

Wisdom Teeth Symptoms and Surgery

Youtube: Removal of a wisdom tooth

Nuffield Dental Clinics in Singapore are Medisave accredited by MOH and CPF for Wisdom Tooth Surgery. Medisave may be used towards partial payment for surgical procedures allowed by the CPF board. Please call us at 67023238 / 62814313 to know more about the Wisdom Tooth Surgery procedure.

Problems Caused by Impacted Wisdom Teeth
  • Tooth Decay - Plaque and food particles can gather around the partially erupted wisdom tooth, causing it and/or the adjacent tooth to rot.
  • Gum Pain and Swelling - Improperly erupted wisdom teeth are breeding grounds for bacteria and may cause infection of the overlying gums. This infection can cause pain, bad breath, limited jaw movement and swelling.
  • Crowding of Teeth - Erupting wisdom teeth can push adjacent teeth out of alignment, causing crowding of teeth, also known as Malocclusion.
  • Cysts - Formation of cysts or tumors around an impacted tooth can occur, leading to destruction of surrounding jawbone and neighboring teeth. These conditions may require complex and extensive treatment.
  • As problems can develop silently, regular dental checkups are advisable.
Why does it hurt during eruption of wisdom tooth?
  • The wisdom teeth may not have enough room in the jaw to fully erupt. In some cases, they can be misaligned; possibly positioned horizontally or angled towards or away from the other molars. If left untreated, impacted wisdom teeth can potentially harm adjacent teeth, the jawbone and the nerves.
Check-up and Consultation
  • The initial visit to the dentist would include an examination of the mouth and x-rays to determine the position of the wisdom teeth, their condition and the status of the adjacent teeth and bone.
  • To prevent problems associated with impacted wisdom teeth, it is advisable to remove them early. The best time to remove them would be during the teenage years, before the roots of the teeth are fully formed and firmly embedded in the jawbone. Healing is also better during this period, with less risk of complications.
Wisdom Tooth Surgery
  • This is a minor surgical procedure that can usually be performed under Local Anaesthesia.
  • The tooth and surrounding area will be numbed by the Local Anaesthesia.  The surgery involves uncovering the tooth by lifting the overlying gums aside to expose the tooth and bone. You will not feel pain, but you will feel some pressure and vibration. The tooth may need to be sectioned in order to remove it.  You may hear some cracking noises. The gums are then stitched back.
After the Surgery
  • After surgery, some minor bleeding from the wound can be expected. This can be controlled by biting on a piece of gauze. Facial swelling and discoloration of the overlying skin will also develop, increasing for the first 72 hours and subsiding thereafter. You may not be able to open your mouth as wide as usual for a few days.
  • Painkillers, antibiotics and an antiseptic mouthwash are usually prescribed after the surgery. You will be advised to maintain good oral hygiene and also to keep to a soft diet for a few days following surgery.
What do I need to do after dental extraction?
  • Bite hard on the gauze for at least an hour.
  • Do not change the gauze too frequently (keep gauze for at least 20 minutes) as it prevents effective clotting.
  • Do not rinse vigorously or spit for at least 24 hours.
  • Drink straight from the cup instead of using a straw.
  • You can rinse gently a few times a day with warm salt water after 24 hours.
  • Have a good rest at home.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise, hot foods & drinks for the rest of the day to minimize bleeding.
  • If bleeding occurs, apply clean gauze to wound area and bite firmly for 30 minutes.
  • If profuse bleeding persists, please call us.
Is a lot of strength required for wisdom tooth extraction?
  • In a simple extraction, the dentist will grasp the tooth with forceps and try to loosen it by moving the forceps back and forth. Generally, if the correct technique is employed, minimal strength is required. On the contrary, if too much force is exerted, the chances of tooth breakage are high.
  • Do not worry as a local anaesthetic injection will be given to numb the tooth. Patients will only experience some pressure being exerted.
What are the risks of Wisdom Tooth Extraction Surgery?
  • Wisdom Tooth Extraction Surgery is commonly performed and generally safe. There may be facial swelling, pain, jaw stiffness and some bleeding for up to 2 weeks. These symptoms are usually at their worst for the first 2 or 3 days and will gradually improve.
Specific complications of having wisdom teeth removed are uncommon but may include:
  • Infection.
  • Accidental damage to other teeth and jaw during surgery.
  • Severe pain caused by infection (dry socket) – this is when the blood clot breaks away from the wound.
  • Numbness in the lower lip or tongue – this can be caused by nerve damage and there is a small risk that this could be permanent.
  • Jaw stiffness – the mouth may not be able to open fully when the wound is healing.
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Wisdom Teeth Symptoms
The symptoms of an infection caused by a wisdom tooth include:
  • reddened, inflamed gum alongside the wisdom tooth.
  • swelling.
  • pain.
  • pus coming from the gum line.
  • the lymph glands under the jaw become enlarged and sore.
  • it may become difficult to open the mouth and to swallow.
  • fever.