

Sexualized Freshman Orientations at NUS

Orientation - just fun or plain lewd?

When National University of Singapore (NUS) freshman Rachel Lee turned up at an orientation camp in campus last month, she got a rude shock. During one of the games, she was made to do a forfeit where the "girls had to lie down and the guys had to do push-ups over them", she said.

Ms Lee, 19, declined to comply - she felt the act was lewd. Another game she observed required participants to pass M&M chocolates to one another using their mouths.

"I left after the first day with five or six like-minded friends," she said of the five-day camp organised by the NUS Students' Union.

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NUS suspends all orientation activities
The NUS suspension came after a video was posted online showing freshmen being dunked repeatedly in a pond on Wednesday, despite a reminder the day before on unacceptable activities. FOTO: TIFFANY GOH FOR THE STRAITS TIMES

The National University of Singapore (NUS) has suspended all freshmen orientation activities "with immediate effect" -- an unprecedented move which has shocked freshmen & student organisers.

The decision was taken yesterday afternoon at an emergency meeting, after a video was posted online showing freshmen of both sexes being dunked repeatedly in a pond in Sheares Hall.

The incident on Wed came a day after the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) met student leaders to remind them on what constitutes unacceptable activities. This followed a New Paper report on increasingly sexualised games, some of which involved the simulation of rape scenes, at orientation camps.

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NUS Students' Union apologises for 'indecent, reprehensible' orientation games
University students taking part in orientation games at Siloso Beach on Sentosa on Friday

The beleaguered students' union of the National University of Singapore (NUS) has broken its silence on the recent saga of sexualised activities at the orientation camps it organised.

In an official statement posted on its FaceBook page on Sun (Jul 31), the NUS Students' Union (Nussu) apologised to the freshmen who went through such activities, which they called "indecent, reprehensible & not condoned".

Reiterating that such activities were not endorsed by it or any of its constituent bodies, it added that it was helping the university with investigations.

NUS suspends all orientation activities
Students 'disappointed' over NUS' suspension of freshmen orientation activities
Risque games at uni orientation reprehensible: Ong Ye Kung
Students say NUS orientation camp games increasingly sexualised

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Have university orientation games gone too far?

University orientation games – love them or hate them? While some students live and breathe fun, others may not be as easy-going when it comes to breaching the proximity between members of the opposite sex.

It seems, however, that there is an increasing trend for freshmen orientation camps at the university level to involve games that would serve to provoke one’s sense of decency, all in the name of bonding.

Earlier last month, Singapore Institute of Management made waves and headlines with their freshmen orientation games that drew flak for their indecent and humiliating nature.

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Singapore university investigates mock-rape claims
The National University of Singapore (NUS) said it would take strong disciplinary action against anyone found responsible for "any behaviour or activity that denigrates the dignity of individuals" ©Manan Vatsyayana (AFP/File)

Claims that students were subjected to sexually-charged orientation activities, including one simulating rape, are being investigated by Singapore's top university.

The National University of Singapore (NUS) -- consistently ranked as one of Asia's best higher education institutions - said it would take strong disciplinary action against anyone found responsible for "any behaviour or activity that denigrates the dignity of individuals," it said in a statement sent to AFP Thursday.

A report in the local daily The New Paper Tuesday triggered outrage about "sexualised" camps involving hundreds of NUS students in the past two months.

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Singapore university investigates 'simulated rape' claims

Reports that first-year students were made to simulate a rape scene as part of their induction are to be investigated by the National University of Singapore (NUS).

The sexualised games were part of a forfeit during an orientation camp, according to the reports.
Students, who said they felt pressured to take part, were also asked to answer a range of personal sexual questions.

NUS promised "strong disciplinary action" against anyone responsible.

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Students were 'made to simulate a rape scene between a man and his SISTER' as part of sick induction camp at Singapore university
The students said they felt pressured to take part in the games as part of the initiation camps because they wanted to make friends

One young woman told The New Paper she saw a male and female freshman act out an incest rape scene between a young man and his younger sister.

'The girl had to lie on the floor, then the guy pretended to kick open a door and say, "Kor kor (big brother) coming." The girl had to respond, "Mei mei (little sister) don't want",' the student using the alias Kim said.

'He then kicked open her legs and did push-ups while lying on top of her,' she added.

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Freshman Allegedly Pressured into Sexualized Rituals at Top Singaporean University
Incoming freshmen at Singapore’s top and world ranking university are speaking out against bizarre, unethical practices during their student orientation. Incidents of students being forced into highly sexualized activities have been reported at the National University of Singapore’s (NUS) orientation camps

Students who join the camp said they do so to meet new friends and acquaintances, but end up pressured to perform indecent acts or are made to respond to inappropriate questions, mostly against their will.

Chloe (not her real name), a freshman, told The New Paper that she found questions asked during an activity called “burning bridges” too inappropriate that she became uncomfortable and had to exit the room.

According to Chloe, she was asked which of the guy’s semen she prefers to drink, who among the girls is the sluttiest, and who would never get married and die alone.

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University launches investigation after new students 'told to simulate rape'
Investigation: Some students claimed they had to go through sexualised induction exercises Shutterstock

A university has launched an investigation over claims new students were told to simulate an incestuous rape as part of their induction.

The exercise was one of several freshmen had to go through at camps organised by senior students at the National University of Singapore (NUS), one of Asia’s top universities, local media reported.

One 19-year-old student told The New Paper she watched as a man and woman were told to enact a scene where a brother rapes his little sister.

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NUS Students Speak Out On The Orientation Camp Debacle: No One Is Completely Right

Yesterday, the New Paper had reported that orientation camps were increasingly sexual, and that “a decade on, nothing has changed”. While sounding alarmingly like the imminent collapse of our entire moral system, the truth is, everything keeps changing.

From less responsible OGLs and a system that sees new leaders being elected every year, the legacy of planning an orientation camp is hardly one that can be owned by an individual or a group for a long period of time. As such, the errors made in orientation camps are rarely learned before the next camp is planned.

The truth is, many seniors lack the interest to be an orientation group leader (OGL), or a councillor. These roles are often seen as a “ra-ra” activity rather than a prestigious, hands-on leadership role where you are put in charge of “orientating” freshmen.

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Singapore university probes mock-rape claims

Claims that students were subjected to sexually-charged orientation activities, including one simulating rape, are being investigated by Singapore's top university.

The National University of Singapore (NUS) -- consistently ranked as one of Asia's best higher education institutions - said it would take strong disciplinary action against anyone found responsible for "any behaviour or activity that denigrates the dignity of individuals," it said in a statement sent to AFP Thursday.

A report in the local daily The New Paper Tuesday triggered outrage about "sexualised" camps involving hundreds of NUS students in the past two months.

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Singapore university investigates mock-rape claims

Claims that students were subjected to sexually-charged orientation activities, including one simulating rape, are being investigated by Singapore's top university.

The National University of Singapore (NUS) -- consistently ranked as one of Asia's best higher education institutions - said it would take strong disciplinary action against anyone found responsible for "any behaviour or activity that denigrates the dignity of individuals," it said in a statement sent to AFP Thursday.

A report in the local daily The New Paper Tuesday triggered outrage about "sexualised" camps involving hundreds of NUS students in the past two months.

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NUS Reports that first-year students were made to simulate a rape scene as part of their induction are to be investigated by the National University of Singapore (NUS). The sexualised games were part of a forfeit during an orientation camp, according to the reports.

Students, who said they felt pressured to take part, were also asked to answer a range of personal sexual questions. NUS promised "strong disciplinary action" against anyone responsible."NUS does not condone any behaviour or activity that denigrates the dignity of individuals," it said in a statement on Tuesday. "These activities are neither approved nor endorsed."

The university said students were meant to feel "safe, secure and respected" at all times and it was "very disappointed".

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Singapore university students made to re-enact rape scene during orientation camp, report claims

Claims that students were subjected to sexually-charged orientation activities, including one simulating rape, are being investigated by Singapore’s top university.

The National University of Singapore (NUS) – consistently ranked as one of Asia’s best higher education institutions – said it would take strong disciplinary action against anyone found responsible for “any behaviour or activity that denigrates the dignity of individuals”, it said in a statement sent on Thursday.

A report in the local daily The New Paper on Tuesday triggered outrage about “sexualised” camps involving hundreds of NUS students in the past two months.
It said that in one orientation camp, a male and female freshmen were made to act out a scene where a man was raping his younger sister.

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'Sexualised' Uni camps spark fierce debate
NTU undergraduates taking part in orientation activities at Silosa Beach on Sentosa on Friday. Freshmen who have attended university camps in the last 2 months say the bulk of activities usually involve team-building games. Those involving physical contact do not have sexual overtones, they say, but one graduate suggested that what happens after official orientation activities & every day is tougher to control

The brouhaha over university orientation camps & whether they have become too "sexualised" has sparked a fierce debate.

The issue prompted the National University of Singapore (NUS) on Friday to suspend all such camps.

Many undergraduates are upset. They said they are old enough to decide what is appropriate for them, & do not need parents and the authorities breathing down their necks. They added that most activities follow guidelines, and while some "black sheep" push the limits of good taste -- it is not fair to tar everyone with the same brush.

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Games at NUS camps increasingly sexualised, say students
Controversies go way back

Orientation games at local universities have courted controversy for a decade, but the replies to the media have been similar each time.

The activities have also become raunchier, with this year's games at the National University of Singapore (NUS) being the most lewd and explicit.
  • In 2006, The Straits Times (ST) reported that activities involving lip contact and the washing of armpits at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the NUS orientation games left students flustered.
  • In 2008, in a similiar report which ST quoted an NUS student who sat out an activity where male students did push-ups on top of female students.
  • In 2011, The New Paper reported that a girl cried after orientation games at the Singapore Institute of Management-University of London became too close for comfort. The activities were similar to those at NUS in 2008, with male students leaning over female students on the ground.
  • In 2014, NUS was again in the spotlight after complaints that a male student was stripped to his shorts before being blindfolded and bound with tape, as female students licked whipped cream off his neck.
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Singapore's NUS: Risque games completely inappropriate

The National University of Singapore (NUS) will take "strong disciplinary action" against those responsible for "offensive and completely inappropriate" orientation activities.

NUS staff, who used to run spot checks on the camps, will now be at the camps throughout.

This was announced by NUS yesterday in response to an article in The New Paper , which highlighted complaints about increasingly sexualised activities at recent NUS orientation camps.

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NUS investigating reports of inappropriate orientation activities

The National University of Singapore (NUS) is investigating reports of inappropriate orientation activities and will take strong disciplinary action against those found responsible, it said in a statement on Tue (Jul 26).

The New Paper on Tuesday reported that freshmen were asked questions which touched on taboo subjects, such as what bodily fluids they like to consume, & some were asked to re-enact a rape scene.

NUS said it expects that "orientation activities are carried out in ways that are fully respectful of the dignity of all those participating, regardless of gender".

related: Inappropriate orientation games cannot be tolerated

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NUS Responds: Sexual Freshman Orientation Activities “Neither Approved Nor Endorsed”

Amid reports of freshman orientation activities in the National University of Singapore turning sexual and several NUS students defending these offensive actions, the university’s acting provost has issued an internal email condemning the turn of events.

In an email to NUS students issued Tuesday evening, acting provost Prof Bernard Tan said that the university expects orientation activities to be respectful of the dignity of all participants, regardless of gender.

“Our students, particularly freshmen, must feel safe, secure and respected at all times during orientation. If any student elects to opt out of an orientation activity, his or her decision must be respected and adhered to,” said the email.

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Sexualised orientation activities: Would you want your daughter to do this?
Screen grab showing a supposed game where a boy is doing push-ups on top of a girl with his crotch against her face

As the National University of Singapore (NUS) began its crackdown on sexualised activities during orientation games yesterday, Members of Parliament (MPs) expressed surprise & concern that such activities are still happening.

Several orientation camp organisers in NUS were called up for questioning by the school administration, following The New Paper's report on sexualised games at some of the camps.

Some female participants said they were pressured into taking part in these games despite their discomfort. The games included a simulated rape between siblings, embarrassing questions about sluttiness and bodily fluids, & inappropriate body contact.

related: Sexualised games at NUS orientation: Students re-enact rape

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NUS investigates reports of 'sexualised' orientation activities

This is the latest report of overly sexual games organised at these orientation camps.

In 2014, for example, the NUS had to remind its students that all forms of ragging were unacceptable after a complaint from the aunt of a 21-year-old male undergraduate, who stated how a girl was made to “lick whip cream off his neck, his nipples and also rub her hands on his thigh”. In 2008, female students were reportedly made to lie down, while male students did push-ups over them.

The NUS said that any student with concerns about the orientation activities can contact the OSA via email at All correspondence will be kept strictly confidential.

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Students say NUS orientation camp games increasingly sexualised; some told to re-enact rape scene
Student orientation groups conducting activities at the University Town at National University of Singapore on June 27, 2016.FOTO: TIFFANY GOH FOR THE STRAITS TIMES

One was asked whose bodily fluids she would like to drink, while another watched her peers re-enact an incestuous rape scene.

These were just 2 examples of the sexualised activities that hundreds of freshmen were made to participate in some of the National University of Singapore’s (NUS) orientation camps in the past 2 months.

Some students said they attended the camps to make friends, but they were instead pressured to take part in increasingly sexualised activities

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Smart students skip NUS orientation camps

Come on, NUS and the other universities are not sufficiently motivated to get on top of this annual recurrent issue. This damn game has been going on for years and I only need to check with my daughter and her friends to confirm that.

For the vast majority of students they will find these orientation programs are unnecessary. They never deliver anyway on helping you make friends and find your way around the various schools. How I wished more kids would be worldly wise enough  to do their homework than give into to fear and kiasuism. Boycott these programs or select to go to good ones e.g., the VCF or any of the religious groups.

My daughter just forwarded this email from NUS. Waste of time. So what if they conduct the briefing every year. These miscreants know the school would not take disciplinary action against them. This is only the beginning like it was in other colleges in America. Who knows if the rape culture there is gradually making its way to here too. Just waiting for the first incident to happen and unlike US laws, we are far better looking after our women. Some people in future are going to try this and we will jail them and cane them properly. Where are the local universities leadership going to hide their face by then? What are they waiting for?

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After outcry over NUS’ sexualised orientations, whose heads should roll?

As far as orientation games went, I never liked taking a part in them

The reason behind my aversion was simple: I hated being part of a crowd mindlessly “following-the-leader” throughout activities, many of which had no real benefit to my education or social life.

Sure, I could have made more friends by joining these camps. Many of my own friends got to know study and drinking buddies from these camps. They got involved in NUS club activities together, did their  overnight mugging together. Having graduated and grown up, these days they catch up with each other at wedding dinners.

Forgive my cynicism, but Freshmen Orientation Camps (FOC) are not places to build lifelong friendships. Yes, there are people who develop real friendships from spending time together at an orientation camp. That relationship subsequently gets built upon and reinforced by spending time together for years thereafter because of a combination of personal chemistry and a commitment from both parties to upkeep their relationship.

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Several NUS students defended rape cheers & sex games on Facebook confessions page

The New Paper did an amazing report on the decade long struggle NUS have had with sexualised camp games. The report concluded that a decade on, nothing much had changed, if anything, things had gotten worse.

Some of the activities include re-enacting rape scenes and coming up with cheers that insinuated rape. There have been fingers pointed at the administration for not enacting change, but as it turns out, the propensity for structural inertia is reflected in some students as well, who not only resists reforms but often put down those who complain about the situation

Here are some of the responses that were posted on NUS Whispers, a confession site for NUS students to post anonymously.

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NUS confirms whistleblower’s video is true, some seniors continued lewd games

National University of Singapore (NUS) has confirmed that the video sent to us by a whistleblower saying that lewd games continue in NUS orientation camps despite promise of disciplinary action by the university.

In acknowledging that the video of people getting dunked in a pond, was a residential activity that took place in Sheares Hall on Wednesday (July 27), NUS said that it was “deeply disappointed that some of our students have flouted the rules and behaved in an unacceptable manner in organising freshmen activities.” It promised to bring those found responsible before the University’s Board of Discipline.

The university has also suspended its annual Orientation Week next week after an emergency meeting was called by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) today (Jul 29).

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How Singapore's "sexualised" orientation camps compare to college hazing in other countries

Like every other year, a new report emerged about the nasty things that are happening during orientation camps held by local universities. Varying in causes for outrage, this year's new scandal is the fact that the bonding and ice-breaking games are becoming "increasingly sexualised". A report on The New Paper mentions activities such as re-enacting an incestuous rape scene, answering inappropriate questions, cheers and chants that reference penises, and other games that involve intimate physical contact.

While Members of Parliament, school administrators and members of the public have been harrumphing their disapproval over such indecencies, we'd like to remind you that all this outrage has happened so many times before. Ragging of all sorts — raunchy or not — has been arranged by camp organisers for years here as extreme (and unnecessary) attempts to instil camaraderie among freshmen. Apparently, it's "tradition" — the practice has been handed down over generations.

Not to defend the recent ongoings (incestuous rape? How fucking depraved can these college kids get?), but freshmen hazing in Singapore is nothing compared to cases in other countries. You want outrage? Let's compare how freshmen across different countries get treated:
  • Singapore
  • USA
  • UK
  • Australia/New Zealand
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Initiation or humiliation?: Cases of hazing around the world
Students passing food with their mouths at a NUS orientation camp FOTO: STOMP

University students in Singapore recently expressed their unhappiness over the inappropriate actions they have had to perform as part of the orientation programme.

The New Paper reported on Jul 26 how students from the National University of Singapore were made to perform actions, such as enacting a rape scene, that made the freshmen extremely uncomfortable.

NUS has since suspended all freshmen orientation activities & the NUS Students' Union has issued an official apology. Here is a look at some of the worst, recent cases of hazing around the world:
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At least 14 NUS undergrads disciplined over risque orientation games
The National University of S'pore (NUS) has taken action against at least 14 undergraduates for their role in inappropriate orientation activities in July. FOTO: ST FILE

The National University of S'pore (NUS) has taken action against at least 14 undergraduates for their role in inappropriate orientation activities in July, The Straits Times has learnt.

Sources said the punishments included warnings without record & mandatory community service. The duration of the community service was not known.

It is understood that they were involved in organising or facilitating orientation camps, among them for the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences & the NUS Students' Union.

NUS probes students for alleged stripping
TNP understands that about 50 students had taken part in the outing at Siloso Beach on June 4

2 years after sexualised orientation games at the National University of Singapore (NUS) sparked a public furore, some of its students may find themselves in hot water again, this time by allegedly stripping naked.

The incident occurred during an unofficial orientation outing to Sentosa earlier this month when some seniors & freshmen took off their clothes in the sea while playing a game.

NUS told The New Paper that it is now investigating the students for inappropriate behaviour.

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Full coverage:
Singapore Daily: Sexualized Freshman Orientations at NUS
NUS orientation activities suspended: Dunking video was the last straw
NUS suspends all student-organised freshmen activities after controversy
NUS suspends student-organised orientation 'inappropriate' behaviour
NUS suspends annual Orientation Week after emergency meeting
Sexualised orientation games:NUS suspends all student-organised activities
Issues of accountability, values must be addressed
'Disappointed' students disagree with suspension of NUS freshman activities
Relook selection process for camp leaders
NUS confirms whistleblower's video is true, some continued lewd games
Singapore university probes mock-rape claims
Games at NUS camps increasingly sexualised, say students
Students say NUS orientation camp games increasingly sexualised
Risque games at university orientation reprehensible, cannot be
NUS suspends Orientation Week after reports of inappropriate activities
Games at NUS camps increasingly sexualised, say students
NUS cracks down on sexualised orientation games
Minister Ong Ye Kung slams sexualised university orientation activities
NUS cancels freshmen Orientation Week after reports of highly-sexual
NUS investigates reports of 'sexualised' orientation activities
University claims video of freshies circulating online is not of NUS
NUS investigating reports of inappropriate orientation activities
Singapore university investigates mock-rape claims
Singapore university investigates 'simulated rape' claims
University launches investigation after new students 'told to simulate rape'
Freshman Allegedly Pressured into Sexualized Rituals at Top S'pore Uni
Games at NUS camps increasingly sexualised, say students
Inappropriate orientation games cannot be tolerated: Ong Ye Kung
Games increasingly sexualised; some told to re-enact rape scene
Games at NUS camps increasingly sexualised, say students
NUS: Risque games completely inappropriate
NUS students 'made to simulate rape scene between man & his SISTER'
Singapore university investigates 'simulated rape' claims news
Singapore university investigates 'simulated rape' claims
NUS Responds: Sexual Freshman Orientation Activities “Neither
Sexualised orientation activities: Would you want your daughter to do this?
Inappropriate orientation games cannot be tolerated: Ong Ye Kung
Sexualised games at NUS orientation: Students re-enact rape
Singapore university investigates mock-rape claims
Singapore university investigates 'simulated rape' claims
University launches investigation after new students 'told to simulate rape'
Games at NUS camps increasingly sexualised, say students
Singapore university investigates 'simulated rape' claims
Flash - Singapore university investigates mock-rape claims
Singapore university students made to re-enact rape scene during
Singapore university investigates 'simulated rape' claims
Singapore university investigates 'simulated rape' claims | World News
Singapore university investigates 'simulated rape' claims
Singapore university investigates mock-rape claims
Sexualised orientation activities: Would you want your daughter to do this?
Inappropriate orientation games cannot be tolerated: Ong Ye Kung
Sexualised games at NUS orientation: Students re-enact rape
Singapore university investigates mock-rape claims | Daily Mail Online
NUS probing reports of ‘offensive & completely inappropriate’ orientation
Inappropriate orientation games must stop
NUS cracks down on sexualised orientation games
NUS investigates reports of 'sexualised' orientation activities
NUS to crack down on sexualised games
Relook selection process for camp leaders
Issues of accountability, values must be addressed
Don't overlook good memories, school culture forged at orientation camps
NUS to take 'strong disciplinary action' against those responsible for lewd
Issues of accountability, values must be addressed
Relook selection process for camp leaders
Sexualised orientation games: Sponsor pulls out, others 'monitor' situation
Don't overlook good memories, school culture forged at orientation camps
Singapore university investigates 'simulated rape' claims
Sponsor of scandal-hit NUS orientation camp pulls out
NUS investigates reports of 'sexualised' orientation activities
More news for Singapore university investigates 'simulated rape' claims
Singapore university probes mock-rape... - Google News
Singapore university investigates 'simulated rape' claims - BBC News
Issues of accountability, values must be addressed
Singapore university investigates 'simulated rape' claims – News
Relook selection process for camp leaders
Sexualised orientation games: Sponsor pulls out, others 'monitor' situation
Don't overlook good memories, school culture forged at orientation camps
Sponsor of scandal-hit NUS orientation camp pulls out
NUS investigates reports of 'sexualised' orientation activities
Lewd games continue in NUS orientation despite promise of disciplinary action
NUS conducts intensive investigation about inappropriate orientation activities
Video: NUS freshies who were pressured into lewd orientation games emerges
University claims video of freshies circulating online is not of NUS
Fake rape, real rape, and teenage suicides
Acting Minister for Education speaks out against sexed-up NUS orientation
Singapore’s Universities: Immoral students or incompetent management?
This is why the NUS “ANNUAL SEX CAMP” will always continue
Let’s talk about sex, baby
Smart students skip NUS orientation camps
National University of Sex

NTU investigating inappropriate student behaviour
Sexual Harassment Scandal At Singapore's Top University
NUS probes students for alleged stripping
At least 14 NUS undergrads disciplined over risque orientation games
Sexualized Freshman Orientations at NUS