

Common Uses of Baking Soda in Your Home

Unclogging Drains

Tired of smelly drains? Baking soda can come in handy. You can use baking soda and reduce the smell down significantly in just few minutes. Sprinkle some baking soda and pour hot water on it. You can also use baking soda in combination with white vinegar and pour hot water over it. This can help unclog the drains.

Washing Machines

If you didn't already know, baking soda can help while cleaning your laundry. It helps brighten laundry when used as detergent. Baking soda also makes the laundered clothes fresh. It has also been proven to be a very good fabric softener. Baking soda may also used for the purpose of cleaning your washing machine


If you put baking soda at the bottom of the crisper drawer, it eliminates the smell caused by vegetables and fruits that have been in it for quite some time. It can also help remove stubborn stains which may have not been removed by other means

Your Beloved Cooking Utensils

Baking soda helps reduce smells absorbed by your non-stick pans. It also helps in making stains less visible or completely removes them. Now you won't need to worry about the removing the food that gets stuck after baking. Just use baking soda on your pots or pans and it will do you wonders

Microwaves and Tomato Stains

Baking soda works great on grease and stuck food particles. It helps your microwave get rid of odors. Also, it tackles stains left by tomatoes with ease

Get Rid of Difficult to Remove Food Particle Remains

Food particles that are stubborn to remove can be easily tackled by spraying baking soda and water solution with interval of few hours. You can see the tough food particles start to dissolve within the first attempt

An Inexpensive Dishwashing Detergent

You can make a homemade detergent for dishwashing by mixing baking soda with small amount of sodium borate, also known as Borax. It makes a very effective dishwashing detergent which is not as expensive as other detergents. Baking soda can also be used in cleaning your dishwasher

Get Rid of the Trash Smell

Can't control the trash smell? Baking soda helps a lot in reducing this foul odor. Just sprinkle baking soda onto the trash or at the bottom of you dustbins. You can also use it to clean your dustbins and make them odorless

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