

From Lim Neo Teo To Inderjit

MP Lim Wee Kiak retracts criticisms of M'sia over MH370

People's Action Party MP Lim Wee Kiak has taken back his criticism of the way Malaysia provided information in the first few days after Flight MH370 went missing.

This is after several people had “taken issue” with comments he made in a Supper Club interview with The Straits Times last week, he said.

His retraction came after Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs Sam Tan said on Thursday that those criticisms are not the Government’s view.

Manful Job and 'Boyful' retraction

Boy, the good Dr. Lim Wee Kiak is once again caught with his foot in his mouth. It is not easy to be an PAP MP because you cannot be yourself but you are told to be. Also how could you get a perfect record of second guessing the big bosses. Senior civil servants have the same unenvious task as well. I never got close to the political big shots but I have seen up close some of the small LKYs and how their underlings also mightily struggled with what to say or do to please the boss.

This is a terrible habit which is guaranteed to bring us down if we don't break it. In the past the top man can hold everything or enough in his head, these days we are experts in our areas and the top people must take advice or we would fail.

Why not Lim Wee Kiak do a manful retraction of his 'boyful' retraction. Give us some hope eh? Not a chance. Most PAP MPs are just Yes-men and that's why they aren't getting the respect they crave for.

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PAP MP’s views on M’sia do not represent Govt’s: Snr Parl Sec

People’s Action Party (PAP) Member of Parliament (MP) Lim Wee Kiak has retracted his criticisms of Malaysia for its handling of the flight MH370 incident. Mr Lim, who is also the Chairman of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Defence and Foreign Affairs, had lambasted the Malaysian authorities in an interview with a local paper on 5 April.

Mr Lim’s remarks were criticised by some for being insensitive and for lacking understanding of the tough situation Malaysia was in, trying to deal with the global focus on the incident.

Mr Lim then issued a response to Mr Tan’s statement, and said he has “reflected” on his remarks about Malaysia and that he “agree[s] with the comments of our foreign minister [sic] and our PM.”

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MP Lim Wee Kiak retracting statement on MH370

MP Lim referred to the communication lapses among ASEAN counterparts as a ‘missed opportunity’, which is a euphemism for ‘failure’.  He also compared the Malaysia Airlines’ handling of MH370 to the ‘better media management’ by SIA when the latter’s plane crashed in Taiwan back in 2000. The difference is till today no one really knows for sure what happened to MH370, so the comparison may not be entirely fair.

Besides, what’s the point of complaining now anyway? It’s as helpful as camping on an island in the middle of the Indian ocean with a pair of binos and waiting for a piece of wreckage to bob your way.

PM Lee’s compliment is a headscratcher though; Is a ‘manful’ job a ‘brave’ effort as in ‘manly’ or does it mean a manpower-heavy mission? An archaic term used as far back as 1917 to describe what I can only guess to be ‘backbreaking’ work, I’m not sure if this was a deliberately diplomatic choice because the more flattering option of ‘courageous’ would be overdoing it, especially considering what many furious Chinese think of the whole incident. After sharing a selfie bromance, it looks like Singapore is set to support Malaysia through thick or thin, though we’re not so certain if that loving feeling is mutual.

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Following the comments made by PAP MP for Nee Soon GRC, Lim Wee Kiak, about the poor handling of the MH370 incident, the government issued a statement saying that they did not hold the same views.

Lim had criticized the Malaysian government about their handling of the MH370 crisis during an interview with the straits times and raised issues such as the poor communication during the crisis.

He also suggested that misinformation lead to a waste of resources in search efforts.

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PAP MP Lim Wee Kiak introduces his foot to his mouth. Again. For the 4th time

Lim Wee Kiak, People’s Action Party (PAP) Member of Parliament for Nee Soon GRC, had to eat his own words — again.

This time round he had to retract his comments about the way Malaysia is handling the missing MH370 plane incident.

Lim, who is also the Chairman of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Defence and Foreign Affairs, was unusually critical about the Malaysian authorities in an interview with The Straits Times on April 5, 2014.

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PAP MP Lim Wee Kiak demonstrates how to put his foot in his mouth

In a media interview which was published on 5 April, PAP MP Lim Wee Kiak dished out his unsolicited advice on how the Malaysian authorities should have better handled the MH370 incident. Taking a pot shot at our neighbour, MP Lim sang praises of SIA’s media management after 2 plane had crashed in 1997 and 2000.

The Singapore government has rightly distanced itself from Lim’s pot shot. What was Lim trying to prove by kicking our neighbour when they are down? Where was his common sense? But this is not the first time he exhibited his ZERO EQ.

In 2011, Lim’s associated having a million dollar salary with dignity and it earned him the Dumbass Remark of the Week from a well-known blogger. In an insincere apology after “further reflection”, Lim agreed that his statement was inappropriate and incorrect.

Lim Wee Kiak wrote on his facebook page

In an interview with the Straits Times that was published on 5 April 2014, I said that the Malaysian authorities could have done better on the MH370 issue.

Several people have taken issue with this comment. Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Foreign Affairs) and Senior Parliamentary Secretary (Culture, Community and Youth) Sam Tan has also come out to say that this is not the position of the Singapore Government.

This is truly an unprecedented incident and would have been difficult to manage for any country.I have reflected on my comment and agree with the comments of our foreign minister and our PM.

I hope that the ongoing search efforts are successful, and that Malaysia, particularly the families of the victims, can reach some closure on this tragic incident.

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The Reflections Of Lim

Lim Wee Kiak couldn't be more wrong when he said that Singapore Airlines (SIA) has better media management than Malaysia's handling of the MH370 incident. A senior Yahoo executive was furious when SIA spokesman Rick Clements told CNN that there were no casualties after SQ006 turned into the wrong runway on the night of Oct 31, 2000, and crashed into a construction vehicle, killing 83 of 179 passengers aboard. Screaming his frustration on TV, he asked aloud how could that be when he personally saw a fellow passenger in his first class section burst into flames?

“Everyone here knows who the dead are but we were still crying back in Singapore and up till now, we know nothing. You owe us an explanation!” a Singaporean woman shouted at SIA CEO Cheong Choong Kong. The brother of a man who died in the crash was also not impressed by Cheong's lame excuses. “Tell the press the true story,” he said. “Don’t hide any more. Are people’s lives more important or SIA’s reputation?” It all sounds so familiar, only the angry voices were not PRC Chinese.

Lim had to eat humble pie - with a side order of grovel sauce - for different reasons. He dared suggest that the MH370 incident "revealed glaring gaps in communications among ASEAN countries". Foreign Minister K Shanmugam couldn't have been pleased. Lim didn't just stop at undoing regional relations, he ventured further into territorial security, "This episode into may give China a reason to say they should manage the airspace over South China Sea." This time it's the Defence Minister's turn to facepalm.

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MP Lim Wee Kiak says Asean could have done better in MH370 crisis

The first few days after the incident, there were many conflicting reports on what exactly happened. When the reports came out, there’s no single spokesperson. Everybody was speaking and everybody was giving their own version. That adds a lot of confusion and grief to the family members.

It seemed like in the earlier hours everybody was in the dark. If they didn’t have information, they should just say they have no information, rather than come up with a lot of theories. When they do this, people will think they already have some information.

If you look at what happened in the MI185 and SQ006 incidents (the first was a SilkAir flight that crashed in Indonesia in 1997, and the second was a Singapore Airlines flight that crashed in Taiwan in 2000), I think SIA had better media management. There was just one spokesman, so at least information is clear, coherent.

Serving Two Years Of National Service Should Be A "Privilege" That Belongs To Singaporeans Only: PAP MP Lim Wee Kiat


It seems Dr Lim Wee Kiak has not learned the lessons.

What exactly happened to Dr Lim Wee Kiak? Why made him to make such a careless remark that "Serving NS is a privilege that belongs to Singaporeans."

A few years ago, Dr Lim also was forced to apologise that it would be a 'loss of dignity' when their salaries are not benchmarked to million dollars. He justified that if he is paid lower than his lawyer colleagues, bankers and specialists doctors colleagues, he would not be able to have bargaining chip.

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Dr Lim later offered an apology to Low Thia Khiang

And just last year, Dr Lim had to again apologise – this time to opposition MP, Low Thia Khiang.
During a parliamentary debate, Dr Lim had charged that the Workers’ Party’s position on the number of new citizens differed from what Mr Low said during the previous year’s Budget debate. When Mr Low countered that his remarks had been taken out of context, Dr Lim said:
“I will quote (from your speech then) one more time. And maybe your hearing aid has to be (turned) up a little bit.”
Mr Low did not respond to the comment. Dr Lim later offered an apology for the remarks:
“Madam Speaker, in the heat of the very passionate debate, I’ve made some very insensitive remarks about Mr Low. I would like to express my sincere apologies to the honourable member Mr Low Thia Khiang for my comments on his hearing aid.”
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PAP MP Lim Wee Kiak apologises to Low Thia Khiang for a rude remark made during parliamentary debate
Hardwarezone Forum, 8 Feb 2013
SINGAPORE — The cut-and-thrust between the People’s Action Party and the Workers’ Party (WP) over the latter’s population proposals peaked yesterday, with Nee Soon GRC Member of Parliament (MP) Lim Wee Kiak making a personal remark against WP chief Low Thia Khiang, for which he subsequently apologised.

The incident was sparked by Dr Lim’s charge that the WP’s current position on the number of new citizens differed from what Mr Low said during last year’s Budget debate. When Mr Low countered that his remarks had been taken out of context, Dr Lim said: “I will quote (from your speech then) one more time. And maybe your hearing aid has to be (turned) up a little bit.”

Mr Low did not respond to the comment. Immediately after the next speaker, MP Ellen Lee (Sembawang GRC), ended her speech, Dr Lim rose and apologisedFull story

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Lim Wee Kiak wants Low Thia Khiang’s hearing aid turned up

From ‘MP apologises to Low for comment on hearing aid’, 8 Feb 2013, article by Woo Sian Boon, Today
The cut-and-thrust between the People’s Action Party and the Workers’ Party (WP) over the latter’s population proposals peaked yesterday, with Nee Soon GRC Member of Parliament (MP) Lim Wee Kiak making a personal remark against WP chief Low Thia Khiang, for which he subsequently apologised.
The incident was sparked by Dr Lim’s charge that the WP’s current position on the number of new citizens differed from what Mr Low said during last year’s Budget debate. When Mr Low countered that his remarks had been taken out of context, Dr Lim said: “I will quote (from your speech then) one more time. And maybe your hearing aid has to be (turned) up a little bit.”
Mr Low did not respond to the comment. Immediately after the next speaker, MP Ellen Lee (Sembawang GRC), ended her speech, Dr Lim rose and apologised. He said: “Madam Speaker, in the heat of the very passionate debate, I’ve made some very insensitiveremarks about Mr Low. I would like to express my sincere apologies to the honourable member Mr Low Thia Khiang for my comments on his hearing aid.”
Lim Wee Kiak is not a man known for his subtlety. Previously, he made a careless remark about how PAP Ministers should be paid to match top CEOs in order not to ‘lose their dignity’, which he duly apologised for.

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This makes it a hat-trick of apologies for Lim

First his comment on ministers’ salaries and their dignity, followed by his mocking of Low Thia Khiang’s hearing, and now getting ‘distanced’ from the team because of what he thinks not just of Malaysia but ASEAN as a whole. In local parlance it’s the political equivalent of ‘Eh, I don’t know you’ when someone in your circle of friends does something to embarrass the entire group, and you slowly inch away, pretending that he’s just some crazy stranger talking nonsense.

Nonetheless, I wonder if our ministers would still give Razak and company a pat on the back for a job well done and dismiss Lim’s remarks if it had been SINGAPOREANS missing and it were their families banging on doors and tables demanding answers instead.

Dealing with critics should be the last thing on the Malaysian authorities’ minds anyway. Every second spent rebutting a loose cannon is a ‘missed opportunity’ in moving one step closer towards solving what looks set to be one of the greatest mysteries in aviation history.

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On hearing Aid and ministerial salaries

The Nee Soon GRC Member of Parliament (MP) once told Workers’ Party (WP) chief Low Thia Khiang “I will quote (from your speech then) one more time. And maybe your hearing aid has to be (turned) up a little bit.” Maybe all of us, Lim included, need to have our hearing checked. How can the chair of the Government Parliamentary Committee on Defence and Foreign Affairs not speak for Defence and Foreign Affairs?

If there's one good reason to distance yourself from this controversial character, it should this defence of ministerial salaries by arguing that a reasonable payout helps maintain "dignity" for politicians dealing with media:
"If the annual salary of the Minister of Information, Communication and Arts is only $500,000, it may pose some problems when he discuss policies with media CEOs who earn millions of dollars because they need not listen to the minister's ideas and proposals. Hence, a reasonable payout will help to maintain a bit of dignity," Dr Lim told LianHe ZaoBao in Chinese.
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MP Lim Wee Kiak apologises for comments on pay
Lim Wee Kiak defends ministerial salaries. (Yahoo! photo)

Member of Parliament Lim Wee Kiak of the Nee Soon group representation constituency has apologised for his remarks linking ministerial pay with the "dignity" of politicians. In a note on his Facebook page on Friday, MP Lim said he would like to clarify the comments he made to Lianhe Zaobao and reproduced inLianheWanBao. The comments had been quickly slammed by netizens.

He had been quoted by the Chinese paper last week as saying, "If the annual salary of the Minister of Information, Communication and Arts is only $500,000, it may pose some problems when he discuss policies with media CEOs who earn millions of dollars because they need not listen to the minister's ideas and proposals. Hence, a reasonable payout will help to maintain a bit of dignity."

In his Facebook note, the MP said, "I withdraw those remarks and apologise for making them. Dignity cannot be and must not be measured purely in monetary terms."

Debate on ministerial salaries

This is not the first time that DrLim has had to retract or apologise for remarks he made.
In May 2011, during the debate on ministerial salaries, Mr Lim said:
“If the annual salary of the Minister of Information, Communication and Arts is only $500,000, it may pose some problems when he discuss policies with media CEOs who earn millions of dollars because they need not listen to the minister’s ideas and proposals, hence a reasonable payout will help to maintain a bit of dignity.”
Following a public outcry over his remarks, Dr Lim said that “on further reflection”, his remarks were “inappropriate and incorrect.”

He said:
“On further reflection, I agree that the example I quoted regarding a MICA minister meeting the heads of telcos and saying that there may be some loss of face if the minister’s salary is low is inappropriate and incorrect. I withdraw those remarks and apologise for making them. Dignity cannot be and must not be measured purely in monetary terms.”
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PAP MP Lim Wee Kiak Apologises for Comments on Ministerial Pay

Lee Wee Kiak’s infamous quote that angered thousands of Singaporeans:
“If the annual salary of the Minister of Information, Communication and Arts is only $500,000, it may pose some problems when he discuss policies with media CEOs who earn millions of dollars because they need not listen to the minister’s ideas and proposals. Hence, a reasonable payout will help to maintain a bit of dignity.”
In his Facebook note, the MP said, “I withdraw those remarks and apologise for making them. Dignity cannot be and must not be measured purely in monetary terms.
He said he agreed that the example he gave and his comment that there may be loss of face if the minister’s salary is low “is inappropriate and incorrect”.

related: PAP’s Dr Lim Wee Kiat: Reasonable (Ministerial) Pay Will Help to Maintain a Bit of Dignity

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Dumbass Remark of the Week: Dr Lim Wee Kiak

The winner this week is... PAP MP for Nee Soon GRC, Dr Lim Wee Kiak!

The good doctor said:
"If the annual salary of the Minister of Information, Communications and the Arts is only $500,000, it may pose some problems when he discusses policies with media CEOs who earn millions of dollars because they need not listen to the minister's ideas and proposals, hence a reasonable payout will help to maintain a bit of dignity."
From ‘ 部长薪酬过低 有失身份地位’ 林伟杰言论遭网民批评 ("Lim Wee Kiak defends ministerial salaries: Low pay is a loss of dignity")

Aiyah, now I know why my ministers don't listen to me. I don't earn enough.

Underpaid ministers lose their dignity

From ‘‘ 部长薪酬过低 有失身份地位’ 林伟杰言论遭网民批评’, 26 May 2011, article in (LHWB)

Translation: MP Lim Wee Kiak thinks a reduction in ministerial pay would lead to a loss in dignity, leading some to complain that if that’s the case, President Obama, with a lower wage than our PM, would be ashamed of even shaking the latter’s hand. If the MICA minister had a lower salary than media CEOs, the latter wouldn’t take him seriously.

Postscript: Dr Lim eventually made a public apology for equating salary with dignity. Mistake made, lesson learnt, time to move on. With dignity I must add.

15 years Member of Parliament Dr Lily Neo

Dr. Lily Neo,  an MB Bch graduate at  Royal College of Surgeons University of Ireland,  has as her motto  “right mindset and seeing problems as challenges ahead.  A woman of knowledge  and  power,  she is a sympathetic leader and a champion against the fight of poverty for her people.  A  medical and healthcare specialist  for Kreta Ayer. She still currently practices at the Women’s Clinic. Dr. Lily  has her opinion on different aspects of progress during her term as a Member  of the Parliament with constituency being Jalan Besar.

Besides being a mother to her kids and acting as a dutiful wife,  Doctor Lily has taken so much effort  in providing  thorough substantial needs  to her  mature patients. This is done via her healthcare group which is (CARE),  Center of Activity for Retired and Elderly. During her term of office she fought strongly for the low Income family earner. So strong was her resolve to eradicate poverty among the very low income group that she became their “Voice.” This was very evident between 2008-2009 and covered those Singaporeans who were so poor that they could only afford one meal a day.  She also began a campaign to fight flu in the Kreta Ayer area. At the same time she was an immensely popular figure in China Town.  No wonder then that she was dearly loved by all, being not only a dedicated physician but also a caring politician.

Being a mother-In –law to a Korean national, she has learnt to love Korean ways. It is also touching to note that she has developed a real love for her son-In-law, who unfortunately  was absent during the family Interview  on April 13th 2012  at the Claymore Hill American Club Singapore  with our very own  Head Journalist John Kim Kyoung Tae. He happens to coincidentally have the same name as Dr. Lily’s son-In-law.  However, the doctor’s two children, Elvin and Elaine were present during this after-lunch family Interview.  The Neo family gave Mr. Kim, Managing Director of Korean Press, the warmest of welcome for the Interview which lasted close to an hour and a half.

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Dr Lily Neo – a rare PAP breed

“[I] just felt I needed to shout for these people,” MP for Jalan Besar GRC, Dr Lily Neo, told The New Paper in 2008.

She was referring to her questions to the Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) in Parliament over its assistance schemes for the needy. Dr Neo estimated that the number is some 90,000 to 100,000 households. In that debate, Dr Neo called on the ministry to institute “something more permanent for these people that can lift them out of the poverty cycle.”

The response from Ms Yu Foo Yee Shoon, Minister of State for MCYS, did not satisfy Dr Neo. When the Speaker wanted to move on to the next question from another MP, Dr Neo jumped to her feet and called for the MCYS to do more for those who need help.

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One of my friends who is a social worker said that sometimes she wishes that some of the better PAP MPs could switch loyalty and join opposition instead. When I question her and asked if she's referring to Tan Cheng Bock, she said, it's Dr Lilly Neo. She admires Dr Lily Neo - a PAP MP who has been working quietly behind the scenes.

Dr Neo is a medical practioner. She joined poiitics in 2001. Very little is known about her due to her low profile. All we know is that she practices at a Women's Clinic in Lucky Plaza. I found that out when I visited Jolibee at level 6. Her clinic is at Level 5.

She doesn't like press coverage, unlike Er Lee Bee Wah who would get SPH to snap photos of herself with her dogs or Table Tennis champions at any opportunity.

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Peace of mind, thanks to her mum

BEING a mother of two, running her own medical practice and being a Member of Parliament couldn’t have been that easy.

But somehow MP Dr Lily Neo, in her 50s, managed to juggle all three roles. Credit goes to her mum, 70, who looked after her kids while she worked. She said proper time management helped too.

Dr Neo and her husband, Dr Ben Neo, in his 50s, have two children. Their daughter Elaine, 27, is a doctor, while their son Elvine, 22, is studying medicine at an Australian university. Her mother, who lives with the family, played a crucial role in looking after her children while she was out working eight to 10 hours a day, recalled Dr Neo.

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Lily Neo: ‘Every old lady reminds me of my grandma’

Dr Lily Neo, an MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC, shares her insights on caring for the elderly. The Medan-born doctor also gives her take on Indonesia’s naming of its warship after two marines involved in the 1965 bombing of MacDonald House at Orchard Road which killed three civilians and injured 33.

What more must be done for the elderly? The elderly with mobility problems, and can’t look after themselves anymore, can be helped further. It’s very difficult to just ask the Government to provide. We have to do it from the community first because it’s very hard to identify these (people).

Surprisingly, many do not know how to seek help. They say: “I’m weak. I can’t get up and cook, or buy my food.” They don’t expect any help.The shortage of labour is a problem. How do you find home help workers, workers to bring food, people who can bring them for check-up? All these services aren’t established.

related: Lily Neo: ‘Govt planting the seeds for filial piety'

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Dr Lily Neo speaks out vociferously over aid for poorest households

Dr Lily Neo, an MP for Jalan Besar GRC, is well known for her strong personality and the close attention she pays to the plight of the poor in Singapore.

On Monday in Parliament, her fiesty demeanour showed through during question time when she squared off with Mrs Yu-Foo Yee Shoon, Minister of State for Community Development, Youth and Sports, on the issue of aid for the poorest households.

Dr Lily Neo had asked the Minister, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, whether his ministry is monitoring how lower-income households are affected by inflation and stagnant wages, whether the available assistance is lessening their difficulties, and whether there will be other measures to ensure no one falls through the cracks.

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Parliamentary exchange between Lily Neo and MCYS minister

This is an excerpt of the parliamentary debate between PAP MP Dr Lily Neo and Minister Vivian Balakrishnan on the issue of public assistance.

Dr Lily Neo: 

Sir, I want to check with the Minister again when he said on the strict criteria on the entitlement for PA recipients. May I ask him what is his definition of “subsistence living”? Am I correct to say that, out of $260 per month for PA recipients, $100 goes to rental, power supply and S&C and leaving them with only $5 a day to live on? Am I correct to say that any basic meal in any hawker centre is already $2.50 to $3.00 per meal? Therefore, is it too much to ask for just three meals a day as an entitlement for the PA recipients?

Dr Vivian Balakrishnan: 

How much do you want? Do you want three meals in a hawker centre, food court or restaurant?

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MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC, Lily Neo posted to facebook yesterday evening that she felt “down” after her meet-the-people’s session that day.

She explained that she felt sad because she could not help unhappy residents because of the existence of some regulations. One of the issues she highlighted was about CPF where one elderly resident was unable to withdraw his funds due to the minimum sum requirement.

She explained that she had sent an appeal letter to CPF but they just replied that they need to stretch retirement savings to fund members’ living expenses in retirement and so there is a requirement for the minimum sum. Currently, the minimum sum is already set at $148,000 so those without this amount in their CPF accounts at age 55 cannot withdraw whatever money they do have in CPF until the drawdown age.

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Teo Ho Pin presses WP's Sylvia Lim for answers

Why won't Workers' Party chairman Sylvia Lim answer questions? That was the reaction of Teo Ho Pin, coordinating chairman of the People's Action Party's Town Councils, Thursday evening after Lim issued a statement in the afternoon in response to questions raised by Teo.
"I asked serious questions about the financial probity of the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council, which Ms Sylvia Lim chairs," said Teo in a statement to media. "Ms Lim has not answered a single question I asked."
"Why is Ms Lim reluctant to answer questions? What is she afraid of?" he asked.
Worker's Party Chairman Sylvia Lim has challenged Dr Teo Ho Pin to make a report to the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) if he believes that the WP had mismanaged the Town Council.

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Dear Sir, I would like to know the following, how is it a software that is funded by tax payers monies be sold to a $2 company, why was there a need to do this in the first place?

Secondly, what is the tender eligibility or criteria for vendors to participate in the open tender, will you allow a $2 company to qualify for this kind of open tender in the first place? The greatest fear or worry is the decision makers and their ability to award the tender to a $2 dollar company, what did they like about this vendor and does it have a proven track record before awarding the tender to them?

What sort of due diligence was carried out even before deciding to sell the software to the vendor?


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Teo Ho Pin: Contract with AIM benefits town councils

The PAP town councils sold the management software to a third party because it was “cumbersome and inefficient” to have 14 individual town councils hold intellectual property rights to the software.

Dr Teo Ho Pin, the coordinating chairman of PAP town councils, gave this explanation in a 26-paragraph, four-page statement outlining why and how the town councils came to have a sale and lease back deal with  the PAP-owned Action Information Management (Aim).

“The vendor would have to deal with all the 14 town councils when reviewing or revising the system. It would be better for the 14 town councils to consolidate their software rights in a single party which would manage them on behalf of all the town councils, and also source vendors to improve the system and address the deficiencies,” he said.

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SDP meets Teo Ho Pin; MP rejects call to stop Sheng Siong

Bukit Panjang MP Dr Teo Ho Pin has rejected the SDP’s invitation to jointly help residents and stallholders by calling on Sheng Siong to reverse its decision to increase rents of the stalls at Fajar market by 30 percent.

The Singapore Democrats met Dr Teo at his meet-the-people’s session last week to ask him to co-sign a letter to Sheng Siong (see letter below). Dr Teo callously dismissed the effort by repeatedly saying that “market forces” should prevail. A team of Singapore Democrats led by party chairman Mr Gandhi Ambalam visited Dr Teo’s office last Monday evening. Dr Teo was accompanied by more than half a dozen of his party members.

He rejected any kind of joint approach with the SDP to find solution to the problem, saying: “The government can’t interfere. Let the market forces decide whether the increased rentals by Sheng Siong were steep or not.”

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Dr Teo Ho Pin, where is our money?

After reading Dr Teo Ho Pin’s second forum page letter, I can only conclude that he is unable to understand what Singaporeans are demanding from him. Dr Teo, we do not want you to waste time “exploring” ways of how to keep residents informed of the town councils’ finances. We want you to inform us right now about what the town councils have spent our money on.

We do not need stock replies and interviews from you reassuring us. We want to know the exact details of your investments. And don’t you dare keep referring us to the annual reports as if they contain the information we want. As shown in the analysis by TOC, these reports lack any details about specific investments by the town councils.

It is already outrageous that you have invested our money in such high-risk investments without informing us. Now you conduct this ‘wayang’ about being on top of the matter when in reality you don’t seem bothered at all. Mr Mah Bow Tan has stated, “Each town council has the duty to explain to its residents how it invests its funds, what is its philosophy, what are the risks it takes”. So far neither you nor any of the other PAP town councils have done anything of that sort. You even have the audacity to say that the town councils’ investment strategies cannot be revealed!

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Dr Teo, Oracle does provide lifetime support to its customers

Dr Teo Ho Pin, the coordinating Chairman of 14 PAP Town Councils (TCs), earlier explained why the TCs decided to sell their software to AIM through an open tender and then lease it back from AIM (‘Dr Teo Ho Pin’s latest statement on AIM‘).

In his statement, Dr Teo said the main issue was the software was “becoming obsolete and unmaintainable”. One of the components of the software is the Oracle Financial 11 platform. He said that Oracle would soon phase out and discontinue support for its Financial 11 platform.

Thanks to a reader who has forwarded this information to us (‘TCs System becoming obsolete and unmaintainable???‘), Oracle actually has a policy to give lifetime support to its customers, regardless of the versions of software they purchased from Oracle. In other words, Oracle won’t just “phase out” its software with no support, leaving customers in a lurch. Hence, Dr Teo’s statement that Oracle would “discontinue support to its Financial 11 platform” is simply not true.

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Unanswered questions in Teo Ho Pin's statement on the deal between PAP Town Councils and PAP-owned $2 dormant company

The Online Citizen, 3 Jan 2013
From public to private – Conflict of interest?
Moreover, there is the conflict of interest in transferring public property developed for the people and presumably with the town councils’ funds which belong to the people, to a private company that reaks of being linked to a political party.

Cost to develop the software?
Also, the question as to how much it cost to develop the software remains unanswered.
Applying this logic of ” The vendor would have to deal with all 14 TCs”, wouldn’t it apply to other contracts and services as well that involve other vendors? Wouldn’t it simply be easier to have the vendor deal with just the town councils’ staff designated to handle this task. After all, they are all using the same system. So, does it make sense to say that the vendor would have to deal with 14 TCs? Full story

  1. Teo Ho Pin defends PAP Town Councils' decision to award contract to PAP-owned dormant $2 company, says it saves money for TCs
  2. PAP Town Council's Tender Notice revealed, blogger poses more questions to Teo Ho Pin and East Coast Town Council
  3. The curious case of PAP Town Council's tender notice with no details
  4. Town Council Computer System Saga: Member of public files complaint with CPIB and AGO - TR Emeritus 
  5. AIM is the second controversy in Aljunied Town Council handover after CPG Facilities Management
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IT deal done to benefit town councils: Teo Ho Pin

THE coordinating chairman of the PAP town councils, Dr Teo Ho Pin, yesterday explained in detail why they had sold the software rights of their computer system to a company.

The reason: it would have been cumbersome for an IT service provider to negotiate separately with each of the 14 town councils (TCs) on the maintenance and upgrading of the system.

He also described how the tender for the sale was called in 2010 and the process by which it was awarded to Action Information Management (AIM), a company owned by the People's Action Party.

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Teo Ho Pin: Sylvia Lim should come clean on the facts

In responding to Ms Sylvia Lim’s latest rebuttal through a media release (‘Media Release: AHTC asks what rights do TCs have to sell off a public funded system to a political party?‘) on 28 Dec, Dr Teo replied on the same day that Ms Lim’s remarks do not answer the key question that was addressed to her.

Dr Teo said it was Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) which stated that it wanted to develop its own system and added that the contract was terminated between AIM and AHTC through a mutual agreement in Sep 2011.

“Ms Lim had stated that the reason for the poor performance of Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (in the Town Council Management Review), was due to the termination of the lease for AHTC’s computer and financial systems by Action Information Management Pte Ltd (AIM),” he said.

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No basis to suggest AIM transaction was improper, says Teo Ho Pin

There is no basis to suggest that the transaction to provide computer services to the PAP Town Councils by the company, Action Information Management Pte Ltd (AIM), was improper or disadvantageous to the town councils.

Coordinating Chairman of the PAP—run town councils, Dr Teo Ho Pin made this point in his latest rebuttal to comments made by Ms Sylvia Lim, the Chairman of the Aljunied—Hougang Town Council.

Ms Lim had questioned why the computing and financial system developed by PAP—managed town councils was sold off to a third party.

Why did Teo Ho Pin's team award tender to company without core competencies or skills?

According to the coordinating chairman of 14 PAP town councils, the computerised management system of the 14 town councils was tendered out to AIM (a PAP controlled company), and AIM subsequently engaged National Computer Services (NCS) to maintain and further develop the system. That sounds like a sensible explanation until you recall that it was developed and maintained by NCS prior to the tender being called.

Prior to this tender, the PAP town councils owned the system, and paid NCS to develop the system, presumably using the monies residents pay for service & conservancy (S&C) charges. 7 of these 14 town councils have subsequently raised the S&C charges. AIM which now owns the rights to the database management system, currently charges the 14 town councils $131880 per year to maintain the system.

In the face of this, the chairman of the town council has got to be more transparent, and answer the following questions:

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TRE readers question AIM Pte Ltd and Dr Teo Ho Pin

The sale and lease back has raised many questions and rightfully so. My question is WHAT MOTIVATE THE SALE?  Was it just monetary gain or money plus political knee-capping to jeopardise the WP, regardless of the collateral damage to citizens of Singapore staying in Aljunied?

Next question is WHO GAVE THE 14 TC THE RIGHT TO SELL THE OWNERSHIP OF THIS SOFTWARE?  They are just town councillors managing the town, the citizens are the real owners of this software so they cannot sell what they do not own.  If this illegal precedent is not rescinded immediately, what is to prevent them from selling the children’s playground, the footpaths, the public spaces in the PAP towns and then leasing them back?


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PAP MP Inderjit Singh confronts Singapore’s hard truths in wide-ranging Facebook post
Yahoo Newsroom - PAP MP Inderjit Singh confronts Singapore's hard truths in wide-ranging Facebook post, published on Monday, 26 May 2014. (Screengrab from video)

People’s Action Party Member of Parliament Inderjit Singh has written a lengthy – if surprisingly critical – commentary on the performance of the government under the ruling party in the past three years.

The disconnect between Singapore’s wealth and citizens’ well-being, the importing of talent, the complacency and elitism in the top ranks of civil servants, and the national identity for Singapore’s young people – these were the issues the former deputy government whip raised in a Facebook post Monday night titled“Response to the President Address At the Re-Opening of 2nd Session of Parliament May 2014”.

Known to be vocal about political issues – he spoke against the population White Paper that projected as many as 6.9 million people in the city-state by 2030 and eventually abstained from voting on it – Singh explained that he was sharing his thoughts on the social media platform since he was overseas and could not participate in the parliamentary debates on President Tony Tan Keng Yam’s address.

Response to the President Address

1. Parliament is debating the President’s address this week. I wanted to share my thoughts on what the government has achieved in the past 3 three years and what more it can do in the remainder of this 12th term of parliament. Since I am currently traveling and not in Singapore, I decided to share my thoughts through this post instead.

2. Post GE2011, the government got a very clear signal from Singaporeans about the issues that affected them most and the government spent considerable time fixing these problems, which were created as a result of a decade long series of policy misjudgment linked to its “growth at all cost” economic strategy. We must all agree, that the government has done well in many areas, particularly the manner in which it sorted out issues in the housing, healthcare and even transport to some extent.

3. The icing on the cake has been the Pioneer Generation Package, which is unprecedented in Singapore on many counts and shows that the government is taking an effort to move beyond dollars and cents, to inculcate care and compassion in policy making. But, really though, beyond the Pioneer Package, if someone were to ask me honestly whether the lives of all Singaporeans have become better in these last few years, I would not be able to do that.

Singapore Budget 2014: Inderjit warns rising costs may lead to 'hollowing out' of economy

The Budget should be lauded for achieving its social aims, but it "completely ignored" the important issue of rising costs facing all companies, said Ang Mo Kio GRC MP Inderjit Singh.

"We are at a critical stage and I feel the government has under-estimated the impact of high business costs on our future economy," said Mr Singh during the Budget debate in Parliament on Tuesday. "The reality is that cost and cash flow are bigger problems in our business landscape than some of us may imagine to be."

All companies - not just small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) - are facing a "triple whammy" of rising rentals and utilities costs, labour costs and a shortage of workers, he added.

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I felt I had to speak up about the White Paper: Inderjit Singh

Q: Unlike some of the MPs who stated in their speech that they are in support of the amended motion, you didn't. And I think everyone wondered, did you intentionally leave Parliament during voting? What was the reason?
  • A: I think the important thing is that in Parliament, the stance that we take in our speeches are more important, and that delivers the message to the government, and I've been doing this now for 16 years, and I know that things will over time be taken up by government and changed. And this time round, the first time I've seen in 16 years, the government immediately took in the things. So PM moved away from the 6.9 million immediately, and then promised to look at integration, and identity and all these things before accelerating and moving again. So I think it's effective, you know.
  • Then the process of voting, everyone knows, the whips on both sides were not lifted. PM agreed to come down on a figure significantly lower then 6.9 million, which probably is closer to what Workers' Party has proposed, and also wanted to vote on a lot of things, on bonding and Singaporean core and so on, which was what the Workers' Party say. So why didn't they vote in support of this also? Because PM shifted position, you see. I know WP has explained their position. So I think with the whips not lifted, I think it was clear how everyone has to vote.
  • But, I think for me, over the years, I have made speeches like these and it's all very sincere, from the heart, from the ground, to deliver the message. And the fact that the message is coming from insiders in the party is actually more important. Because opposition, as we have seen, Workers' Party in the last one and a half years, have actually just continued to inject politics into the whole parliamentary debate, so I think so far they have taken the opportunity all the time. So I think PM's shifting of position was a result of his own insiders making that kind of speeches and telling him..
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PAP MP Inderjit Singh calls for a minimum wage

MP for Ang Mo Kio GRC, Inderjit Singh, has called on the government to adopt a government assisted minimum wage system to speed up the reform of wages for locals.

Speaking in parliament today, Mr Singh suggested a minimum wage of 1,500 dollars. He said the amount will allow Singaporeans to have a decent quality of life based on the current cost structures. Mr Singh said the government should be confident that the system will not deter employers from setting up business here.

This, given that Singapore has a stable government, low taxes, and a hardworking workforce. Mr Singh said if Singaporeans are paid a reasonable salary, they would be willing to take up jobs that are typically shunned by the locals.

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MP Inderjit Singh urges Sikh graduates to contribute to wider Singapore society

Member of Parliament for Ang Mo Kio GRC Inderjit Singh’s message to Sikh graduates is clear – carry on the good work on the earlier generations of Sikhs and continue to contribute to the Singapore society. Mr Inderjit made these comments in his address to 25 Sikh graduates in a networking tea reception organised by Young Sikh Association (Singapore) and the Sikh Centre.

Speaking to more than 100 guests, Mr Inderjit said, “The Singapore government has done well to protect the space of the minorities. This is has been the result of an enlightened policy and the fact of the earlier generation of Sikhs seized the opportunity to fill the space that was created for the community. After all, all the space in the world does not matter if the community is bent on isolating itself from the other communities, not being constructive and not contributing to the betterment of the country.”

He added that, in order for the Sikh community to contribute to the wider Singaporean community, it must also remain vibrant. He stated that, “If the community has nothing of value to showcase, then we bring nothing special to the common table. What this means is that the Sikh community needs to keep its community strong, uphold its traditions and culture, keep its language alive and in use, and its values intact”. He cited the example of the Sikh temples and Sikh institutions such as the Sikh Education Foundation, the Sikh Welfare Council and Young Sikh Association (Singapore) which have done well to promote the religion, education, culture and sports among the Sikhs.

Inderjit Singh and the Whip

People’s Action Party (PAP) Member of Parliament, Mr Inderjit Singh, made an impassioned speech in Parliament against the population White Paper on 5 February 2013. [See here.]

It was, and quite characteristic of the Ang Mo Kio GRC MP, a strongly-worded speech. “Our past decade of rapid population growth has already created too many problems which need to be solved first before we can take the next step,” he told the House. He used words and phrases such as “too steep” to describe Singapore’s population increase the last decade. He lambasted the government for having “failed to achieve the goal” of a promised Swiss standard of living for Singaporeans. Mr Singh said he has “a big issue with the number of PRs and new citizens” in our midst currently, that “it is just too much”, and how “things [had] started to fall apart” from this influx. Adding more people to the island “will be disastrous”, the MP warned. “We missed the mark in the last 10 years, and we are already paying a heavy price for that mistake… We already have too many of them,” Mr Singh said, referring to the number of permanent residents (PRs) here. Children of PRs who do not do National Service (NS) should be punished, he implored. “Send them to jail if we can.”

He called on the government to take a breather on population growth and to address existing problems first. “[We] cannot afford to make Singaporeans’ lives more difficult as a result,” he said. “I rather err on the side of caution when it comes to growing our population. We cannot keep paying a high price for any planning misjudgements in this area.”

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Lift party whip for major policies: MP Inderjit Singh

The party whip should be removed when Parliament votes on major policies, veteran PAP MP Inderjit Singh told Lianhe Zaobao in an interview published on Sunday.

More MPs from the ruling party might have joined in last month's debate on the Population White Paper if this had happened, he added.

Even if the whip was lifted, he felt the amended motion, which makes clear that the 6.9 million population figure in 2030 is not a target and the Government is not deciding now on any specific population size for beyond 2020, would still have been passed.

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I felt I had to speak up about the White Paper: Inderjit Singh

On March 3, 2013, Lianhe Zaobao published an exclusive interview with Member of Parliament Inderjit Singh.

An extract of the interview transcript in English was reproduced on their Facebook page for readers' interest. 

The extract is below:

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Inderjit Singh's Interview: Signs of the Polarisation of Singaporean Politics?

Recently, People’s Action Party (PAP) member of parliament (MP) Inderjit Singh had an interview with Lianhe Zaobao. During the interview, he expressed his reasons for opposing the Population White Paper and his subsequent vote of abstention. This interview was first published on the Lianhe Zaobao facebook page

Upon reading the transcript, I expected an overwhelmingly positive response from the public. Singh’s interview explored how PAP MPs do not mindlessly tow the party line, as they are often accused of, but can instead bring a diversity of views to the table. 

Unfortunately, I was to be proven wrong; the interview drew much vitriol across the internet. A small but significant number of people have asserted that this is all a big ‘wayang’ – a performance to deceive the public into thinking that there are genuine, alternative voices within the party where in fact there is none. Some have even gone so far as to say that if he was truly against the White Paper, he should have broken the party whip and voted “no”, instead of abstaining. One netizen even commented that to prove that his actions were not mere ‘wayang’, he should join the Worker’s Party.

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Lianhe Zaobao (via AsiaOne) reported over weekend that Inderjit Singh is feeling the heat because he didn’t vote against the White Paper in spite of his speech in parliament against it, and he’s not happy that he’s catching flak for the way he didn’t vote

He was quoted as saying: “A lot of people criticised me for not voting against the motion. I feel that this is an unreasonable criticism. Just because I didn’t do so, they say I say one thing but do another

“Moreover, the party whip wasn’t removed, so everyone should know the outcome of the vote.”

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This was what Inderjit Singh posted in his Facebook account: 

Nothing really spectacular, just an honest man speaking his honest mind. So why is he so squeamish about his critical vote on the Population White Paper? He also wrote that, “I also did not agree with the 6.9m, and especially the additional 500K to 800K new PRs and citizens.” Will the real Inderjit Singh please stand up?

Hounded by the many who wanted to know if he should check in at the Institute of Mental Health, he remains opaque about revealing his schizophrenic tendencies on that voting day. He now admits he was in Parliament on Black Friday, but still did not want to say if he had intentionally left the chamber before the vote.

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It boils down to this, after incorporating Holland-Bukit Timah Member of Parliament Liang Eng Hwa's proposal to replace the word "policy" with "roadmap", the final vote on the controversial Population White Paper was: 
77 approved (all PAP members of parliament); 

13 said no, including all 9 Workers' Party Parliamentarians, 1 Non-Constituency MP (Lina Chiam) and 3 Nominated MPs (Laurence Lien, Faizah Jamal, and Janice Koh);
1 abstained (Nominated MP Eugene Tan);
8 were absent, one ostensibly being Lee Kuan Yew.

Assuming the rest of the 5 NMPs absented themselves (Tan Su Shan, Dhinakaran, Mary Liew, Teo Siong Seng, Nicholas Fang), 2 PAP MPs are unaccounted for. Maybe they are planning ahead to join George Yeo in Hong Kong. Inderjit Singh must be glad hiswayang role in the good cop/bad cop episode is over, and he can safely vote according to party instructions, and not what's truly in his heart of hearts. Or did he? Singh will only admit, "All I want to say is I was not present for the vote." The exercise clearly demonstrates why the number of alternate party voices in parliament must increase.

related: It All Comes Down To The WHIP

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The Abstention

If you are a Member of Parliament (MP) from the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP), you can do no right! That seems to be the attitude of some people in Singapore if you look at the online reaction of some people to PAP MP, Mr. Inderjit Singh.

During the debate of the Population White Paper, several PAP MPs went up to talk of their opposition to the white paper but when push comes to shove, only one did not toe the party line and vote for it. The MP is question is Inderjit Singh who opposed the Population White Paper and walked out when the vote took place. His vote of abstention was noted and during an interview with the local newspaper, Lianhe Zaobao, he expressed the reasons for his non-vote.

Now the PAP is a party known for their strict party discipline. I can’t even remember the last time a PAP MP did not toe the party line, so I’m impressed with the courage and conviction shown by Mr. Singh. Unfortunately, it seems a lot of people are not. Some people have posted online that Mr. Singh’s abstention was nothing but political theater. These people in Singapore seem to think that an abstention means nothing

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[FB] 精选早报 Zaobao

On 3 March, 2013, Lianhe Zaobao published an exclusive interview with Member of Parliament Inderjit Singh.

An extract of the interview transcript in English is reproduced here for readers' interest.

On the White Paper speech, on voting and PM's change in position 

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Stop the growth in PRs and new citizens: PAP’s Inderjit Singh

People’s Action Party’s deputy party whip Inderjit Singh on Tuesday urged the government to stop the growth in the number of permanent residents and new citizens, and focus on improving the lives of Singaporeans.

The call by the Ang Mo Kio parliament member was made Tuesday in response to the population white paper tabled for discussion in Parliament proceedings this past week. The paper’s estimate of a population of up to 6.9 million by 2030 -- of which nearly half would be made of foreigners -- has drawn heavy flak from Singaporeans, many of whom have been complaining about the rising cost of living and overcrowding in public transport.

Among the few MPs of the ruling party that have come out to criticise the white paper, Singh argued in Parliament that the government should “take a breather” from  population growth for five years and solve the problems created by past economic and population policies.

related: Sg is my home

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Speech by Mr Inderjit Singh on Population White Paper

People's Action Party MP, Mr Inderjit Singh, debated on the Population White Paper and put up his point across that he is against his own party's 6.9m projected population. I applaud his courage to stand up against the party whip and for his fellow Singaporeans.

His key points are;
  1. Slow down immigration and focus on resolving all issue related to the past population boom.
  2. We can live with a slightly slower growth (not zero or slow growth) and hence moderate dependence on foreigners.
  3. Use the Dubai model to complement our local workforce with foreign workforce, but don’t grant them PRs – ie a transient workforce.
  4. Abandon the 6.9m figure by 2030, this will be another rapid growth which we cannot handle.
  5. Solve Singaporeans problems first and also don’t give PRs same privileges as citizens.
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While the report has some compelling arguments for the 6.9m population figure projected, we all know it is based mainly on economic considerations. Had we focused on things like building a cohesive nation with a strong national identity, the outcome would likely be very different.

I feel the time has come for us to find a better balance between economic growth and social cohesion and yes there will have to be tradeoffs of economic growth but I would rather trade some of these for a cohesive, united nation where people feel taken care of at home and are confident of their future. I am not saying we go for low or no growth. Instead I am willing to adjust my growth expectations for a more comfortable life for all Singaporeans. I am confident we will still be able to pursue respectable economic growth when companies and Singaporeans are faced with a situation of tightened labour availability by focusing on improving ourselves through productivity and higher value capabilities. Finland and other small nations have done, we can do it too. 

Our past decade of rapid population growth has already created too many problems which need to be solved first before we take the next step. I call on the government to take a breather for five years, solve all the problems created by the past policies of rapid economic and population growth. We can safely say that we have failed to achieve the goal set by the then Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong, of a Swiss standard of living for most Singaporeans, except for the higher income Singaporeans including foreigners who just recently decided to make Singapore their home. So I call for a breather in this quest of growing the population and focus on improving the lives of Singaporeans and achieve that promised Swiss Standard of living for most Singaporeans first before we plan our next growth trajectory.

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Inderjit Singh and his Political Dilemma!

A 'hero' in the making is Inderjit Singh..with his fiery passionate speech on the White Paper and also ticked Goh Chok Tong (GCT) on his failed PM-ship to suggest to bring S'pore to the Swiss Standard of living...What has become of S'pore NOW !! It is elitist PAP living!!!

I was in parliament that day to witness his 'heroic' speech. But then the outcome was such a disappointment. Apart from all that...he also has an axe to grind with the govt to withhold more foreigner workers in our country. It is going to affect his own business (owning maybe a couple of SME business).

Hence he questioned Gerald Giam (GG) on WP's stand of near zero foreigner workers but to look inwards for S'poreans...failing which to make the shortfall, only foreigners will be admitted..A good proposition by WP's GG.

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Interjit Singh: Let’s give PM the support to work on White Paper plans

So I think we achieved a lot at this debate on the white paper:
1. The motion got amended and took out the words “population policy” and added a whole set of things which focused on core Singaporeans and on the plans to improve Singapore and lives of Singaporeans,
2. The government listened and decided to amend the 6.9m number,
3. The government agreed to take the views of many MPs and Singaporeans who contributed to the debate.
I am glad the government showed flexibility this time round. I know the prime minister will deliver and I am fully behind him on this. I want to thank the Prime Minister for showing this flexibility and we should all give him the full support so that he can work on the plans with his team.

So I see the white paper now as a working paper for the government to keep improving it based on the suggestions we have given and based on what the government will hear during the ongoing national conversation. I felt that many of the things I asked for in my speech did get through to the government and let’s hope the actions which will follow will also reflect this openness the government has demonstrated during the debate. I am confident this will happen.

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Being a Minister is so stressful

Being a Minister is so stressful, no wonder they need to be paid higher...

- Lui Tuck Yew worried why MRTs and buses are unreliable and always breakdown
- Yaccob Ibrahim worried why M1 and Singtel are not perform their duties
- Teo Chee Hean worried why civil servants are increasingly corrupt
- Gan Kim Yong worried why there hospitals are short of beds
- Tan Chuan-Jin worried why employers prefer to employ foreigners
- Khaw Boon Wan worried why housing prices are too high
- Ng Eng Hen worried why Citizens not treating others as they would like to be treated
- Lim Hng Kiang worried why SG's FTAs are not working well
- Vivian Bala is worried why NEA cant nail WP for the lapses
- Heng Swee Keat worried why education system is not producing employable citizens
- Chan Chun Sing is worried why there are so many poor citizens in SG
- Lee Hsien Loong worried he feels S'poreans are like a pack of hounds going after him

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