

Office Bullying Goes Viral

Intern abuse incident gaining international media attention

The Young Turks, 22 May 2013, 22 May 2013
A Singapore company supervisor caught on video slapping a male intern is in trouble after the clip went viral on the web and sparked a public outcry. Full story, 22 May 2013
Police confirmed to AFP that a complaint had been lodged against the supervisor, who works at a software company, and the manpower ministry said it had also been alerted about the alleged case of workplace abuse. Full story
A Singapore company supervisor caught on video slapping a male intern is in trouble after the clip went viral on the web and sparked a public outcry. Full story

South China Morning Post, 21 May 2013
The video, recorded by another intern, was first uploaded on Friday evening and soon gathered tens of thousands of hits. Touching on the difficult job environment for young graduates in the island-city state, it hit a raw nerve with viewers. Full story

International Business Times, 21 May 2013
A supervisor at a Singapore company who was filmed slapping an intern in a now-viral YouTube clip has apologized to the man's parents, reports. The intern sat quietly as his boss violently slapped him across the face multiple times. Full story

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Office bully or legitimate psychopath?
Angry Boss (© Getty Images)

Everyone knows what it’s like to have crazy colleague, but how many people can say they’ve worked with someone who is an actual psychopath? According to Manfred Kets de Vries, a leading figure in the clinical study of organizational leadership, our offices might be populated with undiagnosed psychopaths. These are people who will stop at nothing to work their way up, who are incapable of feeling guilt, and whose expertise at faking genuine emotion can mask their actual lack of empathy.

Given the publicity that corporate scandals receive – as well as your own experiences – the presence of psychopaths in the office might not come as a surprise. But if that 17-second viral video of the Singaporean office worker slapping his subordinate has taught us anything, it’s that people love hearing tales of bosses gone bonkers – as long as those bosses aren’t their own.

So without further ado, here’s what you should know about working for, working alongside, or hiring a psychopath.

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Supervisor who assaulted intern is actually company's boss

The supervisor who was filmed hitting the head of his 29-year-old intern continually and using vulgar language towards him is actually the boss of the company, reports Lianhe Wanbao.

The video was filmed by another intern at the company, a Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) student. He asked to terminate his internship after the incident.

The abuser, identified only as Alan, is the owner of Encore, a software company registered under the name of Mr Lee Yew Nam.

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According to a sources, the office abuse took place in a firm known as Encore eServices and Mr Lee Yew Nam is listed as its company director.

The Manpower Ministry said it has met with the victim who was seen to be physically abused by his supervisor in an online video.

In a statement on Wednesday, MOM said it is investigating his employment terms, as well as possible infringements of the Employment Act.

Commenting on the alleged case, deputy secretary-general of the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) Heng Chee How said it is a reminder of the need to protect the rights and fight for decent treatment of workers.

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Alan, a menace in the office

Alan you are a menace in the office. From what I have read about you, you are unrepentant. I wish you have a boss like yourself and perhaps that would be the start of a successful learning journey for you.

Verbal abuse in our workplaces is common. I have seen too many and I had also been on the receiving end. My first supervisor threatened to knock me on the head if I made the mistake again. That was uncalled for but I couldn't resign. I needed the job and the money to get married. To this day I can remember how I felt my ears burned and I wanted to hit him in the face.

My take away from that experience was a financial strategy that allowed me to walk if I needed to (an option too many workers will never have). You never forget such lessons. Well the story had a happy ending. Privately I forgave him and as I learned the ropes and became very competent, getting along with him became easy and we became very good friends.

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Truth Is The Real Casualty

No wonder the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) flashed it's advertisement on telly last night again. You know, the one that has an old lady at a food court whinging about how her boss treats her. The happy ending has same lady saying "I know my rights", and the recalcitrant boss recanting, "I do it right". The stuff of fairy tales.

The hard truth on the ground, as demonstrated in the Shane M video, is a stark difference. The problem in propagating official lies is that truth becomes the real casualty. The MOM is not the only one at risk. The following opinion piece (unsigned) can only pull the paper's ranking lower than 149:
"In a parliamentary disclosure that took the wind out of the moral sails on which the opposition party had been coasting, he (Khaw Boon Wan) pointed that the WP, too, had turned to party affiliates in its own council management. The WP's defence - that the affiliates were supporters and not party members - was hardly convincing." (ST Monday May 20, 2013)
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Company where intern abuse took place has been identified

Hardwarezone Forum, 21 May 2013
ST understands victim was working at the Jurong East office of software company.... Full story


  1. Victim of workplace abuse files police report, MOM in touch with intern who recorded video - XIN MS News
  2. Man apologises for slapping co-worker in viral video taken by SIM student - Yahoo! News Singapore
  3. MOM tell victim of work place abuse to seek help from Union (aka Lim Swee Say) - Hardwarezone Forum
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Video shows Singapore office supervisor assaulting colleague

Secretly filmed footage from a Singapore office that shows a male intern being slapped by his bullying manager has triggered an outcry.

A Singapore company supervisor caught on video slapping a male intern is in trouble after the clip went viral on the web and sparked a public outcry. Police confirmed to news agency AFP that a complaint had been lodged against the supervisor, who works at a software company, and the manpower ministry said it had also been alerted about the alleged case of workplace abuse.

The 17-second "Singapore office bully" clip, first uploaded on the video-sharing website YouTube last Friday, showed the boss repeatedly slapping a younger man described by local media as a 29-year-old intern.

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Office bully clip goes viral

A fellow intern who filmed the video said in a posting at an online forum that he had noticed the supervisor "constantly bullying" his co-worker soon after starting his internship.

When he confronted the boss, the supervisor explained that "there is a story behind" the abuse.

"He said that my colleague apparently has an inferiority complex and apparently my supervisor is trying to 'nurture' him to get over it," he said.

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Office bullying sparks outcry in Singapore - VIDEO

"I felt this was stupid, as how can you nurture someone by hitting them? My co-worker is very timid and seems like the kind of guy that will not stand up for himself."

The Straits Times reported Wednesday that after the video went viral, two former interns in the same company also came out to say they had worked in fear under the supervisor.

Local Chinese-language newspaper Shin Min said the intern, a university graduate, was being paid Sg$500 ($400) a month and that his parents may seek compensation from the firm.

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Singapore supervisor caught on video slapping intern to 'nurture him'

A supervisor at a Singaporean company was seen slapping and bullying an intern, according to a video that has since gone viral online.

The video, recorded by another intern, was first uploaded on Friday evening and soon gathered tens of thousands of hits. Touching on the difficult job environment for young graduates in the island-city state, it hit a raw nerve with viewers.

The video has been taken off YouTube several times, first because it contained "content designed to harass, bully or threaten" and later because of copyright infringement.

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Singapore Supervisor Slaps Intern To 'Nurture' Him In Viral Clip [VIDEO]

An intern at a Singapore company who was slapped by his supervisor has been terminated from his job, along with a co-worker who secretly filmed the abuse and posted a clip on YouTube that went viral, reports.

It's clear from the angle of the video that it was secretly filmed by another intern in the room. The supervisor from Singapore Institute of Management approaches the intern and slaps him swiftly across the face. The victim remains seated and continues to take the abuse as his boss slaps him multiple times across his face. Toward the end of the video, another man dressed in a blue shirt is seen trying to restrain the attacker from hurting the intern any further.

The SIM supervisor, who was identified as Alan, according to Yahoo, apologized to the victim's parents when they showed up to his office after seeing the video, saying he'd slapped the young man in a fit of anger. They rejected his apology.

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OPINION: Exposing office abuse on Youtube shows the lack of faith in MOM and NTUC protecting Singapore workers from rogue employers

Channelnewsasia Forum, 23 May 2013 Link

Related: TAN CHUAN JIN can't take ACTION on the SLAPPING SUPERVISOR, he can protect workers? - Channelnewsasia Forum

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Man apologises for slapping co-worker in viral video taken by SIM student

[UPDATE on Monday, 20 May at 9.30pm: Added details of supervisor's apology. The original video clip (and its duplicates) has been taken down by YouTube due to violations of its policy on disturbing content. A copy of the clip was also uploaded by The Real Singapore to its Facebook page here.] 

The man who was filmed slapping his co-worker in a Singapore office has come out to apologise to the victim's parents.

However, Chinese daily Shin Min Daily News reported that the parents of the victim -- now identified by Shin Min as a 29-year-old intern -- have rejected the apology.

The supervisor, known as Alan, apologised after the intern's parents showed up at the office, demanding an explanation after their nephew showed them the clip, which was uploaded on Friday evening  and has since gone viral. Alan said he had slapped his colleague in a fit of anger.

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Daily Disclosure
– The Void Decker: Intern abuse: Was exposure the only recourse?
– Breakfast Network: Interns Beware!
– Loh and Behold: Of Interns and Outlaws
– Food Fuels Me To Talk: Curious case of intern who got whacked
– Yawning Bread: Oh joy, our economy’s bubbling again, says our nation-building press

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