

Singapore, New Year 2015

As Singapore entered into a new year in 1965, that is 50 years ago, little did we know that in eight months, Singapore will be kicked out of the Federation and we will have to go it alone as a new nation.

Lee Kuan Yew desperately wanted Singapore to be part of the Federation and had years earlier preached the virtues of it. Today we enter half a century of nation building under one party. We are still under a ‘Lee’ a younger version, and LKY still around to share with us as we enter a year of celebration.

Babies born in 2015 will be bestowed a special treat.  But many believe that 2015 is also going to be a year of special treats for all Singaporeans as many goodies will be rolled out. This, it is hoped will enable many to forget the woes of recent years such as foreigner influx, lack of housing, PSLE or not, rats?, clean ceilings, fairs without permit, who actually controls the People’s Association and will PAP win back Aljunied GRC.

So exciting times lie ahead and each month in 2015 will draw us inevitably closer to the next GE. For the neutral observers, it will be exciting times, but for nervous politicians on both sides they will be desperately walking the ground to win support for their agenda and hopefully a place in our grey parliament.

Many enter into a new year with a new resolve to change and to achieve better things. In 50 years, there can be little doubt that what Singapore resolved in 1965 saw fruition as we have had phenomenal economic success. So it is baffling that many still remain extremely disgruntled with the party in power in Singapore. Some have left for greener pastures, some remain but are clearly unhappy. Some have taken to writing blogs and websites to air their views. So, what is wrong with Singapore? Some content that for all the beauty and splendour of Singapore it is merely a house and not a home. It lacks a warm heart and TLC towards the real citizenry of Singapore.

 At TISG we were subjected to careful scrutiny to ensure that we receive no foreign funds and all accusations levied at us fell flat to the embarrassment of the maker. But yet foreigners are everywhere, even serving in People’s Association. Are they not “influencing” Singapore? They are everywhere is a common complaint.

We were once told ‘more good years’ is coming, but whilst we waited patiently, the doors were opened and our neighbours from afar flooded into our house, many without even serving a single day of National Service. So, in 50 years of Singapore, we have also experienced being marginalised and this has clearly translated into votes against the PAP at the last GE.

GE2011 seems so far away now as we enter 2015 and there is talk that another GE might take place in 2015. The real question then will be whether the agenda of the PAP since the last GE has worked or not. We shall certainly find out soon enough.

The Independent Singapore News

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