

Madonna's Rebel Heart in Singapore

Update 29 Feb 2016: Madonna sticks to the script at her Singapore concert
Madonna performing in Singapore last night. ― Pictures by Ooi Boon Keong/TODAY

The controversy in recent days over Madonna’s first concert here — sparked by the Catholic Church’s advice to congregants to skip the show — did not carry over into her performance at the National Stadium last night, as she kept to her word to observe cultural sensitivities.

The pop diva’s 90-minute gig, which was rated R18 for sexual references, was attended by around 25,000 fans, a fraction of whom were moved to better seats so that other fans’ view would not be blocked.

Other than the last-minute shuffle of seats, the show went without incident.

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Madonna's Rebel Heart tamed in Singapore
 "If it's not controversial, it's not Madonna," fans said. (Photo: Ngau Kai Yan)

She might be on her Rebel Heart Tour, but when it came to meeting the Media Development Authority (MDA) guidelines the Queen of Pop was a little less than rebellious.

For the Singapore leg of her tour on Sunday (May 28), Madonna performed a modified opening segment of her tour, cutting out the songs Iconic, Holy Water and Devil Pray before launching into the second segment. The cut songs are usually performed in the first of four segments of the concert, also known as the Joan of Arc / Samurai section.

The video introduction of the concert was also modified, with the cross-adorned portion of the staves held by dancers removed.
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Flagged: Even if you're not Catholic, you should boycott Madonna for this reason
I am not going to the Madonna concert tonight. And neither should you. Even if you’re not Catholic. Yes, the Catholic Church is condemning Madonna again.
In 1989, it was because of the Like A Prayer music video, which features burning crosses and the singer getting stigmata-like wounds on her hand.
In 2006, it was because of her Confessions tour, which featured the singer hanging on a cross with a crown of thorns on her head and singing Live To Tell.
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Madonna in Singapore
Madonna is an icon. She has lasted for more than 30 years. Some stars fade after three. I still remember one of her early numbers, the catchy Papa don't Preach. While I think she is not a good role model for anyone, let alone Christians, I don't think I want to criticize her in public. Once we get into the public domain, then we open a can of worms. There are a number of acts more heinous than Madonna like Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus and many others. How are we going to pick one from the other?
Christians can speak and warn their flocks privately and in church but in public we reserve our right to speak only when the occasions call for. And the Madonna concert is not one for such public outcry in my view. If so, why double standards? Why public silence on Rev Kong Hee's crimes? Are not his wife's actions like Madonna's or worse? Especially coming from a so-called Christian minister. At least Madonna does not make any claims. In fact her art and music is labeled "rebel", for sure un-Christian but does she warrant a public put down?
There are many sinners out there, and we can't start pointing out every single action that is contrary to our beliefs. As Paul says, if such is the case we have to get out of the world. Further, Singapore is a secular state unlike Malaysia that has Islam as its official religion. Secular space must be given its right to express itself in various forms whether in arts, music, or films. Christians who disagree just don't show up or sign up. There are ways we can speak and act as the salt of the earth and light of the world. Making a public statement on some concert will only give publicity and it could just have the opposite effect.
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After all the hype and brouhaha, Madonna’s gig didn’t live up to DJ Rozz’s and actress Pam Oei’s expectations

Finally, Madonna was judged by her performances as she entertained a 25,000-strong crowd at the National Stadium on Sunday night (Feb. 28).

While The Straits Times noted that some were disappointed with Madge’s performance, DJ Rosalyn Lee and actress Pam Oei were obviously a little more than disappointed.

Oei started the ball rolling with a comment of the gig, saying that the 57-year-old “sold out” by not performing her controversial songs “Holy Water” and “Devil Pray” and thus, clearly didn’t live up to her concert title.

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Pam Oei’s review of Rebel Heart Concert: Madonna sold out, she censored herself

Pam Oei, a prominent Singaporean actress attended Madonna’s concert last night, and she wasn’t quite impressed with the Rebel.

“This was the best part of the ‪‎Madonna‬ concert tonight. Being with my friends Sean Tobz, Neo Swee Lin, Lim Kay Siu and Dal Vinder. Because Madonna had her ass owned by the MDA (Media Development Authority of Singapore) and the catholic church tonight.

She did not perform Holy Water nor Devil Pray, (as expected). A large part of me was hoping that she would really be true to her concert title and be a rebel and fuck care all the authorities and just perform the “controversial” songs. But she didn’t.

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Madonna’s Concert: What about it?

Madonna’s concert, Rebel Heart, which is touring Singapore next Sunday on 28 February 2016, is causing a stir amongst the Catholic and other Christian communities here.

Many have expressed their concern and even outrage at the performer’s disrespectful use of Catholic and other Christian symbols during her performances. Social media is rife with comments about Madonna’s blasphemous music and even props.

As Shepherd of his flock, His Grace Archbishop William Goh has made representations to various Ministries and Statutory Boards to communicate the Catholic Church’s grave concerns. Noting that whilst the Catholic community appreciates that “the task of the government in balancing freedom of the arts and public sensitivities is a challenging one”, the Archbishop nevertheless highlighted that “in multi-racial, multi-religious Singapore, we cannot afford to be overly permissive in favor of artistic expression at the expense of respect for one’s religion, especially in these times of heightened religious sensitivities, particularly among active practitioners of religions”.

related follow-up statement: Being True to our Faith

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Archbishop warns against 'immoral' Madonna
An archbishop in Singapore has voiced his concerns about an upcoming Madonna concert there, warning his flock not to support those who 'denigrate and insult religions'.

Archbishop William Goh said he had met with government officials to express the church's concerns about Sunday's concert, which is part of the US star's Rebel Heart tour.

The concert will be the first by Madonna in largely conservative Singapore, as she was banned from performing in 1993 after police decided her performances were 'objectionable to many on moral and religious grounds'.

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Singapore’s archbishop urges boycott of ‘blasphemous’ Madonna
Madonna has courted outrage throughout her career with her use of religious iconography Photo: EPA

She is renowned for her provocative performances, but even Madonna has toned down her show for strait-laced Singapore by dropping a segment with dancers dressed as scantily-clad nuns gyrating around crucifix-shaped stripper poles.

That rare act of artistic self-censorship did not however save her from a stinging rebuke by the top Roman Catholic cleric ahead of a concert there on Sunday.

In a missive to his flock on Tuesday, Archbishop William Goh denounced the star’s music and stage props as blasphemous and warned believers not to support those who “denigrate and insult religions”.

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Singapore archbishop warns flock against Madonna concert

Singapore’s Roman Catholic archbishop has expressed concern at an upcoming concert by pop diva Madonna in the city-state and warned his flock against supporting those who “denigrate and insult religions”.


Archbishop William Goh said in a statement posted on the diocese website on Saturday that he had met various government officials to express the church’s concerns about the Feb 28 concert, part of her global Rebel Heart Tour. The concert, at the 55,000-seat National Stadium, will be Madonna’s first-ever in largely conservative Singapore.


She was barred from performing in Singapore in 1993 after police said her performances bordered on the obscene and were “objectionable to many on moral and religious grounds”.


Singapore Church Warns Catholics Attending Madonna Concert

The Catholic Church in Singapore is denouncing a Madonna concert scheduled for Sunday.

William Goh, archbishop of Singapore, is urging Catholics not to attend the weekend concert, noting they have a "moral obligation not to support those who denigrate and insult religions, including anti-Christian and immoral values promoted by the secular world."
"Obedience to God and His commandments must come before the arts," reads an official chancery statement. "There is no neutrality in faith; one is either for or against. Being present (at these events) in itself is a counter witness."
The singer has been criticized multiple times for her overtly sexual and often blasphemous live performances. Her current tour, referred to as Rebel Heart, features women dressed as nuns pole dancing on crosses and includes a blatantly profane song called "Holy Water."

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Archbishop warns flock against Madonna gig

Singapore’s Roman Catholic archbishop has expressed concern at an upcoming concert by pop diva Madonna in the city-state and warned his flock against supporting those who “denigrate and insult religions”.

Archbishop William Goh said in a statement posted on the diocese website on Saturday that he had met various government officials to express the church’s concerns about the Feb 28 concert, part of her global Rebel Heart Tour.

The concert, at the 55,000-seat National Stadium, will be Madonna’s first-ever in conservative Singapore.

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A note to the Archbishop of Singapore

In taking it upon yourself to inform Catholics in Singapore that it is our moral obligation to boycott Madonna’s concert this Sunday, you’ve revealed you have rather a lot of time on your hands. This is surprising for a religious representative of a country, even a small one. I thought I’d help by suggesting some other topics that could use your attention:
  • The death penalty
  • The stateless status of Yuvethra Selvanaiyagam
  • The film “Spotlight”
You do have an awful lot to say about Madonna, however, which confuses me. Is Madonna controversial? Yes. Is she provocative? To the extreme? Yes and yes. Does she cross the line? All the time. But here’s the difference between Madonna and the three issues I’ve mentioned: everything Madonna sings, dances and wears is metaphor. It’s symbolic. Representative. It’s not real. Not in the same way that the rape of a child by a priest is real. Or the denial of citizenship to a life-long resident of Singapore is real. That’s why I’m confused — do you truly believe symbols like the crucifix, the nun’s habit and holy water are
more worthy of defence than actual people?
Art is about finding the best way to say what’s in your head and heart, and to challenge others to examine what’s in their heads and hearts. Madonna’s music and shows — which are art. Whether you like them or not doesn’t factor in that definition, just as how someone who disagrees with Catholicism doesn’t make it a pseudo-religion — are how she expresses her own exploration of the world and herself in it, much of it in relation to the religion she was raised in. I imagine it would be extremely difficult for someone with her name to not view their life through those lenses. My point is those aren’t real nuns who were coerced into dancing for her; they are not servants of God duped and then silenced with hush money. None of it is real. So please believe that Madonna’s concert in Singapore is far from being a great slight against the teachings of Jesus. It is not a slight at all.
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of Madonna - a rebel not without a cause?

So you have read the Straits Times, "Catholic Archbishop expresses grave concerns about Madonna's concert this Sunday" in which the Archbishop William Goh reminded Catholics that it was their "moral obligation not to support those who denigrate and insult religions, including anti-Christian and immoral values promoted by the secular world". He also emphasized that "there is no neutrality in faith; one is either for or against. Being present (at these events) in itself is a counter witness. Obedience to God and His commandments must come before the arts."

The event he was referring to is about Madonna's Rebel Heart tour which MDA gives it a R18 rating. In addition, one of the songs, a controversial "Holy Water", which features pole-dancing nuns and large crosses, would not be allowed as it contains “religiously-sensitive content which breach (MDA) guidelines.

Well, this is not really a big surprise, is it? Express in its article dated 17 Sept 2015, "Catholics furious with Madonna's latest on stage stunt" shared how Madonna was surrounded by bikini clad dancers in nun outfits & she was seen stripping off her skirt to reveal a skimpy, corseted costume as she holds on to a pole in the shape of a crucifix while balancing on top of one of the horizontally splayed dancers.

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How Catholic Archbishop William Goh could have phrased his first statement on Madonna

If you’ve been around online in Singapore over the past few days this week, you might have noticed the furore that has erupted over this Sunday’s inaugural Madonna concert in Singapore.

We want to share our view of what happened that led to all of this happening. Our take is it was all triggered by media outlets who picked up on Catholic Archbishop William Goh’s strongly-worded statement posted online on Saturday and reported on it on Monday. It was meant for Catholics only, but in the age of social media, everyone got to read it.

It was only then that chaos ensued, the Church had to post a second statement in response to media follow-up queries, and perhaps not as many saw the second statement as did the first. The second statement added helpful context to the first, but perhaps it was one statement too late.

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The Madonna and a Madonna
I SPENT my youthful years surrounded by Madonna. The pop star, not the Madonna of the Catholic faith. My old bedroom in my mother’s house is still plastered with her posters and there is one which takes pride of place in my own living room and another with a really sexy pose on my bedroom door.
I was mad about Madonna. I wanted to strike a pose like she did for “Like a virgin”. She was really very vogue in our very material world. One of my big dreams was to be able to interview her and to have front-row tickets to her concert.
No, I am not going to her concert.

Singapore Catholic churches take issues with pop concerts

Singapore’s Catholic churches expressed their disapproval over the upcoming Madonna’s concert with their archbishop, William Goh, denouncing the concert as blasphemous. Archbishop William Goh even went as far as to calling it a “grave concern” and warned Catholics not to support those “who denigrate and insult religions”:

“Many have expressed their concern and even outrage at the performer’s disrespectful use of Catholic and other Christian symbols during her performance… In multi-racial, multi-religious Singapore, we cannot afford to be overly permissive in favour of artistic expression at the expense of respect for one’s religion”
The archbishop also took a potshot at secularism warning church followers “not to support anti-Christian and immoral values of the secular world.”
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More Singapore churches express concern over ‘anti-Christian’ Madonna show

The latest statement noted that the Church’s comments on Saturday were posted in response to appeals by concerned church members who had sought Archbishop William Goh’s guidance on whether Madonna’s “brand of entertainment was to be supported.”

The church members had also cited concerns about the singer’s “consistent and blatant” use of Catholic symbols and lyrics in her performances.

Stressing that the Church does not impose its faith on non-believers, Tuesday’s statement noted: “Nevertheless (the Church) has a moral duty to enlighten and speak the truth on moral issues unflinchingly for the good of humanity.”

related: Catholic Church in Singapore voices ‘grave concerns’ over Madonna concert
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Catholic Church 'not imposing its views on others'

Singapore Catholics with tickets for American pop singer Madonna's concert on Sunday should "act according to their informed conscience" on whether to attend the show, the Catholic Church said yesterday, making it clear that it was not instructing them not to go.

The Church also said it was not imposing its views about Madonna on non-believers. Its statement comes a day after a Straits Times report on Archbishop William Goh expressing, in a message to Catholics, his grave concern about the concert.

Some on social media had criticized the Archbishop's comments.
What to expect in Madonna's Rebel Heart concert here
Madonna: Milestones over the years
Madonna not allowed to perform religiously sensitive songs such as
Madonna's gig in Singapore rated R18
Concerns over concert overblown
Catholic Archbishop expresses grave concerns about Madonna's
Church tells Catholics planning to see Madonna to "act according to
Archbishop speaks out against Madonna's concert
Madonna could perform in Singapore for first time
All Madonna wants for Christmas is her son, so she files court order
Madonna's Feb 28 concert in Singapore rated R18, tickets on sale
Madonna's Feb 28 concert in Singapore costs investors $14 million
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Pastor Lawrence Khong supports the Catholic Church’s call for boycott of Madonna Concert
Senior pastor of Faith Community Baptist Church, Lawrence Khong, has come out to support the Archbishop’s call to his flock to boycott the artist’s performance later this week.

In a letter sent to the head of the Roman Catholic Church Khong said that he fully supported the Catholic Church’s statement. The pastor who is also the chairman of LoveSingapore, a network of about 100 churches, said Archbishop Goh has given his “flock sound counsel on the right response to ‘anti-Christian and immoral values promoted by the secular world’”.

The National Council of Churches of Singapore (NCCS) meanwhile has said that it is ultimately up to the public to decide if they would attend the concert.

related: Head of Catholic Church: Support authentic art, boycott Madonna’s concert
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Mad about Madonna and her scantily dressed ‘Catholic nuns’

FIRST it was the Catholic Church, now a group of Protestant churches have come out to join the chorus of protests against Madonna’s concert at the end of this month.

The protestations were declared during a meeting with Law and Home Affairs minister K Shanmugam yesterday, and although the churches were not named, other church leaders who have publicly wagged their fingers at the performer’s shock antics on stage include Mr Lawrence Khong of Faith Community Baptist Church.

Mr Khong is the church’s pastor and a magician. No disappearing act for Madonna but at least one song, Holy Water, is expected to be censored for featuring dancers dressed as slutty Catholic nuns.

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PAS Malaysia to Catholic Archbishop of Singapore: "Hey, we're not that different after all!"

Okay, they didn't really say that. But I would imagine them telling Archbishop William Goh's message on Madonna's upcoming concert in Singapore. He said that it is the Catholics' "moral obligation not to support those who denigrate and insult religion" and that "there is no neutrality in faith; one is either for or against." All these were released on the Catholic church's website. The Philippines bishop went one step further, calling it the "devil's work."

Both their messages reminded me of PAS back in Malaysia, who wanted to ban all kinds of concert on religious grounds. Their targets included names like Elton John, Avril Lavigne and Rihanna. It reflects a similar under-siege and easily offended mentality: These artistes are the "enemies", they threaten "our" religious way of life and watching these artistes will cause you to "lose faith".

To me, these messages reflect a sense of insecurity. That in asking people to not see these shows, you are hoping to avoid potentially awkward questions coming your way. Perhaps you don't have faith in your own people or your teachings, in that viewing a show that goes in contrary with your worldview will cause people to walk away. Maybe you expect blind obedience to your faith, with a distaste to views that are different than yours.

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MP Alex Yam earned applause from Catholics for defending Archbishop’s right to speak, but…

Catholic Archbishop William Goh has made the news by expressing the Catholic Church’s grave concerns about American singer Madonna’s “Rebel Heart” concert in Singapore on Sunday, Feb. 28, 2016.

In a note addressed to Catholics, which was posted on the website of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore, Goh reminded Catholics that it was their “moral obligation not to support those who denigrate and insult religions, including anti-Christian and immoral values promoted by the secular world”.

The Church also clarified in a follow-up statement on Wednesday that the Archbishop’s comments were made in response to appeals and letters from members of the faithful for direction with regard to Madge’s known use and denigration of religious symbols like the nun’s habit and the cross.

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Madonna Concert in Singapore: A Heart Issue

For the very first time, Madonna will perform in Singapore on 28 Feb 2016. Understandably, this is a big deal for her fans, and the music and arts industry. But not everyone is necessarily as excited.

Madonna’s Rebel Heart Tour has been labelled as “demonic” and “satanic”, the most controversial piece being “Holy Water”, featuring scantily clad dancers dressed as nuns and Madonna herself pole-dancing on a cross. To meet Media Development Authority’s conditions of approval,  this song and segment will not be performed in Singapore, thankfully. However, the exclusion of one song does not change the heart of the matter or what Madonna stands for. And from the title of her album, Rebel Heart, there is no need for any second guessing here.

As in the case of having heard that Adam Lambert would perform at the SG50 New Year’s Countdown Show, Christians have been praying fervently for the authorities to change their minds, or that Madonna will somehow not make it to our sunny shores, that the show will not go on.

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Madonna concert promoter pulls stunt on fans who paid $188 for standing tickets more than a month prior
By now, most of you will have heard about Madonna’s concert this Sunday, as well as the stir it’s caused among Christians.

Here’s yet another spanner in the works: we learned on Friday that Madge’s show promoters — East West Best Inc. and King Lun & The UMS Group — have successfully pissed off some of her own fans (concert goers, mind you) by creating a new category and adding more seats that, well, pretty much completely blocks the view of hundreds of people who paid $188 for the Standing Pen A tickets.

Check out the image below that was shared with us:
  • Before (left): Standing Pen A (Standing zone tickets — the olive/khaki-colored area)
  • After (right): Standing Pen A+ Standing Pen A1 (note the new green zone added in front of Standing Pen A)
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Video: Madonna performed the banned ‘Holy Water’ segment in the Philippines

With about 80 percent of its over 100 million population being Catholics, the Roman Catholic Church has for centuries been a powerful force in the country. Like the Catholic Church in Singapore, the archbishop of the Catholic Church in Philippines too urged its followers to boycott the concert of the pop superstar Madonna.

But unlike the media regulators of Singapore which slapped the pop-star’s performance here with an R18 rating, effectively barring those under 18 years of age from attending the concert, the government regulators of Philippines placed no such restrictions on the Rebel Heart 2016 concert of Madonna’s.

On top of the R18 rating, the Media Development Authority of Singapore has further censored a segment in the Rebel Heart routine. Madonna will not be permitted to perform the ‘Holy Water’ segment of her album in Singapore.

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Rebel Heart (Madonna album)
Rebel Heart is the thirteenth studio album by American singer and songwriter Madonna. It was released on March 6, 2015, by Interscope Records. Following the completion of the MDNA era, Madonna worked on the album throughout 2014, co-writing and co-producing it with various musicians, including Diplo, Avicii, and Kanye West. She teased by uploading pictures of her recording sessions on her Instagram account. Working with a number of collaborators posed problem for Madonna in keeping a cohesive sound and direction for Rebel Heart, unlike her previous efforts where only a few people were involved.

Thematically Rebel Heart represents the two different sides of the singer, her romantic and her rebellious side. The themes grew organically during the writing and recording sessions. Musically, it is a pop record which merges an array of genres such as 1990s house, trap and reggae, as well as the usage of acoustic guitars and gospel choir. Some of the songs are autobiographical in nature while others talk about love and introspection of Madonna's career. Rebel Heart features guest appearances from boxer Mike Tyson and rappers Nicki Minaj, Nas, and Chance the Rapper.

The record had been set for a March 2015 release, with the first single to be released on Valentine's Day. But after a flurry of unexpected album content leaks, Madonna released the album for pre-order on iTunes Store on December 20, 2014, with six songs being available for download. Police investigation led to an Israeli man being arrested, who was charged for hacking into Madonna's computer and the leaks. The cover art for the deluxe edition of the album became popular, leading to numerous memes being created on Instagram, Tumblr, and Twitter. To promote the album, Madonna made several television appearances and performances, including the 57th Annual Grammy Awards and the 2015 Brit Awards. Further promotion happened from the Rebel Heart Tour, which started from September 2015 and continue till March 2016 through North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania. "Living for Love", "Ghosttown", "Bitch I'm Madonna", and "Hold Tight" were released as singles from the album.
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Rebel Heart Tour
The Rebel Heart Tour is the tenth worldwide concert tour by American singer Madonna, in support of her thirteenth studio album, Rebel Heart. It started on September 9, 2015, in Montreal, Canada at the Bell Centre and will continue throughout North America, Europe, Asia and Oceania before concluding on March 20, 2016, in Sydney, Australia at Allphones Arena.

To promote her twelfth studio album, MDNA, Madonna embarked on The MDNA Tour, which visited the Americas, Europe and the Middle East, but did not go to Australia or eastern Asia. The tour was a commercial success with a total gross was $305.2 million ($314.58 million in 2016 dollars) from 88 sold-out shows, becoming the tenth highest-grossing tour of all time. After the MDNA era, Madonna worked on her thirteenth studio album, Rebel Heart, throughout 2014. However, after hackers released demo versions of her recording sessions to the internet, Madonna responded by releasing the album for pre-order. Numerous news outlets started reporting about the supporting concert tour for Rebel Heart. Italian newspaper Torino Today reported Madonna planning on returning to Turin on November 20 and 21, 2015, with the tour. Canadian newspapers, La Presse and Le Journal de Montréal reported that Madonna's tour dates in Quebec City and Montreal had been decided, with the latter shows happening at the Bell Centre.

The tour was formally announced on March 1, 2015 on Madonna's official website. Titled Rebel Heart Tour, it was initially scheduled to begin on August 29, 2015, from Miami and continue throughout Europe and end on December 20, 2015, in Glasgow, Scotland. On May 21, 2015, Madonna rescheduled the first five dates of the tour and moved them to January 20, 23, 24, 27 and 28 in 2016. The singer confirmed that the delay was due to arrangement logistics being incomplete within the time given. She released a statement saying, "As my fans already know, the show has to be perfect. Assembling all the elements will require more time than we realized. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause my fans. According to Billboard, Rebel Heart is an all-arena tour, and would visit cities where Madonna has not performed before. They assumed a total of 25–30 shows in North America and 20–25 shows in Europe, with additional dates being revealed later on. The tour will visit Australia and New Zealand in early 2016, and will be the singer's first visit to Australia in more than 20 years, having last toured there with The Girlie Show World Tour in 1993, and her first time in New Zealand. Philippines was added to the tour itinerary, for two performances at SM Mall of Asia in February 2016. After the tour started, Madonna revealed another 16 dates in Asia and North America. The new dates added to the 64-city world tour included first ever concerts in Taipei, Bangkok, Louisville, San Antonio, Tulsa and Nashville as well as her first concerts in Tokyo in a decade and additional dates in Mexico City and Houston. Singapore was also added to the itinerary for February 28, 2016, however the concert was rated as "adults only" by the Media Development Authority of the country.
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Madonna snapshot
Watching her roll around onstage in a wedding dress and fishnet stockings at the 1984 MTV Video Music Awards, few could have predicted that Madonna would become a cultural force to be reckoned with over the next two decades.

Since that moment, the Catholic schoolgirl turned Kabbalist has made movies, launched style trends, sparked religious controversy, sold over 200 million records, and proved herself to be a savvy businesswoman.

Offstage, Madonna took on the roles of wife, mother, children's-book author and humanitarian. In 1996, her daughter Lourdes was born, and in 2000, Madonna married British film director Guy Ritchie. The two have a son, Rocco, and adopted their son David from Malawi. In 2008, Madonna and Ritchie ended their marriage, and the Material Mom went on to adopt another Malawi orphan, Mercy James.

Madonna Dedicates 'Like A Virgin' to the Pope
Madonna's Rome Concert Outrages Vatican
Madonna Draws Ire of Religious Leaders
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Full Coverage:
Madonna sticks to the script at her concert
Another reason to boycott Madonna
Concert Review: Madonna softens her 'rebel heart' for Singapore show
Madonna: A rebel at heart
Madonna's Rebel Heart tamed in Singapore
Madonna sizzles in Singapore show
Some fans elated, others disappointed with Madonna's first ever concert in S'pore
Madonna sticks to the script at her Singapore concert
Pam Oei's review Rebel Heart Concert: Madonna sold out, she censored herself
Madonna concert: Some ticket-holders get mystery 'upgrades'
Madonna's Rebel Heart on Edsa Day
Video: Madonna performed the banned 'Holy Water' segment in the Philippines
A lesson in provocation
Church leaders air concerns on Madonna concert to Shanmugam
More Singapore churches express concern over 'anti-Christian' Madonna show
Catholic Church here voices ‘grave concerns’ over Madonna concert
Archbishop warns against 'immoral' Madonna
More churches express concern over Madonna show
Briefs | Singapore's archbishop alarmed by Madonna's concert
Concerns over concert overblown
Archbishop urges Catholics against supporting Madonna's Singapore show
More churches express concern over Madonna show
Church leaders air concerns on Madonna concert to Shanmugam
Concerns over concert overblown
Catholic Archbishop expresses grave concerns abt Madonna's concert this Sunday
Bishop slams Madonna: Beware the evil one
Catholic Church 'not imposing its views on others'
Church leaders air concerns on Madonna concert to Shanmugam
Archbishop warns flock against Madonna gig
Queen of Pop Madonna in Manila for ‘Rebel Heart’ concert at MOA
Madonna’s ‘Rebel Heart’ pounds MOA tonight despite boycott calls
Bishop urges boycott of Madonna concert
'I miss this boy': Madonna reaches out to son Rocco with yet another heart-rending
Madonna's heartbreaking message to estranged son Rocco
Celebrate the Queen of Pop’s arrival at the ultimate Madonna party,Tribute Bar
Madonna sneaks into PH days early to hit the beach
Madonna Hopes to See Son Rocco 'Soon' as Custody Battle Continues
Guy Ritchie 'repairing the damage' that Madonna has done to their son
Madonna pens another heartfelt message about son as custody battle continues
Madonna Shares Another Throwback Photo Of Son, As Custody Battle Continues
Madonna's son Rocco Ritchie 'wants to go to school in the UK' amid custody battle
Madonna takes fan on Instagram who questions her motherhood skills as custody
Madonna in Manila: Audience to get their money’s worth
Fans pray Madonna will sing ‘Crazy For You’ in PH concerts
Madonna's 'Rebel Heart' tour details: Madonna conquers Asia this month
Madonna sneaks in Manila for 'Rebel Heart' tour
Madonna arrives for PH concert
Singapore archbishop warns flock against Madonna concert
Madonna criticized for being too late for her concert
Madonna is missing her son Rocco
Fans pray Madonna will sing ‘Crazy For You’ in PH concerts
Queen of Pop Madonna in Manila for ‘Rebel Heart’ concert at MOA
Bishop slams Madonna: Beware the evil one
Madonna's world tour lands in Hong Kong
Carina Lau Treats Friends to Madonna’s Concert in Macau
On tour - Music Films at the Berlinale
Madonna features on leaked demo of Kanye West's 'Highlights' – listen
Madonna Shares Another Throwback Photo Of Son, As Custody Battle Continues
Madonna Takes To Internet Again To Reach Out To Son Rocco Ritchie
Archbishop warns against 'immoral' Madonna
Bow Down to the Queen! Madonna Has Finally Arrived in the Philippines
Madonna Misses Her Son. Read Her Touching Message Amid Custody Battle
Madonna 'rebels' in HK
See Madonna's wardrobe malfunction on 'Rebel Heart' tour in Thailand
More tickets released for Madonna's concert in S'pore
Madonna gets stuck in a veil on stage in Rebel Heart tour
Madonna Hopes to See Son 'Soon' as Custody Battle Continues: 'I Miss This Boy'
Madonna Suffers Wardrobe Malfunction With Veil During Bangkok Performance