

Congratulations to President-Elect Donald Trump!

Update 22 Dec 2016: Congratulations, Trump. Welcome to hell
Dear Mr. Trump
You won. Welcome to hell.

And to think, I thought you’d become president when hell froze over.

Now that the election is finally behind us, may I ask a tiny question: Why did you want this job? Was it on your bucket list? After so many square miles of golf courses, trophy wives, gilt mirrors and crystal chandeliers, was there nothing left to mess with?

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Congratulations to President-Elect Donald Trump!

His candidacy took many by surprise. At each stage he defied expectations, and his journey has ultimately taken him to the White House.

It has been a contentious, ugly election season, that has exposed a bitter divide in the American people. Many will celebrate this result, while others will understandably be surprised and disappointed. But like the Brexit referendum in June, Mr Trump’s victory is part of a broader pattern in developed countries – reflecting a deep frustration with the way things are, and a strong wish to reassert a sense of identity, and somehow to change the status quo.

US voters have elected a President whom they feel best represents them. Singapore fully respects their decision. We will continue to work together with the United States to cultivate our strong ties. – LHL

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Xi congratulates Trump on becoming U.S. president-elect

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday congratulated Donald Trump on becoming president-elect of the United States, and said he hoped they could work together to boost China-U.S. relations so as to better benefit peoples around the world.

Republican presidential nominee Trump, 70, won the Nov. 8 presidential election in the United States and is set to succeed Democratic Barack Obama as the next U.S. president.

In his congratulatory message, Xi said that while China is the world's largest developing country and the United States the largest developed power, both, as the world's top economies, bear the special responsibility of maintaining world peace and stability and boosting global development and prosperity, and share extensive interests.

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World Leaders Congratulate Donald Trump

The results of last night’s election shocked people not only in America, but all across the globe. Most people and polls didn’t predict that President-elect Donald Trump would win, and foreign leaders were quick to issue responses to election results.

Most presidents, prime ministers, and rulers issued their congratulations to Trump for his historic win, while others had to focus on the Americans trying to immigrate to their country.

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto tweeted his congratulations to Donald Trump saying he looked forward to continuing Mexico's relationship with the United States.

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Congratulations, President Donald Trump. Time to look beyond the election

In normal times, the ability of an uncouth, unconventional candidate like Trump to overcome staunch intraparty opposition and be elected the 45th U.S. president on Tuesday could have been seen as a symbol of the vitality of American democracy, with rank-and-file voters defying entrenched establishment interests to change a nation’s course.

But these are not normal times. The elation that so many Americans — even some Republicans — felt in 2008 over the election of the first African-American president seems unlikely to be repeated this election. Barack Obama maintained a patina of optimism and inclusivity around his candidacy that somehow survived the 2008 campaign. The same won’t be said after the scorched-earth 2016 campaign.

The sense of relief that many Americans used to feel after a contentious election season seems a distant sensation.

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Barack Obama calls Donald Trump to offer congratulations

President Obama has called Donald Trump to offer his congratulations on the Republican's victory and set the ball rolling on a transition process that will hand power to the billionaire businessman in January.

Mr Obama also called Hillary Clinton to express his "admiration for the strong campaign she waged throughout the country", the White House said.
The current President invited the new President-elect to meet him at the White House on Thursday to discuss the transition of power. Mr Trump will be formally sworn in as the 45th president of the United States on 20 January.

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Theresa May leads UK congratulations for Donald Trump

Theresa May has led UK political congratulations for Donald Trump after his US election victory.

The PM said Britain and the US had an "enduring and special relationship" and would remain close partners on trade, security and defence.

Labour's Jeremy Corbyn said an economic system that "isn't working for most people" had been rejected.

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Putin Used a Telegram to Congratulate Trump

Vladimir Putin played an outsized role in the 2016 U.S. election, with repeated Russian hacks leading many to suspect the Kremlin was trying to sway the vote for Russia-friendly Donald Trump. And after Trump's victory came another weird turn: Putin sent him a telegram.

There may be a hundred ways to send a message in 2016, but the Russian leader is decidedly old-school in this regard. The good old-fashioned telegram remains his "preferred method of communicating with newly elected leaders," says NBC News.

No word on whether the president-elect plans to drop his beloved Twitter in favor of chatting like it's the 1800s.

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Celebs congratulate Donald Trump

Photos: Celebs who support Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Politics is on everyone's minds these days, and Hollywood is no exception. Here's a list of some of the stars who have come out in support of either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton -- including one who wants to clear up her reported endorsement.

A few celebrities tweeted their congrats to President-elect Donald Trump.

Actor Stephen Baldwin tweeted, "God is moving ..... & America is speaking !! PTL" before Trump was declared the winner.

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Rightwing populists first to congratulate Trump on historic upset

Marine Le Pen, leader of Front National, welcomed the result. Photograph: Eric Feferberg/AFP/Getty Images

Around the world, nationalists and far-right leaders react with glee as Republican candidate wins US election

Far-right and rightwing nationalist leaders were the first to congratulate Donald Trump, as diplomats struggled to come to terms with the US election results.

Marine Le Pen’s far-right Front National welcomed the results claiming they heralded a new world. Le Pen, who is running for president next spring, had long said Trump’s politics were in French interests, and congratulated the “free” American people.

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Europe's leaders cannot hide their nerves amid Trump congratulations

German defence minister Ursula von der Leyen expressed concern over Trump’s position on Nato. Photograph: Axel Schmidt/Reuters
European foreign ministers are to meet on Sunday to assess what impact Donald Trump’s election victory will have on transatlantic relations amid widespread nervousness about his intentions on trade and defence.

That anxiety was shared with US allies and trading partners elsewhere in the world who are waiting to see what Trump’s “America first” approach will entail once he is in the Oval Office in January.

In Europe, the uncertainty bubbled up beneath the ritual dispatch of congratulations. The German defence minister, Ursula von der Leyen, gave her gut reaction soon after the outcome of the election became clear, admitting her surprise.

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Here’s the letter of congratulations the EU sent to Donald Trump

Donald Tusk, president of the European Council, wrote a letter to Donald Trump congratulating him on his historic victory in the US Presidential Election

Trump overcame all the odds to inflict a shock defeat on experienced Democrat Hillary Clinton and earn his place in the White House.

In the letter, Tusk offers his “sincere congratulations” to the new president on behalf of the European Union and invites Trump to visit Europe to meet up with EU officials as soon as possible.

He adds that he hopes Trump will continue to value the “bridges” between the US and 28-nation bloc, which he says are based on freedom, human rights, democracy, and a belief in the market economy.

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Republicans now congratulating Trump despite calling him a 'fraud' and not 'very smart' during vicious campaign

A number of prominent Republicans who bashed Donald Trump (pictured) during the election campaign have now come out in support of the President-elect

A number of prominent Republicans who bashed Donald Trump during the election campaign have now come out in support of the President-elect.

Despite dozens within the party stating prior to election day that Trump was fit to be president, most of those critics seemingly fell in line behind their new leader on Wednesday.

Some of Trump's most vocal opponents were among the Republicans to publicly back him in the wake of his stunning triumph - including many who had been beaten to the presidential nomination by the Donald.

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Hillary Clinton calls Donald Trump to congratulate him on election victory

Hillary Clinton called Trump to say well done

On Tuesday morning the world woke up shocked to the news that Hillary Clinton had lost the big election and Donald Trump had clinched victory to make him the next President of the United States of America.

As the news sunk in with millions of disillusioned people, Hillary Clinton called her former rival and congratulated him moments after Piers Morgan tweeted Trump live on Good Morning Britain.

After sending his congratulations by writing "Congratulations to my friend @ realDonaldTrump - an astonishing achievement. # President ", Piers then announced the end of Hillary's career as a politician.

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From Jakarta to Lagos, many Muslims voice dismay at Trump win

People hold a cardboard cut-out of Donald Trump before taking fotos during an elections event at the US embassy's cultural centre in Jakarta, Indonesia, Nov 9, 2016. FOTO: REUTERS

Many Muslims around the world expressed dismay on Wednesday at Donald Trump's election as US president, saying they feared it might raise tensions between the West & Islam and contribute to radicalisation.

While Egypt's president made an early congratulatory call to Trump, ordinary Muslims were worried that his victory would be a propaganda gift to Islamic militant groups.

Others were apprehensive that the president-elect would implement campaign pledges to clamp down on Muslims entering the United States.

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Abe sends congratulations

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Wednesday congratulated Donald Trump on his win in the U.S. presidential election.

In a message issued Wednesday evening, Abe stressed, “Japan and the United States are unwavering allies tied firmly with the bond of universal values such as freedom, democracy, basic human rights, and the rule of law.”

On the basis of this, he said, “I very much look forward to closely cooperating with you to further strengthen the bond of the Japan-U.S. Alliance, as well as for our two countries to play leading roles for assuring peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region.”

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UAE leaders, Saudi King congratulate Trump on US Presidential election victory

Republican presidential elect Donald Trump waves to supporters during election night at the New York Hilton Midtown in New York (Photo: JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)

UAE’s President, Vice President and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi congratulated Donald Trump on his election victory.

The US billionaire businessman stunned the world on Tuesday by defeating heavily favoured Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House.

UAE President Sheikh Khalifa issued a congratulatory cable to Donald Trump on being elected as the 45th President of America, and wished him success in his future tasks, according to news agency WAM.

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United Nations Foundation and Better World Campaign Congratulate Donald Trump on U.S. Presidential Election

The United Nations Foundation and its sister organization, the Better World Campaign, today congratulated Donald Trump on his election as president of the United States of America. Both President-elect Trump and UN Secretary-General-designate António Guterres will begin their terms in January 2017, marking the first time in more than half a century that the U.S. and UN will have new leaders at the same time and signaling an opportunity for robust and dynamic U.S.-UN relations.

“Donald Trump’s election comes at a time when the world depends on American leadership more than ever to advance peace and international cooperation,” said Kathy Calvin, UN Foundation President & CEO. “With a new U.S. President and new UN Secretary-General starting in January, strong engagement at the UN remains crucial to American interests across the globe. We look forward to working with the new Administration to ensure that the U.S. commitment to a strong and effective UN remains a top priority.”

Donald Trump will take office at a time when the U.S. has a strong track record in UN relations. As a result of bipartisan leadership over the past eight years, the U.S. has fully paid its obligations to the UN. As the largest financial supporter, the U.S. remains integral to a strong UN, and the nation’s status as a permanent member of the Security Council and host of UN Headquarters reflects its influence and importance.

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Congratulations not celebrations: Countries who slammed Trump send best wishes

Several world leaders who previously criticized Trump are now congratulating him. © Andrew Kelly / Reuters

Leaders around the world who previously spoke out against Donald Trump now face the unenviable task of swallowing their pride and issuing grudging congratulations to the president-elect to ensure continuing good relations with the US.

"I consider Donald Trump a man who invests a lot in a policy of fear," Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi said back in April. Today Renzi, who openly supported Hillary Clinton, congratulated Trump on his victory. Speaking in Rome he said "I wish him well. The Italo-American friendship is solid," according to Reuters.

Argentina’s Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra commented only days ago that Trump represented a "more closed, isolationist and xenophobic" model in his agenda.

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Donald Trump wins the US’s 45th presidency

Donald Trump was elected the nation’s 45th president in the stunning culmination of a campaign that defied expectations and conventions at every turn and galvanized legions of aggrieved Americans in a loud repudiation of the status quo.

Hillary Clinton’s quest to make history as the first female president was thwarted by the Republican nominee’s breathtaking performance at the polls. He was carried to victory by voters fed up with the political system and mistrustful of Clinton, a former first lady, senator and secretary of state.

Trump, a 70-year-old celebrity businessman who had never before run for office, is poised to become the oldest president ever elected to a first term

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Full Coverage:

From Jakarta to Lagos, many Muslims voice dismay at Trump win
'Fear, concern': American Muslims react to Trump win
Now we heal
12 Women on the Heartbreak of Watching Trump Win
An American Tragedy
In Dearborn, Michigan, Muslim Americans Greet Trump Victory With Trepidation
12 things that happened within hours of Donald Trump being elected president
How each of us can help keep America inclusive, even under Trump
Islamist extremists rejoice over Trump's election win over Clinton
Five things on the top of Donald Trump's 'to-do' list
Donald Trump won because the liberal elite forgot the uneducated poor
Op-Ed: Sorry, uncovering America's racist underbelly wasn't why Trump won
'I worry this will empower racists': US Muslims on Trump's victory
Muslim Americans, Allies Urge Caution In Election Aftermath
Filled With Dread, American Muslims Wake Up to Trump's America
The lessons of Trump's victory for our sons and daughters — and the rest of us
Fear strikes Muslim world as Trump wins US election after anti-Islamic rhetoric
Will Muslims be banned from US and Obamacare be axed? Donald Trump's 7
Muslim Americans react to Donald Trump's shock election win with mix of fear
American Muslim women 'afraid to wear the hijab' after Trump wins US election
How Donald Trump United American Muslim Women
Muslim-American Leaders React to Donald Trump's Election
American Muslim Women 'Afraid To Wear The Hijab' After Trump Wins
Trump is on the cusp of making history and becoming the 45th President of US
Muslim Americans raise concerns over Trump's election
President Donald Trump: What Happens To American Muslims Now?
United Nations Congratulate Donald Trump on U.S. Presidential Election
Here's What Trump Winning Means For American & Non-American Muslims
Muslims across the world in fear as Donald Trump becomes 45th US President
Muslim teen shares mum's heartbreaking text message after Trump's win
Five-year-old Muslim girl cries when she sees Donald Trump winning US election
Muslims in HORROR and anger as Donald Trump wins election (see reactions)
Mixed reaction to Trump from prominent Muslim Americans
Donald Trump on Repeat: Election Season for American Muslims
US election: American family cannot move back home under Trump presidency
Muslim faith leaders address Trump: 'This is our home we are'nt going anywhere'
Although Trump won the election, fears of an American decline are premature
Muslims express dismay after Trump's US election victory
CAIR Calls on President-Elect Trump to Respect the Rights of All Americans
For American Muslims, Hillary Clinton Is a Refuge, a Mentor and an Ally
“My heart literally hurts”: Muslims, women, and people of color on Trump's victory
Muslims nervous after Trump presidential win
Transcript and video of next President's address to fans
'I will be president for all Americans' — Trump's election night victory speech
What you REALLY think about Donald Trump's election win
Trump winning American presidency is not the result most in Glasgow wanted
We Will Always Put America's Interests First – Trump Makes 1st Speech
Islamist groups celebrate election of 'straw man' Trump after win in US election
Amid an Upset Trump Victory, Muslim Americans Look at the Future With Fear
Muslims around the world react to Donald Trump's victory
Hillary Clinton calls Donald Trump to congratulate him on election
What Chinese President Xi Jinping Told Trump on Congratulations
Asia leaders warily congratulate Trump on shock election win
Asia Swallows Its Fear And Disappointment To Congratulate Trump
Xi Jinping Greets Donald Trump, Calls For Cooperation For Global
Xi Jinping tells Donald Trump congrats on his astonishing victory
Trump Victory Brings Uncertainty Abroad
May congratulates Trump's win and promises to preserve 'enduring
World Leaders Congratulate Donald Trump
Donald Trump congratulated by Mexico's Enrique Pena Nieto
Sheikh Khalifa, UAE Rulers congratulate president-elect Donald
UAE leaders, Saudi King congratulate Trump on US President
PM Modi calls Donald Trump to congratulate him on his win
PM Modi Calls Up Donald Trump To Congratulate Him
Netanyahu hails Donald Trump as a 'true friend' of Israel
Netanyahu Congratulates Trump Victory as Israeli Ministers Hail
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull calls to congratulate US President
Russian cheers and EU fears: how Trump's victory was greeted
Jeremy Corbyn condemns Donald Trump's 'divisive' campaign
May congratulates Trump on victory but Corbyn voices fears
European leaders congratulate Trump but media warns of 'black day
Merkel congratulates Trump as politicians express shock
Barack Obama calls Donald Trump to offer congratulations and set
President Obama Proves He's Classy AF By Calling To Congratulate
Obama on Trump: 'We are now all rooting for his success'
Hillary Clinton says, 'Never stop fighting'; Obama invites Trump
World leaders react to Donald Trump's win
'Ultimately, we are all on the same team,' says Obama
Jeb and George HW Bush Congratulate Donald Trump, Offer Prayers
Republicans congratulate President-elect Donald Trump after US
Both former Bush presidents call to congratulate Donald Trump
Jeb Bush, George HW Bush Congratulate Donald Trump on Victory
George HW Bush calls to congratulate Donald Trump
Theresa May leads UK congratulations for Donald Trump
All the people who were against Donald Trump who are now
'I hope he will be a successful president for all Americans', Hillary
Congratulations, President Donald Trump. Time to look beyond
Donald Trump's US Election win generates reaction from world
Putin Used a Telegram to Congratulate Trump
Putin on Trump victory: Russia is ready to restore relations with US
Donald Trump wins: Modi, Putin, other world leaders congratulate
Celebs congratulate Donald Trump
Here's the letter of congratulations the EU sent to Donald Trump
World leaders dismayed at Trump's victory are awkwardly
Anti-Donald Trump protests break out in New York and Chicago
Congratulations not celebrations: Countries who slammed Trump
Rightwing populists first to congratulate Trump on historic upset
Marine Le Pen says Trump win 'good news for France'
Europe's leaders cannot hide their nerves amid Trump congratulations
World reacts to Trump surge
With new president, Washington must ensure China-US ties remain on track
What a Trump presidency means for US-China ties
China strong enough to cope with Trump victory
Xi Jinping tells Donald Trump congrats on his astonishing victory
Asian leaders congratulate Trump, pledge to boost ties
Donald Trump's election victory: the winners and losers around the world
Abenomics faces further headwinds as Trump win roils markets
India's Modi seeks deeper nuclear ties with Japan during visit
PM Narendra Modi To Visit Japan Today, Nuclear-Deal Expected
We are supporting India's bid to NSG, says Kenji Hiramatsu, Japan's Envoy
Japan PM Abe planning to meet Trump in New York next week: Jiji
A Rising Sun over the Antilles: Japan's New Era of Caribbean Investment
High-speed rail to boost India-Japan trade ties: PM Modi
Abe congratulates Trump; calls US, Japan 'unshakeable allies'
India, Japan committed to inclusive, rules-based global order: PM Modi
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe:
Japan, China leaders congratulate Trump on becoming US president-elect
Modi to visit Japan today, N-deal expected
Japanese prime minister: Trump a 'strong leader'
Jap PM Abe says 'competition closer than expected' between Clinton and Trump
US Elections: Japan will further strengthen ties with US as an 'alliance of hope'
Abe sends congratulations to Trump on presidential win
Japan Abe signals need to support growth via next year's budget
Nuke pact on the cards as Modi visits Japan
SCS mention in statement with Japan will be India's mistake: China media
India may suffer 'great losses' if it joins Japan to speak on South China Sea
Trump wins big in stunning upset as Abe plays down concerns over future of U.S
India will suffer great losses if it joins Japan on SCS, warns China's state media
Abe sends congratulations
Abe awaits Putin with an “open soul” - Japan's trade minister
Japan: Stability in Abe's office is crucial to regional security
The Latest: Japan's leader keeps eye on US presidential race
President Trump: Speech sees Donald praise Hilary in conciliatory declaration
Good Things Americans Voted For In Wake Of Trump's Election As President
What will happen if Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton wins US election?
Why Donald Trump won the election
Donald Trump is All Good for Muslim World
Not just Republicans, even Islamic State will celebrate Trump's win
Here's what Donald Trump has said about Pakistan and Muslims
Donald Trump is Your New President-Elect
Black Mirror tweet sums up how everyone's feeling as US looks prepared
Asia on edge over how Donald Trump will act in office
US election 2016: China eyes chance to weaken US power
Spectre of an inward-looking US hangs over Asian security balance
Four ways Trump could change the world
The Damage From Free Trade Helped Elect Trump
How Donald Trump thinks about trade
3 Ways President-Elect Trump May Shake Up Trade Policy
Trump, trade and the US pivot to Asia: what lies ahead?
Companies Weigh Impact of Donald Trump Win
Beijing leadership sees 'huge chance' as president flags isolationist approach
With Chinese State Media Quiet, Social Media Alive With Trump Victory Talk
What Donald Trump's Election Means For the Future Of US Trade
China responds to US election with heavy censorship, light sarcasm
Live US election aftermath: Anti-Trump protests break out across US
Trump Faces Very Different Chinese Economy Than Eight Years Ago
High anxiety among Asian allies of US
A Trump trade war would be bad for NJ businesses
Here's what's in store for Asia under President Trump
Time to Go 'Huge'? What Will Trump's Defense Policy in Asia Be?
Donald Trump's Peace Through Strength Vision for the Asia-Pacific
Trump faces a world of dangers
Calm Chinese market greets Trump victory
After Trump victory, uncertainty in Asia. If US retreats, will it be China to fore?
Trump's victory brings uncertainty to economic policy and Sino-US relations
Xi congratulates Trump on becoming US president-elect
Trump win likely to slow economies of jittery Asian countries
Beijing has no love for Clinton, but Trump makes China's elites very nervous
Is a Clinton or Trump presidency better for Beijing?
Trump's thinking on the US' Asia-Pacific pivot trumps China's concerns
Despite rhetoric on both sides, Beijing favours Donald Trump
President Trump and the future of free trade
A Trump-China Reading List, and Unanswered Questions for his Asia Policy
Is Donald Trump Really Good News for China?
Reducing taxes, ending trade deals, squaring up to China blocking mega-deals
Donald Trump Won. Prepare For Uncharted Geopolitical Waters in Asia
Donald Trump Win to Upend Trade Policy
US election: Will president Trump spark a trade war?
Uncertainty spreads among key Asian allies following Trump victory
Americans in China dismayed, embarrassed by US presidential campaign
Trump as president is what happens if people have democracies
Trump vs. Clinton Battle Turning Heads in China
Donald Trump used to be a joke in China, but not anymore
Donald Trump's Peace Through Strength Vision for the Asia-…
China and Iran react; global financial markets stunned by Donald Trump win
What Donald Trump's Election Might Mean for Asia
China for stable relations with US, Weibo explodes over Trump win
Businessman Trump or bureaucrat Hillary - Whom does Asia prefer?
Asia Minute: Regional Reaction to Prospects of a President Trump
China Sees Both Clinton & Trump Able to Strengthen Chinese-US Relations
Beijing welcomes Trump rise despite tough trade talk
Trump vs Clinton: Who is better for Asia?
What's in store for Asia under President Trump
What will Donald Trump's victory mean for Asia?
China Blames America's Democracy for Making Trump President
Xi congratulates Trump on becoming US president-elect
Asia Swallows Its Fear And Disappointment To Congratulate Trump
Which Way for US-China Relations Under Trump?
With new president, Washington must ensure China-US ties remain on track
Donald Trump May Not Be All Bad for Asia
What should Asia expect under Hillary Clinton's presidency?
Russia 'ready to do its part' to rebuild US ties with Trump: Putin
Is a Trump Presidency Really a Big Win for Putin?
Russians Toast to President Trump
Will Trump's presidency change the way America views Russia?
Trump promised to be 'unpredictable' in foreign policy. How will that work?
Canada prepares welcome mat for US 'refugees' seeking asylum
'Move to Canada' threats return – but actually emigrating there is difficult
Backs against the wall: Trump victory casts pall over Mexico
What could Trump's victory mean for Canada?
If Trump stops carbon taxes, should Canada do same to remain competitive?
In Trump win, Europeans see threat to 'bedrock' transatlantic values, ties
Trump victory could spell defeat for EU-U.S. trade deal
Trump Shakes Europe, Parallels With Brexit, EU Downgrades 2017 Growth Call
After Trump victory, France braces for possible surprise in 2017
'France is not the U.S.,' presidential hopeful Juppe's camp says
After Trump and Brexit, populist tsunami threatens European mainstream
France must face possibility of a 'President Marine Le Pen'
Trump's victory encourages outsiders to smash the eurozone
Trump's Win Hailed Europe's Populists as Proof Anti-Establishment Momentum
US Election: Singapore traders in shock and disbelief
Disenchanted working-class whites drove Trump to victory
Trump takes the White House
Victory for Britain as EU waters down tax blacklist plan
Europe Braces for Shock Waves From a Trump Presidency
Smart Portfolio Moves For The Fourth Quarter
The Economists Insisted, Boosting The British Economy
Pollsters take hammering after Trump win
Europe: Fighting Fear With Renewed Ambition And Conviction
British Jews Warn America: Brexit Vote Shows Donald Trump Could Win
Nigel Farage would accept American citizenship if he could work with Trump
UKIP chief Nigel Farage eyes job in Donald Trump White House
Brits To Prepare For More 'Political Shocks' After Brexit And Trump Victory
Donald Trump seems to be winning the US Presidential election
Donald Trump's election win in Florida to Sunderland's Brexit vote
Trump's victory in the US President election: "establishment is in deep shock"
'Let's see BREXIT DAY in the US' Nigel Farage backs Trump for election win
Nigel Farage Claims Donald Trump's Election Win as 'Brexit Times Three'
Nigel Farage pushes for role in new Donald Trump administration
Nigel Farage set to be first UK politician to meet Trump after shock victory
Pound vs $: Trump's shock victory in the US election will affect British pound
Nigel Farage on President Donald Trump: This will be bigger than Brexit
Nigel Farage & Piers Morgan send congratulatory messages to Donald Trump
Nigel Farage and other far-right leaders hail Trump's 'historic' US election win
UK gears up to deal with 'Brexit President' Donald Trump
Nigel Farage says he could be Donald Trump's ambassador in the EU
Nigel Farage wants to be Donald Trump's 'ambassador to the EU' if he wins
How Trump's presidency will affect small British businesses
Odds for Donald Trump to win US election exact same as they were for Brexit
This is the job Nigel Farage wants if Donald Trump becomes president
America's Brexit: How Donald Trump won the election
Nigel Farage hails Donald Trump victory and chillingly warns world
Nigel Farage Jokes He Will Be Donald Trump's Ambassador To The EU
How will Donald Trumps' US election win affect Britain now he's the President?
US Presidential election: Prepare for more shocks, vows Nigel Farage
US Election 2016: Nigel Farage wants to be Trump's EU ambassador
Nigel Farage to fly to America hoping to land a job with Donald Trump
5 reasons that Trump will be the next American President
Now that Donald Trump is the President-elect, Nigel Farage has become
