

Relax a little, You have Wisdom !!

輕鬆一下. 真的很有智慧!!
Relax a little, You have Wisdom !!

A guy is 84 years old and loves to fish.

He was sitting in his boat the other day
when he heard a voice say, ' Pick me up. '
一天,他坐在船上釣魚的當下聽到 一個聲音說:「把我拿起來。」 !

He looked around and couldn't see anyone

He thought he was dreaming
when he heard the voice say again, ' Pick me up. '
當他又聽到「把我拿起來」時, 他以為是他的幻覺

He looked in the water and there,
floating on the top, was a frog.
他往水中定神一看, 那裡正有一隻青蛙浮在水面上

The man said, ' Are you talking to me? '


The frog said, ' Yes, I'm talking to you.


Pick me up then, kiss me and
I'll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen. 將我拿起來,吻我, 我就會變為你今生所見最漂亮的女人

I'll make sure that all your friends are envious
and jealous because I will be your bride! '
我確定你的朋友是既羨慕又嫉妒, 因為我即將成為你的新娘

The man looked at the frog for a short time,
reached over, picked it up carefully, and placed it in his front pocket.老先生凝視青蛙片刻後,伸出手, 很小心地托起青蛙放入他前面的口袋裡

The frog said, ' What, are you
, nuts? Didn't you hear what I said? I said kiss me and I will be your beautiful bride. '
青蛙說:「怎麼,你瘋啦?你沒聽我說嗎? 我說,吻我,然後我就會成為你美麗的新娘。」

He opened his pocket, looked at the frog and said,

'Nah, at my age I ' d rather have a talking frog. '

他撥開他的口袋,看著青蛙說: 「算了,以我這樣的年紀, 我寧願有一隻會說話的青蛙。」

人到達一個年齡,清楚甚麼該要,甚麼不該要,是一種 智慧

When you reach that age, you know what you want, what you can do........ it is Wisdom.Five simple rules to be happy


1. Free your heart from hatred - 釋放心中的憎恨

2. Free your mind from worries - 不過份憂慮

3. Live simply - 活得簡單

4. Give more - 付出多一些

5. Demand less, expect miracles in life - 少一點要求,對生命有盼望