

Large Turnout At Protest Against Population White Paper

Update: A Photo Documentary Of Hong Lim Protest

International News Media Coverage of Hong Lim Park Rally Against Population White Paper

Rare mass rally over Singapore immigration plans - BBC News
Singaporeans have staged a rare demonstration, in protest at government plans to allow more immigration.
Organisers said more than 4,000 people attended the rally, making it one of Singapore's largest ever protests. Full story

Rare protest in Singapore sees demonstrators voice concerns about plan to increase population - Fox News
Nearly 3,000 people have held a rare rally in Singapore to protest a government plan to bolster the population by admitting more foreigners, voicing concerns that it will worsen public services and push up the cost of living. Full story

Rare protest in Singapore sees demonstrators voice concerns about plan to increase population - The Washington Post
Nearly 3,000 people held a rare rally in Singapore on Saturday to protest a government plan to increase the city-state’s population by admitting more foreigners, voicing concerns that it will worsen already strained public services and push up the cost of living. Full story

Rare Singapore protest against population plan - BusinessWeek
Nearly 3,000 people held a rare rally in Singapore on Saturday to protest a government plan to increase the city-state's population by admitting more foreigners, voicing concerns that it will worsen already strained public services and push up the cost of living. Full story

Rare mass rally in Singapore demands immigration curbs - Economic Times
SINGAPORE: More than 1,000 Singaporeans attended the city-state's biggest protest rally in recent memory today, amid growing public indignation over predictions of a surging foreign population Full story

Singaporeans protest plans to increase immigration -
Singaporeans don't normally gather in public protest. Decades of single party rule and an iron hand when it comes to dissent has shaped a somewhat meek public. But a proposal by the government to allow more immigrants to come to Singapore in the next few decades to make up for a population shortfall has emboldened citizens to go public. Full story

Large crowd braves rain to denounce Singapore population plan - Reuters
SINGAPORE, Feb 15 (Reuters) - At least 4,000 people braved showers to stage one of Singapore's largest ever protests on Saturday, a further sign of discontent over immigration policies and growing income disparities under the long-ruling People's Action Party (PAP). Full story

Singaporeans Protest Plan to Increase Population by Immigration - Huffington Post
Nearly 3,000 people held a rare rally in Singapore on Saturday to protest a government plan to increase the city-state's population by admitting more foreigners, voicing concerns that it will worsen already strained public services and push up the cost of living. Full story

Singaporeans Protest Plan to Increase Population by Immigration - Bloomberg
Thousands of Singaporeans demonstrated yesterday against a government plan to increase the island’s population through immigration, saying the policy will erode the national identity and worsen quality of life.
Protesters gathered at Speakers’ Corner at Hong Lim Park at the edge of the city’s financial district in the rain, many dressed in black and carrying signs opposing the plan. Full story

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Estimated Crowd of 4000 People Gather At Hong Lim Park To Protest Against Population White Paper - report

Yahoo! News Singapore, 16 Feb 2013

An estimated crowd of 4,000 people gathered at the Speakers' Corner at Hong Lim Park on Saturday afternoon to protest against Population White Paper which was endorsed by Parliament last week.

Organised by, the protest saw people of all age ranges and races turn up in the light drizzle, with umbrellas and some with placards.

A list of 12 speakers made up of activists and well as current and past opposition members were lined up to speak at the event. Full story

  1. Rare mass rally in Singapore demands immigration curbs - Business Recorder
  2. Rare mass rally in Singapore demands immigration curbs - Saudi Gazette 
  3. Mass rally in Singapore seeks immigration curbs - The West Australian
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Snapshots: Thousands of Singaporeans braved the rain to turn up at Hong Lim Park to protest against PAP Govt's Population White Paper

Hardwarezone Forum, 16 Feb 2013 Link
Large turnout at Population White Paper protest -

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More than 3,000 brave rain for public protest at Hong Lim

Time was 4:30pm and it was drizzling… at least 3,000 Singaporeans brave the rain to attend what must be the largest public protest against the Govt policy at Hong Lim Park today (16 Feb

History is being made in Singapore… no longer people fear of showing their anger publicly

People of all walks came to Hong Lim Park today to protest against the Govt’s 6.9 million Population White Paper:

PA denied the organizer the use of the stage at the community center next to Hong Lim. The organizer had to put up their own stage:

Still, people “bochap” and used the 2nd floor of the community center to get a better view of the event:

Every time PAP or some ministers’ names are mentioned, people “boo”

Strangers even chatted among themselves condemning the White Paper

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Photos of Large turnout at Population White Paper protest

Despite a steady drizzle, …

Spring in Hong Lim Park

The drizzle, the wetness and the refreshing air, and a people acting in unison, with one dream and one purpose, it was like spring is in the air. I was busy trying to find some good angles to shoot some pics for the blog. The light was just good enough and can't complain about the rain though a bit worried about my camera.

My disappointment was not able to meet up with Fish, but with the crowd it was near impossible. Neither was I able to catch a glimsp of Patriot and the rest of you. Manage to meet up with a few RI mafias who were there too. And yes, took a photo with Dr Wong Wee Nam too.

Here are some of the pictures which can better tell the story of the Hong Lim Spring

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Protest at Hong Lim Park 16 Feb 2013

Since this blog started, it has tracked most of the protests held at Hong Lim Park. I  have always wondered how far Singaporeans have to be "pushed" before they start to protest.

Yesterday thousands of Singaporeans braved the rain to participate in a protest against the White Paper.

The passing of the White Paper has hit a raw nerve among ordinary Singaporeans. Speaking to a number of protesters yesterday, I sensed this "enough is enough", "this was shafted down our throats" feeling of frustration among the protesters.

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Majulah Singapura!

It rained. They came. With crowd like this, there is hope yet for Singapore

Unlike the National Day Parade, we sang our National Anthem without any rehearsal 
at about 6.50pm on Saturday 16 February 2013
"To Be In The Moment"  

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Drum beat of discontent in Singapore draws near

Singapore's biggest protest in decades shows that the ruling party for over half a century is facing a more vocal electorate and must change or watch its popularity slide further, analysts say.

An estimated 3,000 Singaporeans chanted "we want change" and endured heavy downpours on Saturday to reject government immigration proposals, in a rare demonstration in the tightly controlled city-state of 5.3 million people.

Although low by global standards, the turnout was the largest in years in Singapore, where the People's Action Party (PAP) has traditionally responded to any dissent with a firm hand. It provides the government of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong much to consider.

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Five thousand gather to protest population White Paper

The protest held on Saturday, 16 February 2013, against the government’s 6.9 million population White Paper saw the second largest crowd ever at Hong Lim Park. Organisers estimated it to be 4,000 to 5,000, which puts it second only to Pink Dot 2012.  Walking around and observing the density of the crowd myself, I more or less agree with the estimate. More might have come if not for the drizzly weather.

With that kind of crowd size, there will be plenty of reports on social media, but nonetheless, I don’t think anyone else is going to make the observation I made: the language of the rally explains the rally.

What do I mean by that?

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Reporting Hong Lim Park

Something big happened in Singapore yesterday and it was on the front page of….the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong. The kindest thing I can say about MSM here is that they don’t track events as thoroughly as the foreign media. But I know that’s a lie. So we have to read foreign versions of what happened in Singapore, filed by wire agencies and other publications. Or you get bits and pieces of what happened through social media and YouTube clips. I would have liked a comprehensive report on what the speakers said done by professionals who have a stake in this country’s future.

But I, a Singapore citizen, didn’t get it.

I suppose MSM found themselves in a tough position. There’s some OB marker somewhere they can’t cross, or won’t cross. So there was a piece in the Sunday Times which summed up the event. Bare bones. Not even a Page 1 picture. The organisers of the Say No to Population White Paper said 5,000 people attended, reported ST, which also cited AFP’s 1,000 to 1,500. The police, whom the MSM usually relies on for the definitive crowd size, said they didn’t monitor the crowd size yesterday. Unbelievable! Anyway, if ST could have quoted AFP, then it could well have come up with its estimate of crowd size – which it didn’t.

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The National Anthem at Hong Lim Park today

The thousands of people gathered at Hong Lim Park today ended the meeting with the singing of the National Anthem. As I watched the clip on Facebook, I thought how reluctant the students in our schools are singing it. In fact schools have given up. Unlike my time, the singing and music is played over the sound system.

My kids said in school they were forced to sing. Among these thousands they sang for solidarity and hope that they might not lose the country. I have mixed feelings. This protest gathering was naive. I wonder if they know what they are doing and which road they are going down. Of course I am angry with the PM. It boggles the mind how he and his ministers could be so out of touch.

Note to self: See also later post: Political Fodder at Speakers' Corner

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4,000 turn up at Speakers' Corner for population White Paper protest

An estimated crowd of 4,000 people gathered at the Speakers' Corner at Hong Lim Park on Saturday afternoon to protest against Population White Paper which was endorsed by Parliament last week.

Organised by, a support site for unemployed, the nearly four-hour protest saw people of all age ranges and races turn up in the light drizzle, with umbrellas and some with home-made, colourful placards and posters.

While organisers put the official figure at 4,000, others compared the size of the crowd to that of Pink Dot 2013, in which close to 15,000 took part.

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Approximately 5000 people attended the Population White Paper protest rally

Thousands of Singaporeans demonstrated yesterday against a government plan to increase the island’s population through immigration, saying the policy will erode the national identity and worsen quality of life.

Protesters gathered at Speakers’ Corner at Hong Lim Park at the edge of the city’s financial district in the rain, many dressed in black and carrying signs opposing the plan. Lawmakers from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s ruling party last week endorsed a white paper that outlined proposals including allowing more foreigners through 2030 to boost the workforce.

The rally increases pressure on the government to slow an influx of immigrants that has been blamed for infrastructure strains, record-high housing and transport costs and competition for jobs. Singapore’s population has jumped by more than 1.1 million since mid-2004 to 5.3 million and may reach 6.9 million by 2030, based on the proposal. That stoked social tensions and public discontent that is weakening support for Lee’s People’s Action Party.

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Singaporeans protest plan to allow more foreigners

In a rare show of protest, Singaporeans took to the streets on Saturday to rally against government plans to allow more foreigners into the Southeast Asian country.

About 3,000 people protested against a plan to increase immigration over the next few decades, which locals say will push up the cost of living and cut into their social services, the Associated Press reported. The population plan was endorsed in parliament earlier this month. 

CNN said the move would help Singapore "make up for its population shortfall."

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Rare mass rally in Singapore demands immigration curbs

More than 1,000 Singaporeans attended the city-state's biggest protest rally in recent memory Saturday, amid growing public indignation over predictions of a surging foreign population. 

The peaceful rally, held at an officially designated protest zone, was staged by a civic group after the government said foreigners could account for nearly half of the densely packed island's population in less than 20 years.

Organisers estimated the crowd at 3,000, but AFP reporters on the scene said between 1,000 and 1,500 people had taken part despite afternoon downpours, making it the biggest protest in Singapore in recent years.

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Rare mass rally in Singapore demands immigration curbs

A man holds a sign at a demonstration against a government white paper on population at Speakers’ Corner in Singapore on Saturday. — Reuters

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Mass rally in Singapore seeks immigration curbs

Mass rally in Singapore seeks immigration curbs

AFP © Mass rally in Singapore seeks immigration curbs

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6.9 imil

Thousands of Singaporeans demonstrated today against a government plan to increase the island’s population through immigration, saying the policy will erode the national identity and threaten their livelihoods.

Protesters gathered at Speakers’ Corner at Hong Lim Park at the edge of the city’s financial district on a rainy afternoon, many dressed in black and carrying signs opposing the plan. Lawmakers from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s ruling party last week endorsed a white paper that outlined proposals including allowing more foreigners through 2030 to boost the workforce.

Today’s rally increases pressure on the government to slow an influx of immigrants that has been blamed for infrastructure strains, record-high housing and transport costs and competition for jobs. Singapore’s population has jumped by more than 1.1 million since mid-2004 to 5.3 million, stoking social tensions and public discontent that is weakening support for Lee’s People’s Action Party.

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Mass rally in Singapore seeks immigration curbs

Mass rally in Singapore seeks immigration curbs

The peaceful rally, held at an officially designated protest zone, was staged by a civic group after the government said foreigners could account for nearly half of the densely packed island's population in less than 20 years.

Organisers estimated the crowd at 3,000, but AFP reporters on the scene said between 1,000 and 1,500 people had taken part despite afternoon downpours, making it the biggest protest in Singapore in recent years.

Rally leaders, who used Facebook and other online platforms to draw support, openly attacked the People's Action Party (PAP), which has been in power for more than 50 years, over its immigration and other policies.

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The National Anthem at Hong Lim Park today

The thousands of people gathered at Hong Lim Park today ended the meeting with the singing of the National Anthem. As I watched the clip on Facebook, I thought how reluctant the students in our schools are singing it. In fact schools have given up. Unlike my time, the singing and music is played over the sound system.

My kids said in school they were forced to sing. Among these thousands they sang for solidarity and hope that they might not lose the country. I have mixed feelings. This protest gathering was naive. I wonder if they know what they are doing and which road they are going down.

Of course I am angry with the PM. It boggles the mind how he and his ministers could be so out of touch.

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Singaporeans Protest Plan to Increase Population by Immigration

Thousands of Singaporeans demonstrated today against a government plan to increase the island’s population through immigration, saying the policy will erode the national identity and threaten their livelihoods

Protesters gathered at Speakers’ Corner at Hong Lim Park at the edge of the city’s financial district on a rainy afternoon, many dressed in black and carrying signs opposing the plan. Lawmakers from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s ruling party last week endorsed a white paper that outlined proposals including allowing more foreigners through 2030 to boost the workforce.

Today’s rally increases pressure on the government to slow an influx of immigrants that has been blamed for infrastructure strains, record-high housing and transport costs and competition for jobs. Singapore’s population has jumped by more than 1.1 million since mid-2004 to 5.3 million, stoking social tensions and public discontent that is weakening support for Lee’s People’s Action Party.

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Large crowd braves rain to denounce Singapore population plan

At least 4,000 people braved showers to stage one of Singapore's largest ever protests on Saturday, a further sign of discontent over immigration policies and growing income disparities under the long-ruling People's Action Party (PAP).

Parliament in the highly regimented city state last week approved a white paper that said the island's population of 5.3 million could grow by as much as 30 percent to 6.9 million by 2030, mostly through foreign workers to offset a chronically low birth rate.

Critics say the island is already too crowded, with a population density exceeding that of rival Asian business centre Hong Kong. They blame the flood of foreigners over the past decade for stagnant wages, crowded trains and rising prices that put housing beyond the reach of the average Singaporean and say further inflows would change the very nature of the island.

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Singaporeans protest plans to increase immigration

Singaporeans don't normally gather in public protest. Decades of single party rule and an iron hand when it comes to dissent has shaped a somewhat meek public. But a proposal by the government to allow more immigrants to come to Singapore in the next few decades to make up for a population shortfall has emboldened citizens to go public.

On Saturday, several thousand Singaporeans gathered in a small downtown park near an area known as "Speaker's Corner" to vent their anger. Organizers estimated the crowd to between 3,000 and 4,000 and said it was the largest gathering since post-independence Singapore in 1965. Singapore police told CNN they don't give crowd estimates.

At the heart of the issue is a so-called "White Paper on Population" recently issued by the government that proposes allowing the population to rise from 5.3 million to as high as 6.9 million by 2030 in order to keep the economy growing and to keep it a magnet country for business.

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Large crowd turns up for rare protest against population white paper in Singapore

A large crowd braved a drizzle to gather at the Speakers' Corner in Singapore on Saturday in a rare protest against a government white paper on population.

The crowd began to gather in the afternoon for the protest organized by Gilbert Goh, a 51-year-old known as an unemployment counselor. Organizers lined up a list of 12 speakers, including activists and opposition party members.

Organizers said close to 5,000 turned up for the protest, which has been rare in Singapore, but local daily Lianhe Zaobao put the number of the people at the gathering at over 3,000.

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Full coverage

Singaporeans protest plans to increase population - ‎20 minutes ago‎
Singapore - Yesterday, February 16th, a rare protest of about 3,000 people took place in Singapore. They were protesting government plans to increase the population of the city state. Protesters worry that a government plan that would raise the current ...

Singapore ruling party faces increasingly vocal electorate

Pakistan Daily Times - ‎2 hours ago‎
SINGAPORE: Singapore's biggest protest in decades shows that the ruling party for over half a century is facing a more vocal electorate and must change or watch its popularity slide further, analysts say. At least 2,000 Singaporeans chanted “we want change” ...

Singaporeans protest plans to increase immigration

CNN International - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
(CNN) -- Singaporeans don't normally gather in public protest. Decades of single party rule and an iron hand when it comes to dissent has shaped a somewhat meek public. But a proposal by the government to allow more immigrants to come to Singapore in ...

Singaporeans hit streets to protest against immigration influx plan

Sydney Morning Herald - ‎10 hours ago‎
SINGAPORE: Thousands of Singaporeans demonstrated on Saturday against a plan to increase the island's population through immigration, saying the policy would erode national identity and worsen quality of life. The rally increases pressure on the ...

Singapore seethes over population plan - ‎13 hours ago‎
Proposal to boost city state's population prompts rare protest, signalling growing dissent over influx of foreigners. Heather Tan Last Modified: 17 Feb 2013 12:55. Email Article. Email. Print Article. Print. Share article. Share · Send Feedback. Thousands of ...

In Singapore's Immigration Debate, Sign of Asia's Slipping Middle Class?

New York Times (blog) - ‎8 hours ago‎
A demonstration in Singapore against a government plan to increase the population to nearly seven million Edgar Su/Reuters A demonstration in Singapore against a government plan to increase the population to nearly seven million via legal immigration.

Rally against population plan

Gulf Daily News - ‎20 hours ago‎
SINGAPORE: Nearly 3,000 people held a rare rally in Singapore yesterday to protest against a government plan to increase the city-state's population by admitting more foreigners, voicing concerns that it will worsen already strained public services and push ...

Anti-immigration rally in Singapore

The Nation - ‎21 hours ago‎
SINGAPORE - More than 2,000 people attended Singapore's biggest protest in decades on Saturday to demand curbs on immigration amid growing public anger over an expected surge in the foreign population. The peaceful three-hour rally at an officially ...

Singapore protest biggest since independence

South China Morning Post - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
Thousands of Singaporeans braved drizzle to attend a rally yesterday to oppose the government's plan to increase the population by bringing in more foreigners - a rare example of protest in the tightly controlled city state. An organiser, Kwan Yew Keng, ...

Our home: Think big, plan long term

AsiaOne - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
On the one hand, the Population White Paper touches on issues related to our ageing population, the low birth rate by Singaporeans, the social impact of a high percentage of foreigners and so on. RELATED STORIES. Population 2030 · Population White ...

Singaporeans protest over population plan - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
Thousands in tightly controlled city-state stage rare mass rally against proposal to increase population by 30 percent. Last Modified: 16 Feb 2013 19:00. Email Article. Email. Print Article. Print. Share article. Share · Send Feedback. At least 4,000 people have ...

Singaporeans Protest Immigration Plans

Wall Street Journal - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
SINGAPORE—Concerned by an immigration squeeze that has swelled living costs, Singaporeans gathered Saturday to protest government plans to keep importing foreigners to help tackle demographic woes. The demonstration is one of the largest shows of ...

Rare protest in Singapore sees demonstrators voice concerns about plan to ...

Edmonton Journal - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
SINGAPORE - Nearly 3,000 people have held a rare rally in Singapore to protest a government plan to bolster the population by admitting more foreigners, voicing concerns that it will worsen public services and push up the cost of living. Such demonstrations ...

Rare mass rally over Singapore immigration plans

BBC News - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
Singaporeans have staged a rare demonstration, in protest at government plans to allow more immigration. Organisers said more than 4,000 people attended the rally, making it one of Singapore's largest ever protests. They are angry at a recent government ...

Singaporeans Protest Population Policy

Getty Images - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
SINGAPORE - FEBRUARY 16: People hold up a placards to protest against the government's White Paper on Population at Speakers' Corner at Hong Lim Park on February 16, 2013 in Singapore. Thousands of protesters gathered today following the release ...

Large crowd braves rain to denounce Singapore population plan

Jerusalem Post - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
SINGAPORE - At least 4,000 people braved showers to stage one of Singapore's largest ever protests on Saturday, a further sign of discontent over immigration policies and growing income disparities under the long-ruling People's Action Party (PAP).

Singaporeans rally against immigration

Bangkok Post - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
SINGAPORE - Thousands of Singaporeans demonstrated on Saturday against a government plan to increase the island's population through immigration. Allowing more immigrants to enter the city-state will erode the national identity and threaten livelihoods, ...

Singapore Protest Exposes Voter Worries About Immigation

Bloomberg - ‎7 hours ago‎
Singapore's biggest political protest since allowing these events at a downtown park in 2000 may signal growing difficulty by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's government to push policies without broader support. Thousands of protesters gathered on Feb.

S'poreans hold protest against White Paper on Population

Channel News Asia - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
SINGAPORE: A protest was held against the government's White Paper on Population at Speakers' Corner on Saturday, organised by Organisers said about 5,000 were present. The intermittent drizzle did not deter the organisers, who led ...

Large turnout at Speakers' Corner for protest against Population White Paper

AsiaOne - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
SINGAPORE - A crowd of more than 1,000 people gathered at Speakers' Corner for a protest against the Population White Paper that was endorsed by Parliament last week. Many turned up with umbrellas and caps, braving the light drizzle at around 4pm on ...

Singapore Looks to Bolster Population with Foreigners

Global Voices Online - ‎20 hours ago‎
The Singapore government's new population strategy has triggered a debate on whether it should welcome more foreigners to solve its ageing demographics. Discussion also ensued about what constitutes a 'Singaporean core'. The government expects a ...

Singaporeans protest plan to allow more foreigners

GlobalPost - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
About 3,000 people in Singapore rallied against government plans to increase immigration, which locals say will push up the cost of living. Singapore protest Enlarge. People react to a speaker speech at Hong Lim Park during the protest against the ...

Immigration curbs wanted in Singapore

Radio New Zealand - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
A demonstration was held on Saturday by more than 2000 people in Singapore to demand curbs on immigration. The crowd at Speakers' Corner repeatedly chanted "We want change". A government policy paper last month said the population could be ...

Singaporeans Protest Plan to Increase Population by Immigration (Singapore) - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
SINGAPORE, Feb. 17 — Thousands of Singaporeans demonstrated Saturday against a government plan to increase the island's population through immigration, saying the policy will erode the national identity and worsen quality of life. Protesters gathered at ...

Rare Singapore protest against population plan

News 12 Brooklyn - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
Photo credit: AP | Singaporeans gather at their speakers' corner in a protest against a paper passed in parliament last week that suggests continued immigration that would raise the total population to 6.9 million by 2030, a 30 percent increase, on Saturday ...

Large crowd turns up for rare protest against population white paper in Singapore

Global Times - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
A large crowd braved a drizzle to gather at the Speakers' Corner in Singapore on Saturday in a rare protest against a government white paper on population. The crowd began to gather in the afternoon for the protest organized by Gilbert Goh, a 51-year-old ...

People holding umbrellas attend a rally against a government white paper on ...

Reuters AlertNet - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
People holding umbrellas attend a rally against a government white paper on population at Speakers' Corner in Singapore February 16, 2013. The paper released in January said the island's population of 5.3 million could grow by as much as 30 percent by ...

Trust lost, trust yet to be found — Howard Lee

The Malaysian Insider - ‎Feb 16, 2013‎
FEB 16 — Watching the unfolding of the Population White Paper was like watching a Channel 8 drama serial. The debate in Parliament was filled with emotional ups and downs, overflowed with conflict, and even featured on of its key actors close to tears.

Singapore's future uncertain on bad economy

Pakistan Observer - ‎Feb 15, 2013‎
Saturday, February 16, 2013 - Singapore—As anger swells over living costs and immigration in Singapore, one of Asia's richest and most expensive countries, the bespectacled 51-year-old unemployment counsellor Gilbert Goh is moving beyond the fringe of ...

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Continued from: Planned Protest Against Population White Paper