

Watz Buzzing - 5 Nov 2013

Woman shown grabbing at Kinetic Rain installation at Changi Airport

Pictures and video footage of an unidentified woman grabbing at part of the "Kinetic Rain" installation were circulating social media on Saturday and Sunday
This collage of a woman grabbing the metallic droplets of the "Kinetic Rain" installation has been circulating social media on Saturday and Saturday. (Photo from Facebook)
Yahoo Newsroom - This collage of a woman grabbing the metallic droplets of the "Kinetic Rain" installation has been circulating social media on Saturday and Saturday. (Photo from Facebook)

The woman, who was wearing a white dress, appeared to have climbed over the railing at Changi Airport Terminal 1 and onto a metallic safety netting below part of the installation, where she is pictured in a series of photographs grabbing bunches of the metallic "raindrops".

A video on Facebook also shows the woman climbing back out and over the railing, with one "raindrop" in hand. A guard is also seen in the video asking her to reach out her hand to him so he can pull her back up.

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Daft Singaporeans still ignorant of being screwed by S'pore's CECA deal with India
TR Emeritus, 2 Nov 2013

Lim Hng Kiang was MTI minister and Ng Eng Hen was MOM Minister.Full story
  1. Tan Chuan-Jin: Singapore govt has signed agreement with other countries to allow their MNCs to transfer as many foreign executives as they want into the republic
  2. India govt decries CECA violation by Singapore - Business Standard
  3. India may drag Singapore to WTO for restricting inflow of Indian PMETs - Business Standard
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I refer to the article “Conservancy workers at PAP town councils to get pay rise” (Channel NewsAsia, Nov 3). It states that “ Conservancy workers at the 15 PAP Town Councils will soon be able to earn more under a progressive wage model salary structure. Under the new salary structure, the salary of cleaners will start from S$1,200 a month, up from an average of S$1,000 currently.”

“2,500 Singaporean cleaners engaged by 15 PAP town councils will get a pay raise and more skills training” (“Local cleaners under PAP town councils to get more pay and training“, Straits Times, Nov 3).

What about the other 69,000 cleaners?

PAP town councils to increase S&C charges

Dr Teo Ho Pin, coordinating chairman of 15 PAP TCs

Speaking to the media yesterday (3 Nov), coordinating chairman of all the PAP town councils, Dr Teo Ho Pin, said that conservancy charges for HDB estates will need to be revised upwards at some point. The revision is necessary due to conservancy workers at the 15 PAP town councils being paid more.

Conservancy workers at the PAP town councils will soon earn more under a progressive wage model salary structure, starting from $1,200 a month, up from the current average of $1,000.

Higher salaries for convervancy workes are expected to commensurate with improved levels of service. But residents will eventually have to pay more in terms of service and conservancy (S&C) charges.

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Where are the “good jobs”, Prime Minister?

The current debate over jobs – who should these go to – stems from some murky and dubious claims by different sides. Let’s take a look at two simple issues – how many jobs have gone to Singaporeans and foreigners; and what kinds of jobs these are.

Ten years ago, in 2003, three economists from the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), released a report which said that “three out of four new jobs in Singapore were taken up by foreigners in the last five years.” (See here.)

The three were former National Wages Council chairman, Professor Lim Chong Yah, Dr Tan Khee Giap and Dr Chen Kang

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PM: SG must stay successful & relevant

This is from Saturday's papers and I have been thinking about it for the past couple of days. The logic of the PM's thesis is simple and compelling but there is a big problem which eventually must appear. What if the success we are enjoying is actually an exhilarating ride to the edge of the falls? Let's say the world is riding along and we are relevant because we are a poster child of that success. Everyone comes to us to learn how to do better.

We would have gone full steam ahead into dotcoms if we could. Ditto in financial services. That would have ended in an epic train wreck. We were lucky and as we had so often.

What about the times when we know we are right and everyone is wrong? Do we go along with the trend? Like Buffett turning his back on dotcoms vs our Phillip Yeo who was over the moon about them. You see survival for us goes way beyond being successful and relevant. It calls for great foresight without which courage is not helpful.

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SHOCKING Facts About Our CPF in Singapore!

Singaporeans have always been told by the government that we pay one of the lowest taxes in the world. But do you know what we have not been told?

Do you know that when comparing what we pay into our CPF with what people in other countries pay into their forms of social security, Singapore actually has the highest total contribution rate (employee 20% + employer 16% contribution rate) in the world (Chart 1)!

But not only that, what is even more shocking is that the 20% of our own income that employees pay into the CPF is also the highest in the world (Chart 2)! So, Singaporeans pay the highest proportion of our income into social security in the world.

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Of Dogs And Men

A dog did this - scene from "The Green Mile"

Anybody wondering about what Briton Alison McElwee has to say, or bother to hear her out? The dog was alleged to have bit her four-year-old daughter. Yet she went through the trouble of procuring professional services to put the animal down humanely. Most mothers would have freaked out and done a Lady Macbeth:
I would, while it was smiling in my face,
Have pluck'd my nipple from his boneless gums,
And dash'd the brains out
In a scene from the Tom Hanks movie "The Green Mile", about John Coffey, a giant black man convicted of raping and killing two young white girls, there's an insight about how something gentle is capable of inexplicable violence:

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PAP’s view of us 40%ers?

Given that the PAP has ruled S’pore since 1959, and our standard of living is now first world, surely the PAP had shumething to do with it*? And surely. the PAP is entitled to get upset that 40% of the voters (self included) prefer to vote for the opposition?

Actually, the PAP should adopt a slightly different perspective. True, WP*** won a GRC and got 12.8% of the popular vote. But it is widely perceived by S’poreans as “PAP Lite”: in some lighting conditions their light blue shirts appear white.

This means that 72.8% of the electorate are very comfortable with the PAP, and S’pore being a defacto one party state: all the elected MPs are from the PAP (most) or the WP (7)

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Regardless of Race, Language or Religion

– Breakfast Network: Grassroots movement or lalang on fire?
– The Real Singapore: A Sporea Muslim’s response to Yaacob’s inaction on the Hijab issue
– Anyhow Hantam: Let’s Make Article 152 Special Again. (Part 1)
– I on Singapore: Of Hjiabs and Tudungs: Tolerance and mutual respect

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