

What your sleep position says about you

To sleep perchance to dream—and reveal who you really are

Position: Lying on your stomach with hands up around the pillow and head turned to one side.
Personality: Freefallers are often extroverted and brash people. They appear nervy, but are truly thin-skinned people who take criticism personally.
Health Benefit: Freefall—or any position in which you’re lying face down—is good for digestion.

Position: Curled up on your side. This is the most common sleeping position, adopted by 41 percent of the 1,000 people who took part in Professor Idzikowski's survey.
Personality: Those who sleep in the fetus are described as tough on the outside, but shy and sensitive at heart. They may take time to warm up to people, but soon relax.
Health Benefit: Sleeping on your left side can cause stress on your vital organs (liver, stomach, lungs), so if fetus is your position of choice, curl up on the right side of your body.

Position: Lying on your side with both arms down by your side.
Personality: Log sleepers are social, easygoing people. The downside: their tendency to trust anyone—including complete strangers—makes them easy to fool.
Health Benefit: This position keeps the spine straight, which should be beneficial for those who suffer from back pain.

Position: On your side with both arms out in front.
Personality: Yearners are open to new things, but also suspicious and cynical. They take a long time to make decisions – weighing pros and cons repeatedly – but once they make a choice, they almost never change their mind or have regrets.
Health Benefit: Resting on your side can help alleviate some problems associated with acid reflux disease and sleep apnea. But if such symptoms are a common occurrence, you may need to see a specialist.

Position: Lying on your back with both arms at your sides.
Personality: Soldier sleepers are generally quiet and reserved. They don’t like to make a big deal out of things, and they set very high standards for themselves and others.
Health Benefit: Research shows that sleeping on your back may lead to snoring, difficulty breathing, and an overall bad night’s sleep. Is your snoring keeping someone awake at night? Try flipping over—you’ll both wake up more refreshed.

Position: Lying on your back with both arms up.
Personality: Starfish sleepers are described as great listeners and thus good friends. They’re always willing to offer help and generally don’t like being in the limelight.
Health Benefit: Like the soldier, starfish sleepers are more likely to snore and have breathing problems while they sleep, resulting in a less refreshing night’s rest.

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