

13-year-old Amos Yee wins top film prizes

Thirteen-year old Amos Yee was the biggest winner at the New Paper FIRST Film Festival in 2013. Besides bagging the Best Actor Award, his self-produced short film also beat 159 other entries and won him top prize.

Son of an IT engineer and a teacher mother, the now 16-yr old teenager was recently arrested and charged in Court for his Youtube video on the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew which had since been making news around the world.

The teen is talented in his own ways, if not for his offensive language found in his personal blog. He should move to the West where the gifts-of-his-gab could be enhanced and developed.

He might grow up responsibly in that environment which is more tolerant of his ways and views.

And might even come back here as a great actor, a film producer, or a script-writer like the accomplished Ang Lee, Quentin Tarantino,, David Russel, Ben Affleck or even Steven Spielberg.

United Nations Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty

11. For the purposes of the Rules, the following definitions should apply:

  • (a) A juvenile is every person under the age of 18. The age limit below which it should not be permitted to deprive a child of his or her liberty should be determined by law;
  • (b) The deprivation of liberty means any form of detention or imprisonment or the placement of a person in a public or private custodial setting, from which this person is not permitted to leave at will, by order of any judicial, administrative or other public authority.
12. The deprivation of liberty should be effected in conditions and circumstances which ensure respect for the human rights of juveniles. Juveniles detained in facilities should be guaranteed the benefit of meaningful activities and programmes which would serve to promote and sustain their health and self-respect, to foster their sense of responsibility and encourage those attitudes and skills that will assist them in developing their
potential as members of society.

13. Juveniles deprived of their liberty shall not for any reason related to their status be denied the civil, economic, political, social or cultural rights to which they are entitled under national or international law, and which are compatible with the deprivation of liberty.


17. Juveniles who are detained under arrest or awaiting trial ("untried") are presumed innocent and shall be treated as such. Detention before trial shall be avoided to the extent possible and limited to exceptional circumstances. Therefore, all efforts shall be made to apply alternative measures. When preventive detention is nevertheless used, juvenile courts and investigative bodies shall give the highest priority to the most expeditious processing of such cases to ensure the shortest possible duration of detention. Untried detainees should be separated from convicted juveniles.
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Amos Yee to spend at least one night in remand; seen leaving court in handcuffs

Amos Yee arriving at court with his parents on Friday, April 17, 2015. -- ST PHOTO: WONG KWAI CHOW

Amos Yee, the 16-year-old who posted an online rant about Christianity and made an offensive video about Mr Lee Kuan Yew, was seen being led away in handcuffs following a pre-trial conference on Friday.

Apparently his parents decided against posting bail, which means Amos will have to spend at least one night in remand.

This was after District Judge Kessler Soh changed the $20,000 police bail Amos was on to a court bail during a late afternoon pre-trial conference (PTC), and ordered that only his parents be allowed to act as his bailors because of his age. The prosecution later asked the judge to not restrict the bailors to only his parents, and he agreed.

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Amos Yee makes blog plea asking the public to donate money for his court case
Isn't he not supposed to put up anything online as his case is ongoing?

Currently out on a $20,000 bail, Singapore’s newest enfant terrible, 17-year-old Amos Yee, is turning to the general public for donations to see him through his impending trial.

Claiming in his April 14, 2015 blog post to have only $70 left in his bank account, Yee said his parents are neither willing nor able to pay for the costs incurred by his court case.

Yee is facing three charges for 1) his deliberate intention to wound the religious or racial feelings of a person, 2) circulating obscene material on his blog and making threatening and 3) for making abusive or insulting communication that is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress,

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Yet Another Police Report Filed Against Amos Yee

Another morning, another police report.

Amos Yee is now being accused of contempt of court by Lionel De Souza, a 72-year-old retired policeman who’s now the assistant secretary of the PAP’s Hougang branch. This is following his blog post asking for money to buy jelly, among other things like paying his court fees.

A police report has been filed by the retired policeman, but this isn’t the first time he’s done so; he’s also filed a police report against former NTUC employee Amy Cheong, who made racist remarks against Malays.

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Bail not posted for Amos Yee, so he spends night in jail
Amos Yee eating a banana as he enters the State Courts with his father for his pre-trial conference on April 17, 2015. Photo: Jason Quah

Teenager Amos Yee Pang Sang, who is facing three criminal charges arising from online content he posted, will spend tonight (April 17) in jail after his parents did not post his bail following a court mention today.

Bail for the 16-year-old was converted from a police bail to a court bail — an administrative procedure where the property pledged is transferred from the police to the courts — yesterday afternoon, with the bail amount remaining at S$20,000.

However, new bail conditions were imposed on him at the pre-trial conference in the State Courts.

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Arrest of Amos Yee makes world news

On Sunday (29 Mar), 17-year-old Amos Yee was arrested for a video he posted that celebrated the death of Singapore’s former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. The 8-minute video included remarks about Christianity that some people found insensitive.

More than 20 police reports have reportedly been filed against Amos over the video as well as obscene material allegedly posted on his blog. Both the video and the blog post have since been taken down.

In a statement yesterday (30 Mar), police said Amos will face charges in court today under Section 298 of the Penal Code for utterances against Christians with “deliberate intent to wound religious feelings”. Other charges include circulating an obscene object and making threatening, abusive or insulting communication which is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress. Meanwhile, news of the arrest has made headlines around the world

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#freeAmosYee @ Hong Lim Park
The Amos Yee Saga
The Amos Yee affair
Amos Yee - Disagreeing graciously
Amos Yee - A Mother's Pain
Arrest of Amos Yee makes world news
13-year-old Amos Yee wins top film prizes
Convention on the Rights of the Child