

Sunny Side of the Singapore Haze

Brands get witty with haze situation

While locals fume over the haze hanging over the nation, smart brands are working it to their advantage. Here are the top five ads that caught our eye:

Adidas made an attempt to run from the haze by launching one day free gym access passes at True Fitness. The haze situation will be assessed at 1pm and the PSI level at that point will then determine the number of passes handed out for the next day

Ice cream brand Dreyer's also attempts to make the best of the situation by hawking its ice cream to heated locals

Locals going nutty over the haze need to calm down with chocolate says Cadbury. Here's the ad we spotted on its Facebook page

Meanwhile McD's makes an attempt at word play promoting its new sauces by running with the tagline: "Today's Peak Sauce Index is looking deliciously high", highlighting the letters PSI

Oreo created its own creepy (but somewhat tasty) looking mask urging locals to "Breathe Sweet"

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Choking on Humor – Singapore Sees Funny Side of Haze

From posting images of famous landmarks wearing gas masks to outrageous tweets about how to handle Singapore's worst air quality problem in history, residents in the Southeast Asian nation, while mostly outraged by the unprecedented haze problem, are trying to see the funny side to a serious situation.

Comical memes are all the rage on popular social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, as residents, confined indoors to escape from a haze that's hit record levels on Friday, took their creativity – and humor – to the next level.

Among the most shared images is one of the famous Singapore mascot, the Merlion, covered by a gas mask, which was posted by Amy Kong on Facebook.

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LOOK Haze ads aren't always funny

No doubt some brands have been smart enough to quickly inject humour in their campaigns on haze but not all got it right.

Seen in yesterday's papers, McDonald's 'PSI' advertisement drew much criticism online with many saying the ad wasn't done in good humor.

The ad came shortly after Singapore experienced its worst day of haze. McDonalds has since apologised for the incident and said that the ad was not meant to "trivialise the current haze situation."

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Singapore Pokes Fun at Haze

Twitter hashtags like #sghaze and #ReplaceMovieNamesWithHaze have also been gaining traction with users posting everything from wacky comparisons about the bad air quality to making bizarre suggestions on how to deal with the smog. Some tweets are going viral, like the one below from @LeticiaBongnino that has been retweeted more than 2,000 times since Thursday evening.

Terence Chua, covered by a mask in his Twitter profile photo, advises below why smokers are in an ideal situation.

"Am unaccountably amused when I see people out in the #sghaze having a smoke. Save money! Just breathe in!"

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Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media
Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media
Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media
Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media
Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media
Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media
Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media
Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media
Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media
Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media
Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media
Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media
Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media
Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media
Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media
Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media
Haze situation in Singapore sparks memes on social media

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Singapore’s in a haze

but you might need face masks

A scene from the movie, Independence Day? Where is Will Smith when you need him
Could the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, from the movie Ghostbusters, be roaming around Singapore? We only wish. (Photo: Joshua Chiang Facebook profile) Read report.
Could the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, from the movie Ghostbusters, be roaming around Singapore? We only wish

Poor Jia Jia and Kai Kai

The two men wearing one bra - It's good to know that bras have multiple uses

"Soon after this picture was taken, Godzilla collapsed from asthma." - Mr Brown

"This is dedicated to all those passionate Singaporean queuing for Hello Kitty right now. You got to have this, while PSI lasts"

"Seriously people?" - We agree with the sentiment

Facebook "Sean Heng" took a picture of birds who had died on a field in Punggol

Like a boss" - Leticia Bongnino

A wedding couple braves the haze to take their photos

Necessity is the mother of invention
Maybe tourists won't be so upset if Gardens By The Bay was renamed as this

The hottest and smokiest book in town

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