

Top 10 Places To Be Born In 2013

Where to Give Birth in 2013

Where to Give Birth in 2013

Australia's looking pretty good...Where you were born is almost as important as to whom and during what time period. Bill Gates could have only been the computer geek success story he was because he was born and educated in the U.S. at a time in history when clunky computers were costly and far from user friendly.

If he was born in Russia, a high tech nation in its own right, he would not have had the market or the opportunity to develop the Windows platform that made Microsoft a software giant.

With that in mind, The Economist Intelligence Unit, the think tank associated with The Economist magazine, has these countries as the top 10 places on the planet to be born and raised in 2013,

No. 10. Hong Kong

No. 9: Canada

No. 8: The Netherlands

No. 7: New Zealand

No. 6: Singapore

No. 5: Denmark

No. 4: Sweden

No. 3: Norway

No. 2: Australia

No. 1: Switzerland

The U.S. has fallen from No. 1 in 1988 all the way down to No. 16.  That makes life a little more complicated for American citizens being born in 2013 and growing up in the land of the free and brave. It's not that life is all rotten for Americans. The country is tied with German, which slid from No. 3.

No. 16: USA

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