

Heckling YMCA: 6 Charged For Public Nuisance

Six protesters, including activist Han Hui Hui and blogger Roy Ngerng, charged with public nuisance
Six people, including activist Han Hui Hui and blogger Roy Ngerng Yi Ling, who took part in a Hong Lim Park protest last month which disrupted a charity carnival held in an adjacent lawn, were charged on Monday for public nuisance

Han, 23, and Ngerng, 33, were additionally charged with allegedly organising a demonstration without approval.

The duo appeared in court dressed in all-white: Ngerng in a white long-sleeved shirt and pants, and Han in an all-white outfit paired with white spectacles and a white hairband.

The four other accused - who each face a charge of public nuisance - are Low Wai Choo, 54; Chua Siew Leng, 42; Goh Aik Huat, 41; and Koh Yew Beng, 59. There was no immediate information available about their occupations.

Bloggers Han Hui Hui, Roy Ngerng to face two charges over Hong Lim Park protest that disrupted charity event
Bloggers Han Hui Hui and Roy Ngerng, who led a Sept 27 Hong Lim Park protest that disrupted a charity carnival, will face two charges for causing public nuisance and staging a demonstration at the park without approval

Their lawyer M. Ravi said they had been summoned to court on Monday.

If convicted, they could be fined up to a maximum of $1,000 for the first charge, and $5,000 for the second charge.

Under the Parks and Trees Act, no one can carry out public speaking activities; organise or participate in a performance or exhibition; or organise any demonstration, unless with the approval of the Commissioner of Parks and Trees.

Bloggers Roy Ngerng and Han Hui Hui along with four others have been charged on Monday for public nuisance

Bloggers Roy Ngerng and Han Hui Hui were charged on Monday (Oct 27) over their alleged roles in disrupting a charity event at Hong Lim Park in September.

Thirty-three-year-old Ngerng - whose name appears as Ngerng Yi Ling in court documents - and Han, 23, were among six charged with public nuisance. They were accused of disrupting a YMCA event on Sep 27 at around 4pm, by taking part in a rowdy march.

Han, who organised with Ngerng a protest on the same day at another part of Hong Lim Park, had allegedly led a group of people towards the YMCA event as they shouted, chanted slogans, beat drums and whistled. Their actions reportedly frightened special needs children, who had been performing on stage then.

Han Hui Hui, Roy Ngerng face two charges for Hong Lim Park protest
Bloggers Roy Ngerng and Han Hui Hui will face two charges for taking part in a "Return Our CPF" protest at Speakers' Corner on Sep 27, police confirmed on Friday (Oct 24)

Both turned up at the Police Cantonment Complex in the morning.They have been served notice to attend court on Monday for the offence of "public nuisance with common intent", as well as for organising a demonstration without approval of the Commissioner of Parks and Trees.

Mr Ngerng posted a copy of a letter informing him that he is being charged on his Facebook page and said the first charge carries a penalty of S$1,000 and the second - S$5,000.

On Monday, four others will face the singular charge of making a public nuisance of themselves at the same event.

NParks cancels approvals for Han Hui Hui's Hong Lim Park event this Sat
NParks has confirmed that it has revoked the approvals for local blogger Han Hui Hui's planned event at the Speakers' Corner in Hong Lim Park this Saturday

NParks said in a joint statement today with the Singapore Police Force that Ms Han had made two applications to use Speakers Corner on Oct 25.

The first application was made on Sept 28, 2014, and the second made on Oct 19, 2014. Both applications were made for the purpose of speaking and demonstrating at the Speakers' Corner on Oct 25.

NParks said that it was advised by the Police to cancel the approvals granted to Ms Han and will also be cancelling any existing approvals made by the individuals under investigation for the Sept 27 "Return Our CPF" event until their cases have been concluded.

MARUAH expresses concern about cancellation of approvals for Speakers’ Corner event

MARUAH is deeply concerned about the cancellation of approvals granted for the “Return our CPF” protest scheduled at Speakers’ Corner on 25th October 2014.

When Speakers’ Corner was first established in 2000, it was specifically designated as the one protected area in Singapore where speakers could speak freely (with the usual restrictions on race, religion and national security) without having to apply for a permit under the Public Entertainments Act (and its successor the Public Entertainments and Meetings Act). The reforms of 2008 further promoted free speech and civil society development in Singapore and were welcomed by all.

While the events of 27th September remain under investigation, we feel that it is highly inappropriate to cancel the approvals given for the 25th October “Return our CPF” event. Why should an ongoing police investigation about a past event be a reason for prospectively depriving an applicant of the right to hold future events? This move undermines the presumption of innocence which underpins the rule of law, and will have a chilling effect on free speech and democratic development in Singapore.

Hong Lim Park Heckler, Han Hui Hui and Roy Ngerng will be charged on Monday…But it is the side story that will shock you - Odd One Out

Among the unison condemnation of Han Hui Hui and Roy Ngnerng on the Hong Lim Park heckling incident, One single opposing voice stood out and provoked more anger among netizen.

This person said
“Han Hui Hui and Roy took real tangible actions and sacrificed themselves for Singaporeans. I am truly grateful and appreciative of their effort to speak truth to tyranny. They have shown me there are still courageous people who will do the right thing in a country where everyone is afraid of intimidation. Let the PAP hired trolls insult, your conscience is clear and you have my respect like Nelson Mandela. Please stand for elections one day and serve the people with the same indomitable spirit. One day when we get back our CPF, you will be legend. Thinking ahead of our times, you are the real reason why Singapore progress.

Were Mentally-Handicapped Children used as Cannon Fodder in YMCA’s Political Game? The Signs Point to ‘Yes’
What was the goal, YMCA?

Holding a carnival at Speaker’s Corner, coincidentally during the period where a series of Return Our CPF protests have been planned — was YMCA gearing up for the clash we’ve seen, with the poor, unsuspecting children as cannon fodder?

It’s easy for those who weren’t at Speaker’s Corner on Saturday (Sept 27) to slam the Return Our CPF protestors. A picture paints a thousand words, and the pictures which emerged from the day paint the protestors in a very bad light. The story we’ve been fed through the mass media, the story about “heckling”, that’s half the story. The other half of the “heckling” has been conveniently buried. Looking at the day’s turn of events in context, many questions arise as to whether YMCA chose to hold their carnival at Speaker’s Corner to disrupt the Return Our CPF protests.

Let’s look at factors at play:


Last week, there was a flurry of activity amidst the protest scene in Singapore. Fourteen Singaporeans were questioned by the Police for “unlawful assembly” for their participation at the #ReturnOurCPF protest on September 27.

Six of them were later accused of “public nuisance”. Roy Ngerng and Han Hui Hui were saddled with an additional accusation of demonstrating without a permit, under the Parks and Trees Act (which by the way, does not regulate free speech).

On Monday, they went to court to face the accusations levied against them. Their case has been adjourned to November 24 at 3pm.

Return Our CPF: TRS got ‘exclusive interview’ sia

Finally, something that’s not copy and pasted.

There’s an exclusive interview with the 3 other Singaporeans who were charged with public nuisance (TRS headline goes ‘CHARGED FOR SPEAKING UP ON THE CPF’ (but I beg to differ)). I’ve met two of them in action during my coverage of Hong Lim Park stories - and this is not TRS’ usual Ctrl-C+Ctrl-V sort of article - so this is quite interesting.

There’s nothing new. This is still your standard article from The Real Singapore - biased, biased and biased. Well, everyone has their own biases (for me, I consider TRS bullshit), so it is to some extent forgivable.

read more


Shame on you Teo Ser luck and all you despicable PAPs grassroots leaders who hijacked the YMCA event and used our children as pawns to score political points. No, the protesters in no way scared our children. It was clearly a set-up and GOD is our witness to this shameful act. As the father of one of the children, I can clearly testify the following facts.

1) The children were stressed by the loud sound system, which we suspect was done on purpose to disrupt the CPF protest. The show initially was supposed to begin at 12noon to 2pm. Then at the last minute, we were told the time is changed to 2pm to 4 pm. I think to clash with the CPF protest, they changed it to 4pm to 6pm on the same day.

2) The protesters speeches with a small PA system were in no way disrupting our show. Quite a few of us went over to listen to their speeches. They were in no way hate speeches, they were merely explaining how the government had lied to us regarding the CPF and how we deserved better interests for our CPF funds.

The Singapore Daily

Heckling YMCA:

– Tweety: #returnourCPF
– The Singapore Beacon: Antiestablishmentarianism
– The Singapore Beacon: Freedom Is Not Free
– Aligheri2014: Of Law and Order
– The Singapore Beacon: In Search Of An Idiot’s Paradise
– Singapore Notes: More Fun Than A Barrel Of Monkeys
– Osman Sulaiman: Our police force a bully?
– Tots of a Cynical Investor: What Hui Hui & WP have in common
– Just Speaking My Mind: Disappointed with Our Police Force
– My Singapore News: The silence of the sheep
– Singapore Notes: Good Cop, Bad Cop
– The Nanyang Chronicle: Dissecting the Hong Lim Park fracas
– Tots of Cynical Investor: No need to change Hong Leong Park rules
– Second November: Downright Embarrassing
– Evergreen Bamboo: The Chee Defense of HLP Commotion
– Singapore 2B: And a child shall lead them
– Salt * Wet * Fish: Growing pains and collateral damage
– Thoughts of a Cynical Investor: Roy’s & New Citizen H3 should go to HK
– Musings, thoughts, life.: Singapore’s dissidents…too self-righteous?
– Barisan Kuning: Learning Points
– PetuniaLee™: Need to Fight for Freedom meh?
– Chemical Generation Singapore: The CPF Protest and Bad Manners
– The Temple Of Thoughts 3: Roy & Freedom vs YMCA & Special Needs Kids
– Five Stars and a Moon: Return of The Gorblok – Part 2
– Iron Bowl: YMCA fiasco
– Dewdrop Notes 露语: Human Shields & Political Pawns
– Cheryl Marie Tay: Come, We Clap For Them
– Basis Of Singaporean Spirit: Hong Lim Park Crash – Who is Right?
– My Singapore News: Teo Ser Luck apologised on Facebook
– Singapore Notes: Our Very Own Zapruder Clip
– Mindspur: Fiasco @ Hong Lim Park
– The Lycan Times: The Fracas at Hong Lim Park
– Five Stars and a Moon: Return of The Gorblok – Part 1
– Blogging for Myself: Ropes or Petard for Roy Ngerng
– Singapore Notes: Suffer The Little Children