

Tin Pei Ling has won over hearts and minds: PM Lee

Ms Tin, who was 27 years old when she was fielded as a PAP candidate in the May 2011 General Election, came under intense scrutiny during the campaign, with many people asking if she was qualified to be a Member of Parliament. Netizens mocked her for comments that she made during the campaign and in old videos found online

In a Facebook status posted today, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong praised Ms Tin Pei Ling, MP for Marine Parade GRC, for having worked hard to win over the hearts and minds of her residents.

He wrote: "In the last general election, I sent Tin Pei Ling, our youngest candidate, to MacPherson, which has many old residents. I was confident that she could establish rapport with the uncles and aunties, and serve residents well.

"The last three years have proved this so. Pei Ling and her team of activists and volunteers have worked hard. Some were sceptical at first, but she and her team have won over many hearts and minds."


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Tin Pei Ling gets PM's vote of confidence
"Of course, there is still a lot to be done, and I hope you will all continue to support her"

Ms Tin Pei Ling, MP for Marine Parade GRC, received the Prime Minister's vote of confidence last night when he attended a National Day dinner in the MacPherson ward she represents, and praised her for proving her detractors wrong by being able to connect with and solve her residents' problems.

More than 30 per cent of the ward's residents are senior citizens.

Last night, Mr Lee Hsien Loong said in a speech to some 800 of them: "MacPherson is one of our oldest constituencies, but I sent my youngest candidate here because I was confident that she would be able to establish rapport with the older aunties and uncles and serve them well."


Tin Pei Ling FB

I'm grateful and humbled by PM's kind words. Very thankful to PM and ESM for making time to join us in our celebration last night! I have been blessed to have a great team at MacPherson and kudos to them!  Two men have been very important to us - Mr Chua Sian Chin (1st MP of MacPherson) and Mr Matthias Yao (2nd MP of MacPherson).

Their hard work over the last 4 decades have improved the lives of many residents and I look forward to continue building on their good work for our residents in MacPherson. We will continue to 加油 (jiayou)! 

Now that our community club is officially launched, I hope residents and friends will drop by to enroll in classes, take part in programmes, use the new facilities and do check out our 2nd community arts gallery (neoplasticism art pieces featuring unique aspects of MacPherson).

MacPherson CC Reopening and National Day Dinner

In the last general election I sent Tin Pei Ling, our youngest candidate, to MacPherson, which has many old residents. I was confident that she could establish rapport with the uncles and aunties, and serve residents well.

The last three years have proved this so. Pei Ling and her team of activists and volunteers have worked hard. Some were sceptical at first, but she and her team have won over many hearts and minds.

The refreshed MacPherson Community Club I reopened yesterday is one example of their work.

Only 1 Way to Prove that Tin Pei Ling has 'won over hearts and minds,' Mr PM

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has come out to say on Facebook, that MacPherson MP Tin Pei Ling has worked hard and 'won over the hearts and minds' of her residents.

In lavishing praise on her, he said he was always confident that despite her age, she could build rapport with the older residents there. He added:

"The last three years have proved this so. Pei Ling and her team of activists and volunteers have worked hard. Some were sceptical at first, but she and her team have won over many hearts and minds."

PM Lee arrow Tin Pei Ling go SMC by herself
He praised her, so that means he wants her to stand on her own two feet

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong threw his weight behind Tin Pei Ling, MP for Marine Parade, by praising her on his Facebook page on Aug. 24, 2014, for no apparent reason.

This praise out of nowhere, however, has solidified the belief of many professional political observers, who concluded that Tin Pei Ling will be taken out of the Marine Parade GRC and fielded in an SMC on her own in the next general election.

Lim Koh Pee, a coffee shop regular, said: “This move by PM Lee is a political masterstroke. He is singling her out for praise because this marks the end of her GRC joy ride and she will no longer be a liability to the other Ministers.”

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 I refer to Tin Pei Ling has done a great job and Won MacPherson Residents

Three years on, Marine Parade GRC MP Tin Pei Ling said she has not only grown up, but also grown a thicker hide.

Ms Tin admitted feeling the pressure of having to prove her worth early in her term, given the online excoriation she went through after GE2011. Her youth was initially touted as a major strength by the People's Action Party (PAP) when she was introduced as a candidate. It was supposed to be proof that the party had new blood that could connect with young voters via social media.

But this quickly backfired when photos on her Twitter account went viral, including one in which she posed with a Kate Spade box. Things got worse when she said her biggest regret was not taking her parents to Universal Studios and that she was a back-door MP.

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PM Lee Hsien Loong praised the PAP's youngest MP, Tin Pei Ling today in a Facebook post about the re-opening of the MacPherson Community Club.

He wrote glowing praises of Ms Tin and the work of the Grassroots leaders in the estate of MacPherson and attributed the refreshed CC to her and her team.

He wrote that many had doubted her when she was first fielded in GE 2011 but she has since won over "the hearts and minds" of her residents.

PM, put Ms Tin in SMC to prove she has ‘won over the hearts & minds’

If she’s really doing such a good job, I’m sure she’ll win re-election on her own merit and go on to become of the PAP’s best ever MPs. She won’t need to slip in via a GRC helmed by a former PM or Minister, or to be mollycoddled by other senior MPs. And don’t forget this is MacPherson we’re talking about – a ward with a high number of older voters, normally a reliable bastion of support for the PAP. This is also a ward that even SDP chief Chee Soon Juan couldn’t win in the 1997 GE and last but certainly not least, you have all the instruments of state and party at your disposal to ensure Ms Tin’s re-election. It’s up to your discretion as to how to carve out this ward, you will know which were the precincts that had a higher vote percentage for the PAP and those of the neighbouring precincts in another ward. It’s really up to you to have a ward in place comprising a solid block of PAP supporting precincts.

With all these and your assessment of Ms Tin, she should have no worries of winning re-election. Maybe there might be a 3 or 4 cornered fight even, splitting the opposition votes further. So what’s there stopping you from doing this, Mr PM? There’s a saying – ‘put up or shut up.’ If Ms Tin has really succeeded and done a marvelous job, put her up in a MacPherson SMC, and if she retains her seat, a lot of people who questioned the wisdom of fielding her in 2011 or her credentials, will have no choice but shut up and respect the wishes of the majority of residents there.

Until and unless this is done, it’s very much up for debate about her qualities and suitability to be an MP. No amount of lavish praise from whatever or whoever, can paper over these doubts. For the moment, us sceptics will read your FB post and the propaganda that surrounds it with a large pinch of salt.

From Baey Koh Tin to Tharman
Not a very good speaker did she get in again?
That is when the wise sage, MM Lee Kuan Yew,  decides to take a leisurely stroll outside, right at the point when Tin Pei Ling begins to open her mouth in parliament (source).

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