

The Battle of the Wanton Mee Noodles

Eng's noodle house at Tanjong Katong Road

Eng's noodles is famous for his spicy chilli. In the past, he will put it as part of your noodles but now its served separately so customers have control on the amount of chilli.

The char siew is sliced quite thinly but the entire combination is heavenly

Close up of the wanton.
Uncle Eng's mother used to make the noodles when she was alive. Delicious!

Wonton mee at Haig Road market - this wanton mee store was there for years at some old canteen called Hollywood - why Hollywood? All because the canteen was located near a cinema. A nostalgic walk down to memory lane for me. My granny used to buy for me their wanton noodles every weekend.

Wanton mee cooked in a different way - more of the brown soya sauce effect rather than chilli

The noodles have a slightly more wet effect than Eng's
Gator's mandatory bowl of wanton - I ate everything up :)
Finally, Cho Kee Noodles at Old Airport Road. A family friend ordered this for me with no char siew. I much prefer having the char siew in my wonton noodles

The wanton here is pretty smooth

The chili here is so-so. Its a bit wetter version
The verdict  ...................

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