

Donald Trump’s ‘P---y’ Comment: 'Sexual Violence or Sexual Assault'

Comment Is the Root of Sexual Violence
"The Celebrity Apprentice" -- Pictured: (l-r) Kate Gosselin; Vivica A. Fox; Donald Trump, Executive Producer/Host; Leeza Gibbons; Brandi Glanville; Kenya Moore

Donald Trump, a candidate whose propensity for offensive absurdity seems endless, may have finally crossed the line when he bragged about sexually assaulting women. That the bragging happened a decade ago doesn’t change the reality that a man who might be president sees half the country’s population not just as objects for his own aesthetic gratification–we knew that thanks to the beauty pageants and the string of model wives–but objects for his physical gratification as well, regardless of how the women in question feel about it. If women are people—and regardless of what Trump seems to think, we are—then this kind of behavior should be disqualifying for the presidency.

Trump already has a woman problem, although as the race has worn on and more conservative female voters have come around to him, it’s not as pronounced as it once was. His latest comments could—should—change that. What Trump describes isn’t just boorish behavior, it’s potentially a crime. In 2005, Trump was caught on tape talking with the Today Show’s Billy Bush (at the time, Bush was at Access Hollywood), and Trump brags that because he’s famous, he could do whatever he wanted to women, and was able to “grab them by the p---y” at his leisure. He likes kissing beautiful women, he says, and so just does it when he wants (“I don’t even wait,” he says—suggesting that he does in fact realize he should have a woman’s consent to kiss her, but feels fine about forcing it). While trying to get a married woman to sleep with him he “moved on her like a bitch.”

This, Trump says, was just “locker room banter.”

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A 6-year-old asks: ‘What does it mean to grab somebody by the p---y?’
In this image made from video, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump greets supporters outside his Trump Tower building in New York on Saturday. (Ezra Kaplan/AP)

The 6-year-old girl turned to her mother and asked, “What does it mean to grab somebody by the p---y?”

Rachael MacIsaac Parker thought she had misheard her daughter. “What?” she recalled responding. “What do you mean?”

Then she saw the television screen. “You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them,” Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, was saying in a 2005 recording. “It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

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'It’s Not Lewd. It’s Sexual Assault'

Vice President Joe Biden went a step further on Saturday in condemning Donald Trump’s lewd comments about women, accusing him of “sexual assault.”

“The words are demeaning. Such behavior is an abuse of power. It’s not lewd. It’s sexual assault,” Biden said in a tweet, referring to a 2005 recording leaked on Friday, in which Trump boasts about being able to grope women due to his fame.

“And when you’re a star, they let you do it,” Trump says in the video, published by the Washington Post. “You can do anything.”

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The Very Definition of Sexual Assault
Who with any conscience could support Donald Trump after hearing his latest repugnant comments on women?

Just when you would swear you'd seen everything this election cycle, a video surfaces of the Republican nominee gleefully describing how he uses his fame to grope and harass women.

"I just start kissing [beautiful women]. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait," a hot mic recorded Donald Trump saying in 2005, in a recording obtained by The Washington Post's David Fahrenthold. "And when you're a star they let you do it," Trump says. "You can do anything. … Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

The entire repugnant video – which captures Trump talking to Billy Bush of "Access Hollywood," on the way to the set of "Days of Our Lives" for an upcoming guest appearance – is worth watching in full, as difficult to stomach as it is. Trump can also be heard bragging about trying to "f***" a married woman, to use his own terms. "I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there. And she was married," he said. (It should be noted that this appears to have been recorded less than a year after he married his current wife, Melania Trump.)

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Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005

Donald Trump bragged in vulgar terms about kissing, groping and trying to have sex with women during a 2005 conversation caught on a hot microphone, saying that “when you’re a star, they let you do it,” according to a video obtained by The Washington Post.

The video captures Trump talking with Billy Bush, then of “Access Hollywood,” on a bus with the show’s name written across the side. They were arriving on the set of “Days of Our Lives” to tape a segment about Trump’s cameo on the soap opera.

Late Friday night, following sharp criticism by Republican leaders, Trump issued a short video statement saying, “I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize.” But he also called the revelation “a distraction from the issues we are facing today.” He said that his “foolish” words are much different than the words and actions of Bill Clinton, whom he accused of abusing women, and Hillary Clinton, whom he accused of having “bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims.”

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Donald Trump released statement about vulgar 2005 video

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump released a video statement saying comments from a 2005 video in which he bragged about groping women emerged "don't reflect" who he is.

“I’ve never said I’m a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I’m not. I’ve said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am,” Trump said.

In an apparent response to Republican critics asking him to drop out of the race, he said: “We will discuss this more in the coming days. See you at the debate on Sunday.”

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The Worst Part of the Trump Tapes
It wasn’t listening to Billy Bush guffawing like a 33-year-old frat boy

No, the worst part of the video was watching Billy Bush coax a woman into letting a man who had just boasted of sexual assault touch her.

The worst part was seeing her clench her teeth and acquiesce, despite every non-verbal cue she gave to demonstrate her repugnance. She kept her body as far as physically possible while she half-heartedly submitted to an embrace and a kiss.

The worst part was watching Bush continue to act as the world’s sleaziest “wing man” as he maneuvered Zucker to walk arm-in-arm with Trump, demanding that she “choose” which man she’d rather date.

related: Donald Trump is Rare; Billy Bush is Legion

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We knew this Trump all along

Republicans are shocked — shocked! — about Donald Trump’s caught-on-tape remarks boasting in vulgar terms about sexual assaults on women.

GOP Sens. John McCain, John Thune, Kelly Ayotte, Mike Lee, Mark Kirk and Mike Crapo, two Republican governors and a dozen or more GOP members of the House either said they won’t support Trump or called on Trump to quit, while many others, including Trump running mate Mike Pence, expressed their disgust.

What was on the 2005 video tape, first reported by The Post’s indefatigable David A. Fahrenthold, was beyond what we’ve known before of Trump — that he grabs the genitals of women without their consent and tried mightily to seduce a married woman. But it’s worse only by degrees. If this is the straw that broke the camel’s back, this dromedary was already overburdened and suffering from arthritis, spinal stenosis and ruptured disks.

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Donald Trump to Howard Stern: It's okay to call my daughter a 'piece of ass'

Donald Trump engaged in crude and demeaning conversations about women over a 17-year-period with radio shock-jock Howard Stern, according to a review by CNN's KFile of hours of newly uncovered audio.

Among the topics Trump discussed: his daughter Ivanka's physique, having sex with women on their menstrual cycles, threesomes, and checking out of a relationship with women after they turn 35.

Trump's long track record of making misogynistic comments and engaging in lewd conversations about sex took on a new and much darker tone on Friday night, when the Washington Post published audio of Trump, caught on a hot mic in 2005, bragging about how women let him do whatever he wants to them because he's a celebrity.

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More Trump tapes surface with crude sex remarks

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, already under siege for vulgar comments about forcing women into sex, also had crude, sexually explicit conversations in a series of radio interviews over the past 23 years, even noting how “voluptuous” his daughter was.

On a new batch of recordings from Howard Stern’s radio shows aired Saturday by CNN, Trump said that he would “have no problem” having sex with 24-year-olds, that he “couldn’t care less” if he satisfies the women he sleeps with, that “it’s checkout time” once women reach the age of 35 and that he had engaged in three-way sex.
“Haven’t we all?” Trump told Stern on his SiriusXM satellite radio show in 2008. “Are we babies?”
Trump also described barging in on nude Miss Universe beauty pageant contestants in their dressing room, characterizing his visits as inspections by the contest’s owner.

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Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005

The tape obtained by the Post includes audio of Bush and Trump’s conversation inside the bus, as well as audio and video once they emerge from it to begin shooting the segment.

In that audio, Trump discusses a failed attempt to seduce a woman, whose full name is not given in the video.

“I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it,” Trump is heard saying. It was unclear when the events he was describing took place. The tape was recorded several months after he married his third wife, Melania.

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Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005

The tape obtained by The Post seems to have captured Trump in a private moment, with no audience beyond Bush and a few others on the bus. It appears to have been shot around September 16, 2005, which was the day press reports said Trump would tape his soap-opera cameo.

The video shows the bus carrying Trump and Bush turning down a street on the studio backlot. The two men cannot be seen.

"Oh, nice legs, huh?" Trump says.

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Donald Trump’s Lewd Comments Leave the GOP Scrambling
A cascade of congressmen and women asked Trump to end his campaign

A day after Donald Trump’s vulgar boasts of groping women surfaced in a stunning video, Republican officials privately urged candidates to sever ties with the party’s presidential nominee to limit damage down the ballot, while a cascade of congressmen and women asked him to end his campaign and let running mate Mike Pence carry the party’s tattered flag into November.

The chorus of calls for the presidential nominee to take the unprecedented step of dropping out a month before Election Day reflected a growing sense that the GOP’s best hope of maintaining its congressional majorities was to cut Trump loose. But if distance was the new decree, Trump was having none of it. In multiple phone interviews, the beleaguered businessman insisted he would not quit the race.

“The media and establishment want me out of the race so badly,” he tweeted Saturday afternoon. “I WILL NEVER DROP OUT OF THE RACE, WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN!”

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Full Coverage:

Donald Trump's 'P---y' Comment: 'Sexual Violence or Sexual Assault
Donald Trump's 'P---y' Comment Is the Root of Sexual Violence
Joe Biden on Donald Trump Comments: 'It's Sexual Assault'

The Worst Part of the Trump Tapes
Donald Trump is Rare; Billy Bush is Legion
Joe Biden on Donald Trump Comments: 'It's Sexual Assault'
Donald Trump's Lewd Comments Leave the GOP Scrambling
Trump's Latest Comments About Women Are Rape Culture In A
Donald Trump's 'P—y' Comment Is the Root of Sexual Violence
Women share stories of sexual violence on social media in response
Donald Trump's 'P---y' Comment Is the Root of Sexual Violence
Donald Trump's 'P—y' Comment Is the Root of Sexual Violence
No, Donald Trump, Being A Celebrity Doesn't Make Sexual
Donald Trump 'P---y' Comment Is the Root of Sexual Violence
After Trump video, thousands of women share sexual assault stories
Anderson Cooper told Trump 'That is sexual assault.' The Justice
Donald Trump's Predatory Comments About Women Made Me Relive
Tape shows disgusting Donald Trump at his sexist, misogynist worst
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Donald Trump Tape: 'Daily News' Runs "Grab Them by the P—y
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Trump caught on tape making crude, sexually aggressive comments
Amber Tamblyn tells sex assault story after Trump's vile comments
Women Share Sexual Abuse Stories
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Donald Trump's candidacy imploding over sexual assault remarks
'It's sexual assault': Joe Biden issues scathing rebuke to Trump
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Recordings show Trump and Billy Bush making lewd comments
Donald Trump Addresses Leaked Comments in New Video
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