

One, Two, Three In A Row

Woman jailed for theft, forgery and cheating

Wee Yat Mui (above), 39, who stole her elder sister's credit cards and identity card, and went on to commit a series of offences, was jailed for 27 months on Wednesday, Dec 4, 2013 - PHOTO: SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE

Dec 04, 2013 1:17PM - A woman who stole her elder sister's credit cards and identity card, and went on to commit a series of offences was jailed for 27 months on Wednesday

Wee Yat Mui, 39, pleaded guilty to eight charges - two each of of theft and forgery and four of cheating - and had 34 other charges considered during her sentencing. The total amount lost in all the charges was $26,254

A district court heard that the former sales engineer not only made unauthorised transactions on her sister, accountant Wee Yat Lian's credit cards but also impersonated the 43-year-old to apply for the surrender of her insurance policies by forging documents

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Woman jailed for forgery and pocketing $550k from her employer

Linda Tan Siew Li (above), 39, who pocketed $549,960 from her employer, Tiong Aik Resources early this year, was jailed for four years on Wednesday, Dec 4, 2013 - PHOTO: SINGAPORE POLICE FORCE

Dec 04, 2013 5:22 PM - An administrative assistant who pocketed $549,960 from her employer was jailed for four years on Wednesday. Linda Tan Siew Li, 39, admitted to dishonestly misappropriating the amount when she was working for Tiong Aik Resources early this year

She also pleaded guilty to forgery by making a false part of a document by appending certain amounts and the signatures of the company's accounts officer with intent to defraud her manager into believing that she handed over the appended amounts to the officer

Tiong Aik Resources is a related company of Tiong Aik Construction which operates a training and test centre in Chennai, India, with the approval of the Building and Construction Authority of Singapore. A subsidiary known as TAC Resources (India) was incorporated in India to operate the centre.

Ex-AIA insurance agent pleads guilty to charges involving fake US$5.06 million policy

Former AIA agent Sally Low Ai Ming (above) pleaded guilty to four of the 19 charges involving a fake policy she had sold to her client over a decade ago. The other 15 charges will be taken into consideration when she is sentenced - ST PHOTO: WONG KWAI CHOW

04 Dec 2013 9:12PM - Low, 37, is said to have come up with fake policy papers and forged official documents as part of the deceit.

In 2002, Low sold a non-existent plan she called the "AIA Thank You" policy to Indonesian Chinese Mr Ong Han Ling.

As payment for the policy, Mr Ong, a Singapore permanent resident, transferred US$5.06 million to AIA via five telegraphic transfers in November that year.

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