

Watz Buzzing - 15 Jun 2013

MOE Offers SIA Youth Scholarship for Indian Students Only, 15 Jun 2013
Ministry of Education, Singapore is offering SIA Youth scholarship for Indian students in Singapore.
Study Subject(s): Courses offered by Singapore Junior Colleges.
Course Level: Scholarship is available for pursuing Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education ‘Advanced’ (GCE ‘A’) Level (or equivalent) certificate.
-Nationals of India
-Born between 1995 and 1997
-Completed Standard 10 in the Year 2013
-Possess outstanding academic track record (at least an average of 85% / minimum ‘A’ with English as first language in the Standard 10 State/National examinations)
Duration of award(s): The Scholarship is for 2 years of Pre-University studies in selected Singapore Junior Colleges and is renewed annually subject to the satisfactory performance of the scholar.
What does it cover?
-Annual allowance of S$2,400 with hostel accommodation
-Settling-in allowance of S$500 (once only)
-Return economy class air passage
-Coverage of school fees (excluding miscellaneous fees)
-Coverage of GCE ‘A’ Level examination fees (once only)
-Subsidised medical benefits and accident insurance cover.
How to Apply: There are 2 modes of application — online or hardcopy application. Each applicant should submit only ONE application and the online mode is recommended. Please do not send in a hardcopy application if you have already applied for the scholarship online and vice versa.
Scholarship Application Deadline: July 14, 2013



  1. Is This Why Our Ministers Are Trying To Discourage Singaporean Students From Local Universities?
  2. OPINION: Singapore leaders seek to reduce local graduates as mass intake of foreigners led to excess supply of degree holders
  3. OPINION: Political reasons why our government is restricting graduate enrolment for local-born Singaporeans?
  4. Good education can no longer guarantee Singaporeans a job, Education Minister Heng Swee Keat warns
  5. Singaporean student who scores 8 As in GCE A Level Exam was rejected by NUS Law Faculty, plans to read law in UK
  6. Singaporean students feel the heat from foreign counterparts - Yahoo! News Singapore
  7. Are foreigners depriving locals of places in NUS, NTU and SMU? -
  8. Khaw Boon Wan discourages ITE and polytechnic graduates from pursuing university degree
  9. Wikileaks: MOE does not encourage more Singaporean students to get a tertiary education
  10. Education Minister Lawrence Wong: "If everyone can move up, we will not have enough ITE graduates out there in the workforce"
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Snapshot: New citizens say "NO" to mandatory National Service


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Khaw Boon Wan slams Singaporean youths for "anti-immigration" stance in an oversea forum

Hardwarezone Forum, 15 Jun 2013
Noting that the 21st century has seen much change, Mr Khaw said many feel “unsettled”, “anxious” and even “suspicious”. “Some of our youths are losing optimism, as they remain unemployed or under-employed for months or years. Some of our people have taken on an anti-immigration stance as they blame foreigners for their all their problems. If this leads to an anti-globalisation mood, the world will be poorer for it,” he said. Full story

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OPINION: Troubled times for Singaporean workers - Seah Chiang Nee

Malaysia Star, 15 Jun 2013

Firstly, the government has a duty to protect the interests of workers during a labour conflict.
Ironically, the government is also the state’s biggest employer.

The government owns about one-third of Singapore’s listed companies. Its interest is to have a cheap workforce or at least not an expensive one.

NTUC is a trade union movement but it also owns several companies, including insurance, taxis, supermarkets and retail businesses, which makes it a big-scale employer as well.

So this voice of workers which owns a list of big businesses is also a major employer.

When people clamoured for an anti-discrimination law for workers, Lim immediately said it must also be formulated to benefit the bosses.

In his view, a good worker is a cheap worker, something that Lim has advocated publicly. Full story

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S’poreans agree bowling is tougher than silat

Jessie Phua, head of bowling — a sport played by real athletes. In air con environment. Walking around. Rolling a ball. Down the longkang. [Pic stolen from Yahoo!]

Singaporeans from all walks of life and socio-political caste have all collectively agreed that bowling is a tougher sport than silat.

This after bowling chief Jessie Phua, who is also the chairwoman of the Singapore Sports Awards, indirectly implied that being the male silat champion of 2012 is accomplishing nothing noteworthy in sports.

Phua is part of the committee that deemed that no male athlete had achieved anything of note in 2012, hence, the omission of the Sportsman of the Year accolade from this year’s awards.

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Singapore silat chief: I want apology for ‘demoralising’ remark

Muhammad Shakir (Singapore Silat Federation)

Abdul Kadir (R) of Singapore lands a kick on Phu Sau Bui (L) of Vietnam to score a point in the mens' Pencak Silat

Say sorry.

That’s what enraged Singapore Silat Federation head, Sheik Alauddin, wants from bowling chief and chairwoman of the Singapore Sports Awards (SSA), Jessie Phua

Sheik’s fury stems from the omission of the Sportsman of the Year accolade from this year’s awards, after a selection committee deemed that no male athlete had achieved anything of note in 2012.

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Bus driver video: Indie film-maker warned

The Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) yesterday issued a letter of warning to independent filmmaker Lee Seng Lynn, after she published video interviews in which two former SMRT bus drivers alleged they were slapped, punched and threatened while in police custody.

The AGC said in a statement that Ms Lee’s conduct and actions amounted to contempt of court as she had created “a real risk of prejudice to the criminal proceedings which were pending then”.

On Jan 28, Ms Lee published on her website Lianain Films, two video interviews with He Jun Ling, 32, and Liu Xiangying, 33, who alleged that they were assaulted by police officers while they were held for questioning last November over an illegal strike.

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The Singapore daily

Daily SG – What everyone is talking about: 14 Jun 2013
• A beautiful Father's Day story: Suprise dinner date with families for inmates
• The land beyond the tenth mile
• Agitated? Use of arbitrary power is the S’pore way leh!
• BN Special: A conversation on housing the elderly… without the elderly
• The PAP Needs to Evolve and Move On
• Vivian Balakrishnan and NEA versus Aljunied Town Council: Storm in a Teacup
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