

Snapshots of Inaugural Labour Day Protest

Scenes from the protest

Well said!

Young parents worried for their kids’ future

Spot on!

Placards designed by ordinary Singaporeans

One of five bales of cloth with signatures of protest

Getting the shot for posterity

Punk boy from the last protest (Photo by Lim Weixiang)

100% Singaporean – and proud of it (Photo by Shawn Danker
Father with his daughter, wearing the shirt that was on sale for the event
Father with his daughter, wearing the shirt that was on sale for the event (Photo by Lim Weixiang)

Singaporeans make their love for food known (Photo by Shawn Danker)

People power was a common motif at Hong Lim Park. And despite what the G would like to say, the people vehemently against the the white paper are still fixated on the 6.9 number (Photo by Shawn Danker)

An aunty proudly holds up her placard for all to see. Who she wants to save is up to anyone’s imagination (Photo by Shawn Danker)

Even the punk community has come out in full regalia to add their voices to the cacophany of faces at Hong Lim Park despite the day’s sweltering heat (Photo by Shawn Danker)

Former AMP director Nizam Ismail, who pulled out as a speaker but still turned up for the event, together with his wife and child (Photo by Lim Weixiang)

Tan Kin Lian was on hand giving out clappers (Photo by Shawn Danker)

LKY makes his presence felt (Photo by Shawn Danker)

Dr Ang Yong Guan makes an appearance (Photo by Shawn Danker)

Masked man and woman with a message (Photo by Lim Weixiang)

Roping in the kids (Photo by Lim Weixiang)

M Ravi in hilfiger. He was one of the first speakers (Photo by Lim Weixiang)

Tan Jee Say was the last to speak (Photo by Lim Weixiang)
This man, Robert Fernandez, caused a commotion and disrupted the speakers mid when when he demanded to be given a minute to speak.
This man, Robert Fernandez, caused a commotion and disrupted the speakers midway through the speeches when he demanded to be given a minute to speak (Photo by Lim Weixiang)

The event ended with a recitation of the Singapore pledge (Photo by Lim Weixiang)

Member of the public posing a question during the press conference (Photo by Shawn Danker)

Member of the public speaks to the press (Photo by Shawn Danker)

These photos were taken at the May Day protest that was held at Hong Lim Park. Organisers estimated the event to be attended by between 5,000 – 6000 people. Read what our editor, Bertha Henson has to say about the event.

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1st May Population White Paper Protest @ Hong Lim Park, 1 May 2013

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The Singaporeans at Hong Lim May Day

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May Day messages at Hong Lim

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May Day 2013 protest at Hong Lim Park

Gilbert Goh

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May Day protest at Hong Lim Park

A smaller crowd showed up at Hong Lim Park today to protest against the Population White Paper. Depending on which media you listen to, the estimate of the crowd varies between 1000 to 5000. But one thing for sure, the crowd is smaller than the huge turnout 2 1/2 months ago.
Here’s a photo of the crowd at around 6:40pm.

Some say Singaporeans are forgetful and have forgotten about the Population White Paper. I think most people think that we have already said everything that need to be said in February. The ball is on the other side.

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Some Singapore may day protest placards

may day 5

may day 7

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Gilbert and his speakers

Gilbert being interviewed
The speakers
Gilbert and Zaobao reporter
Ravi enthralling the crowd
An independent speaker on his own
This one is carrying LKY on his back