

Top 5 Mistakes made with Travel Insurance

Planning on travelling overseas? To make sure that you get the best experience out of your holidays, here are some tips and pointers about the most common mistakes travelers tend to make regarding travel insurance in Singapore.

1 Not paying attention to what you’re signing up for
We can’t stress this enough, read the fine print, and then reread it again afterwards. Your policy’s terms and conditions document holds all the information relevant to your coverage, such as the payout limits, the situations you’re actually covered for (and their requirements), the policy’s exclusion list, as well as the procedures you’ll have to follow in order to make a successful claim.

2 Skipping out on travel insurance altogether
Possibly one of the worst mistakes of all, skipping on travel insurance is a great way to set yourself up for a disaster. With the chances of needing travel or medical related assistance while overseas averaging at about 20-25%, not having travel insurance to back you up is a risk you simply can’t afford to take.

3 Going overboard on the risks
A common mistake made by travelers when getting travel insurance is to take on extra risks they normally wouldn’t even think of taking if they weren’t covered by a policy. As usual, travel insurance companies in Singapore expect travelers to behave responsibly by taking the least amount of risk possible and following the policy guidelines to the letter.

4 Buying your insurance when it’s too late
Some travelers make the mistake of waiting for the last second to get their insurance, often times when they’re already at the airport or, in the worst case scenario, at their holiday destination. Although getting travel insurance at the airport may not be very complicated, the same doesn’t apply to getting insurance once your already abroad.

5 Not taking the necessary precautions
Just like with the risk factor, travel insurance companies in Singapore expect travelers to take all the necessary precautions to make sure that nothing will get in the way of their trip or put them jeopardy. This includes situations such as declaring any pre-existing medical conditions, keeping a close eye on your personal belongings and documents, getting all the necessary vaccination when travelling to exotic countries, and also following the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ travel notices and warnings.

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