

Snap General Election in Sep 2015?

Big plans for S'pore's Golden Jubilee
Fresh from chairing the year-long Our Singapore Conversation dialogue, the next big task on Education Minister Heng Swee Keat's plate is to lead a new committee to prepare for Singapore's Golden Jubilee celebrations in two years' time

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced this yesterday as he said that such a milestone - the country's 50th anniversary since independence in 1965 - should be marked properly with not just a big birthday party, but make it an occasion where people could both reflect on the past and think about the kind of future that they want for the nation.

As far as Mr Heng's new committee - named S50 to mark the nation's age in 2015 - is concerned, Mr Lee called on Singaporeans to look back on the journey taken so far and to work together for a better future.

Calling for a "right mix" between a big celebration and giving thanks for the country's achievements, he said: "We've had 50 good years. Let's work together and put in the effort to have another 50 years. It's a subject where you need as wide an involvement as possible - people, community and government - and then we can do it together."

Golden Jubilee celebrations to be ground-up efforts

Fireworks lit up the sky during the National Day Parade. PM Lee Hsien Loong has said that "we should mark the occasion (Singapore’s 50th year of independence in 2015) properly, 50 years is a significant milestone…I don’t think we should just have a fireworks display and a party”

Singaporeans will not only have a say in how the nation celebrates its Golden Jubilee in 2015, they will also be invited to plan and organise activities.

A steering committee has been formed to guide and coordinate the plans for Singapore's 50th anniversary celebrations.

Members of the SG50 Steering Committee come from all walks of life including visually handicapped research scientist, Dr Yeo Sze Ling, who was mentioned by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong during his National Day Rally speech.

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Channel NewsAsia unveils plans to mark Singapore's 50 years of independence

As Singapore marks a grand milestone in nationhood in 2015, Channel NewsAsia has unveiled ambitious plans to develop iconic Singapore-made documentaries to celebrate the Singapore story.

With the support of the Media Development Authority, the channel will commission, produce and outsource over 30 hours of documentaries

S$13 million will be disbursed from the next financial year for three years.

Channel NewsAsia calls for docu ideas for SG@50 project

Channel NewsAsia is calling for the submission of documentary ideas that capture and celebrate all things Singaporean.

This SuperPitch was announced at the Channel NewsAsia trade and media launch on August 21.

It is part of plans by the channel to develop iconic Singapore-made documentaries to celebrate the Singapore Story as the country marks its 50 years of independence.

Upgraded waterfront for Pasir Ris residents by 2015
Groundbreaking ceremony for ABC Waters at Sungei Api Api & Sungei Tampines. From left: Mr Zainal Bin Sapari, MP for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC; Mr Teo Chee Hean, Deputy Prime Minister and MP for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC, and PUB Chief Executive Mr Chew Men Leong. (Photo: PUB)

Come 2015, Pasir Ris residents will have an upgraded waterfront right at their doorstep when nearly one kilometre of the town's two waterways, Sungei Api Api and Sungei Tampines, will be spruced up.

Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean officiated the groundbreaking ceremony for the water project on Sunday evening.

Located between Tampines Expressway and Pasir Ris Drive 3, the new waterway will have rain gardens as well as additional plantings.

More food, scenic rivers for Pasir Ris residents
Artist impression of the spruced up Sungei Api Api waterway. Pasir Ris residents can look forward to more pleasant waterways and a new hawker centre at the heart of their town in the next few years. -- PHOTO: PUB

Pasir Ris residents can look forward to more pleasant waterways and a new hawker centre at the heart of their town in the next few years.

Nearly 1km of the town's two waterways, Sungei Api Api and Sungei Tampines, will be spruced up by 2015.

Current mangroves will be preserved, and more greenery will be planted along the canal walls. Gardens which filter rainwater through soil and plants will also be installed.

Newly-named Al-Islah mosque in Punggol to be ready by 2015

The Kiblah - the direction of the Kaabah in Mecca that Muslims pray towards - was also determined at Saturday's ceremony by Mufti Fatris.

The new mosque is scheduled to be completed by early 2015. Construction was previously estimated to cost between $17 million and $19 millio

Chairman of the mosque's building committee Wan Rizal Wan Zakariah said $3.1 million in donations has been raised for the mosque's interior furnishing and fittings. The initial target of $1.5 million for furnishing works had been revised to $3.5 million, taking into account rising costs

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Govt's 2015 goal for older workers

THE Government hopes to achieve by 2015 an employment rate of 65 per cent for older workers aged between 55 and 64.

This goal is within reach if the economic and employment climate remains optimistic, and with the steps taken to make older workers more employable, said Minister for Manpower Gan Kim Yong.

He noted that the employment rate for residents aged 55 to 64 rose to a new high of 59 per cent last year, coming after two years of "stagnation" during the recession

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New multi-service centre for needy by 2015

By 2015, the poor and the vulnerable in Singapore will get more support through a multi-service centre in Toa Payoh.

Agape Village, a four-storey centre which houses charities and services provided by the social arm of the Catholic Church, will offer services such as counselling, legal aid, caregiver support, job training and job-matching for displaced workers

The centre will also have facilities such as counselling and training rooms, a multipurpose hall, thrift shop, food bank and cafe.

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iN2015 Masterplan

In May 2005, a high-level steering committee convened to spearhead the development of Singapore's 10-year masterplan to grow the infocomm sector and to use infocomm technologies to enhance the competitiveness of key economic sectors and build a well-connected society.

iN2015 is a living blueprint, jointly developed with the people and the private sectors, to navigate Singapore's exhilarating transition into An Intelligent Nation, A Global City, Powered By Infocomm

iN2015 will fuel creativity and enable innovation among businesses and individuals by providing an infocomm platform that supports enterprise and talent.It will connect businesses, individuals and communities, giving them the ability to harness resources and capabilities across geographies. iN2015 will be the conduit to enable access to the world's resources and for Singapore to export her ideas, products and services to the global marketplace

SG2015 – 50 Birthday Gifts for Singapore in 2015
SG2015 – 50 Birthday Gifts for Singapore in 2015

Stepping into the office of GridSynergy, you will find that it looks very different from other companies. It is filled with employees working enthusiastically behind giant monitors. Evelyn Lau (39), cofounder of gridsynergy, greeted me with a warm handshake.

According to her, Gridsynergy is one of the first transmedia companies. Eve might look non-imposing, but this businesswoman has been involved in creating many ideas, including *SCAPE. Philip Wu (45), the other cofounder has worked in the movie industry and for Singtel before. The two of them, although from different industries, met 8 years ago and found that they have the same aspiration about doing good.

Recently in 2012, Gridsynergy has set up the SG2015 Project, which hopes that by August 9 2015, they can create 50 people-driven continuous projects as birthday gifts to Singapore. Right now, the cofounders Eve and Philip are involved with 2 projects of their own.

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Rumour of early snap election

There are some noises that an early poll could be called judging from the visits by ministers to residents. I can’t confirm this but are there reasons for an early premature poll? It is something that would be frown upon as a waste of money and time of the people when the last GE was slightly more than two years back.

The calling for a snap poll must need a very good reason to do so. And looking at the sentiments today and the revelations of so many flaws in the system, it cannot be a good time for the PAP right now. Unless my perception is wrong and the PAP thinks that the ground is sweet again. Who knows?

There could be a few reasons for the PAP to want to call an early election. LKY is looking more like a physical burden to himself and to his constituency, and it is best to remove the obvious and put in a younger MP to do what an MP is supposed to do. It is also a good time for him to take a really good rest, to reminisce and romanticise his youth, and to bask under the glory before it is gone.

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How to Make Your Own Judgement on PM’s NDR 2013 Speech

Lee said his speech was a feedback of Our Singapore Conversation that seeks consensus for the future development of Singapore. Do you agree with this consensus?  Do you see the consensus?

After viewing the video, you can then use the 6 short-cuts to make you own judgement.  If the election is called tomorrow, will you vote for Lee and the PAP?  Which one of the short-cuts is the most critical factor for you to make your decision? And are you a marginal voter and will you make a change after listening to his speech?

Voting is secret and we should all make a wise choice for Singapore. There is rumour in social media, if Lee’s sales technique and persuasion work, the PAP will call for early election.

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Snap General Elections in 2014/2015?

So is general election going to be round the corner this year? The last election was conducted only in 2011 and the prime minister has to call one by 2016 latest.

Netizens set the alarm bells ringing as they saw many tell-tale signs of an early election initiated by the ruling party - the big Pioneer Generation Package benefitting 450,000 seniors to buy their heart and then the damaging attack on their biggest political rival Workers' Party through the account fiasco via Aljunied town council.

There is also the Indonesian tussle with regard to the naming of the new warship after two heroes who bombed MacDonald house in 1965 which killed three people. Critics accused the government of using the incident to fan up nationalistic feelings so that the people is seen as uniting behind the country. So far it is not working as planned.

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Snap General Elections in 2015?
Fourth generation political leadership taking shape
Order of Succession And Baton Passing
Snap General Elections in 2014/2015?
Snap General Election in Sep 2015?