

Snuggling and kissing kittens could actually kill you

Scientists warn that cuddling your cat can kill you

Researchers already spoke out about the dangers of being affectionate to chickens; now they are warning against getting close to a more commonly beloved pet: cats.

Doctors at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) put together a survey of a cat-born disease called "Cat-Scratch Fever" (CSF) and it may be potentially dangerous. It's the first large-scale study on the disease done in fifteen years.

The knowledge of Cat-Scratch Fever is not new, but it was once thought of to be mild. Due to this survey, the CDC concluded that it can be fatal. "The scope and impact of the disease is a little bit larger than we thought," said Dr. Christina Nelson, lead author of the study and medical epidemiologist at the CDC.

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Scientists have warned
Just look at this cute, cuddly disease colony (Picture Getty)

It’s Monday morning, the weather’s just turned cold, David Bowie is still dead – and now we’re not allowed to cuddle kittens. Remind us, when are the spaceships leaving for Proxima Centauri? We’re getting tired of this planet.

Killjoy doctors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a large-scale survey of the cat-borne bacterial disease cat scratch fever – and found that serious complications are more common than thought. They now advise people to wash their hands after touching cats – and to use flea control methods where possible.

‘The scope and impact of the disease is a little bit larger than we thought,’ says Dr. Christina Nelson of the CDC.

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Can cuddling your cat kill you? Scientists warn pet owners
The impact of cat-scratch disease is larger than first thought

Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US have discovered carried out a large-scale survey of cat-scratch disease. Experts revealed the impact of the disease is larger than first thought and is most common during autumn and winter. The infection can cause fever, sore skin, scabs and in the most serious cases, death.

Researchers say the disease can enter your system when an infected feline scratches or bites you. Doctors have warned pet owners should always wash their hands after touching cats and avoid kissing cats.

Pet owners are being warned to protect their pets from fleas as cats can become infected with the disease through flea bites.

Cats should be BANNED from going outside or be KILLED, leading scientist demands
Cat left with airgun pellet in face after maniac shoots him up the nose

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Cuddling kittens can kill you, warn scientists

Cuddling a kitten may always make you feel better – but it could be dangerous to your health, according to experts.

Doctors from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US conducted a large-scale survey of the cat-borne bacterial disease cat scratch fever. They found the scope and impact of the potentially deadly disease was larger than they thought.

The disease causes fever, pustules and in extreme cases, the complications from the illness can cause death.

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Scientists found the scope and impact of a potentially deadly cat-borne disease was wider than they thought. Photo / Getty Images

Cuddling a kitten may always make you feel better - but it could be dangerous to your health, according to experts. Doctors from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US conducted a large-scale survey of the cat-borne bacterial disease cat scratch fever.

They found the scope and impact of the potentially deadly disease was larger than they thought. The disease causes fever, pustules and in extreme cases, the complications from the illness can cause death.

The doctors have warned that hands should always be washed after touching cats, and to avoid kissing felines where possible. They also advised cat owners ensure their pet is protected from fleas.

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Woman with stomach ache is horrified when doctors remove a two-inch ball of CAT HAIR from her vag!na 'caused by pets moulting in her bed'
One woman got a rather unexpected - not to mention disgusting - added extra after several nights of snuggling up with her pets (file image)

Many a cat lover lets their feline friend sleep on their bed. But one woman got a rather unexpected - not to mention disgusting - added extra after several nights of snuggling up.

Michelle Barrow is mother to Cricket and Donut, who, while cute, shed a torrrent of hair all over the bed. And while unsightly, she never dreamt what would happen next.

Some time later, during a routine appointment with her gynaecologist, she mentioned the 'dull ache' she'd felt in her abdomen for the last month. The cause? A two-inch ball of cat hair inside her vag!na, apparently.

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She Visited The Gynecologist As She Felt Pain In Her Vag!na. What They Found Will Shock You

A highly unusual personal story was shared by blogger Michelle Barrow in a post ‘It Happened to Me.’ What happened was Michelle went for her annual OB/GYN visit only to find out that the most unusual thing got stuck in her vag!na.

Weeks before the appointment, Michelle, a proud cat owner, had been feeling lower abdominal pain. After bringing this up to her gynecologist, the doctor immediately suspected an ovarian cyst. But then she took a closer look and found herself dumbstruck: “What is that? I’ve never seen anything like that. What the heck IS that thing?”

Michelle’s doctor didn’t lose any time to consult a fellow colleague on the thing she found in her patient’s vag!na. Both gynecologists first though it was tampon string that got stuck in Michelle’s IUD. However, Michelle hadn’t been using tampons, only a menstrual cup.

Michelle could never have suspected her two cats, Cricket and Donut, to be the culprits. After careful examination, the gynecologists managed to pull out what turned out to be a ball of cat hair. “With her tweezers she holds up a glob about 2 inches long that looks distinctly furry and happens to be the exact same color as Donut. I’m speechless. The doctor’s waiting for me to say something but the only thought running through my head is:
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Woman’s horror as she discovers tummy pains were caused by ball of cat fur inside her VAG!NA
Michelle allowed the cats to sleep in her bed – where they malted

A CAT lover was horrified when the pain in her lower abdomen turned out to be a giant two-inch fur ball growing in her vag!na – after allowing her moggies to sleep in her bed. Michelle Barrow said when she and her fiancé got two cats, who are called Cricket and Donut, she knew their malted fur was going to get everywhere – but didn’t expect this to include INSIDE her private parts.

Writing for XO Jane, Michelle explained: “I love them and, at least until recently, this seemed like a small price to pay for their cute faces and sweet snuggles.” Michelle had a dull ache in her tummy for about a month – and reported this at one of her regular gynaecology appointments. She has the coil, also known as intrauterine device or IUD – and the doctor thought tampon fibres had become stuck around the contraceptive device’s strings.

Michelle recalled: “She began the exam and immediately starts muttering to herself ‘what is that? I’ve never seen anything like that. What the heck IS that thing?’ “Suddenly she remembers that my vag!na is actually attached to a real live human and looks up to ask ‘Do you ever use tampons?’”

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Woman complains of stomach ache, is shocked to discover a ball of CAT HAIR emerge from her vag!na
Gross gross gross gross GROSS

You might think it's cute to let your pet sleep in the same bed as you, but this story will have you thinking twice about that decision, because this is GRIM. A woman was at a routine gynaecologist appointment when she mentioned the persistent "dull ache" she'd felt in her stomach, and what the doctor discovered was the cause was horrifying.

As a story on XO Jane reveals, Michelle Barrow owns two cats - Cricket and Donut - who she regularly used to let sleep on her bed. But we're pretty sure that routine has come to a swift end since her gynaecologist revealed what was causing her abdominal pain was actually a two-inch ball of cat hair inside her vag!na. Yeah, that. But the worst bit is the theory of how the cat hair got there. Not, it seems, by just finding itself blowing its way up her lady-parts in the midst of the night. In fact, doctors have guessed that the cat hair had been casually attaching itself to Michelle's partner's penis as he slept naked, and that the fur had been slowly building up into a ball inside of her every time they had sex. WTF?

That is honestly so gross I don't even want to look at a cat right now. Initially, the doctor had thought the substance inside Michelle's vag!na was fibres left over from tampons, so you can imagine their surprise when a mini-version of the patient's domestic animal emerged from her genitals.

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Singapore’s love-hate relationship with stray felines
Bella and her cats in Tiong Bahru. Photo: Robin Hicks

“My nephews and nieces think I’m crazy,” says Bella, who has fed stray cats in the same spot in Tiong Bahru since before Singapore was a country. She believes that cats have their own language, just like people. It’s just that most humans don’t understand it.

After more than 60 years of feeding and caring for cats every day, Bella can read every miaow, hiss, twitch of an ear, swish of the tail or flash of the eyes better than any vet or animal psychologist could.

“Some of them – the miaow miaow miaow calls – I understand. When the mother is calling her kittens, I know what she’s saying. The vet would not know, but I know,” she says, while petting an extremely well-fed tortoiseshell curling around her legs.

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Dogs and cats are irresistibly cute pets. Probably many people would agree that “Dogs are best friends with humans”. Over time, pets become part of the family and both kids and adults enjoy playing with them. Sometimes people even sleep in the same bed with their pets.

But, we must disappoint you: sleeping with your pet can cause serious health issues. In this article you can read the explanation why.

It seems that is quite safe and many people are not even aware of the potential danger to their health.

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Should You Let A Dog Lick Your Face?

You might think it’s cute – that big, wet and slobbery tongue reaching out from your canine’s jaw and affectionately lapping at your face.

But what if I told you there was something quite sinister about it? No, I’m not saying your beloved Fido is trying to harm you. Your little (or big) furry friend genuinely is trying to display affection.

Too bad the same can’t be said for all the bacteria on the dog’s tongue.
Should You Let A Dog Lick Your Face?

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