

Watz Buzzing - 16 Nov 2012

East Coast beach is a "sexual camping ground for foreign workers"

STOMPer water chen says foreign workers and maids can be seen emerging from these rows of tents along East Coast beach on Sundays, often in a state of undress.

"Want to know where your maid is going on her day off?

"She could be at the beach -- camping. "At least 50 such tents were spotted across a long stretch of East Coast Beach on a Sunday.

 "The campers? Mainly maids and foreign workers, some of whom can be seen semi-dressed when emerging from these tents

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Do RC members also get "special treatment" from law enforcement agencies?, 14 Nov 2012 

Said the STOMPer: "A woman's brother (in black shirt and pants) was involved in a fight with two shopkeepers in their 50s, one of them a woman, over a return of a toilet seat purchase.

"She (the woman in blue dress) arrived after the Police did and immediately proclaimed to the police officer twice that she was from the RC while pointing to the direction she came from.

"Makes me wonder whether grassroots leaders are given special treatment when they or their relatives and friends get into trouble with the law. Full story

  1. Marine Parade GRC MP Seah Kian Peng prevented parking enforcement officer from issuing summons for illegal parking during a grassroots party event
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LTA replies regarding Seah Kian Peng intervening in parking warden's initial decision

I had written to the land Transport Authority on 2 November 2012, requesting clarification about Member of Parliament for Marine Parade GRC, Mr Seah Kian Peng, admitting that he saw an officer about to book a car along Jalan Riang, but how he stopped and told the parking enforcement officer not to issue any summon (link:

I had a reply from LTA today stating that the decision of not carrying out enforcement at Jalan Riang on 20 October 2012 was the sole decision of the parking warden's. See LTA's reply below: 

I was a little puzzled by their reply and have asked them for further clarification. My response to LTA's email below:

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If Singapore aims to attract best students with help of foreign universities, why are we still sending our Govt scholars to study overseas?
Gulf Times, 11 Nov 2012
More and more foreign universities are opening branches in Singapore as the Asian city-state pursues efforts to become a centre for higher education.

There are nearly a dozen universities with foreign branches in Singapore, and an equal number with cooperation agreements, which allow students to obtain Singaporean and international qualification when they graduate.

Major US institutions such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford and Duke universities are among those represented, as well as the business schools Essec and Insead. 

Singapore is not only looking to attract the best students from around Asia, it is also hoping to stop the stream of local students heading to universities in Britain, the US and Australia. Full story

Wikileaks: MOE does not encourage more Singaporean students to get a tertiary education

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Full Disclosure

Freedom House ranks each country with a scoring system based on a scale of 0 to 100, a combined score of 0-30=Free, 31-60=Partly Free, 61-100=Not Free. Their studies are premised on Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers.

According to the findings of "Freedom of the Press 2012: A Global Survey of Media Independence", the latest edition of an annual index published by Freedom House since 1980, Singapore is ranked 150. Of the 197 countries and territories assessed during 2011, including the new country of South Sudan, a total of 66 (33.5 percent) were rated Free, 72 (36.5 percent) were rated Partly Free, and 59 (30 percent) were rated Not Free.

Singapore is grouped in the last category. Our neighbours fared better: Malaysia /Cambodia (144), Thailand (132), Indonesia (97), and Hongkong (70). Countries with "Free" rating include United Kingdom/ Australia (31), USA (22), and Germany (16).

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2000 scholarships worth more than $30m

It was reported that the Singapore Govt gave 2000 scholarships worth $34m or $36m to foreigners. I did not get it whether it was for a year or for how many years. Whichever, it is a significant number of scholarships given to foreigners.

The point I would want to know is how many scholarships did the Govt give to children of its citizens annually?

This kind of comparison is getting increasingly of interest to the citizens when good money was seen to be thrown to the wind or to the undeservings while the parents of Sin children would have to empty their life savings, some selling their precious homes, to finance their children for overseas studies. It doesn't look like a fair or sound deal. A misallocation of national resources, misplaced loyalty of sort

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Statement on the IMF loan judgement and appeal for donations

The learned judge also saw fit to dismiss my application with costs awarded to the AG.  As you all know I took this action as a private citizen, an ordinary Singaporean with CPF savings contributing to the central pool.  In this respect although acting on behalf of all of us in the public interest, I have shouldered the costs of this action so far entirely from my own pocket. This was only possible with M. Ravi and his team offering their services Pro Bono. I am now faced with the AG’s costs as well.

I have been asked whether I plan to appeal. The fact is that even with continued Pro Bono legal support, I will certainly be unable to fund the costs of an appeal on my own, however good the grounds.  Whether I appeal or not will depend on the public.

I also need help with the costs of the action so far.  I therefore ask all Singaporeans who are concerned about the erosion of their constitutional rights and who want to see the government held fully accountable for its actions, to make a donation.

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The NPTD Strikes Again

It seems that the PAP Government is now cowering behind agencies with such “professional” sounding names as the National Population and Talent Division (NPTD) – a misnomer

If you ask us since there is really no Talent in this Division other than those who tailor their reports to suit the agenda of their political masters – to issue unpalatable policy pronouncements.

In an Occasional Paper released yesterday, this Division announced to much fanfare (provided by another of PAP’s lapdog – the Straits Times), its so-called projection on the foreign manpower needs of Singapore: 150,000 by 2030.
Perhaps fearing a backlash, it qualified that this is merely a projection.

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Is the Workers' Party keeping a low profile?

This is the question which is uppermost in the people's mind, especially Workers' Party (WP) supporters.The Party was so prominent and active during the last General Election that it was no surprise when it swept like a tropical storm  the redoubtable PAP team from the keenly- contested Aljunied GRC.The Party continued to show its prowess in capturing the Hougang SMC in a subsequent by-election.

Since then and of late, the Party seems to be resting on its laurels and is seldom heard of on the internet, much less in the PAP-controlled mainstream media.

So much was expected of the Party's star MP Chen Show Mao that apart from a recent charitable distribution of mobility aids to senior citizens of his Paya Lebar ward which was given publicity by pro-opposition websites but, as expected, ignored by the MSM, we do not see much of the display of his formidable talent which contrbuted greatly to the defeat of the reputable PAP team in Aljunied GRC in the last GE.In fact, he has been so quiet that his supporters could be excused for not noticing his existence.

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Housing Minister Khaw Boon Wan gets slippery as an eel over HDB rental flats for foreign casino workers

1) Why did the government leased flats that are earmarked for redevelopment to EM Services, which in turn rented them out to RWS foreign workers at below market rates?
2)  Isn't EM Services founded as a joint venture between HDB and Keppel Land?

The Real Singapore, 13 Nov 2012
In the Parliamentary sitting on 12 Nov, NCMP Lina Chiam asked the Minister for National Development Khaw Boon Wan:
Why Blocks 31-33 at Lorong 6 Toa Payoh are leased by HDB, through its managing agent EM Services, to Resorts World Sentosa at below market rates to house the latter’s foreign employees;
What are the criteria set by HDB/EM Services in awarding the contract agreement to Resorts World Sentosa (RWS); and
Why these blocks of flats are not put under the Interim Housing Scheme for the benefit of needy Singaporean families.
In a written reply, Minister Khaw said that the arrangement between EM Services and RWS is a commercial one. In other words, it has nothing to do with the Govt.

He also said that of the 3 blocks, Block 31 is managed by HDB for needy Singaporeans and is not leased to foreigners.
Blocks 32 and 33, he said, are vacated Selective En-bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS) flats. However, in 2009, HDB leased these two blocks to EM Services at market rates as an interim arrangement.

EM Services then leased these 2 blocks to RWS to house its employees in 2009. Full story 

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