

Crime, Corruption, Scandal & Professional Misconduct 2

Update 15 Oct 2014: Crime, Corruption, Scandal & Professional Misconduct 3

Singapore official jailed in pineapple, wine case

Singapore official jailed in pineapple, wine case: Two senior government officials were imprisoned on Thursday in separate corruption scandals that have dented Singapore’s reputation as one of the world’s least corrupt countries.

Lim Cheng Hoe, 61,  former Ministry of Foreign Affairs head of protocol, received a 15 months jail sentence for inflating expenses for pineapple tarts and wine he bought as gifts for dignitaries, said reports. Forty-year-old Edwin Yeo Seow Hiong an assistant director of the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau, received a ten year prison sentence for misappropriating Sg$1.76 million (US$1.4 million) worth of government funds.

Both men had pleaded guilty earlier, according to reports.

Singapore Jails Diplomat Over Pineapple Tarts
Singapore diplomat jailed over false claims for pineapple tarts, wine

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Ex-CPIB officer charged for cheating, theft and voluntarily causing hurt

A former Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) officer has been charged in court for cheating, stealing and voluntarily causing hurt.

Christopher Gan Boon Khong, 25, was slapped with 15 charges by the State Courts today (Feb 27) for the offences which are believed to have taken place at several night clubs in the wee hours of the morning, on two separate occasions.

Gan is accused of stealing a DBS debit card on July 2, 2014, at Club V6 on Jalan Sultan, and later using the debit card to buy six bottles of Martell VSOP cognac amounting to S$1,134 at two other night clubs on Tanglin Road - Club 1+1 and Club Gaga.

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Woman accused of cheating cleaner claims to be a victim

One of the two women accused of cheating a cleaner out of more than $400,000 now claims that she is innocent and also a victim of cheating herself.

Tan Soy Kiang, 70, gave his salary to two women for 15 years, believing that the money went towards paying off a debt he owed to the Government. The debacle was brought to light only when his niece returned from Australia in 2013.

One of the women, Wu Shuxiang, told evening daily Lianhe Wanbao yesterday that she is a victim herself, and has been cheated of almost $40,000 by the other woman, known only as Madam Tan

Man, 70, works two jobs and borrows money to repay $400k 'debt'
Cleaner conned of $400k over 15 years

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87 arrested for vice, drink driving in Geylang police operation
An early morning traffic operation on New Year’s Day this year nabbed six people for serious traffic violations such as dangerous driving and drink driving

87 people were arrested in a joint operation conducted by the Singapore Police Force and the Singapore Civil Defence Force.

During the operation on Feb 6, officers carried out a series of targeted raids and proactive checks at various locations including shophouses, coffee shops and back-alleys of Geylang. Road blocks were also set up in the vicinity.

78 women, aged between 17 and 52, were arrested for vice-related activities, while 25 motorists were stopped and tested for alcohol consumption at the road-block points.

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A 31 year old man was convicted of organizing commercial sex tours overseas where clients could engage in paid sex with minors.

Chan Chun Hong was originally charged with over 100 charges but he pleaded guilty to 7 counts of transmitting obscene materials by electronic means, 1 count of making travel plans for the obscene acts and 1 count of being in possession of obscene films.

Another 133 charges will be taken into consideration.

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Fraud alleged at Catholic centre

The Catholic Spirituality Centre (CSC) has made a police report against one of its senior members for alleged fraud.

The member, who works at the CSC, has been suspended.

A CSC spokesman said in a statement that the centre's spiritual director, listed on the Catholic Directory as Reverend Father Andrew Wong, made the police report last Friday because there was "reason to believe that a case of fraud has been committed".

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Cost of fraud rising in financial services

More large transactions and more funds washing about in the financial services sector may have contributed to a significant jump in the cost of fraud incidents in recent years, experts say.

The cost of these incidents has increased by a whopping 238 per cent to S$22 million this year from S$6.5 million in 2011, according to the KPMG Singapore Fraud 2014 Survey released yesterday.

The survey, done for the first time in conjunction with the Singapore Management University, found that 58 per cent of fraud incidents this year were perpetrated by employees, up from 47 per cent in 2011, and the average cost of such incidents per employee was S$457,000.

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Number of academic fraud cases on the rise
Anoop Shankar, a former National University of Singapore don, is accused of some of the most egregious acts of academic misconduct on record, including making up large chunks of his resume and falsifying data in his papers. - PHOTO: IAN ROCKETT

The story of Mr Anoop Shankar, a former National University of Singapore don accused of fraud, rocked academic circles in Singapore and the United States this month.

The 39-year-old stands accused of some of the most egregious acts of academic misconduct on record, including making up large chunks of his resume and falsifying data in his papers.

But while extreme, Mr Shankar is far from being the only academic to have landed in trouble because of academic misconduct.

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National University of Singapore relooks recruitment process after academic fraud case
Students at the National University of Singapore (NUS) University Town (UTown). -- ST PHOTO: DESMOND FOO

Reports that its former faculty member Anoop Shankar had faked his credentials have prompted the National University of Singapore to relook its recruitment process.

"The university is reviewing its internal recruitment processes in the light of the recent media reports on this case," an NUS spokesman told The Sunday Times.

The former assistant professor at NUS' Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (2005-2008) wrote several papers on topics like diabetes, and was part of a research programme looking into eye diseases in Singapore.

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Singapore Medical Council suspends surgeon Dr Woffles Wu for four months
Getty Images - The Singapore Medical Council has suspended plastic surgeon Dr Woffles Wu from practice for four months until 23 July 2014

The SMC had conducted a disciplinary tribunal inquiry on 21 February 2014. In making its decision, the disciplinary tribunal noted that there were several aggravating factors in the case, such as Wu’s seniority and standing in the medical profession.

During the inquiry proceedings, Wu had made a speech to the tribunal, where he said that he thought it was a common practice to furnish false information to the Traffic Police for such offences and that even some senior medical practitioners were doing so.

The tribunal said that it was “alarmed” by his thought process and his lack of remorse over his actions.

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Shanmugam, Sylvia Lim clash over Woffles Wu case

A debate over the case involving one of Singapore’s most prominent plastic surgeon grew heated in Parliament on Monday.

Responding to questions by Member of Parliament for Aljunied GRC Sylvia Lim regarding the conviction of Dr Woffles Wu Tze Liang for abetment of giving false information to the police, Law Minister K Shanmugam gave the facts regarding the matter and a schedule of cases where a fine was imposed.

The minister then asked Lim, who is chairman of the opposition Workers' Party, whether she would agree that the sentence imposed on Wu was in line broadly with the cases cited.

Woffles Wu and Singapore Law
Woffles Wu case hits a nerve
TOC author’s response to AGC’s statement on Woffles Wu (17 June 2012)
Asking the right questions in the Woffles Wu case
The Curious Case of Woffles Wu
AGC releases statement on Woffles Wu case
Judge should explain verdict in Woffles Wu’s case to public, not AGC or Law Minister
Oral answer by Minister for Law to Parliamentary Questions on the Woffles Wu case
Plastic surgeon Woffles Wu fined S$1,000
Badly handling Woffles case
Improvements To Be Made

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Graft trouble in Paradise!

Singapore’s struggle to keep its rank as the world’s 5th least corrupt country takes a knock on the head.

The arrest of a top anti-corruption officer raises more public doubts that high salaries prevent government corruption.

Under all criminal conditions, one body – the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) which originated under British rule – has steadfastly remained a pillar most Singaporeans feel they can rely on to ensure integrity.

related: Paying high salaries to mitigate corruption

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Corruption, Embezzlement and Cleaning Up the Civil Service

Yet another case of wrongdoing for personal gain in the civil service. CPIB chief Eric Tan did the right thing by humbly apologising for the actions of his officer but that is not enough for a public tired of cases of fallen civil servants abusing their authority.

CPIB has been busy. Ng Boon Gay was acquited although his name was dragged in the mud before cleared of co being corruption. Former SCDF chief Peter Lim was sentenced to 6 month jail for his sex for contracts scandal. NUS lecturer Tey Tsun Hang went to prison for 5 months for his sex for grades scandal. Earlier this year, an assistant director in MDA was cooperating with CPIB as he was accused of asking for bribes from those who applied for grants from MDA.

Now, an assistant director in the CPIB is charged with criminal breach of trust as he pocketed $1.7 million, with about $240,000 of it gambled away at MBS. The amount is huge by most standards, albeit the highest amount of money embezzled by tainted civil servants was $12 million by 2 SLA staff who were sentenced in 2010 to 22 and 15 years.

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Procurement lapses in govt agencies raise concern

The Parliament’s public accounts watchdog has expressed concern that some public sector entities have not been “sufficiently diligent” in ensuring compliance with procurement rules, even though steps have been taken in recent years to address the issue.

The Public Accounts Committee noted that procurement continued to be an area prone to lapses — 12 of 35 observations reported in the latest Auditor-General report were related to “laxity in the area of procurement”.

For example, 46 instances of small-value purchases made by national water agency PUB and totalling S$112,400 appeared to have been split from 13 higher-value purchases to avoid the call for open quotations.

Public agencies’ procurement procedures still ‘prone to lapses’
SINGAPOREProcurement system to be further strengthened

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Government continues to suffer procurement lapses: auditor-general

AFP News - Despite attempts in recent years to improve, numerous government agencies and affiliated organisations continue to suffer from procurement lapses, said the Auditor-General on Wednesday in his annual report. (AFP file photo)

The government, its statutory boards, agencies and affiliated companies continue to flout procurement rules despite efforts in recent years to improve, said Singapore's auditor-general's office (AGO).

In his annual report based on the financial year ending March 2013, Auditor-General Willie Tan noted that "some entities were not sufficiently diligent in ensuring compliance with procurement rules".

These lapses included waiving competition on weak grounds, allowing certain bidders to make key changes to their bids after the closure of tenders, not disclosing evaluation criteria up-front in tender documents, not evaluating tenders properly and obtaining approvals after actions had already been made.

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Auditor General: Breaches of Law in Prime Minister’s Office

To quote the Auditor General’s report directly, under the heading “Prime Minister’s Office”:
  • 62. The Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act (Cap. 30B, 2006 Revised Edition) stipulated the time frame for making payment and requirements for payment response to a payment claim. The Act was passed to address cash flow problems faced by the construction industry by upholding the rights of parties to seek progress payments for work done and goods supplied.
  • 63. For the contract for building works construction and another contract for foundation works (total contract value of $295.72 million), AGO found 32 instances of late payment to contractors (totalling $254.04 million). In six instances (totalling $26.09 million), the delays ranged from 33 to 174 days. 
Some observers may find it shocking that the Auditor General claims to have observed unlawful behaviour on the part of the government, but in fact this year’s revelation follows even more serious breaches detected by the AG last year.

Integrity of 'Public Procurements' Vs Integrity of 'Ceiling Cleaning'

PM thru his Office had fired another exchange in the AHPETC ceiling cleaning saga stating that charges against WP remains 'unrebutted' and raised serious questions of integrity and honesty of WP.

On the other hand, the Auditor General Office has just release its report of procurement lapses in our Civil Service involving millions of Public dollars similar to it's 2012 report.

Is there integrity involving an alleged couple thousands of dollars against millions of our people's money?

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Censorship, sex and scandal in Singapore

Almost three years ago, Singapore’s Internal Security Department (ISD) approached Tey Tsun Hang, a Malaysian-born law associate professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS), about becoming a “listening post” – meaning that he would provide information about goings-on in the law faculty, including his own work. In return, Tey would meet the ISD’s boss: someone who could “protect” Tey in the future. Left unsaid was that the ISD, Singapore’s secret police, who hold the power to detain indefinitely without charge or trial, could have easily revoked Tey’s permanent residency status.

“It’s a necessary evil and compromise for me,” Tey wrote to a colleague in September 2010 about the arrangement. “I feel cowardly. Without academic spine.” The colleague counselled a softly, softly approach, to “engage and persuade, not confront and antagonise”. Tey countered that the results would be “half-truth scholarship” and he would be a “collaborator [who] pretends [his work] is not censored when it is”.

Still, the next day Tey sent copies of all of his academic work to his ISD contact, asking the officer “to let me know which parts/pages/paragraphs/lines are not allowed and must be taken out”.

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When we have more scandals of the public service involving hundreds of millions of tax payers money, why is the government attempting to undermine the crimes? The Straits Times reported that a report will be made public to show that the number of fraud cases by public servants are ‘consistent’ throughout the years. To me, if each scandal is to involve so much money, one fraud is one too many. Lee Kwan Yew said before that he has absolutely ZERO tolerance for corruption. As such, should we even tolerate a single case?

Sure, there’s always the ‘human is prone to error and temptation’ reasoning but please don’t even bring this up. By bringing this up, it only goes to show the lack of sincerity and resoluteness in admitting to the incompetence of the government. As a citizen who pays taxes, I am not interested in the ‘consistency’ of fraud cases involving public service officials. I am more interested in how can this be solved, how can monetary control issues be tightened, and whether the money lost can be recovered.

If the number of fraud cases are ‘consistent’ over a number of years, it only meant one thing. There are loopholes in the system and the government had failed to tightened it throughout the years. This spells incompetence. I mean, what else can it imply? Why would any company or organization continue to allow such frauds to happen over and over again? Is it because the ministers don’t feel the pinch since they continue to collect their millions?

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CISCO officer charged with taking S$10 ‘coffee money’

He probably never fathomed that taking S$10 in “coffee money” would ultimately cost him S$100,000, but that is what could happen to a Certis CISCO officer.

Kalaiarasan Muniandy, 22, is facing the maximum fine after he was charged in court yesterday with corruptly obtaining a gratification of S$10 from a domestic helper in return for a favour.

On Jan 19, Kalaiarasan was carrying out his duties at Paya Lebar MRT Station when he spotted Ms Hasna, a domestic helper, drinking water at the station’s premises.

Former ICA officer jailed for accepting bribe
25-year-old was accomplice in scheme that granted social visit passes to foreign women in return for monetary gain

A former officer from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) was jailed today (May 9) for four months, and ordered to pay a penalty of S$50 for accepting a bribe.

25-year-old Ezhar Kamis, a former ICA specialist attached to Tuas Checkpoint, pleaded guilty to the offence which took place sometime in March 2011.

He is the last of four officers to be charged for their involvement in a scheme masterminded by another former ICA officer.


Ex-auxiliary cops jailed for CBT of $146,900

Two Certis Cisco auxiliary police officers entrusted with transporting cash for bank machines helped themselves to the money instead and were jailed on Tuesday for dishonestly misappropriating $146,900.

Palwinder Singh Harjan Singh, 21, and Theywa Subramaniam, 27, pleaded guilty to criminal breach of trust committed at Plaza Singapura, Orchard Road, on Sept 17 last year.

Theywa, who also admitted to money laundering, was jailed for 36 months, while Palwinder's sentence on the single charge was 30 months. Both are Malaysians.

MDA staff accused of corruption and forgery back in court

As an assistant director at MDA responsible for overseeing the evaluation of grant applications, Lai Wai Khuen is alleged to have corruptly obtained gratification in the form of loans amounting to more than $23,000 from grant applicants 27 times, as an inducement for facilitating the grant disbursements. -- ST PHOTO: WONG KWAI CHOW

A staff member of the Media Development Authority (MDA) accused of corruption and forgery was back in court on Monday morning for a further mention of his case.

Lai Wai Khuen, 37, was accompanied by lawyer Lim Ghim Siew of G S Lim & Partners, who asked the court to grant the defence four weeks to put up a representation. Mr Lim told The Straits Times that he was appointed just last week. Lai had previously indicated in court last month that he intends to plead guilty. The prosecution had said that it intends to proceed with seven of the 31 charges against Lai, and take the remaining charges into consideration.

As an assistant director at MDA responsible for overseeing the evaluation of grant applications, Lai is alleged to have corruptly obtained gratification in the form of loans amounting to more than $23,000 from grant applicants 27 times, as an inducement for facilitating the grant disbursements. On another occasion he allegedly attempted to obtain a loan of $3,000 without success. He is also accused of forging documents on three occasions.

MDA assistant director charged with corruption, forgery
MDA officer charged for corruptly obtaining loans

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Former MFA protocol chief jailed 15 months for cheating

A former Ministry of Foreign Affairs' chief of protocol has been sentenced to 15 months' jail for cheating by falsifying claims for the purchase of pineapple tarts and wine.

Lim Cheng Hoe, 61, was convicted of 10 counts of cheating involving the purchase of pineapple tarts and wine amounting to about S$35,000.

Earlier this week, Lim also admitted to 50 counts of cheating totalling some $54,000, which were taken into consideration for sentencing purposes.

Singapore Ex-Protocol Chief Pleads Guilty to False Expenses
Suspended MFA protocol chief indicates will plead guilty to cheating
2013 a year of some turbulence for Singapore courts

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NParks' officer to go on trial in March over Brompton bicycle deal

NParks assistant director Bernard Lim Yong Soon leaving the Subordinate Courts on Aug 29, 2013. The National Parks Board (NParks) officer behind the Brompton bicycle procurement fiasco in 2012 will go on trial next month. -- ST FILE PHOTO: WONG KWAI CHOW

The National Parks Board (NParks) officer behind the Brompton bicycle procurement fiasco in 2012 will go on trial next month.

The hearings are scheduled for March 11 to 15 and 25 to 28 and April 1 to 3. This was announced at a pre-trial conference in a district court on Wednesday.

Bernard Lim Yong Soon, who oversaw the purchase of 26 Brompton bicycles, stands accused of lying to auditors investigating the deal. The 41-year-old had allegedly denied he was a friend of a director of Bikehop, the supplier of the bicycles.

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Former ICA officers charged with corruption

Four former officers from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) were charged on Thursday with accepting bribes for facilitating or granting visit passes that would allow foreigners to prolong their stay in Singapore.

The men -- Ezhar Kahmis, 25; Lukmanulhakim Samsun, 29; Mohamed Nazrul Noor Mohamed, 34; and Nor Hidayat Mohamed Hussain, 26 -- were ICA Specialists at Tuas Checkpoint.

Their duties included assessing whether foreigners met entry requirements, and granting eligible visitors to Singapore visit passes.

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Former CPIB assistant director jailed 10 years

The assistant director of the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB), accused of 21 offences including criminal breach of trust as a public servant and forgery, has indicated he will plead guilty to the charges

Former assistant director of the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB), Edwin Yeo Seow Hiong, has been sentenced to 10 years in jail for misappropriating more than S$1.75 million and committing forgery.

The judge on Thursday noted that only a small fraction of the funds -- S$65,000 -- that were misappropriated had been recovered.

Yeo, who worked at the CPIB for 15 years, had committed the offences between 2009 and 2012.

related: CPIB assistant director to plead guilty to misappropriating more than $1.7m

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Former SCDF director charged with CBT

A former director of the Singapore Civil Defence Force's Technology Department was charged on Thursday with two counts of criminal breach of trust (CBT).

62-year-old Jeganathan Ramasamy faces two counts of misappropriating two Apple iPad2 in September 2011. The iPads were valued at nearly S$940 each.

He allegedly gave one iPad to his daughter for her personal use, and was said to have sold the other to a colleague for S$200

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Ex-NTUC executive jailed over $238,500 scam

An executive at NTUC Club masterminded a $238,500 scam featuring several accomplices and an elaborate web of deceit.

Chia Kian Gee was yesterday sentenced to jail for two years and one month over the plot, which involved tricking companies into handing over money for fake promotional events.

District Judge Marvin Bay told the 49-year-old: "You fully thought through your plans for deception by taking measures to cover your tracks. "And you have enlisted willing accomplices to carry out your plans."

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Yeo allegedly started by taking $1,200 from CPIB

It all started with $1,200 from the coffers of the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB).

Apparently when Edwin Yeo Seow Hiong allegedly took the money in 2008, no one noticed. That only made the CPIB officer more brazen.

The sums he allegedly misappropriated ballooned from year to year - from $95,000 in 2009, to $106,000 the next year, and $320,000 in 2011. Last year, he allegedly siphoned about $1.2 million.

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Full Coverage:
Xin News: CPIB assistant director Edwin Yeo charged with misapprpriating $1.7 mil
The Japan Times: Singapore anti-graft official indicted
Today Online: CPIB officer charged with misappropriating S$1.7m

Harvard Business Review: Does Money Really Affect Motivation?
Loughborough University: Key myths about corruption

Court dismisses surgeon's appeal against professional misconduct verdict

The surgeon involved in one of Singapore’s most serious cases of overcharging in the medical profession will be suspended from practice for three years and fined S$10,000.

This follows the dismissal of Dr Susan Lim's appeal by the country's highest court.

Dr Lim had appealed against the Singapore Medical Council's (SMC) rulings that she committed professional misconduct by overcharging a Bruneian patient, who was part of the royal family.

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Law professor ‘morally reprehensible’, not ‘corrupt’
Mr Tey Tsun Hang was quoted by Yahoo! Singapore as saying the prosecution against him was politically motivated. TODAY FILE PHOTO

Her love notes to him showed she wanted nothing more than his love, in return for her gifts and sex with him — which former law professor Tey Tsun Hang knew and took advantage of to satisfy his greed and lust.

However, while his exploitation and manipulation of his former student Darinne Ko was “morally reprehensible”, it did not amount to corruption under the law, ruled Justice Woo Bih Li yesterday, as he overturned all six of Mr Tey’s graft convictions and set aside the five-month jail sentence that he had chosen to serve despite filing an appeal with the courts — which means he will not have a criminal record.

“I am of the view that the trial judge had wrongly equated conduct which is morally reprehensible with conduct which is legally wrong,” the judge said. “His conduct was morally wrong, but that is not corruption for the purposes of the (Prevention of Corruption) Act.”

Judge: Ex-law prof a man without honour
My prosecution was politically motivated: former NUS law professor
'Sex-for-grades' professor proven not guilty only after he fully served jail term

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Former law professor Tey Tsun Hang, ex-SCDF chief Peter Lim begin jail term
Former law professor Tey Tsun Hang, ex-SCDF chief Peter Lim begin jail term

Both former National University of Singapore law professor Tey Tsun Hang and ex-Civil Defence chief Peter Lim started their jail terms on Wednesday.

Tey, 42, was convicted of six counts of corruption in late May in a sex-for-grades case.

Earlier this month, he was sentenced to five months' jail.

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Oral sex shame of jailed top official

A former senior Singapore civil servant has been jailed for six months for demanding and receiving oral sex from a female executive of a supplier firm in return for business favors. 

Peter Lim Sin Pang, 53, former chief of the Singapore Civil Defence Force, tarnished the reputation of the city-state's public service by engaging in corrupt behavior, District Judge Hamidah Ibrahim ruled yesterday.

The judge rejected defense pleas for Lim to pay a heavy fine or receive a short custodial sentence. She said "an uncompromising stance must be taken against all corruption offenders" regardless of their standing.

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Business Times: Ex-SCDF head Peter Lim sentenced to 6 months' jail for corruption  
Shanghai Daily:Senior Singapore official gets 6 months in jail for corruption
TODAYonline: Former SCDF chief gets 6 months' jail

Former Maris Stella principal jailed 5 months

The former principal of Maris Stella High School was sentenced to five months' jail on Friday after being found guilty in April of misappropriating S$67,700 from the school's chapel building fund.

The 66-year-old misappropriated the funds between March and September 2009.

Anthony Tan Kim Hock, who retired in 2009, initially faced 21 charges of criminal breach of trust; the charges occurred between May 2004 and September 2009 and amounted to S$150,000.

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Ng Boon Gay: 19 months since probe started 'My darkest time'

Now that this chapter has drawn to a close, I can focus on moving forward with my life, said former Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) chief Ng Boon Gay in a statement through his lawyers on Tuesday.

The statement came after the Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) said the prosecution is not appealing against the acquittal of Mr Ng.

The former CNB chief was acquitted on Feb 14 of corruptly obtaining sexual favours from Ms Cecilia Sue four times in 2011 in exchange for furthering the business interests of her employers.
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Trio accused of siphoning over $800,000 from Traffic Police
Two years after police began investigating several members of the National Safety Council of Singapore, three men were in court yesterday to face charges of criminal breach of trust.

They were former honorary secretary-general Sia Chin Hwee, 58, and former employees Saidon Hassan, 39, and David Kan Tuck Pui, 78.

The trio allegedly siphoned off more than $800,000 from Traffic Police (TP) bank accounts over several years

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Former CNB and SCDF chiefs: Same charge 2 outcomes

Both were senior civil servants hauled to court for corruption

Former Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) director Ng Boon Gay was acquitted of four charges on Feb 14 by District Judge Siva Shanmugam.

The full grounds of decision were released on Friday, and the prosecution has until June 11 to appeal.

Former Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) commissioner Peter Benedict Lim Sin Pang was on Friday convicted on one count of corruption after a 12-day trial.

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Sex and its consequences

All that bad sex that is happening in the civil service is over, unless you want to count the seemingly never-ending underage sex case involving more than 50 men.

Here’s the count: Peter Lim, former head of Singapore Civil Defence Force got six months jail yesterday. That’s hefty but then again, he also had sex or some kind of sexual liasons with two other women with business connections to the SCDF. Six months, by the way, is one month more than the prosecution had asked for. His lawyers said they would be appealing.

In his defence, he had painted Ms Pang Chor Mui as a “seductress desperate to have sex with him’’, a point which the judge described as “distasteful’’ when she sentenced him.

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Quadruple confirm: Public servants don’t do cost-benefit analysis

Former NUS law professor, Tey Tsun Hang, was sentenced to a 5 months’ jail term and ordered to pay a penalty of $514.80 by the court yesterday. He was convicted of corruptly obtaining gifts and sex from former student Darinne Ko.

Last week, the former chief of the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF), Peter Lim Sin Pang, was convicted by a District Court for corruption. He was on trial for abusing his position to obtain sexual favours from Ms Pang Chor Mui in return for favorable consideration of her company’s tender bid for business.

Also last week, the Ministry of Home Affairs said disciplinary proceedings against the former chief of the Central Narcotics Bureau Ng Boon Gay would remain suspended until a final outcome in the criminal proceedings. Mr Ng was acquitted of corruption charges in February. Mr Ng was accused of obtaining sexual favours from IT sales manager Ms Cecilia Sue in return for furthering the business interests of her two employers. The MHA spokesperson also said that the prosecution was studying  the written grounds of decision and assessing whether to file a Petition of Appeal.

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Ex-NUS law professor sentenced to five months jail, to appeal

Yahoo! Newsroom - Tey Tsun Hang arrives in the Sub Courts for sentencing in sex-for-grades trial

Former National University of Singapore law professor Tey Tsun Hang was sentenced to a total of five months in jail on Monday for the six charges against him in the sex-for-grades case. He was also fined $514.80. Tey earlier said he would be appealing whatever sentence was handed to him.

In sentencing, chief district judge Tan Siong Thye stressed the importance of imposing a deterrent sentence.

The prosecution had sought a six to eight-week jail sentence for each of his six charges, with at least two done consecutively instead of concurrently for a combined time of 12 to 16 weeks.

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Ex-SCDF chief Peter Lim found guilty of corruption

Former Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) chief Peter Lim Sin Pang is guilty of corruption.

The 52-year-old was on Friday, handed a guilty verdict by District Judge Hamidah Ibrahim, who ruled that Lim had been the one who initiated the sexual encounter with Ms Angie Pang Chor Mui, whom he was not in an intimate relationship with.

And since he was a high-ranking civil servant with years of experience in the public service, he should have know that he would contravene government procurement rules by calling her about the radiation portal monitors, said Judge Hamidah. "If he did not know that, then he has certainly made a wrong career choice in the last 25 years," she added.

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Ng Boon Gay case: Grounds of decision out and prosecution has till June 11 to appeal

The prosecution has 11 days, or up till June 11, to appeal against the verdict in the sex-for-contracts case involving Mr Ng, the Attorney-General's Chambers said on Friday. Ng was acquitted of four counts of corruption on Feb 14.
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He didn't have sex because he didn't get erection

He invited her to his Callidora Ville condominium at Telok Kurau when he booked her for the second time.

But Edward Whistler Goh Ngian Meng (left), 50, told the court that he did not have sex with the underage prostitute then, as he was unable to get an erection.

The business consultant, who took the stand on Wednesday on the second day of the trial, said his failure to become aroused was "embarrassing".

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She 'pitifully begged' me for sex, says Lim

Former civil defence chief Peter Lim Sin Pang claimed yesterday that he was prepared to have sex with Ms Pang Chor Mui during their rendezvous in 2010 because she had "pitifully begged" him for it - and that he would have done it "out of sympathy" for her.

His claim came as he was given a chance to explain a series of discrepancies between his statements made to the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) and what he told the court during his 12-day corruption trial.

In an effort to summarise his corrupt intentions, prosecutors had earlier in the day fired more than 40 points at him, to which he had to either agree or disagree.

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NUS law prof says former student had 'motive' for giving him gifts and sex

"She made use of me for a good future". That was what National University of Singapore (NUS) law professor Tey Tsun Hang claimed in his fifth statement recorded by the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) on May 18 last year.

He said former student Darinne Ko, 23, had a "motive" for showering him with gifts, and that the sex they had on two occasions in his NUS office was with "guilty intent". "It is because she expected me to show her favour and help her get into justice law clerk and an international law firm," he said.

"I think she is guiltier than I am."

48 men have been charged in court for paying for sex with an underage prostitute. Another 14 are under probe.

The accused include civil servants, high flyers in the finance industry, and other notable figures. 80 men have been implicated in the case. More charges are expected to be filed.

Paid sex with a minor carries a jail term of up to seven years and a possible fine. » Read: The law on underage sex.

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Former SAF Lieutenant-colonel jailed for vice

He was one of 51 men who were charged in 2012 with having paid sex with a 17-year-old prostitute who was part of an online vice ring.

The other men involved in the high-profile case included a former school principal, a banker and a former naval engineer.

Not only was Thariyan convicted of the offence and jailed for five months, the contents in his phone also led to fresh investigations against him.

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Former NEA in-house lawyer jailed for commercial sex

A former National Environment Agency (NEA) in-house lawyer became the 36th man in the online vice-ring case to be jailed for commercial sex with an underage girl.

Chia Kok Peng, 40, unemployed, was given 11 weeks' jail on Monday for engaging in paid sex with a 17-year-old escort.

He was among 51 men charged in court for commercial sex with the same minor in 2012. He was supposed to have gone on trial on Monday, but pleaded guilty.

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Student, 18, sentenced to 15 months' probation for underaged sex with girlfriend

An 18-year-old man who twice had sex with his underaged girlfriend, and also got her pregnant, was on Monday sentenced to 15 months' probation.

In addition to the probation term, he was also ordered by the court to perform 100 hours of community service. His parents also have to pay a $5,000 bond to ensure his good behaviour.

The girl, who was 15 at the time, had to abort a 14-week old foetus in January this year after her mother found out about the pregnancy and made a police report.

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34th man (out of 51) convicted for sex with minor prostitute
Mr Nguyen Van On at the Subordinate Court on April 16, 2012. - NP FILE PHOTO: NG JUN SEN

A BUSINESSMAN who paid the highest sum of $850 for the sexual services of a 17-year-old escort in a high-profile online vice ring case was jailed for 12 weeks yesterday.

Nguyen Van On, 50, is the 34th man to be convicted and jailed to date. He was among 51 men who were hauled to court in 2012 to face charges of commercial sex with the underage escort, who was below 18.

The father of one pleaded guilty to paying the girl $850 for her sexual services at Hotel 81 in Bencoolen Street on Oct 6, 2010.

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14 men face charges for having paid sex with underage girl

Koh Sui Kim (left) is charged at the Subordinate Courts on 4 Sep 2013

Fourteen men were charged this morning (Sept 4) for having paid sex with an underage girl, in the third vice ring case since a high-profile online vice ring case broke last year.

10 out of 14 men are expected to plead guilty. One of the men — a 72-year-old housekeeper — is claiming trial.

The men are aged between 22 to 75 years old. The youngest is a full-time national serviceman, while the oldest man is unemployed.

Man sentenced to 4 months’ jail for having paid sex with minor
SINGAPOREFive more charged in latest underaged escort scandal
SINGAPORE14 charged for having paid sex with underage girl

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Doctor gets 10 months in jail for sex with minor

A gynaecologist, who had sex with a minor even though he knew she was more than 40 years his junior when he met her for the first time, was yesterday sentenced to 10 months in jail.

Last October, Ong Theng Kiat, 63, pleaded guilty to two charges of having sex with a minor and had 11 other charges, which included oral sex, taken into consideration.

Yesterday, Ong pleaded guilty to one other charge of breaching the Medical Registration Act by giving a false declaration in order to obtain a medical practising certificate on July 31 last year. For this, he was fined S$4,000.

FT jailed 10 months for sex with minor

Former Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) associate consultant Alan Ramos was sentenced last month (Jan) to 10 months’ jail for having sex with a minor who was 15 years old at the time.

Ramos, 26, a Mexican, met the girl through an online dating website, OkCupid, in 2012. They began texting soon afterwards.

When she learnt that he was fond of being addressed as “sir”, she asked if he had a thing for BDSM i.e. bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism

Online vice ring: Man who stiffed underaged prostitute jailed

A man who received oral sex from a 17-year-old prostitute and then ran away without paying was sentenced to seven months’ jail today (Nov 18).

He is the 27th man to be sentenced in the high profile online vice ring case involving pimp Tang Boon Thiew.

Khoo Wenbo, 28, had booked the girl for sexual services in December 2010.


Second man jailed for underage sex with drunk girl at *Scape skate park

A man who had sex with two underage girls on separate occasions was jailed for 27 months on Monday.

Part-time waiter Ryan Nicholas Shah, 27, pleaded guilty to having sex with a drunk 15-year-old girl in July 2012, and a 14-year-old girl at his flat in Bedok Reservoir Road in August 2011.

He is the second man to be jailed for having underage sex with the 15-year-old girl at *Scape skate park. The other accused, Muhammad Hairuniezam Marwi, 24, is serving seven months' jail after admitting to having oral sex with her.

Ex-teacher jailed for underage paid sex

An ex-teacher from River Valley High School has been jailed three months for having paid sex with an underage prostitute.

Chua Ren Cheng, 33, pleaded guilty to paying S$650 to have sex with the prostitute on December 22, 2010 -- when she was still 17.

Chua had sex with the girl at a hotel in Bencoolen Street.

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Delivery driver jailed 24 months for underage sex with girl, 14

A delivery driver was jailed for 24 months on Tuesday for underage sex with a teen he met on Facebook.
Eugene Prem Kumar, 30, who faced five charges, pleaded guilty to three counts of having sex with the 14-year-old girl sometime between September and October 2010 at his flat in Yishun Avenue 5.
A district court heard that Kumar was 27 when he came to know the teen via Facebook in September 2010. She told him she was 14 while he gave his age as 21 to 22.
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Ex-advertising director had sex and carried out BDSM acts with minor

A former advertising director on Monday admitted to two charges of underage sex with a teen who allowed him to take sexually explicit photographs of her

The pair engaged in "bondage and discipline, dominance and submission sadism and masochism'' acts or BDSM in short, the court heard.

Kwek Chuan Shan, 35, had underage sex with the girl on seven occasions in November 2012.

The girl, who was 15 at the time, created an account on a dating social networking website in mid-2012 and chanced upon Kwek's profile in October that year. Kwek openly stated that he engaged in BDSM and that he was looking for a "submissive''.

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Man flew from Australia to have sex with underage girl

Jared Chan Yee Mun, a Malaysian restaurant owner living in Australia, was sentenced to a year's jail yesterday for underage sex

He was the first of five men to be sentenced for having sex with a 15-year-old girl.

Chan chatted with the girl on social networking website Blendr and then on Whatsapp. She told him her age but Chan suggested meeting up for sex anyway.

While he was on transit in Singapore in October 2012, they had sex at Changi Village Hotel.

related: 32-year-old restaurant owner jailed 12 months for having sex with 15-year-old girl

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Girl in underage sex case drugged, raped & bashed into prostitution

Before she became the prey of lustful men who prowl the lorongs of Geylang, the young girl from China underwent a hellish initiation of drugs, rape and beatings to turn her into a prostitute.

In sentencing three Singaporean men to 11 weeks’ jail each for having commercial sex with the underage prostitute, District Judge Low Wee Ping yesterday repeatedly called the facts of the case “heartbreaking” and “horrific”.

The three were among 24 men accused of having paid sex with her. More men are expected to face similar charges.

underage paid sex

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Teen serviced 100 clients, court told

A CHINA girl who was forced into prostitution by her pimp had serviced about 100 clients on about 150 occasions here, a Community Court heard.

The 17-year-old Chinese national would receive about S$60 (RM152) each time for her sexual services and her pimp would collect all her prostitution earnings.

Between May 18 and June 1 – the day of her arrest – Tang Huisheng, 37, collected a total of about S$9,000 (RM22,811) from the minor.

related: Pimp who forced teen to have sex with 100 customers convicted

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Pimp loses appeal against jail term, fine

The man behind the high-profile online vice ring case lost his appeal against his 58-month jail sentence and $90,000 fine on Friday.

Former businessman Tang Boon Thiew, 39, has been behind bars since March this year, even before his appeal was heard.

He had pleaded guilty to 20 charges - five for living on immoral earnings, four for procuring women for prostitution and 11 for abetting commercial sex with a minor.

30th man jailed for having paid sex with Singaporean minor

Arjunan Kulasegaram (above), 38, pleaded guilty in July this year to paying $450 for the sexual services of the 17-year-old girl at Pan Pacific Orchard in Claymore Road on Oct 10, 2010. He was jailed for 10 weeks on Wednesday, Dec 11, 2013. - ST FILE PHOTO: WONG KWAI CHOW

A motorsports boss who had commercial sex with an underage escort was jailed for 10 weeks on Wednesday.

Arjunan Kulasegaram, 38, pleaded guilty in July this year to paying $450 for the sexual services of the 17-year-old girl at Pan Pacific Orchard in Claymore Road on Oct 10, 2010.

He is the 30th man to be sentenced to jail so far in the on-going series involving 51 men who were charged last year with having paid sex with the minor, a Singaporean.

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Man sentenced to five months’ jail for sex with minor

The fifth man to challenge the accusation that he had commercial sex with an underage
prostitute was yesterday sentenced to five months’ jail - the stiffest sentence to be handed out in the case so far.

Emlyn Thomas Thariyan, 38, was convicted of paying the 17-year-old girl S$500 for sex in February 2011 after a 10-day trial earlier this year. He is the 28th of 51 men in the high-profile online vice-ring case to be dealt with.

In its written submissions, the prosecution asked for Thariyan to be jailed for five months. Defence lawyers, however, urged the court to impose the minimum sentence.


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21st man jailed for sex with minor in online vice ring case

A former underwriter was jailed yesterday for 12 weeks for engaging in commercial sex with a minor, becoming the 21st man to be sentenced in the online vice ring case.

Frederick Chen Kwek Kwong, 44, one of the 51 men charged last year with having paid sex with the 17-year-old girl, admitted committing the offence at Hotel 81 Bencoolen on Oct 1, 2010.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Ng Yiwen told the court that the minor was among the "escorts" listed on a website operated by her pimp Tang Boon Thiew. She was given a working moniker and was described as an 18-year-old polytechnic student. Investigations showed that Chen, a Singaporean father of two, came across the website in late 2010.

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A 71-year-old man was jailed for three months on Tuesday for having sex with an underage prostitute in Geylang in May this year. Lim Chee Seng pleaded guilty to paying $150 for the sexual services of the 17-year-old Chinese national

He approached her along Lorong 18 Geylang at about 5pm on May 28 and then went to a nearby hotel. He was unable to have full intercourse with her, so they talked for a while and left the room at about 7pm, reports The Straits Times.

The teen was arrested on June 1 for soliciting and investigations revealed that she had provided sexual services to more than 150 men. Lim, who works as a housekeeper with Fragrance Hotel was then tracked down and charged on Sept 4 for having commercial sex with a minor. He told police that he did not inquire about her age and thought she was 22 years old.

So far, 24 men have been charged for the offence and about 20 of them have been jailed between 10 and 12 weeks.

Man jailed for sex with underage prostitute and two other offences

A man who had sex with a 17-year-old prostitute and ran away without paying was on Monday sentenced to seven months' jail.

Khoo Wenbo, 28, had booked the girl for sexual services in December 2010. While the prostitute was in the shower, Khoo did a check and discovered she was under 18 years old at that time. So he decided to have her perform oral sex on him, thinking that would not be against the law.

While the minor was in the shower after sex, Khoo fled the hotel room without paying.
Khoo is the 27th man to be sentenced in the high profile online vice ring case involving pimp Tang Boon Thiew.

Online vice ring: 20th man pleads guilty to sex with underage escort

A 20th man in the online vice ring case admitted to paying $450 for the sexual services of an underage escort. Arjunan Kulasegaram, 38, who is self-employed, was surfing the Internet in late 2010 looking for social escorts when he came across a website providing sexual services

Using the alias "Mike'' he arranged his bookings with the escorts by sending text messages from his mobile phone to the contact number listed on the website. On Oct 10 that year, he sent a text message to the pimp, Tang Boon Thiew, to find out if he had any Singaporean females for booking that day.

Tang told him that the minor was available and that her sexual services would cost $450 for one hour. Kulasegaram confirmed the booking with Tang and said he had a room at the Pan Pacific Orchard, Claymore Road. He met the escort, who was then 17, at the hotel and brought her to the room where she performed oral sex for him. He paid her $450.

Deputy Public Prosecutor Elizabeth Chua is seeking a sentence of around 12 weeks' jail in line with the other cases. So far, 19 others have also pleaded guilty to having commercial sex with the same girl and were each given between eight and 12 weeks' jail. Another man, Swiss national Juerg Buergin, 41, was convicted after trial and sentenced to four months and three weeks. The judge postponed sentencing to Aug 16 to find out if the Singapore Prison Service can accommodate Kulasegaram's medical ailments. The maximum penalty for the offence is seven years' jail and a fine.

14 charged for having paid sex with underage girl

Following the exposure of two underage prostitution rackets that rocked the country last year, a third ring involving a minor has been uncovered. Fourteen men, aged between 22 and 75, were hauled to court yesterday for having commercial sex with a girl who was 17 years old.

More men are expected to be charged in the coming days for paying for sex with the same teenager, who cannot be named to protect her identity. Within two weeks in May this year, the 14 men allegedly paid between S$40 and S$150 for the girl’s sexual services at several budget hotels and a lodging house in the Geylang area, the court heard. Under the law, anyone who obtains the sexual services of a person under the age of 18 can be jailed for up to seven years and/or fined.

The 14 men are: Ng Chak Song, 57, social worker; Toh Toh Loh, 60, labourer; Shoh Kwan Heng, 42, IT manager; Ho Chee Keong, 36, treasury advisor; Tiah Oon Kai, 66, bookkeeper; Low Kia How, 51, cleaner; Koh Sui Kim, 65, cleaner; Chong Kwong Ann, 75, unemployed (two charges); Lim Chee Seng, 72, house-keeper; Ong Boon Hock, 61, assistant manager (two charges); Ng Keng Siong, 56, project manager; Yap Jun Hao, 22, full-time National Serviceman; Ernest Lee Min Chong, 25, undergraduate; and Yeo Choon Seng, 42, logistics supervisor.

14 men face charges for having paid sex with underage girl
Pimp made underage prostitute give him oral sex
He’s not a victim of ignorance
Girl in underage sex case drugged, raped & bashed into prostitution
Expat in sex case threatens to jump from condo

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Gynaecologist pleads guilty to sexual offences involving underage girl

A gynaecologist on Tuesday pleaded guilty in a district court to having sex with a minor -- despite knowing she was more than 40 years his junior when he met her for the first time.

63-year-old Ong Theng Kiat pleaded guilty to two charges of having sex with a minor and agreed to have 11 other charges that included oral sex taken into consideration. Ong has temporarily stopped practising as a gynaecologist, as of July.

The court heard that Ong got to know the girl in 2011 through a dating website -- when she was 14 years old, and he, 61. She had indicated on her profile that she was 18 as that was the minimum age required to register an account on the website.

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Five more charged with having paid sex with underage escort

Another five men were charged on Friday with having paid sex with a girl under the age of 18. The men, all Chinese nationals, are aged between 35 and 42.

On Wednesday, 14 men -- aged between 22 and 75 -- were charged with having paid sex with the same girl.

All the incidents took place in May at various hotels in the Geylang area. The men paid sums of between S$40 and S$150 for the girl's sexual services.

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14 men charged with having paid sex with underage escort

A group of men was charged on Wednesday with having paid sex with a girl under the age of 18.

The 14 men are aged between 22 and 75 years old.

According to court documents, the incidents took place in May at various hotels in the Geylang area. They paid sums of between S$40 and S$150 for the girl's sexual services

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Property executive gets year's jail for sex with minor

A property executive got to know a girl after accidentally sending a Christmas text message in 2008.

Two years later, they had sex. But she was just 15 then and 17 years his junior.

Lim Kuan Liang, 34 and single, was sentenced to 12 months in jail on Thursday after pleading guilty to two charges of having sex with a minor

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Former prosecutor charged with underaged sex with Vietnamese prostitute

He was a deputy public prosecutor for seven years. Then, he set up his own law practice in the 1980s.

On Friday, the lawyer of almost 30 years found himself on the other side of the legal system.

Spencer Gwee Hak Theng, 59, was charged in court with having sex with an underage girl, who was 16 at the time of the offence.

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SAF officer denies having sex with underage teen

A Lieutenant-Colonel in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) has become the third man to go on trial for allegedly having sex with the same underage prostitute.

Emlyn Thomas Thariyan, 37, is not disputing that he "booked" the teenager by texting, and spent time with her at a hotel in Bencoolen Street. But he denies that they had sex.

On Wednesday, his lawyer S. Skandarajah objected to the girl - who was 17 at the time of the offence - testifying behind closed doors. He argued that the trial should be held entirely in open court. Deputy Public Prosecutor Kavita Uthrapathy disagreed, however, saying the teen was a vulnerable victim of a sex crime 

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Swiss man claims 'deceived' by teen Singapore prostitute

A Swiss expatriate facing a possible jail term for having sex with an underage Singaporean prostitute said at the start of his trial Tuesday that he was tricked into thinking she was an adult.

Juerg Buergin, 41, is contesting charges filed against him and 50 other local and foreign men accused of paying for sex with the 17-year-old call girl in 2010 and 2011, a case involving prominent figures that caused a scandal in Singapore.

"The prostitute, in a conspiracy with the pimp, had deceived the accused as to her true age and thereby intentionally induced him to engage her services," his lawyer Selva Naidu said in a written statement released to journalists.

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From theft to molest
To satisfy his sick sexual urges, he would steal school uniforms and later masturbate

Between 2012 and this year, Tony Tan Tong Li, 17, stole 14 sets of school uniforms, 10 skirts and five school T-shirts worth at least $500.

He soon grew bolder and molested two young girls, a nine-year-old and an 11-year-old.

The minimarket storekeeper pleaded guilty yesterday to one count each of outrage of modesty, theft and fraudulent possession of a bicycle.

Teen with uniform fetish admits to thefts, molesting girls

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Man, 54, sexually abuses 5-year-old girl with promise of ice cream
54-year-old Chin Wei Foong has been sentenced to eight years' jail

A man who lured a five-year-old girl away from her family and then proceeded to sexually abuse her has been sentenced to jail for eight years.

The unemployed man, 54-year-old Chin Wei Foong, lured the girl away with the promise of ice cream, Lianhe Wanbao reported.

The incident happened on the morning of March 9. The girl had arrived in Singapore from Malaysia that morning with her mother and grandmother.

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Man gets 10 months' jail for sex with 14-year-old girl

A man who paid for the sexual services of a 14-year-old girl was sentenced to 10 months' jail on Thursday for underage sex.

Abdul Rahim Abubakar, 30, a boarding officer, had admitted to one of three charges of sexual penetration of a minor at a flat in Telok Blangah Crescent sometime in February 2012.

Two other charges of unnatural sex with the minor were considered during his sentencing.

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Serial molester jailed 20 months for touching 10-year-old boy

A serial molester who touched a 10-year-old boy living near him was jailed for a year and eight months on Thursday.

Teo Koon Tian approached the youngster as he played with his mobile phone at a void deck table and told him he was "cute and handsome", then twice touched him on the cheeks.

Although the boy ignored him, the 57-year-old sat down next to him and rubbed his thigh repeatedly, despite the victim's attempts to push his hands away.

Serial molester gets seven years' preventive detention and caning

A repeat offender who molested two young girls on their way to school was sentenced to seven years' preventive detention and one stroke of the cane on Thursday.

Odd job worker Lee Kia Kit, 48, had pleaded guilty to two charges of outrage of modesty and had a third charge of molesting a 13-year-old boy taken into consideration.

A district court heard that the first victim, a 13-year-old girl, was on her way to school at about 6.35am on March 3 when she overtook Lee along a pavement in Bedok

Former teacher jailed 4 months for conning student of $4,000

Claiming a needy student needed to borrow money, a former secondary school teacher convinced one of his students to hand over $4,000.

But the needy student did not exist, and the person facing financial difficulty was Low Yiming himself. On Tuesday, Low, 31, was jailed four months for cheating his former student on three occasions in 2011.

He pleaded guilty to one count, with another two taken into consideration. Low was also fined $1,500 for an unrelated theft in dwelling charge, over $124.30 in products taken from Mustafa Centre last August

Sexual predators targeting minors – disconcerting number of cases

The State Court on Thursday dealt with three separate cases of sexual offences committed by men against minors

They are the latest in what seem to be a frequent occurrence in Singapore, going by news reports, of such cases involving minors. (See definition of “minor” here.)

In the first case on Thursday, 48-year old odd-job worker, Lee Kia Kit, was sentenced to seven years’ preventive detention and was also given one stroke of the cane for outraging the modesty of two girls, aged 13 and 15, when they were on their way to school in March.

The Deputy Public Prosecutor told the court that Lee had also had three previous convictions for sexual offences since 2011. The DPP thus argued that imprisonment had “no rehabilitative or deterrent effect” on Lee whose previous offences, the court was told, were committed against victims aged between nine and 45.

Ex-teacher jailed 22 months for indecent acts with pupil

A physical education teacher who entered into a relationship with his pupil - despite her being 20 years his junior - was jailed for 22 months yesterday.

The 34-year-old teacher, who cannot be named to protect his victim's identity, became friends with the girl on Facebook in late 2011.

He pleaded guilty to four of six charges of committing an indecent act as well as procuring a child to commit an indecent act.

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Former teacher sentenced to jail and caning for molesting 8-year-old pupil

During a weekend tuition class, a teacher asked one of the pupils to go to the back of the room to do some reading, reported The Straits Times.

He followed the eight-year-old girl, made her stand next to him and touched her private parts through her clothes, while the other pupils continued with their work, oblivious to what had happened.

On Tuesday, the former primary school teacher, 27, was sentenced to a year in jail and three strokes of the cane, after pleading guilty to molesting the child on Oct 19 last year.

Teacher jailed for molesting student in shower

The teacher showered with one of his male students, using soap to rub the 13-year-old victim's body and private parts.

Last Tuesday, the 31-year-old secondary school teacher was jailed nine months for outrage of modesty.

The accused cannot be named to protect the identity of the victim

Female teacher jailed for sex with student not a predator

A 32-year-old female Singaporean teacher was sentenced to a year in jail on Monday for having sex with a 15-year-old boy in her school, local media reported.

The teacher, who was married with two children, started a relationship with the student last year after she started counselling him, the Straits Times daily reported on its website. Their names were withheld to protect the minor's identity.

The court was told that she wooed the boy with gifts including a copy of the bestselling book "Eat, Pray, Love", which dealt with a divorced American woman's adventures and was made into a film starring Julia Roberts in 2010.

Ex-teacher had sex with student, 15

A 15-year-old student suffered psychological problems, an eating disorder and even considered suicide after she had sex with a teacher, a district court heard on Tuesday.

According to a report in The Straits Times, the Secondary 3 student experienced intense and prolonged psychological distress, feelings of guilt, shame, disgust and self-blame and had poor sleep during her sexual relationship with the teacher between September 2012 and January 2013.

The 33-year-old accused, a local merit scholar who is now unemployed, admitted to five of 10 charges - one of committing an obscene act with a young person by French kissing her mouth and caressing her breasts and four of having sex with her.

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Teacher charged for sex acts with student

A school teacher was today (March 31) charged with a slew of sexual offences involving a student.

The 32-year-old teacher faces 10 charges of various sexual offences involving the underage girl, which took place between September 2012 and January 2013.

According to court documents, he allegedly had sex with the girl eight times, as well as committing obscene acts with her twice. The girl was 15 at the time.

Teacher broke sacred trust

THE conduct of a teacher who had underage sex with one of his students and exploited another was “nothing short of deplorable”.

In sentencing Yeo Chang Yong yesterday to 26 months in jail for the offences, District Judge Wong Choon Ning said Yeo, 30, had broken a sacred trust.

“You are, what one may call, every parent’s nightmare. You supervise and monitor our children closely as we are aware of the possible dangers that they may come across in their daily lives, given their immaturity and naivety. There was deliberate and systematic sexual exploitation of the two minors under your care.”

Teacher admits sexually abusing 2 ex-students

As a trainee teacher, Yeo Chang Yong was supposed to protect and look after the secondary school students under his charge.

Instead, he abused his position and destroyed the "fundamental feeling of safety" by sexually abusing two of his former students, said Deputy Public Prosecutor Sharmila Sripathy-Shanaz in court yesterday.

Yeo, 30, had sex with one victim on six occasions after he had left the school. She was 15 and he was 26 when the offences were committed in late 2010.

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Teacher jailed for indecency

A 42-YEAR-OLD teacher has been jailed six months for committing indecent acts on a 13-year-old boy who was studying in the same school.

She had pleaded guilty on Feb 5 to kissing him on the lips and giving him love bites on his neck and shoulder.

In passing sentence, District Judge Ng Peng Hong noted that the case involved “the sexual grooming of a young victim by a teacher” and said that a jail sentence was appropriate as it is the public policy to protect the young and vulnerable.

related: Teacher pleads guilty to committing indecent acts on 13-year-old student

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Singapore teacher charged with molesting 16-year-old student
 Singapore teacher charged with molesting 16-year-old student
A 50-year-old teacher was charged in court on Thursday with three counts of molesting a 16-year-old student in a school in Singapore, according to reports

The male teacher is alleged to have rubbed the back of the female student on the left shoulder and on the waist area from outside her school uniform top on the premises of the school on July 26 of this year.

The school is reportedly in the eastern part of Singapore, but is not being named in order to protect the identity of the victim. The teacher indicated to the court that he wished to engage a lawyer, and he was given until December 12 to do so, reported The Straits Times

If convicted, he could face a jail term of up to two years and/or fined on each molestation charge.

Singapore primary teacher accused of molesting 4 boys

The trial of a male primary teacher accused of molesting four boy students opened on Monday in Singapore.

The 33-year-old Mother Tongue teacher allegedly committed the acts on four boys, aged 10 to 12, on eight separate occasions in 2011 and 2012.

The teacher is accused of hugging and kissing the boys, and touching one of the students on his private parts. The teacher and students are from a school in the west of Singapore, but cannot be named to protect the identities of the alleged victims, reported The Straits Times

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Teacher jailed 18 months for sexual offences involving minor

A music teacher was on Thursday sentenced to 18 months' jail by a district court for sexual offences involving a minor.

James Rohan Fernando, 25, pleaded guilty to three charges of sexual penetration of a minor -- penetrating her with his finger, making her perform oral sex on him, as well as having sex with her. Three other charges were taken into consideration for sentencing.

The girl, who cannot be named, was about 14 years old at the time of the offences -- which took place between December 2011 and March 2012.

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Teacher suspended for 'demanding kisses in exchange for diploma'

A teacher of a high school in China's north-western province has been suspended from his position after he allegedly demanded that his female students kiss him on the cheek in exchange for their diplomas.

According to a ShanghaiDaily report, a whistleblower had claimed that Zhang Runhua, who teaches seniors in the Tuqiao High School, would not hand out the diplomas to the girls if they did not either kiss him, or let him kiss them.

Photos of the Gansu teacher being kissed by girls in a classroom, and of him kissing a girl were also leaked online by a netizen. He was seen to be smiling in most of the photos.

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Ex-teacher records sex with student then threatens suicide

He taught her to act. Then he acted on her innocence to seduce her into sex at his home after school. Aravind, a freelance writer, taught drama class part-time at the school twice a week.

The victim, who cannot be named because of her age, joined the drama class on March 6, 2008, and started sharing her problems at school and at home with him. They became close and on Feb 19, 2009, they entered into a relationship.

About three months later, they had unprotected sex at his home.

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Former drama teacher jailed for sex with a 14-year-old student

A former drama teacher, who took advantage of a student aged 14 in 2011 and had sex with her, was sentenced to a year in jail on Thursday. District Judge Siva Shanmugam said that Aravind S. Menon "had abused the trust reposed in him as a teacher". The judge also noted the seven year gap between him and the girl and called his act of filming one of the trysts "deplorable".

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Other teacher-student sex cases

April 3, 2013
A 30-year-old relief teacher who had sex four times with his student, then 13, was jailed for 18 months.
Ross Ryan Kristiaensen had asked the girl to be his girlfriend, had sex with her and then promised to marry her.
The two became close after a salad-making competition at the end of July 2009. 

April 2, 2013
A former secondary school teacher, 31, was jailed for nine months for molesting his student in a shower cubicle.
The teacher used soap to rub the 13-year-old boy's body and private parts at a condominium in Bishan in May 2010.
He had invited the victim and his friend there for a swim. He molested the boy when they showered at cubicles near the pool. 

March 14, 2013
A primary school teacher who had sex with one of her pupils, then 13, was jailed for a year.
The 32-year-old married mother of three had sex with the teen four times, had oral sex once, and committed an obscene act with him once between May 2011 and July 2011. 

Feb 23, 2009
A former primary school teacher was jailed for 10 months for being sexually intimate with an underage boy.
She was the first woman in Singapore to be hauled to court for the offence.
The married teacher, then 31, had sex with the boy, then 15, six times - twice in her flat and four times in a chalet - between March and May 2008.
They had met during an overseas trip when he was still in Primary 6 in her school. 

Oct 29, 2012
A teacher in a top school was jailed for a year for having sex with an underage student from her school.
The 32-year-old married mother of two engaged in sexual activities with the boy, then 15, a total of nine times between December 2011 and January last year.
The boy became close to her shortly after a boating accident during a student leaders' camp in Bintan in October 2011 

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Singapore Teacher Sex With Student Scandal Casts Shadow On Education System - Heather Tan

Huffington Post, 15 Nov 2012
Their affair started with her giving him a copy of the mushy memoir "Eat, Pray, Love." It ended with the 32-year-old female teacher in Singapore getting a jail sentence for illicit sex with her 15-year-old male student.
The case, which shocked Singapore, was the latest in a string of scandals involving the city-state's educators, who in the past year have been caught embezzling college money, committing lewd behavior, peddling drugs and a couple of times having sex with students. At least 10 such cases have reached the courts this year.
In a country known for its orderliness and strict laws where even jay-walking and public spitting are punishable offenses, the scandals are raising questions about whether the government – in its hugely successful efforts to control political dissidence and crime – has ignored declining moral and social standards. Full story


  1. Singapore hit by sex scandals involving teachers - Fox News
  2. Strait-laced Singapore hit by teacher scandals - The Review
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Singapore pastor charged for sex with underage girl

A Singaporean pastor was charged Monday with having sex with a 15-year-old girl who belonged to his congregation, police and local media said.

No details were released by the police but the Straits Times identified him as a 45-year-old father of three.

His name was withheld in order to protect the identity of the 15-year-old girl with whom he allegedly had intercourse in a public park and oral sex inside the church premises in 2011, according to the report.

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Former Maris Stella principal found guilty of embezzling $67k

Former principal of Maris Stella High School (MSHS) Anthony Tan Kim Hock, 66, was found guilty on Wednesday of misappropriating $67,679 in school funds.

Tan had been charged with embezzling the funds from MSHS’s Chapel Building Fund between 27 March and 10 September of 2009.

The verdict was handed down by district judge Soh Tze Bian, who had heard that the former school principal had misappropriated the said amount of money for expenses related to construction works at the Champagnat House, a private home for the Marist Brothers, which is a religious congregation Tan belonged to.

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Singapore cadet found guilty of indecent act in Australia

A Singaporean naval officer on trial in Australia for committing indecent acts has been found guilty of forcing a woman fellow cadet to kiss him.

But lieutenant Benedict Ang Yong Chuean, a trainee at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA), was cleared of a second charge of undoing the woman's bra and touching her breast while she slept.

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Singapore cop and ministry official in dock over sexual favors 

A young Singaporean policeman has been charged with corruption for allegedly obtaining sexual favours from a suspect, in return for showing her leniency, media reports said.

Parthivan Ramaya, a staff sergeant of the Singapore Police Force, is accused of obtaining physical intimacy from Dwi Sulistiani on four occasions, Channel News Asia reported.

Court documents state that Parthivan, 32, recommended leniency for Dwi who had been arrested for theft, as an inducement. The alleged sexual favours took place at the police station, Parthivan's Yishun Ring Road flat and at a stairwell along Fernvale Road. 

Separately, another law enforcer, a senior investigation officer at Manpower Ministry (MOM) faces three counts of corruption. in the form of sexual favours from a Chinese national. Charges read in court revealed that Norezwan Bin Em, 27, had received sexual favours on three occasions from Liu Lihua to extend her stay in Singapore.

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Singaporean businessman charged over alleged soccer sex bribe

A SINGAPOREAN businessman has been charged with corruption after allegedly offering free sex to three Lebanese football referees to induce them to fix a match, a government agency says. 

Eric Ding Si Yang, 31, was charged with three counts of corruption on Saturday, a spokesman for the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) told AFP yesterday. He gave no further details. 

If convicted, Ding faces a maximum prison term of five years or a fine of up to $US81,000 ($78,500), or both penalties, for each charge

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Ex-football coach jailed for 1 year

Former Woodlands football head coach R. Balasubramaniam was on Friday jailed for a year after misappropriating nearly $167,400 from his wife and her father. 

The 39-year-old had transferred about $131,500 from a joint bank account belonging to wife Nirmala Jaybalen and his father-in-law Jaybalen Karsenathan. 

He also pocketed another $35,900 of rental income from his father-in-law's house. 

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Three Lebanese referees charged for receiving sexual bribes

Three Lebanese soccer referees were charged Thursday for receiving sexual bribes in exchange for fixing a match in Singapore, the Government's anti-corruption bureau said. 

Referee Ali Sabbagh, and assistants Ali Eid and Abdallah Taleb, were charged before a district court for "corruptly" receiving sexual gratification "as an inducement" to fix the match they were to officiate Wednesday, court documents showed. 

The charge sheets said the three committed an offence punishable under the Prevention of Corruption Act.

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130 arrested in overnight crime blitz
Suspects apprehended during the blitz. Photo: Singapore Police Force

130 suspects comprizing 48 men and 82 women were arrested during an overnight crime blitz yesterday (Aug 30).
A police statement said the suspects, who were aged between 18 and 73, had been arrested for various offences.

76 had been arrested for offences involving illegal employment and the rest were apprehended for illegal gaming, unlawful assembly, drink driving and other criminal offences.

The joint anti-crime operation had been led by Central Police Division and supported by officers from Criminal Investigation Department, Traffic Police, Central Narcotics Bureau and Singapore Civil Defence Force.

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Police arrest 168 for various offences in islandwide operation

In a continued effort to clamp down criminal activities, Central Police Division with support from Criminal Investigation Department and Traffic Police, conducted a series of operations from 3 to 7 April 2013. 

These operations resulted in the arrest of 168 persons, comprising 62 males and 106 females between the ages of 18 and 72, for various offences. 

The operations saw officers cracking down on illegal gambling in the Jalan Besar area, with enforcement checks conducted at public entertainment outlets, and massage establishments located along Marina Bay, South Bridge Road and Little India. Road blocks were also set up within to detect drink driving. 

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Two Indian nationals charged with living off earnings of prostitutes

IBN Live, 17 Apr 2013 
Two Indian nationals have been charged with procuring four compatriot women to Singapore for prostitution and living off their earnings.

Balakrishnan Tamil Selvan, 28, and Kannaiya Ananthaprabu, 25, were believed to have committed the offences between February and April this year, reported the Channel News Asia.

Balakrishnan is accused of procuring two of the women in February this year to work as prostitutes in Singapore. The case would be heard again on April 29, according to the report. Full story

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Senior CPIB officer being investigated: TNP report

A senior officer with the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau is currently being investigated for embezzlement, reported The New Paper on Thursday.

CPIB has confirmed it is investigation one of its own, and in a reply to the paper said, "Upon discovery of suspected financial impropriety by one of its officers, the CPIB referred the matter to the CAD for investigation".

The CAD refers to the Commercial Affairs Department, which usually investigates white collar crimes. It also confirmed it is looking into the matter

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MDA assistant director in CPIB probe

An assistant director of the Media Development Authority (MDA) is being investigated by the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) following complaints against him last month.

The Sunday Times understands he has been accused of trying to borrow money from people applying for grants from the statutory board, which is under the Ministry of Communications and Information.

An MDA spokesman said: "When MDA discovered some irregularities in the conduct of an officer whose duties involved working with grant applicants, we took immediate action to refer the matter to the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau. We are extending our cooperation to the investigation."

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Sex in the city drags you down

It was as though Singapore was invaded by a type of virus in the air that destroyed human immunity against sexual misconduct. 

It spread through the city, striking down young and middle-aged Singaporeans – from Members of Parliament, elite civil servants and business executives to cleaners and lorry drivers. 

Sexual exposes dragged in personalities such as university professors, lawyers, police officers and prominent educators, as well as teenage boys and girls.

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2012 has been a year of sex scandals in Singapore

In April, 44 men were charged with having sex with the same underage girl. The number of men implicated in the online vice ring case swelled to 51 after some time. The lack of details in the charges drew barbs.

"How is anybody going to know what he is charged for when you don't know who the girl is, you do not know what her age is? We just can't accept the word of the prosecution isn't it?" said lawyer Subhas Anandan.

"Well, we are going to ask the prosecution, the DPP, to give us further particulars. If they do not give us the further particulars, we will take it up in the High Court." This was resolved later when certain details were disclosed to the defence.

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Sex on Page Six

Singapore newspapers should come with a rating system judging from the number of explicit articles on incidents revolving around ‘sex for favours’ lately. Page 6 of today’s Straits Times reads like some orgy of stupidity with educators, businessmen, and even cops getting in trouble for obtaining sexual services from people who blew their cover (no pun intended).

First story on page 6 revolves around Professor Tey Tsun Hang embroiled in a sex-for-grades scandal with his student. The best part is apart from offering Professor Tay sex, he also received expensive gifts from this girl such as a Jorg Gray watch valued between $500 to $750. Talk about being kiasu.

The second story involves match fixing but with a heavy dose guessed it…sex thrown in. Businessman Eric Ding Si Yang apparently offered prostitutes to three Lebanese football match officials in return for fixing a game and was bailed at $150,000. As we all know, match fixing is a serious business with a lot of money involved so I’m sure the prostitutes involved were of pretty ‘high’ quality. Maybe there were more than one given to each coach so they would get more ‘bang for their buck’ (pun intended).

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Let there be light

The latest scandal in Singapore, this time involving the sale of  computer systems in town councils to a firm which apparently was set-up with a capital of $2 enforces the claims by some about our Potemkin village status — that many still take as somehow reflecting that all is well in the country.

Background to this kerfuffle can be read here: link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4.

To those diehard supporters of the Establishment who may sometimes look in on this site (apart from concerned citizens and those just learning of this issue): Please be aware that this situation is something that bears some thought. If this strange issue involving a single tender being won by a firm composing three former MPs of the ruling party does not smack of conflict of interest, then the term ‘conflict of interest’ has lost all meaning.

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Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac

Here's Michael Palmer with his mistress Laura Ong

It is true that women are generally more attracted to men who are rich, good-looking or show leadership qualities. Being a politician possibly also means being good with words (or lies) and having a certain amount of charm. The average man might have perhaps 5 women trying to seduce him throughout his married life but if someone has 1,000 women fawning over him the chances of a successful seduction is much higher. Of course, not in all cases the homewrecker must have been the initiator, but I'm just saying it is hard to resist, say... Marilyn Monroe if she were coming after you. (Not that Laura Ong is anywhere near that standard)

Another reason could be that politicians are supposed to uphold extremely tight morals, including fidelity to their wives. Rarely do we hear of politicians who get divorced, probably coz they know it will negatively affect their image. So I suppose a lot of them stay on with an unhappy marriage, which is, again, more susceptible to infidelity.

Thirdly, it has also been said that the more someone knows they shouldn't do something, all the more it is fun and thrilling to them.

related: Politics and Adultery

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Michael Palmer's resignation draws the attention of international media
  1. Singapore Speaker resigns in fresh sex scandal - AFP
  2. Singapore official resigns over affair -
  3. S'pore Parliament Speaker resigns over extramarital affair - Indian Express
  4. Singapore Speaker of Parliament Palmer Resigns After Affair - BusinessWeek
  5. Singapore parliament speaker resigns over extramarital affair -
  6. Singapore speaker resigns over affair -
  7. Singapore Speaker resigns in fresh sex scandal - Antara News
  8. Palmer Quits As Parliament Speaker, PAP Member Over Relationship - Bernama
  9. S'pore Speaker resigns over extra-marital affair with staff - Malaysia Chronicle
  10. Singapore Speaker resigns after admitting to extramarital affair - Malaysia Star
  11. Singapore’s Speaker of Parliament Palmer Resigns After Affair - Jakarta Globe
  12. Singapore Speaker quits over infidelity - The Malaysian Insider
  13. Illicit affair brings down Singapore's speaker -
  14. S'pore speaker resigns after fresh sex scandal -
  15. Singapore’s parliamentary Speaker quits over sex scandal - The Manila Times
  16. S'pore Speaker Of Parliament Resigns Over Improper Conduct - Malaysian Digest
  17. Singapore official resigns after affair - USA Today
  18. Speaker of Singapore's parliament resigns after revealing affair - Fox News
  19. Singapore Official Resigns After Affair - ABC News
  20. Singapore speaker resigns over scandal - The Nation
  21. Speaker of Singapore’s parliament resigns after revealing affair - Washington Post
  22. Singapore's Speaker of Parliament resigns over affair - BBC News
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Singapore ranked 5th in TI's 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index

How did the govts of Denmark, Finland and New Zealand manage to top the least corrupted index with their humble salaries?

Insurance Journal, 5 Dec 2012
In Transparency International’s 2012 Corruption Perceptions Index, Denmark, Finland and New Zealand tied for first place out of 176 countries – meaning they were perceived to have the lowest levels of state sector corruption.

Sweden was fourth with Singapore ranked as fifth. Germany came in at 13th, one notch better than 2011 and Japan remained at 17. The United States ranked 19th in 2012, up from 24th out of 183 countries in 2011. China ranked 80th after 75th in 2011. Full story

  1. 2012 Corruption Perception Index - Transparency International
  2. Why Singapore Has the Cleanest Government Money Can Buy - TrulySingapore
  3. Cutting Corruption by Raising Government Salaries? - Globalprosperity.wordpress
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The Independent: Can high salary curb corruption?
Harvard Business Review: Does Money Really Affect Motivation?
Loughborough University: Key myths about corruption

Ex-GM Of AMK Town Council Charged with Corruption
What is happening in ‘Clean’ Singapore?
Singapore SMEC hit by World Bank ban
Singapore Multimillion-dollar Shell fuel heist
SMRT cheated of whopping $9.8 million by their own employees
Inside the Keppel Corporation Corruption Scandal
Oil, Bribes, Politicians: What Happened To ‘Clean’ Singapore?
40 million Dollars SkillsFuture scam
Zero Tolerance for Corruption
Singapore’s Corruption Control Framework
Paying high salaries to mitigate corruption
Maintaining Standards of our Civil Service
Business and Rules of Prudence
Crime, Corruption, Scandal & Professional Misconduct 3
Crime, Corruption, Scandal & Professional Misconduct 2
Crime, Corruption, Scandal & Professional Misconduct 1
Petty thefts and crime
Fakes and Frauds
Geylang, the final frontier
An Undercurrent Of Fear In Geylang
Where sleaze and food coexist
Sex in the city drags you down
Women, Sex and Singapore
Politics and Adultery
Reflections on the year of lust