really screwed now. Trump chose Linda McMahon to head the Small Business Administration, so expect a big roll of red tape to be the heel at SummerSlam next year. This is HUFFPOST HILL for Wednesday, December 7, 2016:

YOU KNOW WHO ELSE ETC. ETC. - Donald Trump is Time’s Person of the Year: “For all of Trump’s public life, tastemakers and intellectuals have dismissed him as a vulgarian and carnival barker, a showman with big flash and little substance. But what those critics never understood was that their disdain gave him strength. For years, he fed off the disrespect and used it to grab more tabloid headlines, to connect to common people. Now he has upended the leadership of both major political parties and effectively shifted the political direction of the international order. He will soon command history’s most lethal military, along with economic levers that can change the lives of billions. And the people he has to thank are those he calls ‘the forgotten,’ millions of American voters who get paid by the hour in shoes that will never touch these carpets ― working folk, regular Janes and Joes, the dots in the distance.”

“WHO, ME?” - Man, come on. New York Times: “In an interview with Time for its person of the year issue, and a follow-up with NBC’s ‘Today’ show, Mr. Trump talked tough. He insisted he has nothing to do with the ‘divided states of America’ that Time says he will lead. ‘When you say divided states of America, I didn’t divide them,’ he told NBC. ‘I’m not president yet, so I didn’t do anything to divide.’”

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Suddenly, We’re Divided

Nobody failed to see this coming: Donald Trump is Time magazine’s “Person of the Year.” The last newly elected president to be denied that designation (or its predecessor, “Man of the Year”) was George H.W. Bush in 1988; the last one not of the incumbent’s party was Richard Nixon 20 years earlier. George W. Bush and Barack Obama were both named Person in their re-election years as well.

In a brief piece explaining “The Choice,” Time’s Nancy Gibbs opens with an apology of sorts: “This is the 90th time we have named the person who had the greatest influence, for better or worse, on the events of the year. So which is it this year: Better or worse? The challenge for Donald Trump is how profoundly the country disagrees about the answer.”

Back when Man of the Year was a bigger deal, Time occasionally set off controversy by naming a figure who was influential “for worse,” notably Hitler in 1938 and Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1979. In 2001 the magazine avoided such unpleasantness by passing up the obvious choice, Osama bin Laden, and going with Rudy Giuliani instead.

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People are taking Time naming Trump 'Person of the Year' about as well as you'd expect

There was no question that Time magazine would name Donald Trump as 2016's "Person of the Year."

Nevertheless, this perfectly predictable outcome to the magazine's annual tradition has inspired a perfectly predictable response from many in the press. Donald Trump was just named Time's Person of the Year. Hitler once held that title to," read a headline published by the Independent.

MSNBC contributor Tina Dupuy mused, "Trump kept Hitler's speeches in his bedside table. The fact both of them have now been Time's person of the year must be thrilling for Trump."

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Choosing TIME's person of the year 'for better or worse'

The country is split again — this time over TIME's choice for Person of the Year.

The magazine announced Wednesday that President-elect Donald Trump was the most influential person of 2016, the seventh time Trump has graced the cover of TIME this year alone, including two illustrations.

"This is the 90th time we have named the person who had the greatest influence, for better or worse, on the events of the year," TIME's editor Nancy Gibbs wrote about the decision. "So which is it this year: Better or worse? The challenge for Donald Trump is how profoundly the country disagrees about the answer."

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8 times Donald Trump slagged off Time Magazine before they made him Person of the Year

Donald Trump was delighted to be named Time Magazine's Person of the Year for 2016 - but he hasn't always been nice to the publication.

The magazine has named every president elect since Nixon its Person of the Year in the year they were elected - with the exception of George HW Bush. And that tradition continued today, when they put the Donald on their cover.

He told the Today programmes Matt Lauer: “It’s a great honour. It means a lot." But he hasn't always been so complimentary about the weekly mag.

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Time mag brands Trump a 'huckster,' calls Clinton 'an American Moses'

President-elect Donald Trump was named Time magazine's Person of the Year on Wednesday – and the honor basically ended there.

While describing Trump as the real change-maker of 2016, the magazine also ragged on the Republican president-elect as a “huckster” and “demagogue” while reserving its most glowing praise for runner-up Hillary Clinton -- whom the edition breathlessly described as “an American Moses.”

In describing Trump, Time's article almost exclusively used backhanded compliments. For instance, while the piece said he “did what no American politician had attempted in a generation,” it added that he “magnified the divisions of the present, inspiring new levels of anger and fear within his country.”

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Congrats and condemnations: Reaction to Donald 'Person of the Year' Trump

When Time Magazine announced Donald Trump was its ‘Person of the Year’ for 2016, social media exploded with messages of congratulations and condemnation that saw the hashtag #personoftheyear quickly begin trending in Canada and the United States.

Vice-president elect Mike Pence was one of many who took to Twitter to congratulate Trump on the distinction.

Others commented on the Time Magazine cover layout that placed the M over Donald Trump’s head, invoking what some said looked like devil ears.

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Donald Trump is TIME’s Person of the Year and His Cover is Being Compared to This Dangerous Leader

The publication dubbed the President-elect the “president of the divided states of America,” and the title feels more notorious than honorary.

Trump wasn’t pleased with the title but said being selected was a “tremendous honor.” In a phone interview with Today host Matt Lauer, Trump called Time “a very important magazine” and he has “been lucky enough to be on the cover many times this year and last year.”

“When you say the divided states of America, I didn’t divide them,” he quickly added. “They’re divided now. I mean there’s a lot of division, and we’re going to put it back together and we’re going to have a country that’s very well healed.”

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The Darkest Lines From The 'TIME' Person Of The Year Donald Trump Story That Capture His Confusing Success

TIME magazine just published its 2016 "Person of the Year" issue, and that person is Donald Trump. In the extensive stories accompanying the ominous cover announcement, a portrait of a wholly new kind of American leader emerges. Trump defied expectations at every step, from decimating all 16 Republican primary rivals to beating Hillary Clinton by winning the electoral bounty of rust belt states that hadn't gone red since Ronald Reagan. It's been a long year, and these are some of the darkest quotes from TIME's "Person of the Year" issue that highlight Trump's confusing rise and success.

Trump's defiance of so-called "political correctness" won him the trust of voters fed up with Washington, and his billionaire status gave millions a reason to trust that his business know-how could lead the country to better economic times. TIME recognized his remarkable achievement by making him their official person of the year.

But that title alone leaves out the swarm of scandals that animated Trump's campaign, and it ignores the slew of questionable advisers and confidantes that Trump has surrounded himself with. Throughout TIME's piece, these darker elements of his campaign, and what they portend for his coming tenure as POTUS, are impossible to ignore. Add to that Trump's seeming ignorance or disregard for typical standards of political conduct, and the picture becomes even more disconcerting.

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For better or worse, Time names Trump 2016 ‘Person of the Year’

TIME magazine yesterday named Donald Trump its “Person of the Year” for 2016 for his election victory that rewrote the rules of politics, delivering him to the helm of a divided America.

The US president-elect dialed into NBC television’s Today show, welcoming the accolade as a “very, very great honor,” denying he was responsible for divisions and praising outgoing Democratic President Barack Obama.

The real estate tycoon, who has never previously held elected office and shocked the political establishment by defeating his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, is featured on Time’s cover described as “Donald Trump: President of the Divided States of America.”

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Is 'Time' sending a secret message with its Donald Trump Person of the Year cover?

On Wednesday, Time magazine revealed its selection for the publication's annual Person of the Year honor: President-elect Donald Trump. The magazine's choice immediately spurred outrage, eyerolls — and wild conspiracy theories about secret meanings behind the cover photo.
Is there a hidden Hitler comparison?

Some on social media have already pointed out that Trump, in his cover for the Person of the Year issue, is shown sitting in an armchair, posing with his head turned, looking somewhat reminiscent of an image of Adolf Hitler on the cover of Time.

But, while Hitler was named as Time's 1938 Man of the Year, the cover of that issue, from January 1939, showed a sinister black and white illustration of Hitler from the back, drawn by Rudolph Von Ripper — not that seated portrait.

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Why Time picked Donald Trump as its 'Person of the Year'

Time magazine’s 2016 Person of the Year goes to President-elect Donald Trump, its editors announced on Wednesday.

The magazine cover features a photograph of Mr. Trump in his Trump Tower residence with the headline “Donald Trump: President of the Divided States of America.”

"When have we ever seen a single individual who has so defied expectations, broken the rules, violated norms, beaten not one but two political parties on the way to winning an election that he entered with 100-to-1 odds against him?" Time Editor Nancy Gibbs said on NBC’s “Today” show.

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Social media goes into overdrive with reactions to Donald Trump’s announcement as TIME Person of the Year

DONALD Trump’s nomination as TIME person of the year has proved as divisive as his Presidential campaign, with many taking to social media to share their reaction.

On Twitter, some were quick to suggest the President Elect followed in the company of Hitler, Stalin and Putin who had also received the iconic title.

Others lambasted them for overreacting and pointed out the Pope and Angela Merkel had also been named the winner before. The magazine’s annual award names the person who has had the “greatest influence, for better or worse, on the events of the year”.

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Congratulations, Trump. Welcome to hell
Dear Mr. Trump
You won. Welcome to hell.

And to think, I thought you’d become president when hell froze over.

Now that the election is finally behind us, may I ask a tiny question: Why did you want this job? Was it on your bucket list? After so many square miles of golf courses, trophy wives, gilt mirrors and crystal chandeliers, was there nothing left to mess with?

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Full Coverage:
Time names Trump 2016 'Person of the Year'
Suddenly, We're Divided
78-Year Streak Of A White Supremacist Not Being Person Of The Year
5 Takeaways From Time's Person of the Year Interview With Trump
Donald Trump named TIME's Person of the Year 2016
Donald Trump named TIME Person of the Year
Donald Trump named as Time magazine's person of the year
Donald Trump Named Time's Person of the Year
Choosing TIME's person of the year 'for better or worse'
Trump Gets Last Year's Wish, Becomes Time's Person of the Year
The Wednesday news briefing: An at-a-glance survey of some top stories
Time mag brands Trump a 'huckster,' calls Clinton 'an American Moses'
Time Magazine accused of likening Donald Trump to Hitler
Congrats/condemnations: Reaction to Donald 'Person of the Year' Trump
Trump chosen as Time's Person of the Year
Trump named Time magazine's '2016 Person of the Year'
Trump says it's a 'tremendous honour' to be Time's Person of the Year
Donald Trump named Time's 'Person of the Year'
Donald Trump as Time's Person of the Year validates the world's racists
Time names Donald Trump 2016 'Person of the Year'
A Look Into Time Magazine's Latest Image of 'Person of the Year' Trump
Donald Trump refs Newsday in Time profile
Person of the Year
TIME Person of the Year for 2016 is President-elect Donald Trump
Donald Trump Named 'Time' Magazine's Person Of The Year
Donald Trump is TIME Magazine's Person of the Year
Donald Trump beats Nigel Farage as Person of the Year by Time Magazine
8 times Donald Trump slagged off Time b4 they made him Person of the Yr
Donald Trump named TIME Person of the Year for 2016
The Internet Is Having Very Mixed Feelings About Trump Being Named
Donald Trump is Time magazines Person of the Year 2016
World BBC: Donald Trump is Time magazine's Person of the Year
Trump, ' Says He's Getting Input From Obama on Some Nominees
Trump is Time magazine's Person of the Year
Donald Trump Named Time's 2016 Person of the Year
Donald Trump named Time magazine's 2016 Person of the Year
Donald Trump is Time magazine's 2016 Person of the Year
Trump Named Time Magazine's 2016 Person Of The Year
Donald Trump Is TIME's Person of the Year; Modi Wins Popular Vote
Trump Praises 'Very Important' TIME For POTY Choice: 'A Great Honor'
Donald Trump Named TIME Magazine's Person of the Year
Donald Trump Named Time Magazine's Man of The Year
Donald Trump is Time magazine's Person of the Year 2016
TIME Magazine Names Donald Trump “Person of the Year”
Time names US President-elect Donald Trump 2016 'Person of the Year'
Donald Trump is named as Time magazine's Person Of The Year
Trump beats Nigel Farage to be named Time magazine's Person of the Yr
Why 'Time' Named Donald Trump 'Person of the Year'
Donald Trump named Time magazine person of the year for 2016
Donald Trump Time's Person of the Year 2016
Trump Named Time's Person of the Year
Donald Trump is Time magazine's 'Person of the Year'
Time Person of the Year: Trump
'Time Magazine' Names Donald Trump as Person of The Yr for 2016
Pres. elect Donald Trump named TIME's 'Person of the Year'
Donald Trump's Cover is Being Compared to This Dangerous Leader
Trump gets his Time magazine nod for Person of the Year
Trump wins so big as TIME's 'Person of the Year'
Donald Trump is TIME's 2016 'Person of the Year'
Time Magazine Names Donald Trump "Person Of The Year"
No, Time didn't give Donald Trump horns on its 'Person of the Yr' cover
Trump's TIME Magazine Cover... 5 Ways It Should Have Been Done!
Donald Trump named TIME magazines Person of the Year
Trump beats Beyoncé to be named TIME's Person of the Year 2016
President-elect Trump's Time Magazine's 'Person of the Year'
Donald Trump: It's 'a tremendous honor' to be TIME's Person of the Year
President-Elect Donald Trump Named Time's Person of the Year
Donald Trump named Time magazine's Person of the Year 2016
Donald Trump Is TIME's Person of the Year
Trump voted TIME magazine's Person Of The Year
Donald Trump sports devil horns on TIME's 'Person of the Year'
Donald Trump, 'divided states of America' is TIME 'Person of the Yr'
Time Person Of The Year 2016 Is Trump, 'President Of The Divided States'
President-elect Donald Trump named TIME Person of the Year for 2016
TIME Magazine names Donald Trump its Person of the Year
Time Magazine Names Trump 'Person of the Year' - The TB Joshua Connection
This Spooky Montage Of Trump 'TIME' Covers This Yr Is 2016 In A Nutshell
President-Elect Donald Trump Named Time Magazine's Person Of The Year
Trump chosen TIME magazine's Person of the Year
US Prez Trump chosen TIME's person of year
Time Magazine Shows Bias in Trump Person of the Year Cover
'A Very Great Honor': Donald Trump Is Time's Person Of The Year
Your daily 6: Donald Trump as Person of the Year, Amy Schumer as Barbie
Trump is Time magazine's pick for Person of the Year
President-elect Donald Trump is TIME Person of the Year for 2016
Darkest Lines From The Trump Story That Capture His Confusing Success
Why Did Trump Win 'TIME's Person Of The Yr Award? It's About Influence
Donald Trump named Times Person of the Year
Donald Trump is named Time magazine's Person of the Year
Donald Trump is Time magazine's Person of the Yr and it sort of makes sense
Donald Trump is named Time magazine's Person of the Year
Trump is Time magazine's Person of the Year and it sort of makes sense
Time names Trump its 2016 'Person of the Year'
Donald Trump named Time magazine`s Person of the Year for 2016
Donald Trump is Time's 'Person of the Year'
Trump named Time s Person of the Year - Yahoo7
The Donald trumps Modi to become Time's 'Person of the Year'
TIME: Donald Trump Is 'Person of the Year'
For better or worse, Time names Trump 2016 'Person of the Year'
The Most Surprising Name On 'TIME's List Is Actually Similar To Trump
Time Magazine Has Named Donald Trump 'Person Of The Year'
2015's 'Time' Person of Yr was Germany's 1st woman chancellor. Now Trump.
Time names Donald Trump as Person of the Year
Donald Trump Says Being Named Time's Person of the Year is 'a Great Honor'
Time magazine names US President-elect Trump Person of the Year
Locals react to Trump as Time magazine's Person of the Year
Trump is TIME's Person of the Year, while Indians take solace in Modi winning
Trump is Time magazine Person of the Year
TIME named Donald Trump 2016 Person of the Year
Trump is TIME! A look at all 9 times US President-elect graced magazine
Donald Trump Mocked By Memes Of His 'TIME' Person Of The Year Cover
After complaining Person of the Year, Trump finally got what he wanted
'TIME' Named Trump the 2016 Person of the Year
Trump Accepts Time's Backhanded 'Person of the Year' Distinction
TIME names President-elect Donald Trump its person of the year
How Many Women Short List In 2016? Trump Won For Very Different
Trump named Time's 'Person of the Year'
Donald Trump Is Named Time Magazine's Person Of The Year
Donald Trump Is TIME's Person of the Year; Calls in to Today Show
Donald Trump reacts to being trolled on TIME's 'Person of the Year' cover
Trump is Time's obvious pick for Person of the Year
Trump is Time: 'Whatever happens next, it will never be like it was before'
Is 'Time' sending secret message with its Trump Person of the Year cover?
Trump is Time's person of the year in landmark time for Divided States
Trump named Time's person of the yr, making history along with Hitler & Stalin
Why Time picked Donald Trump as its 'Person of the Year'
President-elect Donald Trump named TIime magazine's Person fo the Year
Decoding TIME Magazine's Trump 'Person of the Year' Photo
A look at every past Person of the Year from Time magazine
Trump Is Time's Person of the Year
Time Magazine names Donald Trump 'Person of the Year'
There was absolutely no question that Trump would win Time's Person of Year
Jokes & Memes About Donald Trump's Are A Hilarious End To 2016
Trump beats Nigel Farage to be hailed Time magazine's person of the year
Behind TIME's Donald Trump Person of the Year Cover
Beyoncé Makes 'Time' Magazine's 'Person of the Year' List
A lot of people are making the same comment about Donald Trump's picture
Donald Trump Named Time Magazine Person of the Year
Donald Trump has beaten Nigel Farage to be named Time magazine's
Donald Trump Named 2016's 'TIME' Person Of The Year
Time's 'Person of the Year' Cover Looks Like It's Giving Donald Trump Horns
Wait, Time really name Trump "Person of the Year"?! I thought that was a joke
Time names President-elect Donald Trump as Person of the Year
Time's 2016 Person of the Year: Donald Trump
Trump Being Named Person Of The Year Just Dangerously Normalizes Him
2016 TIME Person of the Year: Donald Trump
Donald Trump Wins TIME Magazine's Person Of The Year
Donald Trump Named Time Magazine's Person of the Year, Ruins the Surprise
'Time' Names Trump Person Of The Year

What's next for The Trump-Kim Summit
Historic Singapore Trump-Kim Summit
Trump-Kim summit in Singapore
‘Rocket Man’ Vs ‘Dotard’ in War of Words
Flight Over Pyongyang
N Korea condemned for failed satellite,Pakistan,India & S Korea few critics
Trump Did Not Bring Jerusalem Crashing Down
Playing the 'Trump' card against China
Trump and the Russian connection
Time names Trump 2016 'Person of the Year'
Trump tweets conversation with Taiwanese leader but not Singapore’s
TPP: Trump Pacific Palisades
Congratulations to President-Elect Donald Trump!
Donald Trump wins the US’s 45th presidency
Donald Trump’s ‘P---y’ Comment: 'Sexual Violence or Sexual Assault'
PM Lee the Latest “Victim” of Donald Trump Handshake