

Watz Buzzing - 6 Dec 2012

Singapore's blind fear against angering Israel and US

While the majority of the world has seen enough of the Zionist oppression the last more than half a century, Singapore and some other Zionist bootlickers stand firm on the side of the oppressors. I am referring to Singapore's eagerness not to anger Zionist Israel and its godfather, Americuh, at the recent UN vote on the Palestinian issue.

Here's how the world voted and told the Zionists that enough is enough. The anti-Semite victim card doesn't work anymore. THE WORLD REVEALS ITS ANTI SEMITISM IN YESTERDAY’S UN VOTE

Here's Singapore's excuse for not supporting the UN bid by Palestinians. Singapore abstains from UN vote on Palestine status 

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The Palestinian State

Now that the 193-nation U.N. General Assembly had voted to accept the de facto recognition of a sovereign Palestinian state, I think it's time for a change in Singapore. I believe it’s time for Singapore to do the same and accept Palestine as a state.

Yes, that is correct. Singapore is one of the handful of states who has thus far refused to recognize Palestine as a sovereign state. In case anyone is wondering, the vote recognizing the Palestinian state had 138 votes in favor, nine against and 41 abstentions. In short, despite the best efforts of Israel and the U.S, the world was overwhelming in favor of recognizing Palestine. However in the latest vote in the U.N, Singapore abstained from voting.

I find that to be ridiculously stupid. Yes, I read the Singapore government’s position that such a recognition will not help achieve peace in the region but that argument will only hold water if there is some peace talks to help thing along. There isn’t. In fact, Singapore’s argument sounds downright stupid when you consider that Israel and Hamas just traded rocket fire for a week.

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China must behave like a super power

China’s self restraint is becoming a joke to the little countries in Asean and they think they can make groundless claims against its territories, arrest Chinese fishing boats and fishermen and China cannot do anything about it. In the view of Asean countries, China is just a paper tiger. Just shout at China, call it a bully and China will quietly back off.

China needs to act like a big power like the Americans, the Israelis or the Japanese. It must be more willing to flex its muscles to hammer the little trouble makers coveting its territories. At the worst, it must act like the Indians as a regional power. In the Indian Ocean, no countries would dare to trifle with the Indians. It will lash out with whatever it got to any adventurers.

The Indians are moving into the South China Sea. It has declared that it is ready to protect its oil interests in South China, an open affront to China’s dispute with Vietnam. The Indian Navy Chief Admiral D K Joshi said that India is prepared to act, if necessary, to protect its maritime and economic interests in the region. This is as good as telling China that it will go to war with China. And no one is saying India is escalating tension in the South China Sea. That is how a big power should act and behave to keep the little countries out of its way.

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Foreigners still using HDB flats as transient hotel? Is HDB doing enough to clamp down on them? 

Hardwarezone Forum, 4 Dec 2012,com_adsmanager/Itemid,27/adid,461755/catid,22/page,show_ad/,com_adsmanager/Itemid,27/adid,461745/catid,22/page,show_ad/


Note: Netizens have pointed out that the two advertisements highlighted above are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more listed in and in other Filipino websites, some are written in tagalog.

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SBS PRC driver skips bus stop leaving waiting commuters in the lurch
"On Nov 22 at about 9.20am, I boarded an east-bound service number 5 bus.

"The ride was rough due to abrupt application of brakes and accelerator. "When approaching the stop opposite Damai Secondary School, the bus came to an abrupt stop 10 metres after the bus stop to pick up a commuter.

"When arriving at the next stop, harsh braking was again applied but the bus did not stop completely and moved off. Full story

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Statistical evidence of age discrimination against older workers?

I refer to the report “Employment rate of Singapore residents hits new high” (Channel NewsAsia, Nov 30).

Little age discrimination? It states that “Separately, the labour movement found that most of the 118 unionised companies surveyed re-employed older workers on the same terms they had previously. NTUC says these workers are spread across various sectors, with different wage levels.

NTUC’s deputy secretary-general, Heng Chee How, said: “(What) the labour movement is more concerned about is whether or not the companies are valuing the workers for their experience and for their performance. Based on this preliminary survey that we have recently conducted, in fact we’re gratified to know that the surveyed companies, the clear majority of them (about three in four of them) actually do value the workers.”"

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Wait For The Numbers

It was the fog of war that clouded the initial reports of what happened at Benghazi, an act of terror that turned out to be a terrorist attack. That happens when an incident takes place in a foreign country thousands of miles away. But why can't the local media get their details right when something occurs within our own doorsteps? 

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Are we proud of what happened to the PRC drivers?

We pledge, "To build a democratic society based on justice and equality!' but we repatriated 29 Chinese nationals who came to work as bus drivers in SMRT. Why?  Because they have the ballsiness  to fight for their rights to fair wages and bettet living condition. We also jailed Bao Feng Shan for 6 weeks for being vocal "threatening comments" while talking to his bosses!

Many may sing praises for SMRT and Ministry of Manpower (and other ministries involved) for their damaging retort to the bus drivers. But I'm ashamed. By such drastic and righteous (legal?) actions against the bus drivers, is the government trying to show that we Singaporeans are saved from mayhem and hell-fire of the PRC drivers? Or is the message to Singaporeans: "Yo! SingaSuckers, don't mess with me! You hear! It's my way or the highway!"


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Philippine Christmas symbol signals the growing Filipino empire in Singapore, 4 Dec 2012
One of the Philippines' most enduring symbols of the Holiday season has found a home in Singapore, where thousands of Filipinos have also found a second home.
“The parol was an initiative of Paskong Pinoy 2012, which consists of Filipino volunteers whose aim is to enrich the Christmas celebration in Singapore by showcasing the giant lantern from Pampanga, one of the Philippines’ finest symbols of the Christmas season.
The initiative was fully endorsed by the Philippine Embassy in Singapore, and H.E. Ambassador Minda Calaguian-Cruz,” said Aldo Joson in an e-mail to Full story

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On Train announcements and Language Rights

If you are a frequent commuter on the North-South and East-West Lines, you should have noticed for a few months now a new announcement made when a train pulls into the station. The stations’ names are now also announced in its Mandarin form, following English.

So, big deal. Singapore officially recognises four languages. Important train announcements have always been made in all four languages, with signs to match throughout the trains and platforms. Multiracialism is the bedrock of our nation. The introduction of Mandarin now to announce the names of stations simply shows we are a multilingual society, so what’s wrong?

To be honest, I was surprised when I first heard it whilst travelling. I was, in fact, anxious to see if anyone else heard it and what their reactions were, especially those who were not Chinese. Everyone appeared not to notice, except for a group of teenage Malay boys who began a game amongst themselves, repeating the Mandarin pronunciations of station names as the train arrived at each stop. They were doing a great job I must say, and I never thought that train announcements could help one to learn Mandarin. I used to play the same game myself, mimicking the public announcements on trains, complete with the right intonation and accent, though I could never master the Tamil segment as well as the Malay boys speaking Mandarin now. 

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The PAP remains unchanged

Mr Lee Hsien Loong is beginning to sound like the old 78 rpm record that he once used to describe NCMP Dr Lee Siew Choh.

In a recent speech at the PAP’s 32nd Party Conference, he stressed that the mainstay of government policy is economic growth, openness to foreigners and meritocracy

There were the usual warnings that low wage workers will be hardest hit if we don’t have growth, that young people will leave if we don’t have meritocracy, and our economy will suffer without foreign immigrants.

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Singaporeans need US$227k to feel happy, US$2.91mil to feel wealthy: Survey, 4 Dec 2012
The latest to weigh in on the issue is Skandia International's Wealth Sentiment Monitor. It found that the global average "happiness income" is around $161,000 for 13 countries surveyed. The United States wasn't specifically measured. (Read more: Why Millionaires Prefer Dogs)
But there was a wide range of answers depending on the country. Dubai residents need the most to feel wealthy. They said they needed $276,150 to be happy. Singapore came in second place, with $227,553, followed by Hong Kong, with $197,702.
Singaporeans took the lead on the "wealth" needs, with $2.91 million needed to feel wealthy. Dubai ranked second with $2.5 million, followed by Hong Kong with $2.46 million. Full story 

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