

Watz for Breakfast?

Our Local Delights

Traditional toasted bread, half boiled eggs and coffee

KAYA TOAST AND SOFT-BOILED EGGS | This is unofficially Singapore’s national breakfast set meal. Not just limited to breakfast hours, people also enjoy kaya toast and eggs throughout the day as a light meal or snack, washed down with a cup of potent Straits-style coffee or tea.  A good kaya toast begins with the spread – sweet and fragrant pandan-scented coconut custard. Generously slather it onto slices of traditional local bread that’s that have been toasted till crisp and airy, and slap on slabs of frozen butter for more sinful goodness. Besides toast, some places also have the option of steamed white bread or pillowy buns. Together with runny soft-cooked eggs and thick Hainanese kopi, this is a breakfast that transcends race, language, and age groups. (from $1.20 for two slices of toast, and $1.20 for two eggs at Tong Ah Eating House)
Kaya toast and teh tarik

Fried noodles

Vegetarian fried beehoon

Fried beehoon (tar-pow)

Fried carrot cake (without sweet sauce)

Fried carrot cake (with sweet sauce)

Pei tan chok

Fa sun chok

Chwee kueh 水粿
Soon kueh

Poon kueh

Ang koo kueh

Teochew kueh

Chee cheong fun

Teochew Glutinous Rice Kueh 潮州饭桃

Hum chin peng

Yu char kueh

Radish cake

Steamed Yam cake

Ban chang kueh (Min Jiang kueh)

Pak tong ko

Fatt koh

Kueh Nonya

Bak chang

Char siew pau

Dim sum

Epoh epoh

Otah otah

Nasi lemak (traditional)

Nasi lemak (Nonya)

Mee Siam nonya

Mee siam

Mee rebus

Soto ayam (with berkadel)

Roti prata

Chapati (with kema)

Thosai (plain)

Thosai tissue

Thosai egg

Thosai masala



Apom balik

Putu piring

Kueh lopis

Kueh dadar

Kueh pelita

Kueh salat

Kueh kosui

Kueh lapis

Kueh bengka

Kueh pie ti

Hoon kueh

Pulut inti

Putu mayam

Curry puff