

Watz Online - 27 Nov 2012

Singaporeans react to ‘emotionless’ tag

People sit along the promenade in the financial district during their lunch break in Singapore on November 23, 2012.. © AFP PHOTO / ROSLAN RAHMAN
People sit along the promenade in the financial district during their lunch break in Singapore on November 23, 2012

Singaporeans have reacted to a survey depicting them as the world's most emotionless people with many saying the city state's competitive culture leaves them no room for feelings.

"Singaporeans are the least likely in the world to report experiencing emotions of any kind on a daily basis," US-based pollster Gallup said in a report on a three-year study conducted in more than 150 countries.

The Philippines came out as the most emotional society in the world, with Latin American countries dominating the top of the list.

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National Conversation important in govt’s decision making: PM Lee

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on Saturday spoke of the need to make choices and trade—offs in the governing of the country.

Speaking to activists from the ruling People’s Action Party at a seminar on Saturday, Mr Lee, who is also the PAP Secretary—General, said this also means updating and revising policies, and keeping them afresh.

Developments around the world make a big difference to Singapore’s future and Mr Lee feels it is therefore important to pay attention to external trends, like the growth of India and China, and the disputes in the South China Sea

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WINDS OF CHANGE knock at LKY's door: Book on crackdown triggers comparison with Dr M

Comparison and analysis about the styles and qualities of two notorious Southeast Asian autocrats - Lee Kuan Yew and Mahathir Mohamad - are bound to be reignited with the release of two books published this year to coincide with the 25th anniversary of Singapore's infamous Operation Spectrum that saw 22 social activists, lawyers, journalists and church workers detained without trial in May 1987.

One of the books 'Prelude to the Post-Lee Kuan Yew era'  written by political exile Tan Wah Piow, who was thrown into jail for allegedly "masterminding a Marxist plot", will be launched on Saturday 24 November at the Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall in Kuala Lumpur.

According to Wah Piow, "Many Malaysians do not see "the other side of the moon", and, especially the Chinese Malaysians such as those in the DAP thinks Lee Kuan Yew is the alternative"

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PAP’s quiet counter-insurgency

The ruling party’s digital initiative is to defend itself or go on the offensive against online critics, which include Opposition representatives.

More details have emerged from one of the world’s most unusual government operations which involve sending teams of agents into cyberspace to take on its critics.

It was launched by the People’s Action Party (PAP) five years ago under Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen and several top MPs to counter a rising tide of anti-establishment postings.

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Singapore residents praise dissident’s run for office

Singapore supporters of outspoken opposition politician Chee Soon Juan have told that they are excited about his official entrance into running for governmental office.

“It is exciting that someone who has fought against corruption and the government for so long is to start to make a difference from the inside,” said cafe owner and Chee Soon supporter Sue Kuan.

Kuan told that “if we can get him elected it will be a great time for Singapore.”

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Three Indians nabbed with 15m FC

The airport customs arrested three Indian nationals who attempted to smuggle foreign currency worth around 15 million to Singapore this morning.

Custom officials found 88,000 Euros in 500 notes and 50000 Swiss Franc in 1000 notes which was hidden inside their rectums.

Two suspects were found with 18000 Euros and 38000 Euros while the other one was carrying 30000 Euros and 50000 Swiss Franc.

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Singapore woos Indian tourists

The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) has announced the second phase of its customised and differentiated marketing campaign to lure travellers from southern states into staying for a longer duration in the fun island with its latest offering.

The second burst of marketing campaign titled ‘Singapore — the holiday you take home with you’, focuses on ‘family fun’ and ‘romance.’ It also describes the 10 must-visit places based on feedback received from Indian travellers.

Briefing reporters here on Thursday, STB South Asia Director G.B. Srithar said: “India is a key market for us with a healthy traffic. A lot of our tourist attractions depend on Indian visitors … .”

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Singapore reaches out to Indonesian travellers with new campaign

Following the series of differentiated marketing campaigns launched in China, Australia and India, the Singapore Tourism Board has launched another such campaign, this time designed with the Indonesian tourist in mind.

The new campaign - Only in Singapore, Right Now! - has been launched in Jakarta and like its predecessors, it is focused on tailoring and delivering experiences that are based on a deeper understanding of consumer needs in key visitor-source markets.

Many Indonesians travel abroad for differentiated lifestyle needs such as shopping, entertainment, attractions and dining

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Singaporean school’s closure opens a can of worms

Int’l tertiary education in HCMC marked by dubious quality, inept administration

Students gather outside the Melior Business School in Ho Chi Minh City, preparing to lodge complaints on November 12. The school’s abrupt closure while it was under investigation for opening unregistered courses has left 150 students and their teachers in the lurch.

Lan Huong had great hopes of landing a decent job after getting an international certificate in business administration

She willingly paid the high fees demanded by a Singaporean school in Ho Chi Minh City because it would be well worth it in the end, she said. In fact, she had passed the university entrance exam and earned a much coveted seat at a public university, but she said an international course would offer greater value.

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Philippines says no ASEAN unity over China row

Cambodia, the chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, said that all 10 members of the bloc had agreed at a leaders' summit Sunday not to "internationalise" their disputes over rival claims to the South China Sea.

The apparent deal would have been a victory for China, which has long insisted that countries such as the Philippines should not seek support from the United States.

But Philippine President Benigno Aquino insisted he and one other country, which diplomats said was Vietnam, had not agreed and that Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen should not have promoted the alleged ASEAN "consensus".

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Hundreds of Philippine police 'cheated in exams'

Thirteen Philippine policemen have been sacked and more than 350 others placed under investigation for allegedly cheating in written exams, the police governing body said Sunday.

The National Police Commission said it had invalidated the results of the exams taken last year by 386 people in the southern city of Zamboanga as so many had put exactly the same wrong answers.

The exams were being taken by would-be officers applying to enter the force as well as serving officers seeking promotion.

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