

Watz Buzzing - 7 Nov 2012

Philippines welcomes ex-citizens back while S’pore kicks citizens out
The Singapore PAP Government is the only ‘Government of a PSEUDO FIRST WORLD COUNTRY’ that would NOT hesitate to take away the Citizenship of Singaporeans.

The first citizen that the PAP stripped off was a loyal and hardworking naturalised Singaporean and well known philanthropist named Mr Tan Lark Sye – who built Nanyang University as an alternative avenue for those who are not educated in the English medium, and for the appreciation and preservation of Chinese Cultural Heritage.

Not only has the PAP Government arbitrarily removed the Citizenship of a Singaporean Philanthropist, it even passed a new legislation that will remove the Citizenship of Singaporean who remain away from Singapore for over ten years without making a single trip back.

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Loophole for Filipinos to game Singapore public housing system

A TR Emeritus (TRE) reader has sent in this information [Link]. Apparently, under the laws of the Philippines, a Philippine citizen who has given up his citizenship to become a citizen of another country can easily re-acquire or claim back his Philippine citizenship. This law was in fact enacted in the Philippines in 2003 called the Citizenship Retention and Reacquisition Act of 2003. It declares that natural-born citizens of the Philippines who become citizens of another country shall be deemed not to have lost their Philippine citizenship and can retain/re-acquire it back. However, it only applies to natural-born citizens of the Philippines

And the best part of this Act is that it does not require the person to renounce his or her other foreign citizenship after he or she has re-acquired the Philippine citizenship.So, in other words, if, say, a Filipino couples want to buy our HDB BTO flat with market subsidy, they can do this. They can first apply to become Singapore citizens. To do that, they need to go to the Philippine embassy to renounce their Philippine citizenship/passports. They get a letter from the Philippine embassy to confirm this. Then they submit the letter to Singapore’s ICA for their application to become Singapore citizens.

And after they have obtained Singapore citizenship and bought their BTO flat, they can easily re-acquire back their Philippine citizenship anytime they want, even without surrendering their Singapore citizenship since there is no requirement on the Philippines’ side. The other possible scenario is after working for 10 years, the whole family can sell off their BTO flat with good profits and together with their S$ savings, they can all retire comfortably back to the Philippines as Philippine citizens. Full story

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Only Filipinos wanted as temporary staff at M1 road show

Hardware Forum, 3 Nov 2012



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Wife Beating Unnerves Singapore Muslims

The students offered copies of the course materials supporting their allegations

A lecturer offering pre-marriage courses has sparked outrage among Singaporean Muslims after advising Muslim men to beat their wives to control them.

“He pulled out a chair, like this, and then started hitting the chair like it was the wife” an attendee told Bikya Masr website on Sunday, November 4.

The controversy erupted after several attendees at the pre-marriage course offered at Darul Arqam, Singapore’s leading association for Muslim converts, alleged that male students are encouraged to beat wives who refuse to submit to sex. 

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Singapore’s Muslim marriage courses under fire
Singapore’s leading association for Muslim converts, Darul Arqam, has begun an internal investigation into lecturer misconduct after several attendees of the organization’s pre-marriage courses voiced concerns over violent and sexist content in the lectures and course materials. Specifically, attendees allege that male students are encouraged to beat wives who refuse to submit to sex, while female students are taught that if they refuse sex with their husbands angels of Allah would curse them.

Singaporean gender equality advocacy group, AWARE, has begun an investigation into the claims. The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport (MCYS) has also been alerted.

The pre-marriage guidance courses, which are also supplied by other Singaporean Muslim organizations such as the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) and the Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM), are a compulsory requirement for all Singaporean Muslims to undertake before they marry. The courses cost between $100-$200 each, and, according to the Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM) website, the courses are conducive to developing ‘harmonious family ties’ and ‘communication skills’.

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"Don't talk much, just do what you can"

K Shanmugum in Straits Times: One whole page (Straits Times Page A35 of 2 Nov 2012) was dedicated to Law and Foreign Minister K Shanmugum, headlined "Tempering the law with compassion". At the end of the piece, Shanmugum was quoted, "Don't talk much, just do what you can". I find it amusing that one who "doesn't talk much but let the work speaks for himself" would allow himself to be interviewed and take up a whole page in Straits Times.

Would listening to what he said here help us understand what law, compassion and the AG office in Singapore is all about? 

George Yeo in Straits Times: According to ST again, George Yeo is a businessman? I thought he's employed by the Kerry Group in Hong Kong. Or has he bought much shares with his past minister's salary and pension to be part-boss of the company? When George spoke of being "in the flow", was he referring to "sacrificing integrity, beliefs, friends and supporters to enhance one's personal well-being without a thought or care about the core value of trust and loyalty"?

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George Yeo is a businessman now?

My toes start to laugh when I read that GY (George Yeo) is a businessman now after quitting as a politician in the Shitty Times dated 1st Nov 12.

Since when was  GY a politician? A real politician does not quit after one defeat. A real politician is a man of conviction such as  Dr Chee, Chia Thye Poh, Tang Liang Hong and Jeyaratnam. They are prepared to sacrifice themselves and their families for what they believe in. But how can a man like GY who gives up so easily and whose core philosophy in life is “to go with the flow” be labeled as a politician.

In Teochew, there is a saying, ‘Te Ko Liang, Te Ko Chauw’. In English, it literally means ‘Sit At Where Ever There Is Shade”. GY is a Teochew and the Teochew saying really epitomizes his character to the core. These spineless people are the low of the lowest lives. They are all opportunists and willing to forgo their own principles.

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Cabby Hasnor Hashim tells his side of the story

(sic) Thanks for giving me chance to clarity; I was called up by premier taxi (then) about an interview as a young taxi driver, before i start clarifying as few negative remarks had been posted not even listening part of my story, I felt im a victim of media attention whereas im just a normal Singaporean child as all; I was called up by ST about an interview about being a young taxi driver i complied as not only im going to be in that interview as few other young taxi driver will be in interviewed from different taxi operator;

We met the following day; So as the interview was done normal question were asked like my work experience/time/family etc and clearly i Remember ST asked how much can a taxi driver earn? i replied I ever did to max 7k k but I did not SAY I made 7k EVERY MONTH; when I said max no question were asked how I manage to make that 7k as that is another story of how hard I worked for it during the time of feb and march I have no income as I was taking my vocational license which I pushed myself so hard; with regular passenger, peak period, slept in the taxi,backache,finger and leg numbness and nothing to hide I even release distress myself in the bottle, 17/18hours drive rest 3/4 hours out again just to recover for the two months; it is a painful experience,

Therefore I slowed down to 8hours a day after I realise this practice is very bad and unhealthy, To share a bit I ever pick an uncle from his brother’s wake at yishun and im so much thankful to him as he have been driving taxi near 35years a veteran whom teach me tips on the road, told me 530am leave home till 10am, by then you can cover rental and petrol, around maybe 4 or 5pm evening drive again till 10 pm by then that’s how I can easily made 150 – 200 and call it a day; for fri/sat (chiong) and he also says SUNDAY let it go… means don’t work spent time with family; I followed his advice and it worked.

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OPINION: ST's credibility questioned as netizen exposes the half-truths behind journalist's farcical story on $7,000 cab driver

Hardwarezone Forum, 4 Nov 2012
"Hasnor Hashim: Thanks for giving me chance to clarity; I was called up by premier taxi (then) about an interview as a young taxi driver, before i start clarifying as few negative remarks had been posted not even listening part of my story, I felt im a victim of media attention whereas im just a normal Singaporean child as all; I was called up by ST about an interview about being a young taxi driver i complied as not only im going to be in that interview as few other young taxi driver will be in interviewed from different taxi operator"
Full story

  1. If reporter ever look for you for interview.....pls bear these things in mind - Hardwarezone Forum
  2. Cabby disappointed with ST: Story was supposed to be on young taxi drivers - TR Emertus 
  3. ST attacks netizens for exposing its untrue report on $7K cabby - TR Emeritus 
  4. Cabby Hasnor Hashim tells his side of the story - TR Emeritus
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ST attacks netizens for exposing its untrue report on $7K cabby

The lapdog sheet which has officially adopted sensationalism as its middle name since Warren Fernandez took over has shamelessly attacked netizens who called into question its report on Mr Muhd Hasnoor Bin Hashim.

In an article posted first on its Facebook 7 hours ago, it tried to portray the online community as a bunch of hoodlums who “attacked” Mr Hasnoor causing him to change cab company and “flamed” the half-wit reporter who lacked the commonsense to do some simple calculations to verify Mr Hasnoor’s figures.

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Fitting The Bell Curve

It used to be easy to spot an educated person, the way he carries himself (with dignity) and behaves in front of elders (respectfully). The mark of erudition was not in the paper qualification, but the humble acknowledgement that he always has more to learn. Those were the days when only 5% made it to university. Then, scholars were not closeted pedophiles or exhibitionistic perverts

Then came the bell curve, the graphical representation of the probability density of the normal distribution (also called the Gaussian distribution), and a statistical method of assigning grades designed to yield a pre-determined distribution of grades among the students in a cohort. National Institute of Education's Assistant Professor Kelvin Tan tells us it's the wretched T-score that matters, that determines whether one gains entrance to a brand name school.

The teachers couldn't be bothered whether the youngster acquired the necessary learning to put him in good stead for a meaningful life.  It's all about fitting a finite number into finite schools, places which are continually reduced to accommodate foreign students, brought in at our expense, to dig spurs into our own.

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How far has PAP deviated from its original goals?

‘This was the plan which we had from the very beginning, to give everybody a home at cost or below cost and as development takes place, everybody gets a lift, all boats rise as the tide rises. "We are investing to bring it up to date and you pay a token sum, the government carries the rest and HDB has been doing a fine job to give you an environment that you have today," Mr Lee shared.’ This is part of his speech during a Tree Planting session at Havelock Road last Sunday.

In his latest speech LKY recalled the original plan to give every Singaporean a home that would appreciate its value over time. This the PAP has done very well. In his speech he also touched on the pricing policies of HDB flats. ‘…you pay a token sum, the govt carries the rest…’ Is this still the case?

We must give full credit to his generation of leaders for doing what they preached and delivering them, cheap housing at a token price and appreciating home values. They have been there and done it. I think all the older Sinkies who have bought their flats during the early years will confirm this truth.

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Still getting used to Singapore's "New Normal"

Matters of the real world had prevented me from blogging recently- hence the extended hiatus. Much has changed and although hardcore cynics will disagree, it is quite clear to me that there is a new normal in Singapore.

Younger political leaders have been given the reins of new ministries but it remains to be seen whether they will be able to implement policies that will placate the restless population who are disenfranchised and still blame the government for effects of the “growth at all cost” policies of previous years.

Break-downs of public amenities such as the MRT-partly the end-result of sub-standard maintenance regimes have increasingly caused government-linked companies to be put under close scrutiny and even forced changes in personnel and attitudes. Laissez faire capitalism could be a thing of the past.

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Vellama and Ravi Lose Case, Yet Win, Donation Where

Playback - cuckoo lawyer M Ravi instigated Mdm Vellama to take on a court case against PAP that a Hougang by-election should be held within 3 months after WP Hougang MP Yaw bugged out. Mdm Vellama, a Hougang resident, is a part-time cleaner and face it, is not the shrewdest political watcher around and she was just Ravi's puppet. A Hougang resident taxi driver or a Hougang kopitiam Tiger-drinking ah pek is more apt as a political pundit than Mdm Vellama.

The court squashed Ravi and Mdm Vellama's case as expected as the constitution is explicit that there is no fixed by-election deadline which means the PM can drag it out to a time which suits his political playbook. We all then know that Ravi and Mdm Vellama are proper fucked, as AGC wanted to make them foot the legal bill. Losers in court cases usually get it back and front. Lose never mind, still must pay bills for the winning party as well.

However, what was unexpected and good for a relieved Mdm Vellama, the court and all citizens is that Justice Phillip Pillai ruled that she need not pick up the tab of $10,000. Pillai said, "where a matter raises a legal question of genuine public concern, it may be inappropriate to make a cost order against the applicant even where the judicial review is unsuccessful". Three cheers for Pillai!

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