

Paris attacks: What about Beirut bombings?

The world's differing view of the Paris, Beirut attacks
Google Trend results showing the relative numbers of searches for the terms "paris" and "beirut" when the terrorist attacks in Paris and Beirut happened

Two major terrorist attacks happened last week. One killed at least 129 people in Paris, France. Another killed at least 43 people in Beirut, Lebanon. ISIS claimed responsibility for both attacks, but the global support and attention given to each incident varied widely.

To quantify the difference in online attention since the attack in Beirut happened, PRI has done some simple estimations using several free online tools. The evidence unfortunately has confirmed the observation above.

According to Google Trends, which tracks terms used in its search engine, total searches for the term "paris" were twice the searches for the term "beirut" before both attacks happened. When the bombings in Beirut occurred on Nov 12, the search activity for 'beirut' remained unchanged. But when the attacks in Paris took place in the evening of Nov 13, the searches for "paris" skyrocketed more than 50 times the normal rate and remained high in the following days. In contrast, the searches for 'beirut' saw a very minimal increase on Nov 14.

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The Streets of Paris Are as Familiar to Me as the Streets of Beirut
Memes widely shared in solidarity with the victims of the Paris attacks

I come from a privileged Francophone community in Lebanon. This has meant that I have always seen France as my second home. The streets of Paris are as familiar to me as the streets of Beirut. I was just in Paris a few days ago.

These have been two horrible nights of violence. The first took the lives of over 40 in Beirut; the second took the lives of over 120 people and counting in Paris.

It also seems clear to me that to the world, my people’s deaths in Beirut do not matter as much as my other people’s deaths in Paris.

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Paris, Beirut, and Grief Shaming
Facebook has been a strange place since the Paris attacks Friday

While many people have expressed outrage and sympathy for the victims, they've been criticized for not mentioning the bombings just a day before in Beirut. That's grief shaming, plain and simple.

And the implicit charge is also racism: Paris is First World and predominantly white, Lebanon is Middle Eastern, Arab. The charge is bogus.

Like many people, I followed overage in newspapers on-line and on CNN and MSNBC about the bombings. They were not remotely ignored despite widespread Facebook claims that the media didn't care. But they were understandably swamped by the news from France the very next day--in part because it was a much bigger story.

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On the Violence in Paris: Stop the Grief Shaming

I’m saddened by some of the posts I’m seeing on social media, chastising those who are expressing love and solidarity in the wake of last week’s violence in France. Moments of great empathy are not a social failing. If anything, they are an opportunity to build better and expand our collective compassion. Posts that more or less amount to, “if you care about this, but didn’t post about [insert tragedy here], I’m judging you” help nothing and heal nothing. When people living in a desensitized society have opened their hearts to grieve the suffering of others, there is a potential for a widening dialogue that shouldn’t be lost in the shuffle of social media angst.

This should certainly be a moment of greater realization. It should be a moment of understanding the connectivity of violence and certainly a moment to reflect on what society may have averted its eyes from over time – and of realizing that the recent attacks in Paris, and the violence of imperialism and colonialism, are really all part of the same tragedy. And while we should challenge one another to recognize the connectedness of international violence, and to extend our grief to encompass that which is less familiar, and often unseen within the scope of popular media, spite and vitriol will never build the bonds that will help reshape the course of history for the better.

As a Native woman, I understand the pain of erasure. I know it well. And when I am hurt by it, my anger and sadness are certainly valid. People should be paying attention to the police killings, rampant suicides and ongoing displacement of my people. It’s more than reasonable for people whose pain and loss are invisibilized to express grief and anger that their suffering goes unseen. But for those who would endeavor to lift up those issues in our names, or to speak on behalf of others whose struggles they have not experienced, I think it’s fair to expect a more thoughtful and nuanced approach than I have seen from many this past weekend.

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The Empathy Gap Between Paris and Beirut

Hours before the carnage in Paris on Friday, a double suicide bombing ripped through a working-class shopping district in Beirut. ISIS claimed responsibility for the explosions, which caused 43 deaths and hundreds of casualties in the worst bombing to strike the city in a quarter century. Then came ISIS’s attacks in France, which quickly subsumed much of the attention that might have been directed toward Lebanon.

It’s become a predictable pattern: One act of violence in the world overshadows a similar, concurrent violent act, inviting a backlash against this imbalance in scrutiny, sympathy, and grief. But that predictability doesn’t make the pattern any less distressing. Each time there’s a major terror attack in an American or European city—New York, Madrid, London, Paris, Paris again—it captures the attention and concern of Americans and Europeans in a way that similar atrocities elsewhere don’t seem to do. Seldom do events line up so neatly, offering a clear comparison, as the bombings in Beirut and the rampage in Paris.

Viral articles on Facebook are demanding to know why the Beirut attacks have been overlooked. Lebanese have lamented the discrepancy. Many people are asking why Facebook didn’t allow people in Lebanon to check in as “safe” on the social network, as the company did for those in Paris. So what exactly accounts for this apparent gap in empathy?

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It’s not hypocritical to care more about Paris than Beirut
Where are the cedars of Lebanon? (Reuters/Amr Abdallah)

“We care about all people equally, and we will work hard to help people suffering in as many of these situations as we can.”—Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook’s CEO was forced to defend his company after it was fiercely criticized for activating its “Safety Check” feature in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on Paris.

Why, asked many commentators—especially those in the Middle East—was the feature (which asks Facebook users in a given area to confirm they are OK, and lets their friends see the confirmations) not available just 24 hours before, when terrorists bombed a neighborhood of Beirut?

It’s not just Facebook that finds itself accused of double standards. Western political leaders are facing criticism for failing to express the kind of conspicuous sympathy for the dead of Beirut they have professed for the victims of the Paris attacks. Why didn’t US president Barack Obama regard the bombing in the Lebanese capital an “attack on the civilized world,” as he described the tragedy in the French capital? The Western media, too, have been blamed (and defended) for disproportionate coverage of Paris, as compared with terrorism in Kenya, Mumbai, and across the Arab world.

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On Beirut and Paris, Why Some Tragedies Grab the World's Attention and Others Don't

‘Some bodies are global, but most bodies remain local, regional, “ethnic.”‘

In this episode of GV Face, the Global Voices Hangout series, Joey Ayoub, a Lebanese blogger and Global Voices contributor, Lova Rakotomalala, our Paris-based French language editor and Laura Vidal, our Paris-based Latin America community manager talk about race, the politics of death and the unequal reactions to tragedies around the world.

Global Voices is a border-less, largely volunteer community of more than 1400 writers, analysts, online media experts and translators. We set a news agenda that builds bridges, global understanding and friendship across borders. We focus on telling stories from marginalized and misrepresented communities. Our trusted team of editors and writers — people like Joey, Laura, and Lova — report on 167 countries around the world. Our translators render these stories into more than 35 languages. Many of our community members speak multiple languages and call more than one city and country their home.

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Charge of hypocrisy for Facebook users in wake of attacks in Paris and Beirut
Facebook has not yet offered users a Lebanon-themed avatar so they may show solidarity with Beirut, nor has the site expanded its “Safety Check” feature to the Lebanese city, writes Emma Teitel

When the U.S. Supreme Court granted American gay couples the right to marry nationwide in June, Facebook offered its many million users a new way to “celebrate pride.” With a special photo-editing tool, the social networking site enabled users to decorate their display photos with an LGBT themed rainbow filter — a feature so popular, more than 20 million people adopted it.

For weeks after the Supreme Court’s historic decision Facebook was awash in rainbow avatars; a trend some critics bemoaned as bandwagon behavior by “slacktivist” liberals otherwise uninvolved in the LGBT cause. But for many gay people in the United States and around the world, the photo feature and its popularity were actually quite touching; it’s not every day one sees celebratory support quantified in such stark, visible terms.

Nor is it every day one sees grief and horror quantified this way. This week, we witnessed the return of Facebook’s photo-editing tool, not in association with a happy event, but with an unduly tragic one. On Nov. 13, ISIS-affiliated terrorists murdered more than 129 people and injured more than 350 others in co-ordinated mass shootings and suicide bombings throughout the city. The attacks, which disproportionately targeted young people enjoying a night out on the town — at cafes and a rock concert — were carried out in some measure by young people, too; Omar Ismail Mostefai, one of the dead terrorists identified after the attack was reportedly just shy of his 30th birthday. In other words, many of the victims of the attack as well as some of its perpetrators belonged to the Facebook generation.

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Does Paris Matter More Than Beirut?
A woman sits in front of candles and flowers at a makeshift memorial on Nov. 16, 2015 in Nice, in tribute to Nov. 13 attacks in Paris. Emergency personnel gather at the site of a twin suicide bombing in Burj al-Barajneh, in the southern suburbs of the capital Beirut on Nov. 12, 2015

In the morning of Saturday, Nov. 14, readers of the national print version of the New York Times were greeted with a memorable and horrific front page. “PARIS TERROR ATTACKS KILL OVER 100; FRANCE DECLARES STATE OF EMERGENCY,” read the double-decker banner headline, the sort of emphasis reserved for only the biggest stories. Approximately three-fourths of the front was given over to coverage of the Paris attacks, with three large photographs and three separate stories on the topic. The Paris attacks received similar emphasis in the Sunday and Monday Times, and understandably so. “Terrorists attack a world capital” is, by any standard, front-page news.

The front page of the Times on Friday, Nov. 13 also featured news of terrorist attacks in a world capital. But the ISIS–linked bombings in Beirut, Lebanon, which killed at least 43 people and wounded hundreds more, weren’t as prominently featured as the Paris attacks would be the next day. “Dozens Killed in Beirut Attack,” read the below-the-fold reefer in the bottom-left corner of the page, alongside a blurb directing readers to turn to page A6 for more on the story. By Saturday morning, the Beirut bombings had dropped off the front page entirely.

The Beirut attacks returned to the Times front page on Sunday, but indirectly, as part of a below-the-fold story titled “Strategy Shift for ISIS: Inflicting Terror in Distant Lands”—and the headline seemed fitting. As far as the mainstream media seems to be concerned, there is the West, and then there are distant lands, and breaking news in the former inevitably trumps the same in the latter. This inherent “home team” bias has been particularly evident in the Western media’s disparate treatment of the Beirut and Paris attacks. The latter story has dominated print, broadcast, and online news outlets for the past three days; the former has been comparatively abandoned. At times over the past few days, it’s seemed like the only people talking about Beirut are critics wondering why Westerners don’t care as much about Beirut as they do about Paris.

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The Paris-Beirut debate: Why news organizations paid more attention to the attacks in France
A woman takes a picture of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate, illuminated in the French national colors for the victims killed in Friday's attacks in Paris, France. (AP Photo / Markus Schreiber)

THE FRIDAY ATTACKS IN PARIS that killed more than 120 left many American news organizations racing to get pieces in place for wall-to-wall coverage over the weekend. The story still dominated The New York Times’ front page on Monday, with four stories exploring various angles of the ISIS-planned strikes, their aftermath in France, and global ramifications. But it was a piece on an ISIS attack Thursday in Lebanon, tucked on page A6, that garnered more than 210,000 shares on social media by Tuesday, five times more than the four Paris-related stories combined.

The latter story focused on the aftermath of bombings that killed 43 people last week in Beirut, particularly residents’ “anguish over the fact that just one of the stricken cities—Paris—received a global outpouring of sympathy.” The dispatch was among the most-shared stories the Times has ever posted to Facebook, International Editor Joe Kahn tells CJR in an email, “so it clearly resonated widely.”

Indeed, the Times story on a “forgotten” Beirut highlighted a mounting critique of how news organizations and the public alike divvy up precious resources and attention in a time of concurrent acts of violence.

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Paris is a city. Beirut is a ‘war zone.’ Why the way we talk about those places matters

On Thursday evening, suicide bombers from the Islamic State set off explosives in Bourj al-Barajneh, a southern Beirut neighborhood, that killed 45 people. On Friday night, I fell asleep to the numbing news that Islamic State militants were now attacking Paris. By Saturday morning I woke up to find Facebook telling me that my friends in France — most of whom I know from Lebanon — were safe.

There was no such check-in for Beirut, a highly diasporan country where people have friends and relatives scattered all over the world, many of whom were frantically trying to make sure their loved ones back home were alive.

“To the world, my people’s deaths in Beirut do not matter as much as my other people’s deaths in Paris,” wrote blogger Joey Ayoub at Hummus for Thought. “‘We’ don’t get a safe button on Facebook. ‘We’ don’t get late night statements from the most powerful men and women alive and millions of online users. ‘We’ don’t change policies which will affect the lives of countless innocent refugees.”

related: It’s okay if you care more about the Paris attacks than the Beirut bombings

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Not Just Paris: Why Is Beirut’s Brutal Terrorist Attack Being Ignored?

Although the terrorist group behind the attacks in Paris and Beirut was the same, the Western media narrative has been vastly different. In Paris, ISIS attacked the city’s progressive youth, massacring dozens enjoying their night out at a concert, a soccer game and a restaurant. In Beirut, ISIS struck a “Hezbollah stronghold” in the “southern suburbs of Beirut,” a poor, majority Shia area often characterized as a bastion of terrorism in the region. The attack was portrayed as little more than strategic punishment for Hezbollah’s ongoing involvement in the Syrian civil war and support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

Most media did not mention that, while Bourj al-Barajneh is located in the southern suburbs of Beirut, and does, like many traditionally Palestinian refugee camps, have a Hezbollah presence, it is also a diverse neighborhood, full of Lebanese, Palestinians and Syrians with a variety of political and religious affiliations. The attackers that exploded themselves in the crowded marketplace intended to massacre as many civilians as possible, taking with them men, women, children, students and older people of all faiths and backgrounds. One of the casualties was a Lebanese-American woman who was visiting for just a few days from Dearborn, Michigan, hoping to bring some of her family back to the United States.

But when the blasts went off in Beirut, there was no “safety check” on Facebook for Lebanese — or Syrians or Palestinians — living in Bourj al-Barajneh. No world leader called it an “attack on all of humanity.” There were no visible solidarity demonstrations, showing support and compassion for those who lost their lives.

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‘Paris attacks? What about the Beirut bombings?’

It was the night of Friday the 13th. Almost as though living up to its superstitious connotation, it was on this very same day that France was struck by a tragedy. Seven terror attacks happened in Paris, killing at least 129 people. Two explosions were launched close to Stade de France, and a team of gunmen arrived in central Paris to open fire. Attackers held siege in a hall full of concert-goers.

Just a day before that, Lebanon was struck by yet another act of violence. Beirut was struck by suicide bombers, killing 43 people and at least 239 others injured. Almost immediately, social media was rife with reports about the Paris attacks and condolences were sent out to the families and friends of the victims. Facebook uploaded a feature for people to emblazon their profile pictures with le Tricolore. And then, the comparisons started coming in.

“France’s one day of terror is Syria and Palestine’s every day!” “How come there’s so much coverage about France, but no one talks about Beirut?”

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From Beirut, This Is Paris: In A World That Doesn’t Care About Arab Lives
Today, 128 innocent civilians in Paris are no longer with us. Yesterday, 45 innocent civilians in Beirut were no longer with us. The death tolls keep rising, but we never seem to learn

Amid the chaos and tragedy of it all, one nagging thought wouldn’t leave my head. It’s the same thought that echoes inside my skull at every single one of these events, which are becoming sadly very recurrent: we don’t really matter.

When my people were blown to pieces on the streets of Beirut on November 12th, the headlines read: explosion in Hezbollah stronghold, as if delineating the political background of a heavily urban area somehow placed the terrorism in context.

When my people died on the streets of Beirut on November 12th, world leaders did not rise in condemnation. There were no statements expressing sympathy with the Lebanese people. There was no global outrage that innocent people whose only fault was being somewhere at the wrong place and time should never have to go that way or that their families should never be broken that way or that someone’s sect or political background should never be a hyphen before feeling horrified at how their corpses burned on cement. Obama did not issue a statement about how their death was a crime against humanity; after all what is humanity but a subjective term delineating the worth of the human being meant by it?

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After Blasts That Killed 43 People, Lebanon Asks: ‘What About Us?’
The Beirut blasts, claimed by ISIS, killed 43 people. Photograph from the blast site shared by @zahri_abbas on Twitter

After the deadly Beirut blasts, friends and families from outside and inside of Lebanon immediately began checking in on one another, using Whatsapp, Facebook messenger, SMS, and of course, phones. It was a chaotic moment for many as the number of fatalities quickly increased to 43, with more than 200 injuries in Burj al Barajneh, a busy market south of Beirut.

Two nights later, tragedy hit Paris. Shortly after the news broke, Facebook activated its Safety Check feature, allowing Parisians and those with friends in the French capital to mark themselves “safe” on the platform. For many, being able to see in one place that their friends are safe was a source of comfort. It didn’t take long for Lebanese to start questioning why the feature hadn’t been used following the attack in Beirut. Blogger Elie Fares, in a post titled “In a world that doesn't care about Arab lives”, demonstrated the discrimination many have felt in Beirut, from the media dehumanizing the innocent dead people in a busy market to Facebook’s launching of the Safety Check in Paris but not Beirut. He wrote:

"When my people died, no country bothered to lit up its landmarks in the colors of their flag. Even Facebook didn’t bother with making sure my people were marked safe, trivial as it may be. So here’s your Facebook safety check: we’ve, as of now, survived all of Beirut’s terrorist attacks".

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Beirut, Also the Site of Deadly Attacks, Feels Forgotten
The relatives of one of the victims of the twin suicide attacks in Beirut mourned during a funeral procession in the city's Burj al-Barajneh neighborhood

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Ali Awad, 14, was chopping vegetables when the first bomb struck. Adel Tormous, who would die tackling the second bomber, was sitting at a nearby coffee stand. Khodr Alaa Deen, a registered nurse, was on his way to work his night shift at the teaching hospital of the American University at Beirut, in Lebanon.

All three lost their lives in a double suicide attack in Beirut on Thursday, along with 40 others, and much like the scores who died a day later in Paris, they were killed at random, in a bustling urban area, while going about their normal evening business.

Around the crime scenes in south Beirut and central Paris alike, a sense of shock and sadness lingered into the weekend, with cafes and markets quieter than usual. The consecutive rampages, both claimed by the Islamic State, inspired feelings of shared, even global vulnerability — especially in Lebanon, where many expressed shock that such chaos had reached France, a country they regarded as far safer than their own.

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In Paris and Beirut ISIS attacks, an empathy double-standard?
Children draw French and Lebanese flags at the Bahaa Al-Hariri school in the southern Lebanese city of Sidon on November 16, 2015. An event called "Terrorism Against Humanity" was organised to encourage discussion between students and teachers and to express solidarity with the victims of last week's Paris and Beirut attacks

Within hours of the last week’s Paris attacks, as outrage and sympathy flooded his social media feeds and filled the airwaves, Baghdad resident Ali al-Makhzomy updated his Facebook cover photo to read “solidarity” -- and his friends were shocked.

“Everyone was like why are you posting about Paris and not about the attacks in Baghdad every day,” the recent law school graduate said. “A lot of my friends said, ‘ok, so you care more about them than you care about us?“’

He had unintentionally tapped into frustration in Iraq, Lebanon and Syria with what many see as a double-standard: The world unites in outrage and sympathy when the Islamic State group kills Westerners, but pays little attention to the near-daily atrocities it carries out in the Middle East.

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Just as innocent - comparing Beirut and Paris
A vigil is held at the site of the two explosions that occurred in the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital, Beirut [Reuters]

Lebanon, Beirut - Because the Lebanese community is one of Australia's largest and oldest immigrant groups, it was not entirely surprising to see Lebanon's flag projected on to Sydney's iconic Opera House as published by a local news site.

But that image of solidarity after last week's Beirut bomb attacks proved to be a digitally altered fake, underscoring the double standard that lurks beneath the myth of global compassion for victims of such attacks.

Lebanese bloggers and tweeps were quick to point out that while monuments across the world had been lit up with the French flag out of respect for the victims of Friday's attacks in Paris, there was no parallel lighting or homage to the victims of twin suicide attacks in Beirut a day earlier.

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‘A life is a life’: Corbyn accuses MSM of ignoring Beirut, Ankara attacks, focusing more on Paris
Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of Britain's opposition Labour Party at the Remembrance Sunday ceremony at the Cenotaph in central London, November 8, 2015. © Toby Melville / Reuters

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has criticized the mainstream media’s coverage of recent terrorist atrocities in Lebanon and Turkey, arguing they “got hardly any publicity” compared with the Paris attacks.

Corbyn made clear he found the Paris attacks “appalling,” but urged the press to report as faithfully on similar events outside Europe. He accused British media of under-playing the deadly attacks by Islamic State (formerly ISIS/ISIL) on the Lebanese capital, Beirut, and the Turkish capital, Ankara.

Some 43 people were killed and hundreds wounded in two suicide bomb attacks in a residential area of Beirut last Thursday, while explosions in Ankara last month killed 102 people and injured over 400.

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Why the Paris attacks overshadowed Beirut bombings

It might be nearly impossible to find a social media-using member of Western society whose Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter feeds were not filled with tributes to Paris this weekend — whether in the form of French flag filtered photos, a widely shared illustration of the Eiffel Tower at the center of a peace sign, or simply the hashtag #PrayForParis.

But, as the New York Times pointed out on Sunday, a scan of the same social media feeds would not likely produce much evidence of the fact that, just one day before over 120 people were killed in a string of consecutive attacks around Paris, dual suicide bombings took more than 40 lives in the Lebanese city of Beirut — the Islamic State terrorist organization (also known as ISIS) having claimed responsibility for both.

Once news of the Beirut attacks did start to spread online, however, the response was less an outpouring of support and more an outpouring of outrage and attempts to blame either the media or the public for overlooking Lebanon.

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Why was Beirut attack overshadowed by Paris terror?

People have taken to social media to ask why there has been so little coverage of the suicide bombings in Beirut, Lebanon which killed at least 43 people and wounded over 200 one day before the Paris attacks which have dominated the news.

This has been the worst terrorist attack Leban0n has experienced in years, but the nation has seen bloodshed spill across the border it shares with Syria, reports CBS News' Holly Williams. With a pre-war population of 4 million people, Lebanon has seen an influx of over 1 million Syrian refugees. The country has also been without a president, and it has deep religious divisions between Sunni Muslims and, Shiite Muslims and Christians, and the war in Syria has agitated the divisions, destabilizing Lebanon.

One important fact to remember, notes Williams, is that ISIS has killed many more Muslims than it has members of other religious groups, including Christians. Some people have said that the lack of coverage of the Beirut bombings is racist, and that the Western media is effectively saying that European lives are more important than Arab lives.

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Did the media ignore the Beirut bombings? Or did readers?
A woman attends a funeral in Beirut for a relative killed in last week's terror attacks

If social media is an expression of public sentiment, then it seems significant that perhaps the most widely shared tweet on Friday's terror attacks in Paris was not about Paris at all but rather was about another terror attack, earlier that week, in Beirut:

The photo in this tweet is not, in fact, from last week's blast in Beirut. Rather, it is from 2006, during Israel's war against Hezbollah in Lebanon. But what is most striking to me about this tweet, now shared by well over 50,000 people, is that it's wrong: The media has, in fact, covered the Beirut bombings extensively.

The New York Times covered it. The Washington Post, in addition to running an Associated Press story on it, sent reporter Hugh Naylor to cover the blasts and then write a lengthy piece on their aftermath. The Economist had a thoughtful piece reflecting on the attack's significance. CNN, which rightly or wrongly has a reputation for least-common-denominator news judgment, aired one segment after another on the Beirut bombings. Even the Daily Mail, a British tabloid most known for its gossipy royals coverage, was on the story. And on and on.

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Explaining The 'Empathy Gap' In Our Reactions To Paris And Beirut
Schools and universities across Lebanon closed on Friday after twin suicide bombings killed more than 40 people in Beirut

After a coordinated series of horrific terrorist attacks in Paris left at least 129 people dead and 352 wounded on Friday, the world joined together in collective grief and mourning.

The attacks -- the deadliest in France since World War II -- inspired a massive global outpouring of sadness, anger and solidarity. On the Internet, Facebook launched French flag overlays for users' profile pictures and safety checks for individuals in Paris, while hashtags like #PrayforParis and #StayStrongParis spread like wildfire across social media. Meanwhile, candlelit vigils took place around the world and international monuments from the Empire State Building to the London Eye to the Tokyo Tower lit up in red, white and blue.

It wasn't long before global citizens began calling for another prayer -- not just for Paris, but for the world. As Delhi blogger Karuna Ezara wrote in a viral Instagram post, "It is a world in which Beirut, reeling from bombings just two days before Paris, is not covered in the press. A world in which a bomb goes off at a funeral in Baghdad and not one person's status update says 'Baghdad.'" 

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Paris and Beirut: A tale of two bomb-attacked cities
Relatives and Hezbollah members gesture as they carry the coffin of their comrade, Ali Abbas Dia, who was killed in the two explosions that occurred on Thursday in Beirut's southern suburbs, during his funeral in Baflay village, southern Lebanon November 13, 2015

The terrorist attacks on Paris are resonating with people around the world.  That's true for blogger Elie Fares, a physician living in Beirut.

Beirut came under attack last week, a day before Paris. ISIS has claimed responsibility for two bomb blasts that hit a busy shopping street. More than 40 people were killed and over 200 more injured. In his blog, A Separate State of Mind, Elie Fares, a physician living in Beirut writes on the day following the Paris attacks: “I woke up this morning to two broken cities. My friends in Paris who only yesterday were asking what was happening in Beirut were now on the opposite side of the line.

"Both our capitals were broken and scarred, old news to us perhaps but foreign territory to them. Today, 128 innocent civilians in Paris are no longer with us.

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Full Coverage:
Paris terror raid: We were counting down explosions
France Unsure If Attack Planner Is Still on the Loose
Fate of Paris attacks 'mastermind' unknown after massive raid
Two Reported Dead In Raid On Suspected Terrorists
At least two die in police raid on group planning new Paris attack
Heavy gunfire breaks out in Paris during police operation
Yes, the Media Covered the Paris Attacks More Than the Beirut Bombing
Paris, Beirut, and the Language Used to Describe Terrorism
The Empathy Gap Between Paris and Beirut
Paris and Beirut: A tale of two bomb-attacked cities
It's not hypocritical to care more about Paris than Beirut
How You Can Help Victims of the Attacks in Beirut and Paris by Kelsey Garcia
In charts, the world's differing view of the Paris, Beirut attacks
Paris, Beirut and ISIS: Aisha Ahmad on the terror attacks and the aftermath
Charge of hypocrisy for Facebook users in wake of attacks in Paris and Beirut
The Paris-Beirut debate: Why news organizations paid more attention to the
Why Did the Media Ignore the Beirut Bombings 1 Day Before the Paris Attacks?
The media did cover attacks in Beirut and Kenya, you just weren't paying attention
Christians and Muslims Unite, Hold Interfaith Vigils for ISIS Terror Attack
Paris is a city. Beirut is a 'war zone.' Why the way we talk about those
Not Just Paris: Why Is Beirut's Brutal Terrorist Attack Being Ignored?
Beirut and Paris: two tragedies raise pointed questions
It's True, Media Did Cover Beirut Bombings–About 1/40th as Much as They
At Stanford, vigil held for terror victims in Paris, Beirut and Baghdad
'Paris attacks? What about the Beirut bombings?'
ISIS Terror Attacks Shake Paris, Beirut
Explaining The 'Empathy Gap' In Our Reactions To Paris And Beirut
What about Beirut? As world grieves after Paris attacks, Mideast victims of IS
Media Biz In Beirut, “Paris Of The East”, Pushes Forward Despite Their Own
Facebook questioned over 'double standard' in Paris/Beirut attacks
Paris, Beirut, and Grief Shaming
Why the West Stood in Solidarity With Paris, But not Beirut
'A life is a life': Corbyn accuses MSM of ignoring Beirut, Ankara attacks
In Paris and Beirut ISIS attacks, an empathy double-standard?
Social media response to Paris attack raises questions
Paris, Beirut and Baghdad: ISIS' appetite for global destruction
Why the Paris attacks overshadowed Beirut bombings
Truth in Paris-Beirut debate: We are hypocritical and that's OK
It's okay if you care more about the Paris attacks than the Beirut
Is it OK if you care more about the Paris attacks than the Beirut
Why Facebook's Safety Check Was Activated for Paris Attacks But
Facebook Responds to Critics After Using Safety Check Feature for
Why was Beirut attack overshadowed by Paris terror?
Not Just Paris: Why Is Beirut's Brutal Terrorist Attack Being Ignored?
Beirut, Also the Site of Deadly Attacks, Feels Forgotten
Experts Explain Why People Cared More About The Paris Attacks
In shadow of Beirut and Paris terror attacks, UN Security Council
Students organize vigil in support of victims of Paris, Beirut attacks
What lies behind different reactions to Paris and Beirut attacks
Beirut, Also the Site of Deadly Attacks, Feels Forgotten
It's not hypocritical to care more about Paris than Beirut
Why the Paris attacks overshadowed Beirut bombings
Not Just Paris: Why Is Beirut's Brutal Terrorist Attack Being
ISIS Attacks Beirut One Day Before Paris - Time
Did the media ignore the Beirut bombings? Or did readers
How the Media Covered the Paris and Beirut Attack
The Empathy Gap: Why Have the Paris Attacks Gotten More
Analysis: Just as innocent - comparing Beirut and Paris
Paris and Beirut Attacks -- Don't Blame Just "The Media" for
Why the Paris attacks overshadowed Beirut bombings
Coverage of ISIS attacks on Beirut overshadowed by Paris
Beirut, Also the Site of Deadly Attacks, Feels Forgotten
In charts, the world's differing view of the Paris, Beirut attacks
Beirut: The Terrorist Attack the Media Ignored Day Before
Beirut, Kenya and Paris - Fusion
A Day Before the Paris Attack, Suicide Bombers Killed 43 in
Beirut suicide bombings kill over 40
The media covered the Paris attacks more than the Beirut
It's not hypocritical to care more about Paris than Beirut
Beirut, Baghdad and Paris: how 24 hours of Isis terror
From Beirut, This Is Paris: In A World That Doesn't Care

Paris Attacked
– Mothership: 10 things you are probably uninterested to know about ISIS but should
– Limpeh Is Foreign Talent: Assimilation and French society: double standards?
– SG Budget Babe: Terrorism Is Everyone’s Problem
– The Middle Ground: How to be politically correct on Paris attacks
– Alfian Sa’at: I don’t know how to ‘own’ this problem of ISIS.