

Former Tour Guide: Tussle over $40 million Assets

Update 29 Sep 2016: Yang Yin jailed 6 years for misappropriating S$1.1m from elderly widow

Former tour guide Yang Yin was sentenced to 6 years’ jail on Friday (Sep 29) for misappropriating S$1.1 million from a wealthy widow he had spent years “ingratiating” himself with, in an act prosecutors have called a “deep betrayal” of the 89-yr-old woman.

On Thursday, Yang was sentenced to 26 months’ jail for duping Singapore authorities into granting him permanent residency by setting up a shell company, falsifying hundreds of receipts and paying small sums in tax.

This means that the 42-yr-old will spend a total of 8 years and 2 months behind bars.

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Yang Yin jailed 26 months for committing fraud to gain PR status

Former tour guide Yang Yin has been sentenced to 26 months’ jail for duping the authorities into granting him PR status by setting up a shell company, falsifying hundreds of receipts & paying small sums in tax – all to shore up his PR application.

In sentencing Yang, District Judge Jennifer Marie said the 42-yr-old China national had, in his bid to remain in Singapore, abused financial services and committed hundreds of offences over the 5 years he was here. His “elaborate” offences were premeditated and carefully planned, the judge said.

Yang was convicted in May of 120 charges, including 110 counts for falsifying receipts involving S$186,900 showing payments to a shell company he set up to gain permanent residency here, as well as 4 charges under the Companies Act and 6 for cheating and immigration offences.

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Former tour guide Yang Yin faces 3 more charges

Former tour guide Yang Yin, who is embroiled in the battle for the estate of widow Chung Khin Chun, was slapped with three new charges for immigration offences.

According to online reports, the 40-year-old was charged on Thursday for giving false statements to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority in 2010 and 2011 when he was attempting to apply for Permanent Resident status.

Yang is already facing 331 charges for allegedly falsifying accounts of his company Young Music and Dance Studio to make it seem that it was a viable business and had received $450,000 in payment for services.

Ex-guide's parents named as parties to suit
Rich widow can revoke ex-tour guide's LPA
Local assets of former China tour guide's wife frozen
Tussle over widow's assets: All stories and updates

Ex-tour guide faces 320 charges for faking accounts

FORMER China tour guide Yang Yin, who is embroiled in a legal tussle over the assets of a wealthy 87-year-old widow, was charged in court with another 320 charges for falsification of accounts.

The 40-year-old was represented by his lawyer Wee Pan Lee from Wee, Tay and Lim LLP.

Last Friday, Yang was accused of falsifying the accounts of his company Young Music and Dance Studio between 2009 and 2014.

related: Former tour guide Yang Yin out on S$150,000 bail

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Ex-tour guide in asset dispute charged with falsifying papers

The former China tour guide at the centre of an ongoing legal tussle over an elderly widow’s assets was slapped with 11 charges at the State Courts today (Oct 31) in a separate case against him.

Yang Yin, 40, is accused of falsification of papers between 2009 and 2014, as a director of Young Music & Dance Studio. He had created receipts reflecting payments, including those for “painting” and “piano classes”, when there were no such payments.

The payments range from S$1,000 to S$5,500. If convicted, the maximum penalty is 10 years’ jail and a fine.

related: Ex-tour guide charged with faking his firm's accounts

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Tussle over widow's assets: Ex-guide hired recruitment firm to apply for work pass
Rikvin had helped Mr Yang (above) set up the Young Music and Dance Studio in March 2009. Its second application on his behalf for an Employment Pass six months later was successful

Chinese national Yang Yin was so determined to make a new life in Singapore that he hired a specialised recruitment firm here to set up his company and apply for an Employment Pass (EP), as a prelude to getting permanent resident status.

The studio's address is listed as the bungalow of the wealthy widow who handed control of her $40 million worth of assets to the former tour guide in 2012, after he became a Singapore PR.

Back in March 2009, local recruitment firm Rikvin helped Mr Yang set up the Young Music and Dance Studio, with him as managing director.

Niece of rich widow applies to court to name Mr Yang Yin's wife as second defendant
87-year-old widow's niece Madam Hedy Mok (left), 60, and her lawyer Mr Peter Doraisamy from Selvam LLC (right) speaking to the media about the ongoing court case involving 87-year-old widow Madam Chung Khin Chun who is Mdm Mok's aunt, Sep 23, 2014

In the latest development in the tussle over a widow's $40 million assets with a former China tour guide, the niece of the widow - 87-year-old Madam Chung Khin Chun - has started legal proceedings against Madam Weng Yandan, the wife of Yang Yin, the tour guide.

The Straits Times reported that Madam Hedy Mok, 60, said in a press statement on Friday evening, "My lawyers have today, among other things, filed further applications in the High Court suit to include Mr Yang Yin's wife as a second defendant and to extend the worldwide Mareva injunction to include her assets."

Earlier, reports said that a court has temporarily suspended the Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) of Yang Yin. It had been reported on Sep 29 that the Office of the Public Guardian had applied to temporarily suspend the powers of both Madam Mok, and Mr Yang as deputy and donee respectively under the LPA.


Ex-tour guide’s ability to make decisions for widow suspended
Ms Hedy Mok (niece of Mdm Chung Khin Chun) and lawyer Raghunath Peter Doraisamy during a press conference on Sept 23, 2014. There have been calls for more safeguards to the Lasting Power of Attorney scheme, in light of a high-profile legal tussle involving Mdm Chung who granted an LPA to tour guide Yang Yin. TODAY file photo

Chinese national and former tour guide Yang Yin’s powers granted under the Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) to make decisions for wealthy widow Chung Khin Chun were temporarily suspended by the courts yesterday.

However, Madam Chung’s niece, Mdm Hedy Mok, 60, has been allowed to remain as her deputy to pursue legal proceedings against Mr Yang, 40, on behalf of her aunt.

But she is required to inform the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) — a division of the Social and Family Development Ministry that protects the interests of those lacking mental capacity — of the steps that she will take as deputy.

Hearing for high court suit filed against former China tour guide adjourned
The hearing for the high court suit filed against former China tour guide Yang Yin has been adjourned to Oct 28

This was revealed by Mr Yang's lawyer Joseph Liow from Straits Law Practice LLC after a closed door hearing at the High Court on Tuesday.

The adjournment is believed to have taken place due to the application made by the Office of Public Guardian (OPG).

On Monday, the OPG applied to the court to temporarily suspend the powers of both Madam Hedy Mok, who is Madam Chung's niece, and Mr Yang as deputy and donee under the Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) respectively. If approved, neither can represent the widow.

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Tussle over widow's $40m assets turns ugly
A seven-hour stand-off between an 87-year-old Singaporean widow and a 34-year-old woman from China ended yesterday after the younger woman agreed to leave the widow's $30 million bungalow, where she had stayed for a year without rent

It was the latest twist in a saga that began in 2008, after the widow, retired physiotherapist Chung Khin Chun, met the Chinese woman's tour guide husband while on holiday in China.

The 40-year-old man, Mr Yang Yin, later got close to Madam Chung and, in 2009, moved into her Gerald Crescent bungalow, allegedly took over her assets worth $40 million and brought his family to live with him there.

Madam Chung's niece, 60-year-old travel agency owner Hedy Mok, started court proceedings to revoke Mr Yang's guardianship of her aunt's $40 million assets earlier this year.

Tussle over widow's assets: China tour guide's wife hits back at haters
The wife of China tour guide, Yang Ying, who is embroiled in a tussle over a Singaporean widow's assets has spoken out on the incident

The wife of China tour guide, Yang Ying, who is embroiled in a tussle over a Singaporean widow's assets has spoken out on the incident.

The tour guide has been accused of taking over Madam's Chung $40 million worth of assets after moving into her bungalow located at Gerald Crescent. Recently, a Weibo user posted a summary of the case online.

This prompted Mrs Yang to comment on the Weibo user's post, claiming that the user did not know the truth behind the incident. She further stated that posting such scandalous materials online can damage her family's reputation.

Tussle over widow's fortune: "We had only each other when young"
Madam Doris Chung holds a photo of her younger self with her father (passport photo), stepmother, stepbrother and sister Khin Chun

The 12m-long pool at her sister's bungalow in Gerald Crescent is more than a showpiece.

According to 88-year-old Doris Chung, her younger sister developed a passion for swimming while growing up, after picking up the sport as a way to control her asthma.

"She won trophies in schools. Even after she grew old, she continued to swim once or twice a week," she said.


Widow and niece now helping police with investigations
Madam Chung Khin Chun, 87, yesterday at the Police Cantonment Complex. She and her niece were interviewed separately by police. -- PHOTO: SHIN MIN DAILY NEWS

The multi-millionaire widow who was allegedly manipulated into handing control of her assets to a former tour guide from China is now helping the police with investigations.

Madam Chung Khin Chun, 87, was seen entering the Police Cantonment Complex yesterday with her niece, Madam Hedy Mok, 60.

"The Commercial Affairs Department wanted to find out more details about what was missing from the house," said Madam Mok last night.

High court suit against former China tour guide Yang Yin filed 
Former China tour guide Yang Yin leaving the Police Cantonment Complex alone on Sept 18, 2014. -- PHOTO: ST FILE

The niece of the 87-year-old widow Chung Khin Chun has commenced high court action to recover damages from former China tour guide Yang Yin.

This was revealed at a press conference by the widow's aunt's, Madam Hedy Mok, lawyer Peter Doraisamy from law firm Selvam LLP on Tuesday.

Mr Yang is embroiled in a legal tussle with Madam Chung's niece, Madam Hedy Mok, 60, over the widow's assets, which are believed to be worth $40 million.

He 'took advantage of widow's feelings'
Mr Yang Yin is flanked by Madam Chung Khin Chun (left) and Madam Chang Phie Chin in a photo taken in Beijing on Oct 23, 2008

Before she met a 40-year-old tour guide from China, Madam Chung Khin Chun threw lavish parties, had a large art collection and several employees loyal to her.

But after the tour guide moved into Madam Chung's $30 million Gerald Crescent bungalow, he prevented her from seeing her close friends, sold her jewellery and art, emptied her bank accounts and even sacked her long-time maid and driver.

These are the claims against Mr Yang Yin, who has not given his side of the story, in a court case.

High court suit against former China tour guide Yang Yin filed
Mr Yang Yin is being investigated for suspected criminal breach of trust

At least $10 million worth of wealthy widow Chung Khin Chun's assets - including jewellery and works of art - have reportedly gone missing.

And the 87-year-old's niece, Hedy Mok, is representing Madam Chung to file a suit in the High Court to get a former tour guide from China, Yang Yin, to explain where the missing assets have gone, Lianhe Wanbao reported yesterday.

Mr Yang, 40, is embroiled in a legal tussle with Madam Mok, 60, over the widow's assets, believed to be worth $40 million


Widow and niece now helping police with investigations

They are applying to terminate the Lasting Power of Attorney given to the man who allegedly manipulated the widow into giving him control of her fortune


Widow wants to revoke Lasting Power of Attorney she granted Yang Yin: Lawyers

Madam Chung Khin Chun, the elderly widow whose S$40 million assets are at the heart of an ongoing legal tussle, has applied to the Office of Public Guardian to revoke the Lasting Power of Attorney she granted to Chinese national Yang Yin in 2012.

According to Madam Chung's lawyer, the 87-year-old has been medically certified to be mentally capable of doing so. Madam Chung's niece, Madam Hedy Mok, and their lawyers gave this update to reporters on Tuesday (Sep 23).

Yang, 40, is a former tour guide who met Madam Chung in 2008 when she was on holiday in Beijing. He and his family later moved into her bungalow in Gerald Crescent, off Yio Chu Kang road.

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Wealthy widow requests cancellation of ex-tour guide's LPA
THE MAN WHO MOVED IN: Madam Chung (left) met Mr Yang (Centre) while on holiday in China, and made a will in 2010 leaving all her assets to him. In 2012, she appointed him as her guardian, giving him full control of her assets

The 87-year-old widow in a tussle over control of her assets worth $40 million has asked the Office of the Public Guardian to cancel the Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) which she has given to Yang Yin, a former tour guide from China.

The move came after a psychiatrist who examined Chung Khin Chun last week found that she has the mental capacity to revoke the LPA, despite suffering from dementia.

An LPA is a legal document that allows a person to appoint another person to make key decisions on personal welfare and financial matters, should the former lose the mental ability to do so.

related: Tussle over widow's assets: All stories and updates

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High court suit against former China Tour guide Yang Yin filed

The niece of the 87-year-old widow Chung Khin Chun has commenced high court action to recover damages from former China tour guide Yang Yin.

This was revealed at a press conference by the widow's aunt's, Madam Hedy Mok, lawyer Peter Doraisamy from law firm Selvam LLP on Tuesday.

Mr Yang is embroiled in a legal tussle with Madam Chung's niece, Madam Hedy Mok, 60, over the widow's assets, which are believed to be worth $40 million, reports The Straits Times.

Report lodged against former China tour guide by Office of Public Guardian
Former China tour guide Yang Yin leaving the Police Cantonment Complex alone on Sept 18, 2014. The Office of Public Guardian (OPG) had last week lodged a report against former China tour guide Yang Yin after it was reported that he boasted about his wealth and lavish lifestyle in a blog. -- PHOTO: ST FILE

The Office of Public Guardian (OPG) had last week lodged a report against former China tour guide Yang Yin after it was reported that he boasted about his wealth and lavish lifestyle in a blog.

This was revealed on Friday at a media briefing by the OPG, which is looking into the case involving wealthy 87-year-old widow Madam Chung Khin Chun. Last week's report was made to the Commercial Affairs Department, who on the same day arrested Mr Yang.

The 40-year-old man is involved in a legal tussle over control of Madam's Chung assets, believed to be worth $40 million. He moved into her Gerald Crescent bungalow in 2009. Three years later, Madam Chung applied to the OPG to give him a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA).

MP Intan Azura Mokhtar says she does not know Yang Yin personally
Dr Intan says Madam Chung had approached her to write a letter of appeal for Mr Yang's PR application. -- PHOTO: BH FILE

Member of Parliament Intan Azura Mokhtar said yesterday that she did write a letter of appeal regarding Mr Yang Yin's application for permanent residency (PR) here. But she did so only at the behest of Madam Chung Khin Chun.

Questions had been raised over the former China tour guide's role in the Jalan Kayu Neighbourhood Committee, after pictures of him at various grassroots activities surfaced online. The People's Association confirmed that he had been a member of the neighbourhood committee since July 5 last year but resigned on Sept 8 this year.

Dr Intan, who is an MP in Ang Mo Kio GRC and adviser to the committee, said she did not know Mr Yang personally. She recalls meeting him only when he was participating in a cooking activity.

Dr Intan, who is an MP in Ang Mo Kio GRC and adviser to the committee, said she did not know Mr Yang personally. She recalls meeting him only when he was participating in a cooking activity. She does remember the time Madam Chung approached her

"She first came to see me and sought my help in May 2011... for her grandson," said Dr Intan. "This is what she told me and I referred Madam Chung's request to the authorities." She said she responded only because Madam Chung was "a resident of my constituency and a Singaporean".

"If Mr Yang had come to me, I wouldn't be able to help him because he's not a Singaporean," she said. "What I would have told him is that you probably can apply for PR to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority directly."

Dr Intan also said she later received a piece of "feedback" on Mr Yang. She did not reveal the nature of the feedback as there are ongoing court proceedings concerning Mr Yang, but said it was forwarded to the authorities the same day.

EverythingAlsoComplain: MP Intan Mokhtar not knowing what Internet hiding is
theonlinecitizen: Yang Yin an indicator of national security breaches?

Weapons of Asset Destruction: Ex China Tour Guide Singapore P.R. Yang Yin's