

GE2015: Going Forward

It would not be in the ruling PAP’s favour to turn down Daniel Goh’s NCMP candidacy

The wording of the Parliamentary Elections Act could mean that if Lee Li Lian’s Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) seat is declared vacant, Parliament must fill the seat, Singapore Management University (SMU) law professor Jack Tsen-ta Lee told the participants. This was a point Lee had previously written about, citing NUS law professor Jaclyn Neo’s observation that there might be three observations to section 53(1) of the Parliamentary Elections Act, which reads as follows:
“(1) Subject to subsection (3), if any non-constituency Member declared to be elected under section 52 fails to take and subscribe before Parliament the Oath of Allegiance under Article 61 of the Constitution at the first or second sitting of Parliament during its first session after the general election, Parliament may by resolution declare that his seat has become vacant and that it be filled by the next succeeding candidate at the general election in the order of priority as determined in accordance with section 52(2) from among those candidates who are eligible to be elected as non-constituency Members and have not been so elected.”
One interpretation of the Act could mean that if Parliament declares Lee’s seat to be vacant it must then go on to fill the seat with the next available candidate, Lee said. “I don’t think that the PAP would (declare the seat vacant) — there’s no benefit whatsoever to them to be difficult about this issue,” Lee added.

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WP's Lee Li Lian, Dennis Tan and Leon Perera elected as NCMPs, says ELD
Ms Lee Li Lian, Mr Dennis Tan Lip Fong and Mr Leon Perera from the Workers' Party have been elected as Non-Constituency Members of Parliament (NCMP), the Elections Department (ELD) announced on Wednesday (Sep 16)

In a statement, ELD said three candidates who received the highest votes among the unelected candidates from Opposition parties will be declared elected as NCMPs, as six opposition MPs were elected to Parliament in the Sep 11 General Election.

Ms Lee, who contested in Punggol East SMC and Mr Dennis Tan, who contested in Fengshan SMC, received the two highest percentages of votes among unelected opposition candidates.

However the Workers' Party says Lee Li Lian has decided not to accept the NCMP post and Daniel Goh will take her place should Parliament resolve to fill the vacated seat.

related: Vacated NCMP seat may not be automatically filled

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Workers' Party's top three losing candidates declared as NCMPs

But just after Mr Ng declared Ms Lee, Mr Tan and Mr Perera as NCMPs, the WP said its central executive council backed Ms Lee's decision not to take up the seat. She first made her intention known after the Punggol East result last Friday.

The WP wants the East Coast team's Dr Goh to take the post, "should Parliament resolve to fill the vacated NCMP seat left by Ms Lee".

Mr Giam said separately in a blog post that the East Coast team decided Mr Perera and Dr Goh were the most suitable as NCMP candidates.
"They have both taken leading roles in policy work within our party, and I am confident they will be able to make very positive contributions to parliamentary debates and speak up for not just residents of East Coast GRC, but all Singaporeans."
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Lee Li Lian: This is why I reject the NCMP role

I was in Parliament this afternoon to clear my cupboard. This particular book was especially memorable. I delivered my maiden speech on this and although there were butterflies in my stomach, I was glad that I was able to speak up on this topic.

I went to the library to thank the staff who were always so patient with each and everyone of us smile emoticon I had to once again explain my decision not to take up the NCMP role. I hope residents of PE can understand my decision. I would like to thank ELD for the NCMP appointment, however I will not be accepting it.

Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me on and have shared your disappointment with this decision. I wish to explain my reasons:
  1. Respecting the electoral process and the voters’ choice
  2. Being Fair
  3. WP has many good candidates
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WP's Lee Li Lian to continue to serve at Punggol East
Speaking after a tea session with her residents, the Member of Parliament also says that addressing her residents' concerns is her top priority

Member of Parliament (MP) for Punggol East Lee Li Lian has said she will continue to serve her residents in  the Punggol East Single Member Constituency, in response to queries from Channel NewsAsia following the release of the Electoral Boundaries Review Committee report on Friday (Jul 24).

She also said that addressing the residents' concerns is her top priority. Ms Lee was speaking after a tea session with her residents, saying that she was not really shocked at the boundary changes.

According to the report, the opposition wards including Punggol East were left untouched. Ms Lee also said the Workers' Party is currently studying the report carefully before making any statements.

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Behind Singapore Ruling Party's Victory, A Rising Star

SINGAPORE, Sept 15 (Reuters) - Singapore's ruling party is celebrating a resounding re-election victory, thanks partly to its economic Tsar, an ethnic Tamil politician whose voter appeal poses an awkward question for its leaders: can a non-Chinese ever become prime minister?

As the People's Action Party (PAP) settles down to another five years in power, the guessing game of who will succeed Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has begun — and the name of Tharman Shanmugaratnam keeps coming up.

The odds of Shanmugaratnam, who is deputy prime minister and finance minister, making it to the top job should be long.

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Developing mature electorate starts in the classroom

Voting is not just a personal duty, it is a civic responsibility.

National education curricula often inculcate the values of active citizenship, and voting should be a fundamental tenet.

It is certainly not easy to come up with an objective curriculum for politics, but perhaps, starting the discourse in classrooms is the best way to get younger voters engaged in tackling the pervasive scope of issues and implications that will affect their lives ("Youth interest essential for future" by Lee Song Yang; Sept 9).

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A Second Chance for Reform

On election night in May 2011 – which now seems an eternity ago – I cautioned that the opposition and its supporters shouldn’t get carried away by its stunning victory. Anyone who assumed that there was now an unstoppable momentum towards a two-party system might be overestimating the opposition, misunderstanding the electorate, and underestimating the PAP, I suggested.

This weekend, four years on, it may be time to bequeath the wet blanket to a jubilant People’s Action Party and its fans. This is not to deny the scale and clarity of Friday’s result. The only things that rang hollow about the victory were PAP candidates’ programmed intonations that they felt “humbledby it: in their mind’s eye, each was probably performing an exultant goalscorer’s medley of chest-thumps, knee-slides, badge-kisses and heaven-pointing.

And who can blame them.

Time to mend ties

The past 8 days of hustings have been intense. Insults were thrown, brickbats were hurled and vitriol had free rein. Singaporeans have never been more divisive, explosive and aggressive. The election campaigns have unveiled one thing, that Singaporeans are politically immature. We have been taught well by PAP: if you are not with us, you are against us, and we will take you down. There is no tolerance for different views. This mantra has trickled its way down to the citizens, with both camps trading insults and hurling abuses at each other. In the process, many people were hurt. I for one have had long time friends who decided to unfriend me on Facebook due to me political views. How mature is that?

I live overseas, have done so for 10 years. I still follow news from Singapore, the same way I follow news from U.S., Europe, Vietnam, Korea. I like to keep abreast of global matters because we do not live in isolation. Because what happens in one part of the world can have huge impact on another, just look at the recent refugee crisis of Syria.

When I first started to share my views about the various rally speeches, a few friends asked on my Facebook, “You don’t even live here any more, why do you bother to follow the elections here?” My reply was always the same. First, I have friends and family there whom I still care deeply for, so their well-being is my concern. Second, I like to know what’s happening in the world, particularly in the part of the world where I have spent much of my youth and young adulthood. I thought it is quite normal that I would show interest in my birth country but as far as some of my friends were concerned, if my views don’t echo theirs, I am not welcome to participate in the election discourse.

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Respect the voters

MS LEE Li Lian said something interesting yesterday about respecting the voters. Punggol East voters had rejected her, and it didn’t make sense for her to stay in Parliament as a Non-constituency MP (NCMP), she said. Some people applaud her for her principled decision, others wonder if this was just an excuse for her disenchantment with the election results.

She doesn’t want to be a voice in Parliament, never mind that she only lost by a whisker. If she takes up the seat, she would be the first rejected incumbent in Parliament, unless you count Mrs Lina Chiam as a proxy for her husband Mr Chiam See Tong in the last Parliament.

Actually, her position isn’t so different from how the Opposition viewed the NCMP scheme when it was first introduced in 1984. NCMPs can talk in the House but they don’t have the critical powers of voting over money Bills or constitutional amendments. The several loud objections to the scheme was considered a sop to the losers, and the resistance waned until it looked like a prize to be fought over within political parties. Remember how there was some talk that Mr Eric Tan wanted to be an NCMP but the Workers’ Party decided that the seat be given to Mr Gerald Giam? That seems to have resulted in some kind of rupture in
the party.

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Don’t give up on Singapore

Like many Singaporeans, I was shell shocked today, the day after what was supposed to be a historic General Election. Incredulously, seventy percent of Singaporeans had voted for the People’s Action Party, which won 83 of 89 seats in Parliament as it did in 2011 in a watershed election.

It is not an understatement to say everyone is shocked by the result—the opposition, all of the state-owned media, even the beleaguered PAP, which despite its perennial stranglehold in Parliament, seemed to have conceded defeat in the 5-seat Aljunied Group Representation Constituency by fielding a ‘suicide team‘ following the loss of two Ministers there in 2011.

Singaporeans attended opposition rallies in historic numbers. The PAP had far fewer numbers at theirs despite resorting to its traditional inducements and the twisting of arms to get uncles, aunties, and the employees of the party’s enterprises to attend.

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Beyond GE2015

That we will decide once and for all what the powers of an elected MP will be at the constituency level. I am referring to the Town Council Act which in my view places the population at large in an invidious position because of its lack of checks to safeguard taxpayers’ money. I am also referring to the grassroots organisations that have the power to grant improvements to a ward. As far as I am concerned, they weren’t elected to hold the purse strings for a constituency and should not be accorded equivalent authority over matters concerning the constituency.

That we will see more robust debate in Parliament including the convening of parliamentary select committees to scrutinise critical legislation, such as the above, as well as the impending changes to the Broadcasting Act. Yes, there are plenty of outside committees headed by reputable members of the establishment, such as the one on relaxation of CPF rules. But even with a much reduced proportion of votes, at 30 per cent, the opposition voice still deserves a hearing or even a place at the table.

That opposition parties can present policy positions publicly to such committees and engage them in debate. The PAP cannot wish them away – and there is some merit in the opposition’s arguments that they are not given enough air-time despite the presence of social media. No need for the PAP to oblige them you say? I would disagree. They must be a contest of ideas, even in non-election periods.

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Speaking truth to Parliament

MEMBERS of Parliament are busy people, we all know that. Most of them have full-time jobs. But still they have to find the time to look after you – their constituents. From dealing with parking fines, to deciding how much to spend and on what, no issue is too big or small for the people you voted to represent you in the G.

The big issues are debated in Parliament and – not including the upcoming sitting on August 17 – there have been a total of 115 sessions since the last election in 2011.

Now that GE2015 is over, we had one question: How often is your MP showing up in Parliament, and how hard is he (or she) working to speak up for you?

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GE 2015, the Aftermath

There are many speculations: New citizens voters, carrots like the PG card, people getting fooled by all that attack on AHPETC, or even speculations about people “doing their last bit” for the deceased Lee Kuan Yew. Or perhaps, they believed that the voters of Aljunied and Hougang should be the only ones to continue to shoulder the burden of democracy. I won’t speculate, because it really doesn’t matter. The die is cast, we’ll have to accept what comes.

When the result for Aljunied GRC is finally announced and that WP has managed to keep it hanging by a thread, the alcohol took over and I fell asleep slumped on my computer chair. It was a fitful sleep, and I woke up with a bad hangover, feeling like a part of me has died. Something angry and dark has awaken. Singapore, to me, is no longer the same again. Henceforth, the recital of the pledge rings hollow. All that call for unity is bullshit. While in the past though I felt the National Anthem could not inspire like Israel’s Haktiva, at least I can be proud of it. Now, there is no pride either.

The Singaporean Singapore has died. Long live the New Singaporean.

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PAP triumphant and an Opposition wounded

What next, then, for the Opposition? The most pressing issue on the agenda will be to clean up Aljunied-Hougang GRC’s finances. The WP desperately needs to prove that it can manage its constituencies without sliding further into deficit, to fend off similar attacks in the next election. It will undoubtedly conclude that even though it fielded candidates who were quite comparable to their PAP opponents, this wasn’t enough to guard against the wave of pro-PAP sentiment.

Maybe this would be the time to capitalize on the weakness of the smaller opposition parties, by inviting them to form a broader alliance similar to the Pakatan Rakyat. More so than ever before, parties like RP and NSP must realize that they have little to gain from striking it out alone. In the same way that the PAP caught the Opposition unawares by changing the tenor and nature of its governance, perhaps the Opposition should blindside the PAP by demonstrating unprecedented unity and discipline.

If the Opposition continues to advertise itself as a check on the PAP, then get ready for the Opposition to be voted in every time the PAP slips up, but then hastily dispensed with once the government reacts to its mistakes. We’ve been there before, when GE 1997 reversed the gains made in GE 1991. It appears that little has changed.

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Huge win for PAP signals stasis

They prevailed in the end

Looking at the long term, this result kind of confirms what I have long felt to be Singapore’s future: A lengthy period of stasis supported by a complacent electorate, increasingly relying on outmoded models of governance, gradually losing vitality. The failure to accommodate incremental change or build political safety nets will mean that when scandal and political crisis hits, as it surely will, the tumble will be very severe.

I have long entertained the possibility that the tumble will be so severe, e.g. a prolonged period of economic malaise, that the only solution is to be rescued by a foreign country. This would naturally come with a concomitant loss of independence.

This election result is totally congruent with my view of Singapore’s cloudy long-term prospects.

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A stunning outcome, a moment to reflect
WAKE up and smell the landslide

A lot of bookies would have lost a lot of money this morning. Singapore does not have pollsters but it does have a lot of self-styled political pundits, and this was not the result many of them predicted.

At a private lunch two days before voting, an eminent former Singapore politician, renowned for his political acuity, forecast that the People's Action Party (PAP) would see its share of the popular vote go down by three to four percentage points. As it turned out, neither the extent of the swing nor the direction was right.

Many of the predictions for individual constituencies went haywire. At the end of the campaign, after observing the often electrifying opposition rallies, the pundits predicted that the PAP would lose East Coast GRC (it didn't); that given the lightweight PAP team ranged against seasoned Workers' Party heavyweights, Aljunied would be no contest (it was - not bad for a suicide squad, as one newsroom wag put it); that Holland-Bukit Timah and Fengshan would be too close to call (they were not) and that the opposition would win back Potong Pasir and retain Punggol East (it didn't).

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The end of the 'new normal'
Voters want to be won over every time they go to the polls

So, is this the "new normal" of Singapore politics?

Were voters signalling, through the massive 10-point swing to the People's Action Party in Friday's polls, that they wanted a return to one party dominating Parliament overwhelmingly, at the expense of alternative views being heard in and out of the House?

Did the Workers' Party's call to entrench the opposition and add diversity to public discourse as part of the necessary evolution of politics in a maturing society fall on deaf ears?

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The failure of the opposition is its high possibility of success

What happened to the anticipated win by the opposition of a few Single Member Constituencies and Group Representation Constituencies? Opposition parties instead saw their share of the vote plummet in GE2015 by as much as 16 plus percent from GE2011.

Some say that the government‘s tweaking of immigration policies along with the introduction of welfare schemes such as the Pioneer Generation Package and Medishield Life  rekindled Singaporeans’ trust in the People’s Action Party.  And so on 11 September 2015 they gave the party a clear mandate with a 70% share of the vote.

After much thought, I think it boils down to several factors. The PAP’s SG50 celebration strategy – tying the success of Singapore solely to the leadership of the PAP – worked as planned.    A majority of Singaporeans apparently agreed with the argument that they should be grateful to PAP for transforming Singapore from a mere fishing village (which is not true) into a bustling metropolis ranked top in the world (including in the cost of living).

related: Don’t give up on Singapore

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People's Action Party's Lee Hsien Loong celebrates on polling day. (Photo: Shushan Lam)

Among the winning PAP candidates, clear common themes arose in their victory speeches and interviews: Gratitude to voters, the humbling mandate, and the work to be done.

For example, Cabinet Minister Grace Fu - one of the first winners to be announced on Friday night - said that while she was happy to see her share of the vote in Yuhua SMC improve from 66.9 per cent in 2011 to 73.54 per cent, she was “very humbled” by the mandate and would work hard to prove herself worthy of voters’ trust.

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, in his victory speech for Ang Mo Kio GRC, told voters: “We are very grateful and happy but at the same time humbled by the result, by the trust you have put on us, by the responsibility we have taken on to serve you.”

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GE2015: Taking victory in Humility

The swing in favour of the People’s Action Party (PAP) in the latest General Election may never happen again, and the PAP must realise there remains fundamental issues they cannot ignore, if they wish to consolidate their position and gain greater trust from the people, said former Member of Parliament Inderjit Singh.

In a lengthy Facebook post today (Sept 17), Mr Singh, who did not stand for election this year after 18 years in politics, dissected the strengths and weaknesses of the PAP, and the reasons contributing to the PAP’s 69.9 per cent landslide victory. Mr Singh noted that while the PAP has a good vision for Singapore, voters today are unwilling to blindly trust the party. “The worry among some Singaporeans is that with a stronger-than-expected mandate, the PAP may feel there is no need to change itself. But the general feeling among insiders and observers is that the PAP needs to continue to change to become more inclusive, listen more to people, (and) add more political judgement in policy making.”

He also urged party leaders to take victory “in humility”. “The Government’s past ‘We know best’ attitude will not work among Singaporeans in the future. Elitism is also something the PAP Government should be concerned about especially since the party continues to choose the elites to become key appointment holders.”

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Jenny Teo's Comment on TODAYonline Facebook

Update: Jenny Teo's comment on 17 Sep 2015 deleted

I would like to ask Mr Singh what he thinks of the PAP's integrity in the way it redraws electoral boundaries, selectively dispenses upgrading funds only to its constituencies through MND's CIPC and the CCCs, the funding of politicised grassroots machinery PA/CCC/RC/CC using taxpayers money, the real motive of AIM, the control of all mainstream media in SINGAPORE, the town council system and the giving away of money in the run up to elections.

In my view, all of the above policies and tactics violate our National Pledge, the part that says "to build a DEMOCRATIC society based on JUSTICE and EQUALITY". No PAP MP or Minister, past or present, has ever suggested that these policies may need to be reviewed, much less pointed out that they are fundamentally unethical.

Clearly this is ok with 70% of voters, but I can never vote against my own conscience.

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An open letter to the Prime Minister

Dear Mr Prime Minister, I congratulate you on the PAP’s victory in the general election. As the leader of the PAP much credit must go to you for leading your party to such an overwhelming victory. I ask you to understand that the 30% who voted against your party did so because many felt that in a democracy there should be a plurality of voices in Parliament.

You said that you are humbled by the result. I hope that you can match your humility with an equal measure of magnanimity.

There will be 6 WP MPs and 3 WP NCMP’s in Parliament. These are honourable men and women who got there despite difficult odds and impediments. They are not your enemies, they are not interlopers. They are your fellow Singaporeans and co-lawmakers. They have an important part to play in our political discourse. I hope you will listen to them when they speak in Parliament with civility and respect and give due consideration to their ideas. It is distressing to watch old videos of WP MPs speak in Parliament in the past against a backdrop of the PAP front bench sneering, sniggering, dozing off or looking at their shoes. I hope I will not see similar videos again in the new term.

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GE2015 has ended and all elected MPs started to hold their Meet-the-People session to help Singaporeans. I cannot help but notice the difference in treatment between PAP and WP MPs. All are elected by the people but have different benefits.

PAP MPs have the benefit of using RC or PAP kindergarten to hold their MPS but you see what the people elected Opposition MP from Aljunied GRC has to grapple with? They have to hold MPS in hazy conditions under voiddecks? There is no air con, no computer and there is no army of grassroots helping them.

Is this fair? Where is the one people, one nation, one Singapore spirit? Why the PAP Ministers talk about uniting Singaporeans and serving all Singaporeans be it those who voted PAP or against the PAP but their actions say otherwise?

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Dr Chee: Singaporeans Must Put a Stop to “Political Imbalances” or the PAP will Always Win

He said that the PAP’s tight control over the mainstream media, and use of the People’s Association for party purposes have led to a climate where Singaporeans believe only the PAP can take the nation into the future.

He added that this also made Singaporeans fear that Singapore will collapse without the PAP at the helm.

Calling for depoliticisation of the media, Dr Chee, who fought and lost in Holland-Bukit Timah GRC, said that Singaporeans will have to fight to deny the government the leeway to make key appointments in print and broadcast media.

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There is no need to use your vote to play ‘checks and balances’

Titled “Pray for a Strong Government”, pastor of FCBC church Lawrence Khong told his churchgoers there is no need for a check and balance in Parliament.

Starting off the article with a christian verse, the pastor claimed “the word of God” holds Chrisitans responsible to pray for the government. Pastor Lawrence Khong also claimed that it is his duty as a “spiritual leader” to give “spiritual guidance” on how Christians should “fulfill their duties as loyal citizens of Singapore and the Kingdom of God”.

The pastor then told everyone there is no need to vote for checks and balances, a campaign message by the Workers’ Party. You may view his original statement here.

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Keeping Religion out of Politics

Let there be no doubt, while a majority of Singaporeans believe in religion and are happy to seek spiritual advice from their religious leaders on matters pertaining to their faith, they are not keen for these religious leaders to stray into areas where they have no authority. Even if our political system is not entirely democratic - there's still a process - people still have to vote. Political leaders are chosen not appointed unelected. There's no place for an unelected leader of any faith to offer advice on the voting process other than prayer . I don't even like it where other leaders tell their congregations to vote people with integrity and moral values.

We are adults and can choose and decide for ourselves who we want to represent us. We are not electing church or temple leaders. We do not want people from faiths determining what or where the moral standard should be because each faith has a different standard. There are issues which only the people, the Parliament or Courts should determine. 'Apostle' Khong has his own bias against homosexuality and fair enough believers of certain faiths can consider it wrong. But whether that should be legalised or not rests entirely with Parliament and by extension the voting public. Even the High Court has ruled at such, the decision to lift the ban rests entirely with Parliament as the maker of laws. Who the 'f**k is Lawrence Khong to make a judgment when the High Court doesn't want to?

And crucially while a majority of Singaporeans follow religion, there's a substantial minority who don't and certainly don't like it when religious leaders try to force their warped views on everyone else. And as I mentioned, those that follow religion, a vast majority of them too have no need or desire to be lectured on the democratic process by their religious leaders

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They are all 'buay zun'
Mr Inderjit Singh who is retiring from politics and Mr Goh Meng Seng from the PPP

Whenever an election comes around, most voters look to academics and political commentators to provide a prediction of the possible results.

But this year, another group of election "analysts" may have stolen some of the limelight from the experts - bookies.

At least three lists showing what was said to be bookies' predictions for the election results were going around on the Internet and on messaging platforms such as Whatsapp during the hustings for General Election (GE) 2015.

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ELD: Mashable article about bookies odds did not violate Cooling Off Day rules

Mashable, a New York-based digital news company which recently started operating out of Singapore, published an article about Singapore’s 2015 General Election bookie odds on Cooling Off Day last Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015.

The article was well-circulated online with 969 shares so far. The article implied that “if the bookies were right, 14 non-PAP members will get elected Friday”.

For instance, the bookies predicted that the Workers’ Party (WP) will win Aljunied GRC, Hougang SMC, East Coast GRC, Fengshan SMC, Sengkang West SMC, and Punggol East SMC.

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A Vote for Change
– The Middle Ground: Respect the voters
– TOC: Were voters misled by fears of a new government?
– TR Emeritus: What opposition supporters did wrong since 2011
– All Spore Stuff: Unhappy Voters in Punggol East Demanding a By-Election?
– Seksi Matashutyrmouf: Cognitive Dissonance
– PetuniaLee™: No More Fighting. Can?
– Din Merican: Singapore Elections 2015: The Rising Star?
– My Singapore News: The Mathematician won – recomputation
– theAARONLOY //: Why the opposition is not ready for governance
– Think For Me, Sg: Open Letter to Mr Low TK, Dr Chee SJ, Mr & Mrs Chiam ST
– Thoughts of a Cynical Investor: Social activist, feminist in denial
– The Heart Truths: It is Time for You to Inspire and be Our Heroes
– Likedatosocanmeh: Our ‘servant’ and ‘jaga’ is in fact an aristocrat
– Popspoken: Born in ’94 or ’95? Sporeans who missed the mark in #GE2015
– The Middle Ground: How serious was the “New Citizen” effect?
– TR Emeritus: New citizens were the biggest determinant in GE2015
– Anyhow Hantam: New Citizen Voters decided this & all future Elections.
– 5 Stars and a Moon: Blaming election results on new citizens is juvenile
– Inconvenient Questions: GE2015: A much-needed reality check
– TOC: An emotional vote
– Tao 道: A Middle Swing Voter’s View: Why I Voted for PAP in this Election
– RunEatGossip: And the World didn’t end on Saturday
– myCreative Investment: GE2015 How We Can Apply To Portfolio Management
– Musings From the Lion City: Results of GE 2015
– PetuniaLee™: Dun Shy Shy! Just Say It Was the WP!
– Singapore in General: Talks on Punggol East transfer to start today
– 否极泰来 Piji Tailai: Youth is an asset. And Workers’ Party has it all.
– Abdillah Zamzuri: General Elections 2015 – My Reflections
– The Heart Truths: How the Oppo can Plan for the Next General Election 2019
– Jeraldine Phneah: What can you do to Strengthen Oppo Parties in Spore?
– Singapore 2B: Three Key Secrets of the Vote
– Tan Kin Lian’s Blog: Disappointed with the voters of Aljunied
– Mindblogging Stuff: Will the wind of change ever blow our way?
– S M Ong: Singaporeans kena scolded by Singaporeans for election result
– [FB] Ben Leong: Aftermath of GE2015: Hitherto, Where To?

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GE2015: Taking victory in Humility
GE2015: Went Against Human Nature
GE2015: Going Forward
GE2015: Foreign Media
GE2015: 2011 Vs 2015
GE2015: A Humbling Mandate
GE2015: Poll Results
GE2015: Pollling Day
GE2015: Cooling-Off Day
GE 2015: Rallies Round-up & Trolls
GE2015: Hungry Ghost & Optimus Prime
GE2015: One Stone Kill Two Birds, Heng Ah!
GE2015: Nomads, Roosters & "Bits Of Meat"
GE2015: Snapshots
GE2015: Mouse In The House
GE2015: In Parliament, Numbers Count
GE2015: The Game Is On
GE2015: Who's Where
GE2015: Nomination Day