

Bukit Batok by-election rallies - 2

Bukit Batok by-election: Highlights for May 3

The Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) held its third rally on Tuesday night (May 3).

Here are some highlights:

  • Veteran actress Neo Swee Lin asks Bukit Batok to vote for Dr Chee Soon Juan
  • Dr Paul Tambyah speaks in Mandarin
  • Chee Soon Juan repeats call for clean politics
  • Amos Yee, Roy Ngerng and Lim Kay Siu spotted
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SDP's Chee shows 'lack of understanding' on security issues: Shanmugam

Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam said Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) chief Chee Soon Juan "shows a lack of understanding of the nature of the problem", after the latter highlighted a need to tighten Singapore's immigration policy in response to the arrests of 8 radicalised Bangladeshi nationals.

Dr Chee had on Wednesday said the detention of the Bangladeshi nationals under the Internal Security Act (ISA) points to the need to tighten the country's immigration policy. He called on the Government to deal with the problem at its "root cause" by halting the inflow of more of such radical elements.

Said the SDP secretary-general: "That starts at the ICA, and this is I where think the lax immigration policy is. You let in hundreds and thousands - millions - you got to be asking yourself: There cannot be people there who are not properly vetted. And this is where I'm saying --- the Government must pay more attention to this problem right now.”

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PM Lee speaks out against playing race card in Bukit Batok by-election

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong spoke out on Saturday (Apr 30) against online comments and whispers going around Bukit Batok asking Chinese voters to cast their ballot along racial lines, calling this “completely wrong and bad”.
Speaking to the media after a visit to Bukit Batok – his first since 2009 – Mr Lee acknowledged that in a multi-racial society, race would be an issue on people’s minds. “But I think when they vote for somebody, they should not be voting on the basis of race, but they should be voting on the basis of his ability to contribute, his sincerity, the heart, the color of his heart and his commitment – which is red – regardless what race or religion he may belong to,” he said.
Apart from word going around the constituency - which Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Grace Fu also alluded to during the People’s Action Party’s (PAP) rally on Fri - Mr Lee said he has seen some comments online making the point about race in “a quite open way”. In particular, such comments were made in response to Facebook postings by Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) chief Chee Soon Juan, which have yet to be refuted and taken down, Mr Lee pointed out. Dr Chee is up against PAP long-time activist Murali Pillai in the Bukit Batok by-election.
Chee to 'put a stop' to any attack on former Bukit Batok MP David Ong

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Tan Chuan Jin Facebook - 1 May 23:48
HMM. Mr Chee disdainfully says that we are all hobos 😁 That we go round coffee shops just to say "ho boh ho boh?" (好吗 in Hokkien). (In the interview with the media, amongst other things, he said that MPs just go to the coffee shop once a week and say 好吗好吗 and that's it, while he will show how he'd be a better MP) Don't see any hobos here as our activists and volunteers do housekeeping to make sure... our Meet the People's session files are in order so that we can better serve, groceries are organised for those who need the extra helping hand. I don't see any hobos amongst our Grassroots/ People's Action Party activists/volunteers who follow up and visit families. Every week. Nor are there hobos amongst the various stakeholders who discuss and trouble shoot issues whether municipal or families with difficulties or individuals with mental health concerns etc. Or any hobos amongst those who organize activities to bring the community together. Or any hobos who help go round visiting residents to say hello and gather feedback.

If this is what it means to 'hobo hobo'...then I'd say that we are #proudtobehobo ! #itscooltobehobo

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Chee misunderstood MOM data, painted ‘alarmist picture’ of jobs market: Ministry
In the SDP’s rally for the Bukit Batok by-election on Tues, Dr Chee had said: “In all of last year, the Government created only 100 jobs. Yes, you heard it right, 100 jobs for citizens and permanent residents. That means, one job per constituency. Voters of Bukit Batok, only one job was created per constituency. How many of you voters here think you are going to fight for that one job if and when you are retrenched?”

MOM said in a statement on Wednesday that the increase in local employment that Dr Chee refers to is not the total number of new jobs taken by locals in 2015. It refers instead to the difference between total number of locals entering jobs and those leaving jobs, for example owing to retirement, MOM stated.

“This difference, or the ‘net’ number of new jobs taken by locals, was 700 in 2015 and it does not reflect the total number of new jobs for locals,” the ministry added.

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Three ways PAP shot itself in the foot in this by-election
If you didn’t know by now that there’ll be a by-election in Singapore… it’s ok. It’s really no big deal. Especially considering the fact that Trump will most likely be nominated as the Republican presidential candidate. But in case you are following what’s happening in the campaigning for the Bukit Batok by-election, you will know that the PAP team has thrown everything but the kitchen sink at the SDP candidate, Dr Chee Soon Juan.
I think that the PAP strategy thus far is terribly foolish.
Here are three ways the PAP has shot itself in the foot in the by-election campaign so far:
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Murali’s mantra: Plans, not personality, matter
One would hardly describe People’s Action Party (PAP) candidate Murali Pillai — known for his low-key demeanour -- as a non-conformist. But in his own ways, the head of the commercial litigation department at Rajah & Tann S'pore does not believe in simply going with the flow.
His campaign posters, for example, depict him in everyday settings -- sharing a cup of “teh” at coffeeshops or shaking hands with Bukit Batok residents at their homes.
These are different from the typical ones showing just the faces of PAP candidates, prompting the party’s secretary-general Lee Hsien Loong to remark that Mr Murali’s posters “break the mould” when he accompanied the party’s by-election candidate on a walkabout on Saturday.
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Concrete plans for residents needed, not just talking in Parliament: Murali
It is one thing to talk in Parliament and push for an issue, but that is not a panacea for everything, People's Action Party (PAP) candidate for the Bukit Batok by-election Murali Pillai told the media during a walkabout in the constituency on Wednesday (May 4).
Mr Murali said concrete plans were needed to help local residents, highlighting policy measures the Government had introduced over the years such as the Pioneer Generation Package. With an increasing number of seniors, more could be done, he added.
"Here in Bukit Batok, we are very fortunate," he said. "I worked with a very strong group of volunteers for over 16 years and I am very certain that I am able to count on their support to enhance the level of services we can render for Bukit Batok residents."

SDP's Chee shows 'lack of understanding' on security issues: Shanmugam
PAP's Murali Pillai organises carnival for low-income residents in Bukit Batok
Bukit Batok by-election: PAP's Murali Pillai, SDP's Chee Soon Juan to contest SMC
Chee misunderstood MOM data, painted ‘alarmist picture’ of jobs market: Ministry

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'Politics is and should be part of life': Actress Neo Swee Lin
Veteran actress Neo Swee Lin, known for her role as Ah Ma in TV series Phua Chu Kang, made a surprise appearance at the Singapore Democratic Party's (SDP) rally yesterday.
In an emotionally-charged speech at a field near Bukit Batok Industrial Park A, Neo, 53, said that she was neither an SDP member nor a politician.
She said she was first introduced to politics when she played former political detainee Teo Soh Lung in a 2011 play, Cooling-Off Day.
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MARUAH: By-election has degenerated into character sloganeering of Chee

In this Bukit Batok by-election, however, there seems to be a targeted barrage on Dr Chee’s past behaviour. In politics there are many candidates who will be judged at the ballot box and later as MPs. We ask that this sloganeering be stopped, as it is not in good taste to ensuring that we develop fair, free and democratic election processes.
We also raise attention to Singapore’s Parliamentary Elections Act, Section 59 and Section 61(d) which asks of all – including campaign leaders and leaders of all political parties– to act in a manner that is fair to all election candidates. In addition in the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s Code on Free and Fair Elections, it is also clear that all parties need to ensure that the election is conducted in a fair and democratic manner.
In conclusion MARUAH asks again for an Independent Elections Commission, not one under the Prime Minister’s Office.

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The SDP’s rant and the PAP’s silence

I HAVE always maintained that the problem with election rallies is that speakers can say anything they want. So general statements are made without evidence to back them up, as well as snide comments and one-liners that sting. It’s hard to do the mental processing when you are listening to a rally, especially if you don’t have enough information yourself to do the brainwork.

So it is with much misgiving that I listened to Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) chief Chee Soon Juan’s diatribe about the G’s “neglect of the elderly”. Dr Chee is a great speaker and knows how to work up a crowd. He usually starts with a self-deprecating joke and ends with a pull at the heart-strings. Last night (May 3) was no different, with a message to his three children he called by name to understand the meaning of being a principled person.

What about what he said in-between?

Of bulldogs, show dogs and barking dogs
BB BE: Overheard at a Bukit Batok coffeeshop
BB BE: Getting fired up over higher education and foreigners – again
Are pointless promises what the by-election will boil down to?
BB BE: Not race blind, but not blind either
BB BE: Retrenchment insurance – or maybe CPF assurance?

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5 people at SDP’s third Bukit Batok by-election rally tell us why they’re there

As the Bukit Batok by-election cycle nears its end, we spoke with five Singaporeans, out of the thousands, who were at the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP)’s third rally on Tuesday (May 3).
Here’s what they told us:
  • Dudi Arafan, 36, and his family — Bukit Batok SMC residents
  • Alan Fong, 44 — Bukit Panjang SMC resident
  • Low PW — Punggol resident
  • Joseph Tan, 55 — Hougang resident
  • Andre Quek, 30, and Sylvia Quek, 51 — Bukit Batok residents (who live outside the SMC’s boundaries)
related: Lee Wei Ling says she did not sign petition asking to stop attacks on Chee Soon Juan’s character

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Murali a do-gooder who may not speak as much in Parliament

Speaking at a rally recently Dr Chee Soon Juan said:
“An MP must be able to raise your concerns and hardships in Parliament and bring them to the government’s attention and press it to act on your concerns. Hand on heart, how many of you think that Mr Murali will be able to do this better than I can in Parliament. Do you think that Mr Murali would be different from his other 81 fellow MPs and ask the hard questions that must be asked in parliament and debate the ministers from his own party?”
In responding to Dr Chee, Murali told reporters today (4 May) that talking in Parliament to push for an issue is not a panacea for everything. He also referred to the Pioneer Generation package to highlight how the People’s Action Party (PAP) Government has done much for citizens.

Mr Murali Pillai is the PAP candidate for Bukit Batok by-election. He is contesting against Dr Chee Soon Juan of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP). Bukit Batok voters go to the polls on 7 May (Sat).

Dr Lee Wei Ling denies supporting Chee Soon Juan

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Carrots: good for health, bad for politics

Singapore is not an agricultural society but there are particular periods when carrots are harvested here and dangled to tempt potential consumers. The harvest season is rather predictable: it is almost always around the time after a writ of election is issued.
With the Bukit Batok by-election on 7 May, it came as no surprise when the People’s Action Party (PAP) candidate Murali Pillai pulled out a carrot: $1.9 million worth of infrastructure and renewal for the constituency, including covered walkways, ramps for the elderly and people with disabilities, and a new park for all to enjoy.
But you can savour the carrot only if you vote for the PAP, of course.

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Jailed, Bankrupted and even “Poisoned”, Chee has Been Punished so Let’s Not Breed a Blame Culture
“The PAP have sued me, jailed me, made me a bankrupt. But I am still standing. I do not bow to those who mock me. I will not kneel before them, because one cannot stand for one’s principles on bended knee.”
After Health Minister Gan Kim Yong’s public statement about how errant SGH staff whose lapses caused the deaths of 8 patients and saw more than 20 others infected with the crippling Hepatitis C virus, you’d think people would put Dr Chee’s past “misdemeanours” in context. The names of the culprits were never publicly released.

Dr Chee was declared bankrupt in 2006 because he couldn’t pay S$500,000 in damages to former PMs “Woody” Goh and Harry Lee. He couldn’t stand for election, or travel overseas without official permission. Needless to say, his children who were very young then need not look forward to holidays in Tokyo or even Batam.

Character is “Permanent” for Dr Chee, but Not for Rogue PAP MPs?
Famous Local Artists and Activists Start Petition Against PAP’s “Gutter Politics”
Underdogs, Yes, But Dr Chee and the SDP can do a Leicester City in Bukit Batok
Lao Goh Weighs on BB: “Don’t Kick Up a Fuss over CSJ Rudely Shouting at Me”

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After years brainwashing by the mainstream media, majority of Singaporeans believe that Dr Chee Soon Juan is a political gangster who breaks all rules to get his message out, to fight for liberal Democracy in Singapore. But things are not so simple and both men have a love-hate relationship.

Our founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew famously shared his disdain for Dr Chee. He said of Chee Soon Juan:"

I've had several of my own doctors who are familiar with such conduct... tell me that [CSJ] is near psychopath

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Bukit Batok By-Election – Vote for Tharmbyah
I hate to pick on this guy for being meek. But this guy is just too damn meek. Everyone’s louder than him – DPM Tharman, Grace Fu, and even Madam Halimah. Oh yes, let’s not forget the extra Tan Chuan Jin. Stop relying on DPM and Jurong Town Council, stand up for yourself and scold someone!
Before I go on, let me just say that I am normally a lurker on the Internet. I do not comment on my friends’ walls, save for the occasional birthday wishes – and even that is limited to a very succinct “HBD, you old now”. I do no comment on any mainstream media platforms (there are too many trolls out there, my delicate ego cannot handle), nor do I create fake accounts to troll others. So why am I writing this now, putting myself out there for online trolls to own? Because I’ve pretty much had it up TO HERE with the Bukit Batok By-Election but there are so many things I want to say about both candidates. Since I can be a sparkly fairy unicorn on the Internet thanks to the magical cloak of web anonymity, I shall do that and give my 2 sparkles worth on both Chee and Ah Mu (not to be confused with Ah Bu, your mother).

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Bt Batok has right ingredients to help youth mentorship plan succeed: Murali

Saying that he has observed a very strong community spirit within Bukit Batok, People’s Action Party (PAP) candidate Murali Pillai hopes to tap this for a youth mentorship programme he intends to implement if he is elected in the upcoming polls. The programme was first unveiled in Mr Murali’s campaign manifesto last week, along with his plans for a job placement programme and a health co-operative.
Speaking to reporters during a visit to the constituency yesterday, Mr Murali said: “There was a very strong commitment to help the least fortunate amongst us. So this is a great way to help the less fortunate because you are helping the children so they can come up in life and be the best they can be.”
Under the programme, families with young children will receive support in strengthening parenting skills, among other things. Mr Murali also hopes to develop the children’s reading habits as early as possible, such as through classes organised by voluntary welfare organisations (VWOs). For the older children, more direct coaching can come from “mentors who graduated from the school of hard knocks”, said Mr Murali. They will be able to inspire the youths, and help them set life goals and aspirations to work towards, he added.

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Murali seeking volunteers to be potential student mentors

The People's Action Party (PAP) candidate for the Bukit Batok By-election is on the lookout for volunteers and voluntary welfare organisations to be part of a youth mentorship programme that he wants to start if he is elected.
Lawyer Murali Pillai, 48, told reporters yesterday morning that he hopes to have a pool of volunteers to mentor students to help them reach their maximum potential.
He has started taking down names of potential volunteers during his walkabouts.
related: Bukit Batok by-election: Highlights for May 3

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Former football defender Murali gives a half time report on his PAP campaigning so far
Murali Pillai, 48, the People’s Action Party (PAP) candidate for the Bukit Batok SMC by-election, has been many things to many people.
To the Chinese residents in Bukit Batok, he is better known as “Ah Mu”. To those who know him formally, they will probably address him by his full name – Muralidharan Pillai.
To his Aljunied GRC activists, he was the “giant-slayer” who apparently beat WP’s star catch Chen Show Mao in GE2015, and in PM Lee’s words, “if Paya Lebar (in Aljunied GRC) had been a single (member) constituency, Murali would be the MP by now”. To his Bukit Batok activists, he was the grassroots volunteer who served Bukit Batok for 16 years.
related: 9 Quotable quotes from SDP’s second Bukit Batok by-election rally

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Actress Neo Swee Lin speaks up for Chee Soon Juan at rally

Veteran actress Neo Swee Lin, known for her role as Ah Ma in TV series Phua Chu Kang, made a surprise appearance at the Singapore Democratic Party's (SDP) rally yesterday.
In an emotionally--charged speech at a field near Bukit Batok Industrial Park A, Neo, 53, said that she was neither an SDP member nor a politician.
She said she was first introduced to politics when she played former political detainee Teo Soh Lung in a 2011 play, Cooling-Off Day.
SDP's Dr Chee: I could have attacked PM Lee but I didn't
PM Lee: Racial comments a concern
Neo: Chee will speak up for people who are unrepresented

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Chee: Who am I running against?

Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) chief Chee Soon Juan yesterday questioned who his opponent is in the Bukit Batok By-election.
He said People's Action Party (PAP) candidate Murali Pillai is "not saying anything" but "everybody else" is.
"All I know is that I'm getting very confused who my opponent is," Dr Chee said to reporters after a morning walk-about in Bukit Batok.

Bukit Batok by-election: 'Chee is hypocritical and unrepentant', says PM Lee
Character takes centre stage in battle for Bukit Batok
BB by-election rally: CSJ says he has been working full-time to build SDP
BB by-election: CSJ to raise issue of jobs, retrenchment benefits if elected

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We are a group of Singaporeans who have been following the progress of the current Bukit Batok by-elections.
We would like to categorically state that we do not condone the personal attacks and character assassination made by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Speaker of Parliament Halimah Yacob, and Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Grace Fu, against Dr Chee Soon Juan of the SDP.
We are deeply saddened at the manner in which the campaign is run, having deteriorated to a level that undermines our Singaporean values. It is indeed a sad state of affairs when people who have been entrusted with positions of power and leadership perpetuate such unbecoming behaviour. We want an election campaign that addresses the pertinent issues facing Singaporeans, rather than one that is marred primarily by the vilification of anyone's person.
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Actor Neo Swee Lin appeals to PM Lee and other PAP leaders to not vilify Chee
Highly acclaimed actor Neo Swee Lin was a guest speaker at the Singapore Democratic Party’s rally in Bukit Batok today (3 May). At the rally she appealed to PM Lee Hsien Loong, Speaker of Parliament Halimah Yacob and Culture Minister Grace Fu to conduct the campaign for the by-election in a dignified manner.
She said:
  • “We are a group of Singaporeans who have been following the progress of the Bukit Batok by-election. We would like to categorically state that we do not condone the personal attacks and character assassinations made by the Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Speaker of Parliament Halimah Yacob, and Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Grace Fu against Dr Chee Soon Juan of the SDP.
  • We are deeply saddened in the manner in which the campaign is run – having deteriorated to the level that undermines our Singaporean values. We should re-assess…if people who have been entrusted with power and leadership should perpetuate such unbecoming behaviour.
  • We want an election campaign which addresses the pertinent issues of Singaporeans, rather than one which is marred by, primarily by the vilification of any one person.

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BB BE: Not race blind, but not blind either

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong told an interesting anecdote on Saturday about his first election campaign in 1984, when he was being fielded as a candidate for Ang Mo Kio GRC.
“I remember when I was first fielded – 1984, in Teck Ghee. Next door to me in Chong Boon was Chandra Das, and he was already a sitting MP contesting against a Chinese candidate. And the opposition was going from door to door, and the message was simple: They didn’t say ‘vote for me’, they didn’t say ‘the other chap is no good’. They just asked, has that Indian man come yet? And everybody knew what it meant – there was a special UHF signal there, so you say one thing (but) what you mean is another thing.’’
Now that was way back in 1984. Thirty years later, have things changed? Has race been reduced as an identity marker? Has the UHF signal been scrambled? Frankly, I think something similar would have happened if a woman had been fielded. The other side will go: “Has that woman been here yet?’’

Word of the Day: Hypocrisy
Amid the character chatter, Murali pitches a co-op

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Underdogs, Yes, But Dr Chee and the SDP can do a Leicester City in Bukit Batok

Pretty much all of you know who Dr Chee Soon Juan is (I hope!)
Maybe not all know what Leicester City is – no it’s not a “city”, it’s a football club in the English Premier League.
They’ve had a terrible reputation, dropping in and out of the top tier of the league every now and then. This year, they were prime contenders to get relegated, and their odds of winning the trophy were 5000 to 1.

Lao Goh Weighs in BB: “Don’t Kick Up a Fuss over CSJ Rudely Shouting at Me”
Has Paul Tambyah Cost the SDP Bukit Batok?
PM Lee Raises the Race Issue to Distract Voters from the PAP’s Amorous Botak?
PAP Suicide Squad Leader Says He Doesn’t Agree with All of PAP’s Policies, But
Bukit Batok Residents Must Decide if They Want a “Scholar” or an “Apprentice”

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Minister Tan Chuan Jin defame Dr Chee Soon Juan: He called residents “hobos”
Social and Family Development (MSF) Minister Tan Chuan Jin openly defamed Opposition candidate Dr Chee Soon Juan by claiming the latter “disdainfully” called everyone a “hobo”. A hobo is a homeless person, and meant to be an insult.
  • “Hmm. Mr Chee disdainfully says that we are all hobos Going round coffee shops just to say “ho boh ho boh?” (好吗 in Hokkien). Don’t see any hobos here as our activists and volunteers do housekeeping to make sure our Meet the People’s session files are in order so that we can better serve, groceries are organised for those who need the extra helping hand. I don’t see any hobos amongst our Grassroots/ People’s Action Party activists/volunteers who follow up and visit families. Every week. Nor are there hobos amongst the various stakeholders who discuss and trouble shoot issues whether municipal or families with difficulties or individuals with mental health concerns etc. Or any hobos amongst those who organize activities to bring the community together. Or any hobos who help go round visiting residents to say hello and gather feedback.
  • If this is what it means to ‘hobo hobo’…then I’d say that we are ‪#‎proudtobehobo‬ ! ‪#‎itscooltobehobo‬”
Minister Tan Chuan Jin is the third minister to defame the vocal Opposition leader, alongside Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat who yesterday said that the Opposition does not care about character and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong who called Dr Chee “crazy” and “unrepentant”.


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PAP’s Murali already talking cock before becoming MP

Bukit Batok residents should be wary of electing another PAP MP and would do well to scrutinise Murali’s speeches.

In one of his responses to the SDP, MP wannabe Murali naively asked “Why should I be muzzled” and tried to hoodwink voters into thinking he could be his own man, his Party Whip non existent.

Murali is not only arrogant to anyhow assume he is above the PAP but also clearly talking cock. Just go ask any PAP MP if they were ever their own man in Parliament. Go against the Party Whip and prepare to leave PAP like Inderjit Singh, a gentleman.

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People’s Action Party versus Dr Chee in the Bukit Batok by-election?

It appears that the upcoming by-election (BE) in Bukit Batok SMC is a battle between the People’s Action Party (PAP) and Dr Chee Soon Juan, not Mr Murali Pillai  from the PAP against Dr Chee from Singapore Democratic party (SDP).

Mr Murali is suppose to be the PAP’s candidate contesting in the Bukit Batok by-election, but over the past few days, ministers such as Ms Grace Fu, Mr Heng Swee Keat and Mr Tan Chuan Jin, Speaker of Parliament, Ms Halimah Yacob, former Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong have either commented or made some remarks, except the candidate himself.

Even Dr Chee is confused as to who his opponent actually is.

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By election 2016: Bukit Batok SMC

The first by election after the GE 2015 came unexpectedly.

This was due to the incumbent caught literally with his pants down (pun intended) which cause him to announce his resignation due to his personal indiscretion.

Now that the pants are down, this has presented a perfect opportunity for SDP's Chee Soon Juan to challenge one on one with PAP's candidate Mr Murali.

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Chee Soon Juan hopes to outfox Murali like new BPL champions Leicester
With the odds of winning the 7 May Bukit Batok by-election stacked against him, the Singapore Democratic Party chief Chee Soon Juan is invoking the underdog spirit of Leicester City, which has just shocked the football world by clinching the English Premier League title for the first time ever.
Facing a formidable opponent in the People’s Action Party’s Murali Pillai in the by-election, Chee is hoping for a “comeback” and stage an upset win this Saturday, just like The Foxes confounding the 5000-1 bookmaker odds of winning the league at the start of the current season.
Following a morning walkabout in Bukit Batok on Tuesday (3 May), Chee said in a Facebook post, “Leicester City just won the Premier League title, a historic event because this is the first time that they’ve won the championship in their club’s long history. When they started off this season, no one gave them any chance of winning.

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It’s Not Looking Good For Team PAP

I am not shy neither am I cool to say that I want Murali to win the by election. It’s not because I have a soft spot for the minorities or that my favourite colour is white, but because I’ve got a $20 bet with a friend.

But I think I can already kiss my money goodbye. There goes my one-month supply of Maggie noodles.

I didn’t get this feeling of losing from looking at the number of people attending the rallies. Those at SDP’s rallies were mostly `tourists’ from other parts of the island looking for some entertainment. After all, we do love our getais.

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Oh My Goh just delivered a Facebook *mic drop*

At the 2001 general election, Chee stood as one of the SDP’s candidates in the Jurong Group Representation Constituency.

During the run-up to the election, Chee captured national media attention when he came across then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong while campaigning at a hawker centre, and used a megaphone to infamously shout
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Have you heard of the Opposition Effect?
 As the Bukit Batok By-Election draws near, many people are talking about the by-election effect where voters would vote for the opposition as the outcome would not make a difference as to who formed the Government.

This by-election effect is real, as the PAP has lost all of them in the recent years. But wait, have you heard of the opposition effect? The opposition effect is where HDB property prices fall as a result of being in an opposition ward.

While WP’s Low Thia Khiang went to great lengths to dispel this, online data from HDB’s resale portal tells a different story.

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Hypocrisy rules the day

Over the last few days Singaporeans were given a first hand taste of what hypocrisy meant. Everyone is doing one thing and saying another. Be nice, be a gentleman or a lady, but they kept pulling down the pants to kick at the balls.

In the social media, the most vulgar and personal were the IBs, the internet brigades. Though no one admits it, though no one wants to claim ownership, and the people behind them pretend that they did not know anything about them, everyone knows who they are and who were the people behind them.

These shameless scoundrels would do anything to attack a blogger personally, throw mud at everyone, and yes, they would not discuss an issue for its merits or demerits. They only want to attack a person hiding behind their anonymities. They are so shameful of their acts that they would not reveal their true identities. They have nothing to say, zero in their heads.

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Murali to focus on helping Bt Batok residents affected by economic downturn
The PAP’s Bukit Batok by-election candidate Murali Pillai said he wants to focus on his own agenda, to help residents of the constituency who are affected by the gloomy economic climate. FOTO: Ernest Chua
PAP candidate distances himself from the war of words between his party and SDP
Staying out of the barbs traded between his party and his Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) rival in the by-election in Bukit Batok, People’s Action Party (PAP) candidate Murali Pillai said yesterday that he wanted to focus on residents who are affected by the gloomy economic climate on the occasion of Labour Day.

Speaking to reporters after mingling with bus captains at the Bukit Batok interchange, the 48-yr-old lawyer sought to drive home the benefits of the job placement programme he unveiled for the constituency in his campaign manifesto last week.

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Murali loses control of own campaign; distances himself from party leaders’ gutter politics
The backlash against the People’s Action Party (PAP) leaders’ personal attacks against Dr Chee Soon Juan has been swift and shrill.
In fact, the negative reaction has been so stunning that even its own candidate, Murali Pillai, has “attempted to distance himself from the war of words in which his party seniors are engaged in with the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP).
It is also a sign that Mr Murali himself, an experienced lawyer with a top law firm here, has lost control of his own election campaign in Bukit Batok – and how his campaign would become a sham if the vileness of his leaders’ character assassination methods continued.

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Amid the character chatter, Murali pitches a co-op

IN SPITE of a rally-less day in Bukit Batok SMC, campaigning between took a clear divide yesterday: while the PAP party leadership have engaged SDP’s Dr Chee Soon Juan in a back and forth about character, PAP’s candidate Murali Pillai ducks out of the fray to pitch grassroots schemes like a health cooperative.

The proposed cooperative will be in partnership with The Good Life Cooperative, run by geriatrician and fellow PAP member Dr Carol Tan and aims to provide affordable healthcare and health education for the sandwich-class elderly. They hope that they can sign up enough paying members to provide services in Bukit Batok.

And if Murali doesn’t win? Dr Tan said that they “will work with the leader we believe will be able to drive the program.” PAP’s belief in Dr Chee can’t be very high. Dr Chee will run on a platform of being a full-time MP, running the Town Council well and executing social programmes on a municipal level. Few details of his plans have emerged over the slanging match over character – Dr Chee’s, Mr David Ong’s, the PAP’s and even PM Lee’s character’s got a mention, sometimes in the backhanded “mention by saying I don’t want to mention” method.

BB BE: The Murali method
BB BE: Near stabbing, some scarring

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Here’s PM Lee plugging Murali Pillai and slamming Chee Soon Juan at Bukit Batok

On Saturday morning (April 30), cries of “Ah Mu! Ah Mu!” were drowned out by those of “Mr Lee! ‘Mr Lee!” as crowds of Bukit Batok residents gathered, hoping to get a handshake or, better yet, a selfie with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

The popularity of the People’s Action Party (PAP) Secretary-General was unquestionable: wherever he went, he was greeted with smiles, cheers and even adoring squeals from star-stricken aunties. His prodigious presence would have completely overshadowed PAP’s candidate for the upcoming by-election, if not for his proactive introduction of and campaigning of votes for Murali Pillai to everyone they met.

Here are the 6 painstaking observations we made about Saturday’s walkabout with Lee and Murali during the rare few moments we could see beyond someone’s scalp.
  • No one can come close to stealing PM’s thunder
  • Lee’s belief that Chee remains unchanged remains unchanged
  • PM takes his own photos (sometimes)
  • And he really wants a grandchild
  • The race card, played again
  • What happens when you provide feedback to the PM? 
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MParader Facebook - 1 May at 16:59
Since my name is mentioned in the Bukit Batok by-election, I say: don't kick up a fuss over CSJ rudely shouting at me in Jurong. Words or actions do not define a person; character is not important for a would be MP, so say SDP.

And the fox to the farmer, "Hire me to look after your hen house. I have the perfect plan". --- gct

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Lao Goh Weighs in on Bukit Batok: “Don’t Kick Up a Fuss over CSJ Rudely Shouting at Me”

Former Prime Minister, Senior Minister and Emeritus Senior Minister, and now just MP for Marine Parade GRC, lao Goh, aka Goh Chok Tong, has finally weighed in on Bukit Batok, as he is prone to doing every other election or by-election in constituencies besides his own.

Finding some time on May Day, Mr Goh told his Facebook fans:
“Since my name is mentioned in the Bukit Batok by-election, I say: don’t kick up a fuss over CSJ rudely shouting at me in Jurong."
Words or actions do not define a person; character is not important for a would be MP, so say SDP.

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Chee Soon Juan says PAP should ‘consider their own hypocrisy’

The chief of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) has accused the People’s Action Party (PAP) of “gutter politics” and of being guilty of the very charges made against him, such as racism and hypocrisy.

Speaking at the SDP’s second rally of the Bukit Batok by-election on Sun (May 1), candidate Dr Chee Soon Juan said: “They don’t tell you how they can be better than opponents, they tell you how bad the opposition is by running smear campaigns so that you will vote for the PAP by default.”

“They don’t consider their own hypocrisy,” he added, noting that this sort of behaviour seemed “baked into the PAP’s DNA”.

SDP rally for Bukit Batok by-election, May 1
Good character, integrity first requirement for candidates: PM Lee

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'Astounding' that SDP believes character does not matter: Heng Swee Keat

Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat has described a statement by Singapore Democratic Party's (SDP) central executive committee member Paul Tambyah to be "one of the most astounding statements ever made in the history of Singapore politics".

In a Facebook Live video on Saturday (Apr 30), Dr Tambyah had said: "We believe you can criticise what a person says or what a person does, but don't attack the person ... It's not right to question his character ... Attacking his character is uncalled for. A person is not defined by his or her actions or words."

In a FaceBook post on Sunday, Mr Heng responded by saying: "I read with dismay Prof Paul Tambyah's statement yesterday claiming that character doesn't matter.”

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Chee Soon Juan invokes Lee Wei Ling to make a point about PAP’s politics

The following is a snippet from Dr Chee Soon Juan’s speech at the Bukit Batok by-election rally on May 1.
  • “Up until now, I have never, never brought up the issue about what his sister, Lee Wei Ling said about him. You can search for it online or anywhere else. But you won’t find anything I said about the incident because I never made any. I had ample opportunity to attack him on this. But I did not. And it would have been a very potent attack because this is not your political opponent saying it. It is your own flesh and blood making these statements about you.
  • Now, I want you all to imagine. If it had been my sister saying these things about me, what do you think would have happened? Do you think the PAP would have gone to town with this? Do you think that all the newspapers, channel 5, channel 8, Channel NewsAsia would all have running this news with the reporters camped outside my house – camped outside my sister’s house – for days and weeks, trying to add fuel to the fire. And then interviewed SDP members, interviewed my friends, interviewed my former classmates, interviewed my teachers to prolong the saga. And make sure that every man and woman, and boy and girl in Singapore knew about the matter.
  • I bring up this incident because I want to show you that even though I had the perfect opportunity I refrained from using Dr Lee Wei Ling’s dispute with her brother. Because that’s not the kind of politics I want to engage in.
Some Indians upset that Murali has made himself ‘Chinese’ to endear to voters
PAP has run out of ideas for Bukit Batok, Dr Paul Tambyah charges
SPH Wanbao admits mistake but refuses to apologize to Dr Chee
Ms Fu, how many PAP ministers have experience relevant to their jobs?
Is Murali committed to BB? Signs-off wreath as Chairman of Paya Lebar Branch
“Absolutely appalling!” Chee responds to Lee’s accusation about race

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PM Lee Raises the Race Issue to Distract Voters from the PAP’s Amorous Botak, David Ong?

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has fired away at Dr Chee, accusing him of not removing comments on his Facebook page which promote voting for a Chinese election candidate over an Indian one based on racial preference.

Speaking to Channel NewsAsia during a walkabout in Bukit Batok yesterday, he said that he heard “rumours” that people are saying “Just vote for the Chinese, that’s good,” and that’s not a good thing.

But is the Prime Minister doing this to take the heat off the PAP and former Bukit Batok MP David Ong’s hands-up-the-wrong-skirt extra-marital affair?

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On Integrity, Hypocrisy & Setting Bad Examples at Bukit Batok By-election
When leaders set a bad example – PM Lee and Minister Grace Fu continues the demonising of Dr Chee Soon Juan during the Bukit Batok by-election
It is really shameful to see our Prime Minister and senior ministers behave in such a despicable manner during the Bukit Batok by-election. Ministers Grace Fu and Halimah Yacob continued the PAP’s bashing of Dr Chee Soon Juan last night at the Bukit Batok rally. They threw various slurs at him including mocking him for being “unemployed” and for being rude to former PM Goh Chok Tong, something that happened eons ago.
It is very ironic and hypocritical that we have highly educated Singaporeans buying into the character assassination of Chee based on what the PAP-govt have claimed and what the local MSM have reported including over some flimsy allegations. Yet these same people have never spoken up against the numerous unethical actions committed by Lee Kuan Yew and the PAP against the citizens (including likening us to dogs)  and against hundreds of innocents who were jailed for opposing them.
So it is really laughable to hear PAP supporters and some Ministers bitch about petty little things like Chee being rude to Goh ONCE when they have never objected to the numerous reprehensible injustices committed by the PAP leaders against the people of Singapore.

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“Dr Chee, are you a hypocrite?”

Reporters quiz Dr Chee Soon Juan on the issue of not wanting to bring up former Bukit Batok MP David Ong who vacated his seat in parliament and resigned from the PAP due to an alleged extramarital affair.

One reported asked if he had read the statement by PM Lee Hsien Loong and proceeded to give Dr Chee a rundown of that statement, referring to how PM Lee said Dr Chee was hypocritical to claim that he would not kick a man when he is down but allow for other party members to talk about David Ong. Dr Chee replied that he did not want to comment until he has read the statement himself and understood the context of what was said.

Another reporter posed the question of whether Dr Chee found it hypocritical to have other speakers at the SDP rally mention David Ong even though Dr Chee had said previously that he did not wish to bring up the issue of why David Ong had to vacate his seat in parliament. Dr Chee replied that he had no intention of bringing up the matter and that he will speak to his party members to put a stop to it if necessary. Dr Chee replied that he wants to move away from that issue and contest on issues that matter to the well-being of the residents.

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No ‘H’ (as in Hypocrites) In ‘PAP’, Only ‘P’s…Aplenty

The Secretary-General of People's Action Party (PAP) did not mince his words in condemning the candidate of Bukit Batok SMC By-election and Secretary-General of Singapore Democratic Party (SDP), Dr Chee Soon Juan by saying that he is  ‘completely hypocritical’ SDP Sec-Gen’s action of getting his ‘guys to say all the bad things, you come along and you look magisterial, and benign and say, no you must not hit somebody’.

Just so we all have a common definition, hypocrisy is ‘the practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case’. Based on the definition, we have to agree with the PAP Secretary-General.

However,  what Dr Chee Soon Juan has been doing with and at SDP – the activities organised, the focus on producing alternative policy papers, his round-the-island walk etc etc – taken in toto including organisational capabilities, the SDP Sec-Gen appears to believe that the American approach to electioneering, in and out of season, will finally win him a seat in the Singapore parliament. For good measure (or, if you prefer, for goodness sake), Chee even cultivates an American accent when speaking English.

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BB BE: Near stabbing, some scarring

HYPOCRISY is the word of the day. Who are you calling a hypocrite? Who’s the hypocrite now? If I’m a hypocrite, then what about you?

That about sums up last night’s (May 1) Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) rally in Bukit Batok.

It’s a classic case of wanting to call people names but telling people you don’t want to do so because you think it’s not nice. So characters were almost assassinated because the knife had only pierced the skin; it didn’t go in fully. We don’t know if it left scars.

related: An “almost” personal BE

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Highlights of the by-election campaign

The election campaign of the PAP and the Singapore Democratic Party in the Bukit Batok by-election has thrown up some interesting highlights which will captivate the mind of Bukit Batok voters in particular and the discerning Singaporeans in general. Quite naturally the PAP is taking this by-election seriously and the big guns who have come out to campaign for the PAP candidate Murali Pillai included PM Lee Hsien Loong and DPM Tharman Shamugaratnam.

But what should appear abominable to the voters and the public is the disgraceful performance of the heinous Grace Fu who behaves like a real witch in carrying out a character assassination of Dr Chee Soon Juan. However, she is not alone as other PAP speakers are also of the same ilk. Arrogance and hubris seem to be the order of the day for PAP leaders in dealing with Dr Chee.

Dr Chee Soon Juan on the other hand is a picture of composure in answering deftly all the accusations levelled at him by the PAP speakers. He is an underdog and does not expect any kid-glove treatment from his PAP opponents. He is aware that he is pitted against a party with enormous financial and manpower resources and above all a ruling party. From observations and reports, Dr Chee is making reasonable headway in his campaign and this is what irks the PAP leaders.

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Disgraceful, Grace Fu

So, as I had expected, it didn’t take long for the PAP to resort to below-the-belt attacks on Dr Chee Soon Juan – again.

Just a day after Nomination Day, at her party’s first rally for the Bukit Batok by-election, the Minister of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY), Grace Fu, apparently launched an ad hominem volley at the SDP secretary general.

“He wants to be a full-time MP,” Ms Fu said, referring to Dr Chee. “As far as I know he’s not held a full-time job for a long time… The work experience is essential. It’ll be interesting to see if there is a referral letter from Chiam See Tong.”

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Stupid personal attacks made by Grace Fu

The fight for the hearts and minds of Bukit Batok residents have kicked up a notch with nomination day over on 28 Apr. When DPM Tharman and SDP’s Dr Paul Tambyah shook hands and spoke at the nomination centre, they two apparently agreed that there should be a fair fight between PAP’s Murali and SDP’s Dr Chee Soon Juan.

It seems that fair doesn’t mean clean. Because at PAP’s first rally for the by-election last night, there was quite a lot of mudslinging. In her Chinese speech, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, Ms Grace Fu said:
“We need to be wary of people who write blank cheques, otherwise you may rejoice now, only to suffer later. It’s easy to confidently make promises now, but is it really that easy to manage a Town Council? This candidate (referring to Dr Chee) hasn’t worked for the last 20 years, does he have the relevant experience in management?”
What a stupid thing to say! You mean Dr Chee doesn’t need to have excellent management skills to lead SDP? Say what you will about his political views, but you cannot deny that SDP has grown into a fairly well-organised political party.

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Response to Grace Fu and Halimah

I refer to the 30 Apr 2016 Straits Times report “Grace Fu and Halimah point to Murali’s track record and character”.
Ms Fu and Madam Halimah reportedly laid out three criteria for Bukit Batok voters to judge their candidates:
First, what kind of person is the candidate?
Second, what promises has be made?
And third, can he deliver on them?
Kind of person - Dr Chee lives in a three room flat. He is the kind of person who well understands through first hand experience, the daily grind of the common folk.

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Police reports filed over by-election ad breaches
Bukit Batok polls: The aftermath
Bukit Batok by-election: And The Winner is
Bukit Batok by-election: Polling Day
Bukit Batok by-election: Cooling-Off Day
Bukit Batok by-election: Whose side are you on?
Bukit Batok by-election rallies - 1
Bukit Batok by-election rallies - 2
Bukit Batok by-election to be held on May 7
The Upcoming Bt Batok By-Election
Bt Batok MP resigns over 'personal indiscretion'