

How to Keep Your Skin Clear and Smooth

Great looking skin doesn’t have to be something you only see in magazines or on the television. You can see smooth, lovely looking skin every time you peer into the mirror. In order to improve your complexion, you must first start by understanding what type of skin you have, so you know how to take care of those unsightly blemishes that popup from time-to-time. People generally have one of five types of skin which are each described in this article. Each type of skin needs to be treated differently

Get Rid of Acne

In order to improve your complexion, you must first start by understanding what type of skin you have, so you know how to take care of those unsightly blemishes that popup from time-to-time.
People generally have one of five types of skin:
  • Dry skin is rough, flaky or scaly
  • Oily skin is greasy, shiny and may have large pores
  • Combination skin has some dry spots, on the cheeks for example, and then oily spots on other parts of the face, such as the nose, chin and forehead
  • Sensitive skin may burn, itch or sting after applying makeup or other products
  • Normal skin has a balanced appearance and generally remains clear
Each of these skin types should be cleaned differently to enjoy the best results when you get rid of acne.

How to Clean Your Skin
  • Dry Skin: For individuals with dry skin, the best way to clean your face is by using a gentle cleanser that doesn’t contain any alcohol or fragrance. These types of ingredients can cause your skin to dry out even more than it does naturally. Gently wash your skin with a cleanser and then rinse with warm water. Using hot water will only remove your skin’s natural oils from your face, causing your skin to dry out more quickly. Exfoliate at least once a week to rid your skin of any flaky cells, so your skin will look clearer and more even.
  • Oily Skin: For oily skin, use an oil-free foaming cleanser to clean your face. Use plenty of warm water to rinse with and you may consider using a toner or astringent after you’ve finished washing your face. However, while these types of products can help remove extra oil so your skin looks less shiny, they can also irritate your skin.
  • Combination/Normal Skin: By far the easiest skin types to care for, individuals with combination or normal skin can use either a gentle cleanser or soap and water to clean their face. Just make sure you don’t scrub your skin while cleaning it and pat it dry once you’re done.
  • Sensitive Skin: Individuals with sensitive skin should use a very gentle cleanser and rinse with warm water. Make sure you pat your face dry with a towel when finished cleaning instead of rubbing away any moisture. Don’t try exfoliating as that may irritate sensitive skin and don’t use products that contain soap, acid, alcohol or fragrance. Make sure you read the label of any product you consider using on your skin and look for ones that contain soothing ingredients such as chamomile, aloe, oats and green tea polyphenols. Keep in mind that the fewer ingredients a skincare product contains, the easier it is on your face.
Other Skin Care Tips

All skin care types, whether oily or dry, need moisturizing to keep from drying out. Use a moisturizer every day regardless of your skin type and apply it while your skin is still damp to help seal in the moisture. If you suffer from acne or oily skin, use a moisturizer that is oil-free and lightweight so it doesn’t block your pores.

You don’t want to dry your skin out by washing it too often throughout the day, so make a point of only washing it at night before you go to bed. However, after exercising you may want to wash your face with a gentle cleanser to help rid your complexion of sweat that could clog your pores. If you wear makeup, make sure you fully remove what you’re wearing before you go to bed, as leaving makeup on overnight can clog your pores and cause acne and makes it more difficult to get rid of acne.

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